Princess Bodyguard

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Princess Bodyguard Page 8

by Sophie Thompson

  "Major, I am not sure what this is all about. But please funnel your questions to me through the proper authorities." Elizabeth turned her back on him just as the ceiling lights flashed on and off. Some of the people around them began to shuffle back inside the theatre for the second act, but most stood their ground more fascinated with the show on the balcony.

  "We lost the connection." Sam said in his ear.

  Damn it. Before Callum could defuse the situation he just created, a woman screams pierced the air. Callum ran to the balcony railing in time to see the crowd part like the Red Sea to revel a man collapsed on the floor in full convulsions.

  Callum ran toward the staircase pushing men and women out of his path. He flew down the stairs taking them two at a time then made his way to the man on the floor. The crowd gave him room to work. Callum gently moved the man to his back and checked his pulse. It was weak but rapid.

  "We've called for an ambulance. Relay the symptoms."

  Callum was glad to hear JT, the Echo company medic, on the other end of the transmitter.

  "A weak, rapid pulse. Sweat on the face. Hands are cold. Pupils enlarged and blood shot." Callum put cheek over the man's mouth and did not feel any air coming out. Callum ripped off his suit coat and laid it over the man. He loosened the tie and made sure the airway was clear.

  "Beginning CPR."

  Callum pressed the heel of his hands in rhythmic chest compressions silently counting to himself. He heard sirens in the distance, but did not stop pressing and counting until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

  Callum slid back and let the emergency medics take over. As they raised the man to the stretcher, Callum noticed blood on the floor. It had come from the man's ear. Callum used his handkerchief to wipe it up and carefully folded it to protect the sample before he put it in his pocket.

  As he stood up, the men and women around him clapped and patted him on the back. He forgot he had an audience.

  "That was quiet impressive, Major. You must be well trained. Sure you don't want to go for a drink. You deserve it after that." Natasha Higgins, the young officer that he sat next to at lunch handed him back his suit jacket. Callum draped it over his arm.

  "Thanks. I appreciate it, but I think I will head back to the hotel. Alone."

  Callum did not want to hurt her feelings, but he had no time for uninvited midnight visitors. As she walked away, Callum tilted his head to look up at the balcony and saw a large group watching him from above. It only took a moment for his eyes to find Elizabeth. She offered him a weak smile. Before he had a chance to return it, Watson came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. She gave Callum one last look before she left with Watson.

  Victor stood at the railing for a moment longer making sure Callum saw him. Callum put two fingers to his brow and gave the bodyguard a smart salute. Victor's gaze bore into him for a second longer then the bodyguard turned in the direction of the Princess and disappeared.

  Callum headed out the front doors. He wanted get the blood sample back to the house so it could be analyzed. The text that Sam sent confirmed Callum's worst fears. If the man had been poisoned with Argent at the ballet as a proof that the vials existed then buyers had already been contacted about the auction. They were running out of time and they did not have any more information that when they started. He would have to regroup and change tactics. As much as he hated doing it, it was time to force his way into her life one way or another. Somehow she was at the center of this and he needed to know why.

  Chapter 7

  Elizabeth covered her mouth with her hand as she suppressed a yawn. She tossed and turned all night. And for the few minutes she did get to sleep she dreamt of grey eyes, a firm body, and a wicked half-grin. Around five o'clock, she gave up and got dressed. She hated waking Ian and Victor, but she needed to get out. And there was only one place she wanted to go.

  The unfinished hospital wing took on an eerie glow at such an early hour. Usually she had an entourage with her that gave her briefings and updates on the progress. But every once in a while, she was able to sneak in and explore on her own. The new infectious diseases wing had been her pet project for the last two years. They would open in three months if everything stayed on schedule. She hoped the investment would attract world renowned scientists and physicians. A project like this, if successful, would become a cornerstone for the country.

  Resting the clipboard against her abdomen, Elizabeth made a note of the inventory she was verifying. Through donations, both private and from the state, Elizabeth made sure the wing received the latest equipment.

  "What the heck are you doing here at this hour?" Elizabeth turned as she saw Dr. Sophie Baxter walk through the swinging doors. Her bright red curly hair was tied up in a knot on top of her head.

  "Hey, Vic, mind giving us a minute." Sophie said with ease. Sophie was one of the few people that could confirm that Victor did actually smile.

  "I'll be right outside the doors." Victor left the two women alone.

  Elizabeth climbed up on to an empty desk and let her feet dangle from the side. Sophie took a seat on a box full of latex gloves.

  "You know, Al, you are the only princess I know that would rather squirrel herself away in the middle of a construction site than be catered to and pampered by her very large staff. Why should we girls even bother with fairy tales if princess have to work like the rest of us?"

  "Do you know a lot of princesses, Soph?" Elizabeth reached down and grabbed a Styrofoam cup of coffee. She offered the cup to Sophie, who declined, before she took a sip of the hot liquid.

  "Actually, one is enough for me, thank you very much."

  Elizabeth laughed, shaking her head at her friend's honesty, and set the clipboard down. Sophie's Irish brogue sounded like music to her ears. Elizabeth and Sophie met at Highgate boarding school when they were sixteen. They roomed together at Oxford and had planned to attend St. Mary's Medical School, but only Sophie was able to attend.

  When it came time to hire a staff for the new program, Sophie was the first person Elizabeth called. Just off a bad break-up, her friend was more than eager to accept the appointment. Until the new wing opened, Sophie helped out in the emergency room. Elizabeth was thrilled to have her best friend so close.

  "So how are things on the pediatric floor? I hear the new administrator is putting a number of new processes in place." Elizabeth asked. As official patroness of the hospital she was provided a weekly report on all of the departments, and often gave suggestions where she saw potential problems or room for improvement.

  "Oh, there are the typical glitches. One of the nurses mislabeled the in and out boxes so we were checking in patients on the way out and checking out patients on their way in. That was a fun couple of hours." Sophie smiled.

  "The computers should be up set-up sometime early next week."

  "No worries. No harm came from it."

  "Anything else I should know about?"

  "Now, you did not hire me to be your canary in the mines did you? I can't be snitching on everyone and everything." Sophie was always brutally honest with Elizabeth, something she appreciated about her friend.

  "Just let me know if I can do something to help make things run more smoothly. I have a way of getting around the bureaucratic tape." Elizabeth offered and took another sip of her coffee.

  "Aye. Will do. Now tell me, what happened last night at the ballet. How are you holding up?" Sophie asked.

  "I checked in on the gentleman who collapsed last night. He is still in a coma." Elizabeth could not get the scene of Callum racing across the theatre lobby out of her mind. There was no doubt that he saved the man's life.

  "I'm not talking about the man who collapsed, although I am glad to hear he is alive. I'm talking about the handsome American mystery man that was fawning all over you at the ballet last night? And I want all of the juicy details."

  Sophie raised her eyebrows and dared Elizabeth not to tell her the truth.

  "What are you ta
lking about?" Elizabeth was still angry at Callum's inappropriate behavior. She hated public scenes and had hoped the medical emergency would be what everyone remembered, not her run in with Callum.

  "Don't play daft with me, Princess, it’s all over this morning's papers, 'American Hero Confronts Princess.'" Sophie gestured in the air highlighting each word as if the byline was written in the air in front of her. "He's hot by the way. Now, spill."

  Elizabeth jumped up off the desk. "You're kidding me. It’s all over the papers."

  "And, the news. Your team will be working on this as soon as the sun is up."

  "Crap." Elizabeth took off the lab coat she wore over her clothes so they would not get dusty. "I need to get back to the palace and do some damage control."

  Sophie got up and followed Elizabeth across the room. "Wait, Al, who is he?"

  "Callum Evans." Elizabeth pushed her hair out of her face and wished for a clip so she could put it up.

  Sophie let out a low whistle. "He's come crawling back has he?"

  "Hardly. I don't know what he wants and its driving me crazy. He's officially part of the American delegation, but I think something is off. He is not really the Foreign Service type, but I just can't make it out. All I know is I wish he would climb back into whatever hole he crawled out of and disappear again." Elizabeth crossed and uncrossed her arms. Finally they landed on her hips. "He's screwed up everything in one day."

  Sophie reached out and rubbed her friend’s upper arm. "Calm down. Breathe. Take a minute before you go out and deal with the press vultures. Get yourself together."

  Elizabeth paced back and forth in front of Sophie. She figured if she let herself lose it now, she could hold it together later.

  "That's the problem. Callum showed up yesterday and I'm a wreck. Then he comes at me last night at the ballet asking about my phone like a crazy man in front of everyone." Elizabeth stopped for a second and looked at Sophie. "He's crazy. That's it."

  She paused for a moment then started to pace again. "And then he runs through the lobby like some kind of superhero and saves a man's life. Who does that?" She paused and looked at Sophie again. "Who does that, Soph?"

  "Someone I would like to meet, that's for sure."

  Sophie did not seem to understand the gravity of the situation.

  "Oh, and did I mention that Watson asked me to marry him again last night?"

  Sophie let out a burst of laughter. "Are you kidding me? No wonder you are down here hiding out. Did you give him an answer?"

  Elizabeth remembered her conversation with Watson at the ballet. "I told him I needed more time. I thought he took it well, but he seemed pretty insecure about it last night."

  "Well, he is going to be even more insecure after he sees the news about your secret lover."

  "I could kill Callum for putting me in this situation." Elizabeth bit the outside of her thumbnail, a habit she thought she had conquered. She thought about what she could do to spin the story away from speculation about her and Callum.

  "Do you still love him?"

  Leave it to Sophie to ask the question Elizabeth refused to even contemplate.

  Elizabeth crossed her arms to put distance between them, her mouth and the thumb she was about to gnaw off. "I don't want to, that is for sure." Elizabeth took a deep breath. "I just can't forget, Sophie. I just can't. It hurts to even look at him."

  "I know." Sophie had ended a seven year relationship and understood heartache.

  A sharp beep interrupted the silence of the room. Sophie pulled her pager off the waistband of her green scrubs and looked down at the message. "Ah, crappers, I need to run. But don't think this conversation is over. I plan to go over this in great detail with a bottle of wine and a big box of chocolate."

  Elizabeth followed her friend to the doors. "You are still coming tonight, aren't you? I need you there for moral support." The ball tonight was an annual event in honor of founding of the capital. It would be even bigger this year with the American delegation in attendance.

  "I wouldn't miss it for the world. I can't wait to meet this solider-lover of yours. It’s like Mrs. Simpson and King Edward but in reverse."

  "He probably wouldn't stick around long enough for me to give up my throne." The thought of marrying Callum twisted her empty stomach into one big knot.

  Sophie must have read the angst on her face. She walked over to Elizabeth and gave her friend a big hug. "I promise I'll be by your side all night if you need me to."

  "Thanks. I'm going to hold you to that." Elizabeth said as she hugged Sophie back.

  Sophie head out of the room and Elizabeth called for Victor. She needed to get a plan together and figure out what to do with Callum Evans once and for all.

  Callum moved through the halls of the palace with fierce determination. He ignored the staff that gave him questioning looks. Thank goodness no one interfered with his path. He was angry and seeing red. Callum had not planned to spend the better half of his morning cleaning up the mess Elizabeth had made, but the woman had given him no choice. Callum knew exactly where to find her. Cal had been tracking Victor since the ballet, and wherever Victor was, Elizabeth would not be far away.

  Once Callum found the door he was looking for he crashed through it and was welcomed by Victor's gun in his face. He expected it. He figured if he made enough noise in the hall, Victor would be prepared and not shoot him on sight. It was a gamble, but worth it. He needed to see her. And to do that, Callum needed to get past her bodyguard. Shock still pulsed though his body at what she had done.

  Elizabeth looked up with wide eyes as the door swung open. Her pen paused in mid-air. She sat at a long, thin desk that was decorated in gold and polished wood. His eyes darted to her long crossed legs underneath the desk then back to her shocked face. Sunlight poured through the large window behind her giving her a glow. If he was not so angry, he might be in a better frame of mind to appreciate her beauty. But, right now all he wanted to do was throw her over his knee.

  "You asked to have me removed from the delegation? Is this some kind of joke to you?" Callum shouted from the doorway. How dare she compromise his position and his mission!

  He stood his ground at the doorway. He knew he could only push Victor so far and Callum did not feel like getting shot this morning.

  Three hours ago, Callum was dragged out of bed and his restless sleep by banging on the door. Philip and two Corranian policemen were on the other side. With an arrogant smile on his face, Philip told Callum that his diplomatic credentials had been revoked, which meant he was in the country illegally. He was told to stay in his room until things could be sorted out. But Callum, and the two nervous looking policemen knew that the hotel room would not hold him if he wanted to get out. Which he did.

  It did not take long for Callum to get past the police that were assigned to watch him. It was more of an annoyance than a challenge. Callum certainly had better things to do with his time this morning than play hide-and-seek with the Conwyn police.

  Elizabeth's eyes held the shock of his outburst. But only for a moment. She sat up straighter and put on her most royal attitude. With a very controlled motion, she set her pen down on the desk and sat back in her chair. Her look was cold as she assessed him.

  "Major Evans, I don't believe you are an invited guest at the palace any more. Please see yourself out." She spoke from the other side of her desk.

  "Holster your gun, Victor. I'm not going to hurt your precious princess despite the fact I would like to wrap my hands around her neck for what she did."

  Callum addressed Victor, but never took his eyes off Elizabeth. She was his target right now.

  "Tell him to holster his gun, Princess. You have gone too far."

  After a long, tense moment, Elizabeth gave Victor a nod and the bodyguard put his gun back in his shoulder holster. The fact that Victor had his gun snapped back underneath his arm made him no less of a threat. Callum could feel that the man was ready to pounce as soon as Elizabeth gave the

  "I want to talk to you alone, Your Highness." Callum requested though clenched teeth. "Tell your man to stand down."

  She crossed her arms and spoke in a clipped tone. "I can't imagine that we have anything to say to each other."

  "Oh, believe me, Princess, I have a lot to say, and I'm guessing you may not want an audience."

  "I admit I'm surprised that you're not already at the airport. I told you yesterday, Major, that if you did not act according to protocol that I would have you removed." Elizabeth wore her cool reserve like a solider would wear Kevlar.

  "I'm not going anywhere. I have a mission, and I plan to see it through."

  Callum felt like Victor might start growling any second.

  "And what mission is that, Major"


  Callum and Elizabeth locked stares like rams lock horns. Neither one of them willing to give an inch. The room was silent. Callum wanted nothing more than to grab her and kiss that stern look off of her face. He had almost convinced himself that he should when his phone began vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw that it was an emergency text from his team. Callum cursed under his breath. He needed to take this. He looked back at Elizabeth who had not moved an inch since he stormed into her office.

  "You need to clear this matter up now."

  Callum sent a one letter text back that the emergency message was received.

  "Or what?" She asked. Her voice as firm and her stare.

  "This is not a game, Elizabeth."

  "I never said it was."

  He shot her one last look for emphasis before he pivoted and headed back down the hallway. He needed privacy to take the call. He jammed in his passcode and dialed the safe house.

  "This better be good news." Callum was in no mode for more questions. He needed answers.

  Sam chuckled at Callum's tone. "Let's go secure."

  Callum pushed a few buttons and entered a series of codes. His phone beeped and whistled then the screen changed from green to blue. It sounded like a computer making an old-fashion dial-up connection in his ear, but Callum knew the technology he was using was state-of-the-art.


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