Roped by the Team

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Roped by the Team Page 2

by Brynn Paulin

  “Where are you staying?” he asked suddenly when she was about to tell him goodbye and head for her parked car.

  “In Gillette,” she said, naming the nearest city to Daly, an hour away. She told him the hotel, a chain place with which she was sure he was probably familiar. Though she regularly hobnobbed with the wealthy in her line of work, she definitely couldn’t do five-star.

  He tilted his head, looking confused. “You’re not staying with your sisters?”

  She shook her head. “It’s a surprise visit, since I didn’t know I was getting time off until yesterday. I live on my boss’ estate so I could either knock around there, dodging his sundry mistresses, or I could take a trip. So here I am. River’s apartment has no room. The Flying D provides a room for Sunflower since she’s their office admin.” Of course, he’d know that about Sun since he worked there, too. “And Paisley is about a million months pregnant with her second baby, so I definitely don’t want to impose there. Gillette’s good. I can visit and still do the touristy thing.”

  “I see,” he replied noncommittally. “I’m sure Cord and Sully will want to say hi, so make sure you find them when you visit Sunflower out at the ranch. I’m sure they can slip away for a few to see you.”

  She nodded, hiding her regret that their conversation was apparently over. Of course, what had she expected? She wasn’t even an ex-girlfriend. She was only a one-night stand. And he was a busy guy, probably in town just to grab supplies and rush back to work.

  “Okay,” she agreed. “I’ll do that. It was good to see you.” She forced a bright smile.

  He didn’t smile back or agree that it had been good to see her, as well. Instead, he jerked a nod at her then took off in the direction of the Daly Farm and Feed Supply. Moon fought back her disappointment as she watched him go, her insides protesting with a lurch as she let him walk away. She pressed her lips together and took deep breaths through her nose. It would be okay. He was a part of the past that hadn’t been fully explored, and she’d have to deal with that. If their stilted interaction was any indication, there was nothing there to investigate anyway.

  * * * *

  Talk about a speed bump in an already shitty day.

  Pete slapped his palm against the steering wheel of his truck. One of his men had fallen and broken his arm this morning, the new intern had flooded one of the barns and half of one of the herds had wandered through a broken fence and onto the highway bisecting part of the ranch. He’d run into town to pick up a seed order, only to find they’d been shipped the wrong thing.


  Seeing her had brought back all the need and hurt that had plagued him for months after she’d run out of town in the middle of the night. Okay, well, it hadn’t exactly been like that. Duties at the Flying D had consumed him, Cord and Sully for weeks of twenty-hour days after the fire. They hadn’t had time to sleep let alone pursue their woman.

  While all that had gone on, unbeknownst to them Moon had lost her job, gotten a new job and taken off for California. By the time he and his team had discovered it, it had been too late to do anything about it. They hadn’t gotten more than a single day off for months, and there was no way to chase after her to the west coast.

  And now she was back, albeit temporarily…and she seemed to have written him off to a piece of her past.

  Damn it, if he didn’t feel deep in his gut that he should do something about that. Well, he felt it a little deeper than that, too. His cock had gone on full alert when he’d seen her. He’d had to pull his hat off his head and hold it in front of him until he’d gotten things a little under control—that had barely happened over the course of their conversation.

  He’d been a blasted tongue-tied idiot, barely able to speak since his brainpower was otherwise engaged by his hormones. Damn if she didn’t look pretty though. So beautiful with her dark brown hair curling nearly to her waist and her intelligent green eyes taking in everything. He’d had to stand far enough away from her not to get the scent of her intoxicating fragrance. He would have gone to his knees…

  Her figure was as curvy and firm as ever, her breasts calling for his hands to cup them and play with her nipples until she cried out. Fuck, he still heard her sweet whimpers in his head. She’d been so responsive, and those long legs had wrapped around him, her pelvis rocking into him, seeking him.


  He slammed his hand into the wheel again as his dick responded to the memories. What the hell was he going to do? He’d been given a second chance, and though he’d been surprised and screwed up his opening gambit, he was not letting the opportunity pass him. No woman had ever affected him like Moon, and he did need to do something about that, even if it was only to fuck her until she was finally out of his system.

  He grinned. Maybe, she’d like a vacation fling. She still wanted him—he’d seen her arousal when he’d come upon her in the street. Maybe if he hadn’t messed up too bad back there, she’d agree to see him…and Cord and Sully…while she was here on her getaway.

  Maybe, they’d figure out a way to get her to stay. God knew, they’d thought about it enough. For now, he pushed that aside. First, he and the guys had to get past “it’s nice to see you again.”

  Whistling, he passed the rest of the trip to the ranch with thoughts of spending more time with Moon. By the time he got to the Flying D, he was outright smiling and unable to hide his anticipation of the next week or so. His shitty day had turned around.

  “Jesus, Pete, what drugs are you taking?” Sully exclaimed when Pete walked into the barn where Sully was working. “You never smile like that. At least not since…well, you know.”

  Since Moon. Yeah, he knew. Pete’s grin widened.

  Cord straightened from where he’d been fixing a hinge on one of the stalls. “Yeah, you look like you’ve won the lottery.”

  “Just planning some fun,” Pete said. He looked around them to be sure they were alone in the barn. It was one of the smaller structures, so he easily discerned that no one lingered nearby.

  Cord leaned against the stall. “Smiling like a hyena kind of fun?” he asked. “Are you taking time off? You don’t ever take time off, especially since you got promoted to foreman. You didn’t win the lottery; you won a cruise, right?”

  “Maybe, he decided to go back to Park Avenue and spend the cash he’s been accruing with his stock savvy.”

  Pete rolled his eyes. The guys liked to tease him about his wealthy background and his penchant for playing the market, but even that reminder wouldn’t dull his mood. “No, I’ve got a second chance.”

  Slowly, Sully stopped rubbing the saddle he’d been polishing and turned fully to Pete. “You’ve…got a…second chance?” he questioned, feeling out each word.

  “We have.”

  Cord took a step toward him. “Moon?”

  Pete nodded. “She’s in town on vacation. Visiting her sisters. Do you remember what we talked about right after she left? Right after we found out?”

  “Yes…” Sully said slowly while Cord nodded. “Making her want to stay. Finding a way for her to be here.” They’d even discussed possible job ideas and researched opportunities.

  “Do you think Sun will help us?” Cord asked.

  Pete grinned. “I think she will. She wants her sister here, too. So, men, what do you think? Should we rope our woman?”

  “Hell yeah,” Sully agreed as Cord shot his fist in the air and bellowed “Yee-haw!”

  Chapter Two

  This was far too much like déjà vu for Moon’s taste, only it was daylight and she was pretty sure no cowboys would swoop out of the brush to save her. Closing her eyes as she stood before the open hood of her rental car, she turned her face to the sunny, cloudless sky. What was it with her and car trouble on deserted rural roads? If she didn’t have a horribly long walk ahead of her, she might laugh, but thinking of the twenty-some miles back to civilization had her cringing, not chuckling.

  And of course, she had no phone service.

  Rubbing her forehead, she opened her eyes and stared at the engine for a minute. She had gas. Nothing looked wrong under the hood. Why had this damn thing died?

  Before she could further contemplate something she’d never grasp anyway, she heard a vehicle rumbling down the road toward her. Peeking around the rental, she spied a pickup heading her way. Her eyes narrowed as it slowed beside her. What were the chances of Pete Conlon, Sullivan Przekop and Cord Sabatello showing up here?

  “Troubles?” Sully asked as he climbed from the truck, followed by Cord. Pete hopped out the other side.

  She planted her hands on her hips. “No,” she answered sarcastically. “I thought I’d stop and look at the alfalfa crop. Having the car’s hood open helps bring out the color.” She paused looking at all of them—they looked far too please with themselves. She’d just left lunch with Sunflower at the Flying D. None of the men had been around, but just because she hadn’t seen them didn’t mean… “What did you do to my car?”

  This was too much of a coincidence for them not to be involved. Not that her arousal seemed to care. Just seeing them got her blood pumping—especially when she remembered the last time she’d been stranded.

  Cord held up his hands. “We didn’t do anything to your car, Miz Moon.”

  So they had an accomplice. Or accomplices. Great. Just great.

  “But we can rescue you,” Pete offered.

  Um-hmm. Of course, they can. She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m fine. No, rescue necessary.”

  She suppressed a grin. What would they say to that?

  “Well, that’s too bad,” Cord said as Pete headed for the back of the truck. “I guess we’ll need to go with Plan B.”

  Moon blinked at them, her excitement level growing as she realized her vacation was about to take an exciting turn. How could it be that a year had passed since they were all together like this? It seemed as if it had been barely a minute, and she wanted them just as much now as she had then. Her hands shook as she dropped her arms to her side and studied them. There was no mistaking the dark hunger in their eyes.

  “Plan B?” she repeated hesitantly.

  Sully nodded, and she saw Pete returning from the truck, a coil of rope in his hand and passionate intent in his gaze. She took a step backward, stumbling slightly on the loose gravel at the edge of the road. Why did he have rope?

  “You can’t tow a car with that,” she rasped.

  “This isn’t for the car,” Pete answered.

  Cord was grinning. “Miz Moon…you might want to run.”

  * * * *

  Delight as he hadn’t felt in a year sprouted through Pete as Moon screeched then spun and took off, but it hadn’t been terror in her eyes before she’d turned. It had been absolute excitement.

  “You going after her?” Sully asked after a moment.

  “She’s got a short stride. I’ll give her a sec. While I’m roping her, one of you call Patrick on the Sat phone and let him know where to get the car. I already gave him my card number so he can charge the battery and put the alternator belt back on.”

  With that, he raced after Moon, his long strides eating up the space between them. As he ran, he formed a lasso then easily threw it, catching it around her torso. As he pulled her to a stop, he tackled her into the grass, narrowly missing a patch of lingering snow.

  “I told you I’d use my rope on you,” he rumbled into her ear as they rolled. When they stopped, him above her, he turned her face down and wrapped the length around her, securing her arms to her sides. Once he had her trussed, he secured the rope to prevent escape.

  “This isn’t exactly what I thought you had in mind,” she grumbled into the sod.

  “We’ll do that, too,” he promised then kissed her behind the ear as he pressed his pelvis to her ass, letting her feel his erection.

  She groaned, and he felt the shiver railing through her.

  “Are you getting wet, baby?” he asked. She breathed raggedly beneath him, squirming against the rope.

  “I’m getting grass stained, you jerk,” she muttered but didn’t stop another moan as he moved against her again.

  “I’ll get you new jeans,” he promised. His lips moved to her ear. “So here’s the plan…you’re ours. And we’re gonna finish what we started last year.”

  “You’re kidnapping me?” she gasped in surprise.

  “Well, you’ve proven you don’t stay in one place, so…yeah. I guess so. Okay?”

  “Kidnappers don’t ask if it’s okay,” she said dryly.

  “Ones who don’t want the law on their asses do.”

  “In this town, the law would probably look the other way.” She sighed. “Fine. I didn’t have plans anyway—”

  Her words cut off on a screech as he stood suddenly and heaved her over his shoulder like a bag of grain. When she started yelling, Sully hurried up to them and gagged her with a bandana. That didn’t stop her vocal protest, just muffled her words. She squirmed around, playing her part in the “kidnapping”.

  Pete smacked her rear. “Be still.”

  Moon’s loud response wasn’t clear, but he was pretty sure she’d replied Fuck you.

  “Yes, please, thank you very much,” he replied.

  Moon groaned.

  He reached into his pocket and tossed the truck keys to Cord. “You drive.”

  “Aw man…I wanted to sit in back with her,” Cord protested on a laugh. Both he and Sully knew losing Moon had been harder on Pete. Pete had been the one with the deep, instant attraction to her. Over the weeks before that first encounter, it had been Pete who’d wanted her most—probably because Sully and Cord already had each other. Not that they didn’t want Moon, too. Their need was just…tempered.

  “No chance,” Pete replied. He couldn’t stop his smirk as he considered what Moon had in store for her. He gently tossed her on the backseat of the extended cab, noting that the other men had grabbed her purse from her car and had it up front. He climbed in after her. He settled onto the seat with one of her legs behind him and the other draped over his lap. Twisting his upper half sideways, he leaned over her and braced himself on his arms. “Seems like you’re in a little bit of a compromising position,” he teased. “Shall I compromise you some more?”

  A fire blazed in her eyes and she nodded, letting him know she was fully into this. Good.

  Holding her gaze, he reached for the button of her jeans. She sucked in a sharp breath through her nose as he flicked open the closure. Before she could exhale, he had the zipper down, too. Moon moaned as he drew the pants over her hips, though her position didn’t allow for them to go too far. Still, it was enough.

  Her shirt hiked up her belly as she squirmed under him. Keeping himself upright with one arm, he slid his palm up her exposed tummy. Her skin was so smooth beneath his roughened palm—smooth and soft, yet he felt her muscles contracting beneath his hand as he touched her. She whimpered as he moved lower and slipped his fingers inside her panties. Planting her foot on the seat behind him, she lifted into his touch and gave him further invitation. Not that he needed more. Her heat beckoned him, and as he parted her curls, the damp fire coated his fingers.

  “Baby, you’re so wet,” he groaned.

  She made an unintelligible sound as she thrust her hips into him.

  “Okay, okay,” he answered, moving his fingers deeper. He circled her opening with a fingertip, loving how she jerked beneath him. Her eyes went to half-mast then closed tightly as she moved against his touch. Her teeth clenched on the bandanna as he rubbed her aroused little clit. Color crept up her neck and into her face as her pleasure took her and her orgasm drew close.

  Biting his lip, he watched her sweet face as she sank into his ministrations, small cries erupting up her throat as the strokes over her clit drove her to the edge. Her cream flooded over his fingers, but it might as well have been over his cock because he felt it there just as much as on his hand. Damn, he wanted inside her. Now. But he sure as hell wasn’t
taking her like that in the truck. They’d all be in his bed next time he buried himself in her pussy.

  He trailed kisses over her cheek to her ear. “You’re so fucking slick,” he whispered. “So slick. So hot. I can feel you spasming beneath me. Do you want my fingers in you, baby? You want them fucking you like I want to fuck you with my cock?”

  She whimpered and nodded her head emphatically. She said something that might have been “please” as she arched under him. If she wanted him, then by damn, she’d have him. And he felt his good intentions of not fucking her in the truck slipping away.

  This wasn’t happening. So many times she’d dreamed of being with these men again, and now they had her. Moon could hardly believe it.

  And she was dying. After so long without, Pete had her so worked up, she felt as if she might come at any second. No…more than come. She might actually lose it. Go wild. It was too much after too long.

  The sensation of his calloused fingertips stroking her over and over, coupled with his naughty talk, coiled tension in her middle and she just couldn’t move enough to relieve it. She needed him inside her. Tears burned in her eyes as her frustration built.

  “Please…” she begged from behind the gag. “Please… Please… Now!”

  “Now, baby?” he asked, pushing her further and she thought that if she were free, she might throat punch him and go find her favorite vibrator. She needed filling now!

  Slowly, so slowly, he pushed one of his long, thick fingers inside her. She groaned deep in her throat as her walls clamped around him and peace filled her. Okay, maybe she wouldn’t punch him. The feeling of him pumping the finger while he pressed her clit with his thumb was…divine. Tremors leapt across her limbs as spears of pleasure pierced her.

  “Damn, it’s so tight,” he muttered.

  She nodded, wanting him to know there hadn’t been anyone since she left here, but the thought escaped her when the second finger pushed inside her clenching channel. Her walls clamped around him and she groaned as his slick digits drove forward.


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