Protect Me - Spotlight Collection, Book 2

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Protect Me - Spotlight Collection, Book 2 Page 1

by Hart, Cary

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Books by Cary Hart


  Readers Note



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two



  About the Author

  What’s Next


  Disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously; any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locations is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction. Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement.

  Warning: Please note this novel contains explicit sexual content and crude language and is intended for mature audiences. Parental/reader discretion is advised.

  Copyright © 2018 by Cary Hart

  First Edition, 2018

  All Rights Reserved. This book contains material protected under the International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of the material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the author. For more information regarding permission email Cary Hart Publishing Subject/Attn: Permissions Department [email protected]

  Cover designed by Passion Creations by Mary Ruth

  Editing provided Missy Borucki

  Proofreading provided by Marla Esposito of Proofing with Style

  Publication Date: September 21st, 2018

  Paperback ISBN: 978-1727095968

  Protect Me (Spotlight Collection, #2)

  Copyright ©Cary Hart 2018

  All rights reserved

  Spotlight Collection

  Play Me

  Protect Me

  Make Me (Coming 2019)

  Own Me (Coming 2019)

  Battlefield of Love Series

  Love War

  Love Divide

  Love Conquer

  The Forever Series

  (Coming November 2018)

  Building Forever

  Saving Forever

  Broken Forever

  Chasing Forever

  Protect Me – Spotify Playlist

  In My Blood – Shawn Mendes


  Let Me Love the Lonely – James Arthur

  Something Worth Saving – Gavin DeGraw

  Run to You – Lea Michele

  STFU & Hold Me – Liz Huett

  You’re Gonna Be OK - Jenn Johnson

  First In Line – Matthew Mayfield

  River Of Tears – Alessia Cara

  Insecure – Shane

  Warrior – Demi Lovato

  According To You – Orianthi

  Human – Christina Perri

  Backward/Forward – Loren North

  I Can’t Breathe – Bea Miller

  Fix You – Coldplay

  Sugar, Sugar – The Archies

  WARNING: This book contains reference to sensitive matter. Especially physical and emotional abuse. Though these references are brief, they do happen within the pages of Love Conquer, and may trigger victims of such violence – please be aware of the contents and read with caution.”

  To the real Mama Ang —

  thank you for inspiring me to be more.


  How is it even possible to love someone you hate? It should be simple. Either you love, or you hate, but both?

  Am I that screwed up, I can’t even tell the difference anymore? The line so far gone, blurred beyond recognition?

  This is what Tyler Bradford has done to me.

  He loved me fiercely.

  Controlled me emotionally.

  Hated me physically.

  I was everything and yet nothing to him.

  Years and years of promises. Promises that were made to be broken. Promises I knew he couldn’t keep, yet I hoped.

  Five years of ups and downs, but that’s what you’re supposed to do, right?

  Stick it out.

  Give it your all.


  I believed this. I lived by this. I just didn’t expect to lose myself in this.

  Consumed by his profession, bound by his possession, I was held captive by a promise that would never come.

  I, Penny Reed, didn’t walk away. I escaped on a chance.

  Freedom. Free – dom. Freedom. I repeat the word over and over again, trying to convince myself of its truth, but the word is a lie. Freedom isn’t really free like it suggests. It comes with a price …

  Losing yourself.

  But am I losing myself or am I finding myself?

  “Penny?” I hear someone call my name as the car begins to slow. I was swallowed by my thoughts, completely forgetting who I was with. “Sweetie, we’re here.”

  My eyes begin to burn, vision blurry as I turn my head.

  “Oh, sweetie. Please don’t cry over him. He isn’t worth it.” She takes my hand into hers giving me a weak smile. “Plus, I’m not wearing my waterproof mascara today and if you cry, I’ll cry. Do you see how much makeup I have on today?” She releases my hand and points to her face.

  I haven’t had many reasons to smile, but Niki—my transporter and badass sister to Nina Sanders, the girl who saw herself in me—she knew I was broken and offered me an escape. The problem? Tyler. He wasn’t having it. Silently begging me to stay.

  His eyes, ocean-blue. Filled with regret and sadness as the cops walked him out of the local coffee shop, making sure my boyfriend made it to his car and away from me. Since he didn’t assault me in public they didn’t have a reason to hold him, but what he did … was never in public. The bruises I wore, were evidence of what he called passion. I convinced myself it was true, fooled myself into forgiving when his passion was more than I could bear, physically and mentally.

  I was wrong.

  Eyes burning, I try to hold back the tears. A confession of my buried scars.




  “I’m not crying …” I swipe at the tears that leave trails down my cheeks.

  “Well, here then.” She leans over me and opens the glove box. Throwing a travel size package of tissues into my lap. “These are for the non-tears.” She pats
my knee as she leans back into her seat.

  “I mean. I-I’m crying, but not for him.” I look up, resting my head against the worn leather seat. Closing my eyes before I whisper my admission, “They’re for me.”

  “I promise you. It’s going to be okay.” I hear Niki unbuckle her seatbelt. “In fact …” The door opens and before I have a chance to register what is going on she has rounded the vehicle and opened my door. “It’s going to be more than okay.” She extends her hand and nods toward it.

  “I’m scared.” I take it and let her help me out shutting the door behind me.

  “Wrong answer.” She’s careful, yet persistent, pulling me behind her. “How I see it, you’re brave, strong even.”

  She doesn’t know. No one does.

  What I went through, it wasn’t your typical abusive relationship. Tyler was different. Do I believe he loved me? Yes, and in his own way, he still does. Loving me was never the issue. It’s how he loved me that became the problem.

  Tyler is the perfect boyfriend, on paper. Attractive, educated, and respectful. The problem is real life, isn’t paper. Real life? It’s ugly.

  Tyler wasn’t kind or thoughtful. Not in his words and not when he loved.

  Loved? Did he?

  Tyler tried to be gentle, at first. Especially since it was my first time, but the longer we were together, the more things changed. I thought I was doing what was expected of me, fulfilling my duties. He was my first everything and I never knew it didn’t have to be like that.

  I only knew that I gave love, hoping to get love in return. And I did, but his love hurt.

  For a while, I thought it was me. Maybe I wasn’t enough. Lacked experience. He was always searching for more. Pushing me to give more.

  I tried to give him all of me, but it was never enough.

  Each gentle caress—a bruising hold.

  Each kiss—weapon.

  Each thrust—a punishment.

  I became his experiment, his release.

  “Listen, I have been where you are. Confused and conflicted and I know Nina told you her story.” She drops my hand punching the code to unlock the back door of a warehouse. “You aren’t alone.”

  “Are we at …?” I scan the alley and take in my surroundings. I should have asked where we were going, but with everything that was going on, I didn’t care where we were headed. I just wanted to get there.

  “Spotlight. Yeah.” Niki pulls open the door and quickly stops the blond waitress passing by. “Shapiro upstairs?”

  “Yeah, he’s off for the next forty-eight hours.” She looks Niki up and down. “Love looks good on you, girl.”

  “Umm, thanks.” She nods toward the stairwell. “Only access, right?”

  “Yep.” The blonde looks me once over before she turns her attention back to Niki. “Well, better go before your fiancé has my ass.”

  “Trust me. I’m the only ass Gavin is having,” Niki responds opening the door.

  I forgot Gavin Shaw, the manager of Spotlight, is her fiancé. Everything has happened so fast that I’m on information overload. I’m surprised I even remember my own name let alone who is dating who, who is working where and so on.

  “Touché,” the waitress replies before turning around and getting back to work.

  Standing here has my anxiety on high-alert. If we don’t take a step forward, I may take a few steps back.

  Niki grabs the handle yanking the old wooden door open. “We refer to the apartments as the fourth floor, but technically they are on the third.” She notices my hesitation and reaches for my hand again. “You used to be able to access them through the VIP area, but the owner closed that off when he stayed here for a while.”

  “Interesting,” I reply, letting her guide me up the stairs.

  “I know you are nervous, but from what Shapiro has told me you are going to love where you are going?”

  “Shapiro?” I mouth.

  “Listen, Penny.” Niki turns to face me once we hit the top floor. Hands on my shoulders, she looks me in the eyes. “I know you are scared and doubting every decision you have made, but I promise you. This is the right one.”

  “How can you be so sure? How is running solving anything?”

  “You aren’t running. You are surviving. Big difference.” She looks around. “Let’s see. One of these apartments is vacant.” She walks over to the door and begins to knock, but it’s not the door we’re in front of that opens.

  “Niki, we have a slight problem,” a gravelly voice says from behind us. “She has to stay with me tonight.”

  Turning, I can’t help but let out a little gasp. This man is beyond huge. Tall, tan and eyes as dark as my soul.




  Everything about him should scare me away, but instead it pulls me closer, making me feel protected.


  Walking around the apartment I can’t help but bounce as I walk. Normally apartments like these are adorned with exposed brick and hardwood floors, but this one has extremely padded carpets and foam walls. Rugs and heavy curtains everywhere. If this wasn’t over a club I would think twice about staying here, but I’m guessing this apartment is totally soundproof since it’s over the stage.

  “Penny’s staying here with you?” Niki says my name catching my attention. “After what she has been through do you really think she is going to trust a man to take care of her?” Niki’s hands are waving around. I haven’t known her for long, but this girl has my back. Maybe if I would’ve have had someone like her in my corner, I wouldn’t be in this position.


  I made excuses. I could have had my own private secret service and I would still be in this position. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I just don’t understand mine.

  “For Christ’s sake, Niki.” Shapiro runs a hand through his hair. Pacing the floor, he catches a glimpse of me watching his every movement, doing a double take before he continues, “I was raised by a single mother and four sisters. I spent most summers with my great aunt who would have my balls if I so much as looked at a customer in her shop the wrong way. She’s safe.” He then turns to me. Our eyes lock. His look intense, but something about it gives me a feeling of security. “You’re safe. I promise, less than twenty-four hours and we will be on our way.”

  Shapiro’s dark eyes that were once intense are now soft and pleading. Asking me to believe him and I want to.

  “Okay,” I respond, but before I can get another word out. Niki continues.

  “You’re okay with staying here?”

  “Yeah. It’s just for one night and …” I glance around the apartment. “It looks pretty secure here and I’m supposing I’ll have my own bedroom?”

  “Yes. The door right behind you.” He stands still not moving.

  “I’ll stay.”

  “Shapiro, so help me God, if you so much as look at her the wrong way I will take a page out of your great aunt’s handbook and not only have your balls …” She takes a step closer to Shapiro and jabs his chest. “In fact. I’ll take it a step further and go all Lorena Bobbitt on your ass. Remember her?” Niki smirks. “I was just a little girl when that happened, but I have researched the hell out of it. Documentaries, the Internet, books, news articles … I know all, but I’ll make sure no one finds it. You feel me?” She gives his chest a little pat. “Good talk.”

  Shapiro doesn’t react. He just stands there and takes everything Niki throws his way.

  “Penny …” Niki walks over to me and whispers, “Shapiro is a cool dude. I would trust him with my life, but I just wanted to make sure I trusted him with yours.” She pulls me in for a hug. “This is your chance at a new life. Take it.”

  “I will.” I squeeze her a little tighter. “I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you guys. If Nina wouldn’t have …”

  “She did, and you chose to be here.” She gently taps the side of my head. “Don’t forget that,” she says before
she pivots and heads for the door. “Nina wants to be updated on her whereabouts.” She opens the door, ready to leave. “Got it.”

  “Speaking of which. Can we talk outside for a second?” Shapiro moves to follow Niki out. “You okay?” He squints his eyes, examining me before he pulls the door shut.

  You chose to be here. Niki’s words replay in my head. How should I have responded to that? It just so happens that Nina caught me on a day I was at my worst—feeling worthless and insecure, unsure of what the future may hold for me and Tyler.

  Even when the police let him go and Nina and her boyfriend went with me to get a few of my things, I thought about staying. Tyler showed up and told me all the words I wanted to hear.

  “Penny, I’m begging you.” Tyler comes stalking toward me, but Kyle, Nina’s boyfriend, steps in front of me.

  “I would think twice about coming closer.” Kyle crosses his arms in a protective stance. My own personal protective barricade.

  “Penny, come on …” He steps to the right. “Just talk to me, baby.” Then to the left.

  “Enough!” Nina jumps in front of Kyle, arms waving. “I won’t let you attack her anymore. You have broken her, but I won’t let you destroy her.”

  “What did she tell you I did?”

  I peek around Kyle’s large frame and Tyler’s eyes glint maliciously as he laughs manically.

  “I know enough. I’ve lived it.” Nina is getting worked up at Tyler’s reaction.

  “You don’t know shit, sweetheart.” Tyler moves in front of Nina, looking her over.

  “Get the fuck away from her.” Kyle pulls Nina back with one hand and shoves Tyler with the other. “Too close.” He gives one last warning.

  “Man, you and your girlfriend dug your nose in something you know nothing about.”

  I can’t stand to watch this. If we make eye contact I may cave. I always caved.

  “Penny, tell them. Tell them I don’t hit you.”

  Turning my head. I refuse to meet his gaze.

  “Penny!” Tyler’s voice cracks, begging me to see the man who is breaking before us. “Baby, tell them. Tell them, I haven’t laid a hand on you.


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