Dream World

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Dream World Page 4

by T. G. Haynes

Sylvia sighed. ‘I’m afraid I am.’

  Kate wilted. ‘Why?’

  ‘Because I’ve managed to wangle us a last minute cancellation tonight instead. Fancy it?’

  ‘Are you kidding! What time shall I meet you there?’

  ‘Could you make it in half an hour?’

  ‘I’ll be there in twenty minutes,’ Kate said, already halfway out of the door as she ended the call.

  If anything, the queues that Friday evening were even longer than when they had visited the previous weekend. Once again Sylvia didn’t hesitate to lead Kate around to the sneaky private side entrance. The only difference was, this time when they entered the dream chamber Richard was waiting for them.

  ‘Good to see you again, Miss Phillips,’ he said.

  Kate had almost forgotten how good looking he was. Plucking up her courage she asked, ‘Would you mind joining me again? I was hoping we could pop back to that hotel in Sydney.’

  Richard was delighted by her request. ‘It would be a pleasure.’

  Eagerly, the girls went about preparing for their respective trips. As Kate lay down the door on the far side of the chamber opened and a burly security guard stepped through. He beckoned Richard over.

  ‘Yes?’ Richard said.

  ‘It’s him,’ the guard replied.


  ‘He’s here again.’

  ‘Keep your voice down,’ Richard snapped irritably. Then, lowering his voice to a whisper he said, ‘I thought I told you to put those new security measures in place?’

  ‘We have. It doesn’t seem to have made much difference,’ the guard said.

  ‘Alright,’ Richard muttered, ‘I’ll be along in a minute.’

  The guard nodded and backed out of the room.

  Richard walked over to Kate’s side. His manner instantly changed and he became all sweetness and light again. ‘I’m really, really sorry, but I’m going to have to pass on that invite of yours. I’m afraid something has come up.’

  ‘Nothing serious, I hope?’

  ‘Of course not,’ though the tone of his voice belied his reply.

  Sensing Kate’s disappointment, Sylvia said, ‘You could always join me instead.’

  Kate shrugged. ‘Why not.’

  So, after Richard left the room, the girls took their tablets, lay down and started to dream.

  Upon entering the dream Kate found herself standing outside a club in a cobbled street that seemed familiar. She looked around, but couldn’t see any sign of Sylvia, so headed into the club. Glancing up at the drinks menu she wondered if her sub-conscious was playing tricks on her because she didn’t recognise the language. Kate approached the counter. The barman smiled at her.

  ‘Goedenavond. Hoe gaat het met je?’

  ‘Excuse me?’ she said.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ the barman replied in perfect English, but with a heavy Dutch accent. ‘I didn’t realise you were English.’

  ‘That’s OK. Er, at the risk of sounding silly, where am I exactly?’

  The barman gave her a slightly puzzled look. ‘Heavy night was it?’

  ‘Something like that.’

  ‘Maybe a drink would help?’ he suggested.

  ‘Maybe it would,’ she replied, tentatively.

  ‘So, what would you like?’

  ‘How about two pitchers of Pimms,’ a familiar voice said, before a pair of hands clamped over Kate’s eyes. ‘Guess who.’

  Kate shrugged the hands aside. ‘Sylvia.’

  ‘What kept you? We’re all in the back room waiting.’

  ‘Who for?’

  ‘You, silly,’ Sylvia said.

  ‘Where are we?’

  ‘Don’t you remember this place?’

  Kate shook her head. ‘No.’

  ‘Tasha’s hen party, two years ago, we came to Amsterdam for the weekend. And this is that club where...’

  Kate interrupted. ‘You mean the strip club?’

  ‘The one with that dancer you couldn’t take your eyes off,’ Sylvia said.

  Kate laughed. ‘Really?’

  ‘Yup. And you want to know the best part?’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘He’s in the back room waiting for us.’

  After asking the barman if he’d mind bringing their drinks through, Sylvia took hold of her friend’s hand and led her into the rear of the club.

  The back room was exactly how Kate remembered it. There were about a dozen large, round circular tables, all packed with women who were cheering the performer on stage. Sylvia and Kate made their way to the table where all of their friends were waiting. There was a slight lull in proceedings as the MC took the stage and announced the next act.

  ‘Now, if you would all put your hands together please in order to welcome our star turn of the night, the fireman of Feynoord, Mister Robbie Van Der Kerk.’

  As Sylvia and Kate took their seats at the table nearest to the stage, the audience went wild as the aforementioned Robbie strutted out to the strains of The Pussycat Doll’s, ‘Buttons’. With his close cropped blonde hair, diamond blue eyes and gym instructor’s physique, Robbie was every bit as gorgeous as Kate remembered him to be. Robbie lost no time in flicking off his fireman’s boots, then skimmed his hat into the appreciative crowd. As he shed each item of clothing a loud cheer went up. Robbie then tackled the buttons on his jacket, popping them one by one in time with the music, until it flapped open and revealed his hunky chest. Feigning embarrassment, Robbie held his hand up to his mouth, as if shocked, before turning his back on the girls.

  The audience ‘booed’ the way they would a pantomime villain. Robbie pretended to look hurt, then, as if the thought had only just occurred to him, keeping his back turned to the crowd he slowly inched his jacket off his shoulders. The boos quickly turned to cheers once more, reaching fever pitch when he span around and flung the jacket into the auditorium. A tall black woman jumped up and caught it, which elicited cries of approval from her friends. Raising his right hand to his brow, Robbie peered out into the crowd to see what had become of his top. The black girl waved it enthusiastically. Robbie beckoned her to join him. Without a moment’s hesitation she wiggled her way through the crowd and up onto the stage.

  Robbie held out his hand and asked if she’d mind giving his top back. The girl refused, so he dropped down on one knee and pleaded. Once again the girl shook her head. Wondering how he could get her to change her mind he scratched his chin thoughtfully. Robbie clicked his fingers as if struck by an idea, got to his feet and whipped off his trousers. The audience went absolutely wild. He then bent over and invited the girl to spank his bottom. Throwing the jacket aside, the girl approached him. As she playfully slapped his buttocks, Robbie ooo-ed and aaahed.

  Deciding he’d taken enough punishment, Robbie leapt up, span around, took the girl in his arms - much to her delight and amusement - and proceeded to dance around the stage with her. Finally, as the track that was playing came to an end, the pair kissed, enthusiastically. Her moment of fame over the girl left the stage, waving. Robbie called for a big round of applause.

  The next track to come on was Donna Summer’s ‘Hot stuff.’ Picking up the rhythm of the music, Robbie began to dance once more, showing impressive gymnastic ability as he gyrated around the stage, threatening to take his red thong off at any moment, only never quite doing so. As the song hit the second chorus, Robbie took everyone by surprise by leaping off the stage and onto the table at which Sylvia and Kate were sitting. Robbie danced around the full circle of women, musing over which of them to pick, until eventually his eyes locked on Kate.

  Given the packed night club, Kate wasn’t feeling quite as confident as she’d hoped, but when Robbie beckoned her to join him, she plucked up her courage and stepped onto the table. Robbie mou
thed something to her. Such was the din being created, Kate couldn’t hear what he had said and so she leant towards him. It was exactly what he had been hoping for. Taking hold of her hands he hooked Kate’s thumbs into the waistband of his thong, then quickly stepped back from her. The thong ‘pinged’ off spectacularly and Robbie’s impressive cock sprang out. Cue wild applause. Kate felt her cheeks flush red, but was fairly sure that no one would be able to see given the garish disco lighting inside the club.

  Just as he had done with the previous woman, Robbie took Kate in his arms and danced with her. As he did so, she could feel his prick nudging against her thighs. Pulling her tight towards him, Robbie deliberately began to grind his groin against her. Kate could feel him growing harder and harder, so that by the time he span out of the tight embrace, he had a full blown erection. The assembled women cheered once more.

  With pantomime over-exaggeration, Robbie looked down at his cock and gasped in mock surprise at finding it standing out at right angles from his tight balls. He tapped his chin thoughtfully, as if unsure as to what to do with it, then asked Kate if she had any suggestions. Kate could think of quite a few, but balked at performing any of them in front of the crowd. In an obviously pre-rehearsed manoeuvre, the MC strode out onto the stage and threw the stripper a can of whipped cream. Robbie caught the canister, shook it, then squirted some onto the tip of his cock and offered it to Kate.

  As Kate approached him a hush of anticipation fell over the audience. She glanced down at his groin. With impressive dexterity, Robbie flexed his hips and twitched his cock towards her in encouragement. Kate reached out towards it with her right hand. Time seemed to slow as her fingers inched towards the beautiful, pulsing member. The tip of her forefinger brushed against his cock. She flinched back, withdrew her hand and whispered an apology to him.

  Sylvia stood up her in her chair. ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Kate said. ‘I can’t. Not in front of all of these people.’

  Gesturing towards Robbie, Sylvia asked Kate, ‘Do you mind?’

  ‘Of course not. But aren’t you embarrassed?’ Kate said, looking around the crowded room.

  ‘Why would I be?’ Sylvia replied. ‘None of this is real.’

  As Kate digested Sylvia’s comment she scolded herself for acting in such a reserved manner in the fantasy scenario.

  For her part, Sylvia demonstrated none of Kate’s shyness. She clambered up onto the table, sank to her knees and planted a kiss on the end of Robbie’s cock, removing the dollop of cream with her tongue as she did so. Shaking the canister, Robbie then proceeded to line the shaft of his cock with cream. Sylvia was more than up for the challenge. Reaching around the back of the performer’s thigh’s, she grasped the cheeks of his bottom, then licked every last bit of cream from his shaft. Robbie fully intended to squirt another line of cream onto his cock, only Sylvia didn’t give him the opportunity as she set to work on him. Firstly, she planted a series of kisses upon his cock, which led to it jerking and twitching around, much to the delight of the audience, who whooped and hollered their approval. Then, in order to tame the cock, Sylvia clamped her lips around the bulbous end and swallowed the top three inches. A hush of silence fell over the auditorium as every girl in the room imagined what it would be like to be in Sylvia’s shoes and have that magnificent cock between their lips.

  Warming to her task, Sylvia released her grip on Robbie’s buttocks and took hold of his balls in her right hand. She tickled and teased him with her fingers whilst sucking him off. Robbie reached down and began to massage her hair as she played with him. With her left hand, Sylvia unbuttoned her top and discarded it. She then reached around her back and unlcipped her bra. As it fell loose she withdrew the cock from her mouth and took hold of it between her tits instead. Robbie’s head rocked back as she wanked him off in her cleavage. As she eased his cock between her breasts she lowered her head in order to kiss the tip as it poked out. Sensing that his breathing was growing shallower, Sylvia changed her technique again, not wanting him to come just yet.

  Taking hold of his cock in her right hand she gently teased the foreskin back and forth whilst massaging his balls with her left hand. Robbie bit his bottom lip, desperately trying to hold on for as long as possible. Loosening her grip, Sylvia then brought her tongue back into play. First, she licked the full length of his shaft, from the tip to his groin. Then she licked the underside of his shaft, causing his cock to twitch so excitedly she could tell that he wouldn’t be able to take much more teasing.

  Taking the tip of his cock between her lips, Sylvia milked it expertly, whilst kneading his balls in her hands. Within a matter of seconds she felt a tell tale tightening. Feeling extremely wicked, and eager to please her watching audience, she withdrew his cock from her lips. Her timing was perfect. Robbie exploded in spectacular style, spraying come all over her chest, chin and tits. Treating his cock to one last kiss brought about the largest cheer of the night from the gathered audience.

  Whilst watching the scene, Kate had grown so turned on by the performance she had slipped her right hand into her skirt and was rubbing her fingers gently against the outer fabric of her panties, pressing the material against her clit. Now that the act was over, she glanced around nervously to see if anyone had noticed. She needn’t have worried. Several of the women had pulled their skirts aside in order to touch themselves, some more brazenly than others.

  Catching sight of the black woman who had danced with Robbie on stage earlier, Kate watched on fascinated as the girl inserted a finger into her pussy and rubbed herself furiously, eager to enjoy a climax of her own. Kate felt so aroused she was half tempted to go across and join the woman; to kiss her, caress her, finger her to climax. She was too late though, for the girl came with a little stifled gasp of pleasure.

  Unable to control her desires any longer, Kate closed her eyes and conjured up one of the green doors. Opening her eyes she found the door had appeared just to her right. Bolting through it, she closed the door behind her and found herself exactly where she wanted to be - alone, in one of the private upstairs rooms of the strip club. She had peeked into one of the rooms during the weekend of the real hen night, but neither she nor any of her friends had dared to book one. She assumed that they catered for anyone who wanted to hire one of the strippers for a private dance. That wasn’t the reason Kate wanted the room though.

  Sitting down on the bench that ran the length of the far wall, Kate hastily whipped off her skirt. She was aching to pleasure herself. Tweaking her panties to one side, she was just about to start to play with herself when she decided to experiment with her dream surroundings a little further. Closing her eyes, Kate thought long and hard about what she desired. Much to her delight, when she opened them, a selection vibrators and dildos had appeared on a small table in front of her.

  Instinctively, she reached out towards her favourite rabbit, which had given her hours of pleasure in her early twenties. Just as her fingers were about to close around the rabbit she paused, having a last minute change of heart. Deciding to try something new for a change, Kate ran her right hand over the assortment of fake cocks on the table, delighting in the different textures of each, whilst with her left hand she slipped her panties down around her ankles and then gently stroked her pussy.

  As her fingers came into contact with the sensitive folds of flesh she couldn’t believe how wet she was already. Running the tip of her left finger around her pussy lips she finally made her selection, opting for a flesh coloured dildo that looked impressively lifelike. Having made her choice she lost no time in lying back on the bench and inserting the dildo into her pussy. She gasped slightly, having thrust a little too enthusiastically in her excitement. In some ways though, it made the experience feel all the more real, as if a lover had mounted her too hastily.

  Kate gave herself a moment to become accustomed to the fake cock inside her, then slowly
began to build up a steady rhythm. She was so turned on it only took a matter of seconds for the dildo to start gliding smoothly in and out. Lying back on the bench she closed her eyes and imagined she was being fucked by Robbie. As the thought crossed her mind she felt her thighs tense. That wonderful tingling sensation was working its way up her inner thighs, getting ever closer and closer to her pussy until the orgasm burst upon her, crashing over her like a wave, threatening to overwhelm her. It was the most intense climax she had experienced in a very long time.

  For several minutes Kate luxuriated in the afterglow of her first orgasm for weeks. Eventually, although she doubted it was strictly necessary, she got dressed before conjuring up a blue door in order to leave the dream.

  Upon waking, Kate was slightly embarrassed to find that Richard had returned to the chamber. Surely he couldn’t know what she had been up to?

  ‘I was just about to join you,’ he said, his voice tinged with disappointment.

  ‘Sorry,’ she replied, ‘Maybe next time?’

  ‘It would be a pleasure.’

  Kate didn’t feel quite so woozy when she sat up on this occasion, but Richard advised her to take her time, just in case.

  ‘So, when are you due to visit again?’ he asked.

  ‘Tomorrow morning,’ she replied.

  ‘Damn, I can’t make tomorrow, I’ve got an appointment in London.’

  ‘You work weekends?’

  ‘No rest for the wicked,’ he said.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ she told him, ‘It won’t be my last trip.’

  ‘I’m glad to hear it,’ he said, then offered her his hand. Kate accepted it as she stepped off the table. Whether it was because she was still feeling so aroused from her dream, she couldn’t be sure, but his touch felt electric. Richard seemed to sense something to, for he gazed at her intently.

  ‘You know, you have the most beautiful eyes,’ he remarked, before reaching up to smooth away a strand of her hair that had fallen loose.

  They were standing so close it would have been the easiest thing in the world for her to edge forwards and plant a kiss on his lips. Just as the pair were about to embrace, Kate noticed that Sylvia had woken from her dream and was watching them.


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