Submission (Surrender Book 1)

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Submission (Surrender Book 1) Page 5

by Tina Donahue

  He stopped and panted.

  She was no different, drained yet happy. If she could have managed words, she would have praised him for showing her a game she couldn’t live without any longer.

  Fabric rustled.

  She looked over.

  Lucius removed his jacket and tie, unbuttoned his shirt collar, then folded the sleeves back, his forearms mega nice, dark hairs dusting them. “Let her go.”

  If Tav and Cody did, she might drop to the floor. Her legs were that weak.

  Tav released her first, stepped back, and took off his jacket, tossing it on a spare chair as Lucius had.

  Still holding on, Cody kissed her cheek. “You all right?”

  She nodded, words too hard to produce.

  Carefully, he eased away, but gripped her shoulders. “Gonna make it?”

  Her broad grin hurt her cheeks.

  He smiled too. “Good. My turn.”

  “Not yet.” Lucius stopped Cody from positioning her for the newest discipline. “How’s this work?” He touched her hair.

  She wasn’t following. “What?”

  “This.” He inched his hand up her do.

  Her scalp tingled. “You mean my French roll?”

  “Yeah. Whatever it’s called. How’s it come apart?”

  Frowning, Tav leaned closer. “Tell me you didn’t use some kind of hair glue to keep it in place.”

  She caught herself from laughing at how serious he was. “That would be dumb. I have special cement.”

  The guys stared at her.

  She loved screwing with their minds. It was easy concerning female stuff. While undressing her, Cody had regarded her garter belt as he might intricate machinery or computer guts he couldn’t possibly figure out. His cluelessness had endeared him to her even more.

  The way Tav slumped now was also cute.

  He blew out a breath. “Are you saying your hair doesn’t come down unless you wash it or something?”

  Cody perked up. “We could ask for a pitcher of water.”

  Better stop messing with them. “Please don’t. I was kidding. I actually use pins.”

  Lucius made a face.

  Good Lord. “Not safety pins, ones for hair. If you feel around—”

  No need to finish, they already plowed through her roll, searching for the things.

  Lucius pushed Cody’s hand away. “Put out your palm.”

  “No. Why?”

  “So you can hold her pins when we find them.”

  “Got one.” Tav lifted it and pumped his fist.

  “Me too.” Lucius dropped one then another in Cody’s palm.

  Her hair swung free, skimming her shoulders, a few locks hanging over her eyes. She blew them away.

  “Nice.” Lucius ran his fingers through her mane, mussing it further.

  Tav pressed his face to the tangled mess and inhaled deeply, a satisfied noise escaping him.

  Once Cody tossed her hairpins on the table, he held a lock to his nose and smiled.

  She never would have guessed her hair would have such an effect on them, especially when she was essentially naked.

  A rap sounded on the door.

  She started then pulled her shoulders in as best she could. Didn’t do crap to hide her nudity. “Tell whoever it is not to come in here.”

  “I already have.” Lucius strode to the door and pressed his ear against it. After a moment, he opened it a crack then looked over at Tav and Cody. “Pull her to the side out of view.”

  Not necessary. She’d managed to skitter back on her own, her cuffed hands hitting the wall. Instantly, Cody and Tav stood in front, hiding her further.

  Such sweet guys.

  Lucius hauled in a stand and huge tray, steam rising from numerous plates.

  She sidled across the wall and craned her neck to see better. The server had delivered prime rib, steaks, sides, and numerous chocolate desserts. Bree’s stomach growled.

  Tav looked over. “You sound hungry. You should have said something before now. Here.”

  She expected him to uncuff her. Instead, he pulled her to a chair, sat, then settled her on his lap, her back to his front, his cock nestled between her butt cheeks.

  Lucius’s frown said he didn’t like being one upped. Cody’s scowl indicated the same. He yanked off his jacket then his tie and tossed both across the room.

  They didn’t bother losing anymore clothes than they already had.

  Tav rubbed his nose against her cheek, his beard tickling her, beer scenting his breath. “What would you like to eat first?”

  She twisted to look at him. “You’re going to feed me?”

  “Sure.” He cupped her mound, arousal dampening her folds. “You can’t do it yourself.”

  Hmm. She liked how he toyed with her and gave it right back, cradling his balls and fondling his cock.

  He stiffened and groaned. “Jesus.”

  “Praying’s not going to help you.” She maneuvered enough to kiss his ear. “Trust me.”

  “I do.” He choked out a cough. “But I need you to wait a sec before you do anything else.”

  “Like you guys did with me?” She rubbed his impressive length.

  He squirmed to get her to stop. When that did no good, he pressed his hand over hers. “Take it easy.”

  “Here.” Lucius hauled her from Tav’s lap onto his, her legs hanging over one side, hands nowhere near his dick.

  “Hey.” Tav leaned forward. “I wasn’t through. I’d barely started. Give her back.”

  “In time.” Lucius kept his arm snug against her waist, his hold so tight she couldn’t shift to reach his cock.

  A major disappointment. However, she did enjoy them fighting over her. Although the guys’ friendship ran deep enough to take a bullet for each other, it wasn’t keeping their lust in check. Once it was sated though, she was on her own. “Can you loosen your grip a little?”

  “Nope.” He pulled the prime rib closer then the molten chocolate cake. “Which do you want first?”

  “Her on my lap.” Cody patted his muscular thighs. “Right this minute in fact.”

  “I wasn’t talking to you.” Lucius turned her face to his. “What’s your pleasure? Meat? Dessert? Sides?”

  Meat sounded nice, though not the stuff on the plate. She brushed her lips over his. “To get some feeling back in my fingers would be nice.”

  His features hardened, steel in his eyes. “I’m not holding you that tightly. And I asked you a question.”

  Wow, he’d really gotten into his Dom mode. “Yes, sir.”

  Cody mumbled something beneath his breath and dragged a steak to his side.

  Tav chose prime rib.

  Silently, they ate, their gazes never leaving Lucius or her.

  She pressed her cheek to his. “You have to give them their share.” She kept her voice low. “I’m here for everyone.”

  “Like I said, in time, and you still haven’t answered me. You know what that means, right?”

  No one had to paint her a picture. She got kitteny and rubbed against him. “More discipline?”

  “That’s a given.” He played with her nipple.

  It stiffened at his touch, heat bursting in her chest and travelling to her mound. She wiggled.

  He flexed his arm, his muscles rock hard. “If you don’t tell me what you want, you don’t eat.”

  Food wasn’t her greatest pleasure, but her damn stomach wouldn’t quiet, the growls growing louder. Until they stopped, she figured he wouldn’t move on to anything else. “I’d like the cake. Then the brownie. Then the—”

  “Got it. Chocolate first, followed by real food. By the way, I expect you to finish your vegetables.”

  “If I don’t?”

  “Believe me, you will. But first, the cake.” He spooned a heaping portion, chocolate sauce oozing over the sides, and brought the treat to her mouth. “Open up.”

  She parted her lips.

  He eased the spoon aside, his tongue filling her instead.r />
  Damn, this was cool, his dominant-playful manner better than anything she might have fantasized, their kiss hard, deep, and long. Pleasured sounds burst from him, the noises he made more animal than human.

  Something wet plopped on her boob and thigh.

  He pulled his mouth free and looked down. “You’re a mess.”

  Dazed, she couldn’t respond.

  “Better clean you up.” He licked sauce off her nipple then drew it into his mouth and suckled hard, his tongue flicking the tip.

  Astonishing delight whipped through her, sapping her strength, leaving her defenseless. Her head fell back. New moisture seeped from her pussy, a pulse beating deep inside.

  Finished with her boob, he scraped sauce from her leg and offered it to her.

  Enchanted, she tongued his digit inside, clear to the base, the chocolate decadent, his taste even better.

  He grinned.

  “Okay, that’s it.” Cody stood. “My turn.”

  “The fuck you say.” Tav shot to his feet. “I had her on my lap first.”

  She released Lucius’s finger. “I’m here for everyone.”

  “Since you are…” Cody put the plates back on the tray then grabbed the utensils and shoved them at Tav. “Here.”

  He didn’t take them. “What am I supposed to do with those things?”

  “Forget it.” He tossed them on the tray. A spoon and knife dropped to the floor. Ignoring them, he smoothed out the tablecloth then put out his palm to Tav. “Key.”

  “For what?”

  “The cuffs. What else?”

  Lucius straightened, pushing her closer to the table. “What are you doing?”

  Cody regarded him coolly. “Watch and learn.” He spoke to Tav. “You did remember to bring the key, right?”

  “What do you think?” He dug in his front pocket and produced it.

  After snatching the thing, Cody pulled Bree to her feet and unlocked the cuffs.

  None too happy, Lucius drummed the table.

  She rubbed her wrists. “Thanks.”


  Before she could stop him, Cody cuffed her wrists in front. She whined, “Why’d you do that?”

  He pulled her into him, her nipples against his pecs, cunt to his dick. “Watch and learn. Don’t question either.”


  “You heard me.” He gave her a firm swat on her ass then led her to the table. “Climb on—don’t ask why.”

  She wasn’t that foolish, liking his Dom as much as she had Lucius’s. With Cody’s help, she sat on the table.

  He eased her down then tugged the tablecloth, sliding it and her until she was fully on top, her feet at one end, her cuffed wrists on the other, body exposed for all to see.

  For some reason, she felt more naked now than when she’d been on her feet.

  Adding to the indecent scene, Cody not only spread her legs, he bent her knees and planted her heels on the table, exposing her cunt.

  Chilled air grazed it, a reminder as to how wet she was.

  Lucius stood so quickly, his chair scooted back. He and Tav joined Cody at the table.

  Tav’s color deepened, his gaze riveted to her.

  Lucius regarded the scene and clapped Cody’s shoulder. “Good man.”

  “Yeah, I know. Hungry?”

  They nodded.

  Cody handed Lucius and Tav their plates then took his own. “Wait. We forgot Bree.”

  She couldn’t see how since she was spread eagle on this thing, her pussy going nuts wanting each guy’s cock within her.

  “Hold this.” Cody pushed his plate to Lucius and grabbed the one bearing the molten cake. After pinching off a small piece, he brought it to her. “Enjoy.”

  “Not so fast.” Tav grabbed Cody’s arm. “She could choke.”

  “Not with me feeding her.” He pulled away then drew the chocolate mess across her lips, letting her lick herself clean. Once she had, he repeated the process until she’d managed a bite, the rich flavor bringing on a pleased shiver. “More.”

  “Not until you eat your vegetables.” Lucius scooped mashed potatoes onto his fingers and offered the glob to her.

  Despite their plan to keep her passive, she grasped his wrist to hold him still as she ate the creamy mixture, cheddar and chives enhancing it.

  Tav fed her a French green bean and two almond slivers.

  Cody dipped his fingers in the mousse and presented it to her, much as Lucius had the potatoes. She held Cody’s wrist in order to lick the last heavenly drop before releasing him.

  He touched his nose to hers. “More?”

  “Yeah, but not necessarily food.”

  “Your wish is our command. Guys?”

  Lucius came prepared, plate in hand. He smeared potatoes on her nipples, placed almonds on the tips, and stroked au jus on her mouth. “Don’t even think about licking that off.” He pointed. “I mean it.”

  “No sir.”

  “Or lower your arms again.” He rested them above her head.

  She gave him two thumbs up.

  Smiling, he placed a green bean beneath each breast.

  Cody and Tav worked on the area below her waist. Almonds filled her navel. Tav drew a happy face over her birthmark using chocolate sauce. Cody spread mousse on her inner thighs.

  She recoiled at the cold and writhed at how their stroking tickled.

  Lucius pushed his face into hers. “You’re not supposed to move.”

  “I’m a sub, not a corpse.”

  “What was that?”

  Tav and Cody joined him, awaiting her answer.

  Lord, but they were hardcore when they wanted, and she loved it. “Nothing, sir. I promise not to budge no matter what.”

  Tav fought a smile.

  Cody turned away, quiet laughter shaking his shoulders.

  Lucius maintained his arrogant demeanor. “You’d better not, or there will be hell to pay.”

  Didn’t she know—upstairs in the BDSM rooms. If she’d had any doubt they’d take, use, and play with her there, she didn’t any longer. Particularly after the spanking. Properly chastised, she kept her tongue, not daring to ask what would come next.

  Lucius reached her pussy before the others could.

  Cody huffed.

  She supposed because he’d missed out on the prime spot.

  Back to his normally placid self, Tav latched onto her right nipple, licking away the mashed potatoes and almond. Finished with his brief repast, he tongued skin.

  She lost her breath and struggled to pull in another, the wet heat from his mouth reaching her cunt. It ached for him and the others, needing their dicks plundering her right this second. No more delays.

  Impervious to her needs, Cody captured her other breast and licked it as he would an ice cream cone, swirling his tongue around the tip. He chewed the almond sliver, swallowed it and the mashed potatoes, then suckled her nipple gently, hard, and carefully again.

  Affording her no chance to relax. His vigorous sucks excited, his tender ones aroused.

  Tav’s did the same.

  She seesawed between contentment and brutal anticipation, neither fully satisfying her. She needed to fucking come.

  Lucius wasn’t helping. With his face between her legs, he lapped mousse from her inner thighs.

  Her giggle broke free before she could help it.

  Rather than stop, he finished his task, then licked her folds lazily, bypassing her nub. In no hurry for this to reach its natural conclusion. For her at least.

  Her chest tightened, and her limbs felt weighted. She wasn’t certain how much she could withstand without losing her mind. Her legs fell outward, too heavy to keep up.

  Instantly, the guys stopped what they were doing.

  Crap. She’d forgotten not to move. Thankfully, they still allowed her to breathe. Rather than risk delay by offering an apology, she kept quiet and hoped for the best.

  Tav surrendered first, tonguing almonds from her navel then licking the cho
colate happy face off her birthmark.

  She gritted her teeth to keep from laughing.

  Cody gobbled green beans from beneath her boobs then fondled her as he chewed.

  Lucius worked two fingers into her cunt.

  She sucked in a breath. Not only did he stretch her, but his intimate restraint also kept her still. If they’d allowed her words, she would have babbled her concern about weathering this much attention from three men. As it was, she braved whatever would come—the good, the better, the breathtaking. She couldn’t imagine how she’d lived without this so long. Or how she’d survive once it ended.

  Don’t go there.

  Even if she’d wanted to, Lucius didn’t allow it. Holding her clit between his teeth, he licked the nub mercilessly.

  Pleasure coiled in her cunt and careened to her nipples, making them more sensitive to Cody’s mouth.

  Tav’s licks on her stomach made her ears buzz.

  Lucius separated his fingers, preparing her pussy for his cock.

  Something curled within her, building in intensity, a feeling she was unable to describe, an itch she couldn’t scratch. The feeling merged torment and delight, neither coming to a head, merely creating additional pressure. No different from heavy clouds gathering before a storm.

  She fought for air and control, failing to attain either. Starved for a breath, she squeezed her fists and thrashed her legs.

  Lucius gripped her thighs, keeping them still as he tormented her. He licked fast, slow, then somewhere in between, only to begin the process again. Not once allowing her to calm before the next onslaught.

  Yet he wouldn’t let her come, predicting each time she neared the edge, attuned to her increasing arousal.

  She cursed her pussy for contracting, giving away how she sped toward release. The same for her folds growing damper and plumper.

  If it took everything she had, she’d beat him at his game and gain relief.

  Maybe if she played dead…

  At this point, even a gun to her temple couldn’t have forced her lids to part. Lethargy consumed her. Only her heart whapped at an increasing pace, hurting her chest and throat.

  She willed it to calm, and then she lay still, holding her breath as much as she could.


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