Bite My Love Dark Creature

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Bite My Love Dark Creature Page 1

by Penelope Fletcher

  Dark Creature #2



  Copyright © 2012 Penelope Fletcher

  All rights reserved by the Author


  British English

  Cover Design

  Penelope Fletcher

  All characters and events in this novel are fictitious and resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. No part of this novel may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior permission in writing from the author.



  Hannah will freak if I muddy my dress. If I’m late for her big day, I may as well kiss my sweet ass goodbye. I dig my boot tip into the undergrowth, and disturb a few worms and beetles when I unearth a knobby twig.

  Stupid wedding.

  As if being youngest daughter of the Pack Alpha isn’t bad enough. If I have to endure any more boring, pointless crap – like a wedding ceremony – I will lose my goddamned mind. Not only endure, but also be part of. Even worse, being the younger sister of the Alpha female means I have to assume her hunting duties whilst she breeds.

  Like I don’t have my own shit to do.

  People act like it’s a crime to want some freedom. That I should be happy I have an entire mob of aggressive and overbearing Pack members watching me all day, every day, expecting me to be the perfect daughter all day, every day.

  All I want is some peace and quiet – the room to breathe away from the people crowding me.

  Lord, I sound immature and ungrateful to my own ears. Whatever. Anybody not trapped by tradition and expectation will never understand what it’s like to be stuck in my position.

  My family treats me like a child, like porcelain, or glass. Lord knows my nether regions may never see the love of a strong man if I stay with the Pack.

  I will never be seen as an individual, as a woman to love in her own right, not because of my position, or what a male can gain through me.

  Grumbling to myself, my fingers twitch on the spaghetti straps at my shoulders. “I’ll die a virgin. A frustrated virgin.”

  I hate dresses. Then again, I hate clothes in general. As for this dress, it’s so demure. The other bridesmaids get to wear sexy, slinky numbers. Tight dresses that bare acres of skin in pearly colours to compliment their tans. What do I get? A brilliant white dress down to my ankles, miles of toile skirt, a high bodice, and spaghetti straps in case, lord forbid, I show a little cleavage to draw some interest.

  Daddy almost wanted me to wear a cape to cover my back and shoulders and kid gloves. I mean what the hell?

  Well, I towed the damn line. I shifted, tore that disgusting cape to shreds, and buried it in the backyard. When that didn’t work, a major bitch fit, and a promise to not pout as I walked down the aisle convinced Daddy it was over the top to cover his twenty-year-old daughter like a Victorian debutant in this day and age.

  The moon peeks out from behind the clouds. Fat and bright it’s always the most beautiful thing to me.

  The hairs on the back of my neck prickle. Lord, I want to strip naked and howl. I want to prowl the night on four legs, and roll around in the mud.

  I want to hunt, to fuck, and hell, I’m sick to death of curbing the latter.

  As a wolf, I get respect. I’m fast, agile, strong. Respect cannot be denied to so powerful a being. My she-wolf is something to make a grown man piss himself in fear. Because I submitted to my sister during a challenge for Alpha female last year, afraid of hurting her, some Pack members are dumb enough to assume that means my Human self is weak, vulnerable.

  Some forget I look sweet and innocent, but that the sugar coating is an effective mask for power lurking beneath. The look of surprise on people’s faces the split second before I smash them into a wall after they’ve crossed the line one too many times is always priceless, immensely satisfying.

  Honestly, I don’t want to hurt anybody. Most times, I don’t even bother fighting it when the others assert dominance over me … as long as they don’t take it too far, like biting my neck and shit. I’m no push over. On occasion, my wolf gets disgruntled, but I know I’m a badass, and that’s enough to sustain me. It’s just crap my wolf status has translated itself to an overprotective Pack in daily Human life.

  “Five minutes. I won’t be late if I only run for five minutes,” I say aloud to the night.

  It’s bullshit. Once I shift there’s no way my wolf will obey, but what the hell.

  I slip the dress straps off, and struggle to get the zipper at the back down.

  A pained groan floats past me on the wind. I still and instinctively crouch. My teeth lengthen, and like the enraged buzz of bees, I growl a warning.


  I inhale deeply, taste the night on my tongue, and … something else. Something sickly sweet and ashy. My body tenses, my hackles rise.

  That scent should not be here.

  My eyes burn, a tell-tale sign of the eerie glow that shines from my pupils.


  I should turn back – that’s what one such as me is supposed to do. I’m supposed to run to the first male wolf I can find, and tell him of what I’d found.

  I sneer at the idea.

  Considering we’re at the cusp of open war with them, I’m not meant to be prowling the lands alone anyway, especially after what happened to my cousin.

  The thought of running to a male wolf is galling, how would I explain why I’m out here instead of prettying myself for the ceremony?

  I can handle this, right?

  The Vampire female I met yesterday, Lee, didn’t seem all that bad. Maybe the one I smell is like her.

  Lee convinced me to not attack when we’d come across her and three others by being honest, and appealing to my better nature. Nobody wants another war. Or did she twist my mind somehow? No, I don’t believe that, my mind was clear when we spoke.

  Sy and boys had given me hell when we’d gotten back to Pack territory safely. Daddy was already unhappy with me, and I didn’t need another strike against my name. It had taken a lot of threats to keep them silent. After all, we’d had the leader of their kind in our grasp, and we’d let her go. Some of the boys were still struggling with the fact my choice may come back to bite us. Literally. Whatever. I could see it in Lee’s freaky cat eyes she didn’t want to hurt us. She’ll make it right with Daddy, and avert war.

  Keeping low, I prowl forward, holding my wolf at bay. I really can’t afford for anything to happen to this outfit.

  The plan? I’ll take a peek, figure out why a Vampire is bleeding in Pack woods then report back to the first Enforcer I can find.

  Bunching yards of skirt in my hands, I draw up the hem so it won’t drag in the mud.

  My nose guides me, always has done. The olfactory system of a wolf is spectacular and the sense of smell on a werewolf? Infuckingfallible. I can track a mouse through a storm three days past. Every scent riding a microscopic speck of dust is picked up. Most times, opening my senses to that degree is overwhelming, and more often than not, the smells I pick up are not pleasant.

  My eyes flick from left to right, scouring the undergrowth, and I use my gift to lead me to the Vampire.

  The male.

  This makes me pause for a beat before I carry on.

  He smells like seawater.

  I barely make a sound as I pace forward. I have trouble hearing myself, and my hearing is almost as good as my nose.

  He’s breathing.

  Some surprise there, I’ll admit. Fangs die and come back. No oxygen is needed
for them to survive, and apparently, they can’t drown. Freaks. I know they inhale and exhale air to be able to talk, though it does nothing for them physically. How do the Suckers have sex? Anyway, what animates them is magic, pure, dark, putrid magic.

  My brows plunge.

  Now I’m thinking on it, Lee breathed. She even flushed, and I’m sure when I stood close to her I heard a faint heartbeat.


  He lies face down in the dirt.

  I stop and let my dress fall. Baffled, I cock my head to the side, not that the new angle helps. He’s dug himself from a hole in the ground. How odd. Vampires disposed of that kind of behaviour centuries ago.

  He lifts his head, torso stretching and curving as he props himself up on his elbows. He glares at me, dark eyes furious. Anguished. His legs are mangled, pretty fucked up actually.

  He huffs and lets his body fall back down. This time he turns his head to the side so he can watch me.

  I’m surprised. No attempt to bite me. No hissing or demands for me to help him. Have I found a tame and humble Vampire? I think not. This one is broken emotionally.

  “Are you going to just give up?” I drop my butt as I roll onto the balls of my feet. Keeping my hands busy with bunches of skirt, I still manage to retain perfect balance as I lower myself to the ground.

  “Go away.” His voice is a pained rasp. “Leave me to die in peace.”

  I blink. My curiosity hits an all-time high. “You Fangs are usually all about survival, The Great Bloodline, and all that. Why do you want to die?”

  He sighs as if I am bothersome, and lifts his head to stare at me. “I ask that you refrain from torturing me. If you are to kill me let it be swift.”

  My bottom lip pops out. “Who said anything about killing you?” I stand and walk to him, no longer afraid. If he had the strength to fight me, he would’ve made a move by now. “You’re on Pack land, and that means you must answer to my Alpha.”

  “I am trying to die in peace. If you take me to your Alpha he will have no choice but to kill me in some perverse way.” He pauses. Shudders. “Or he will return me to my own kind.”

  “And you don’t want that.” My eyes track his injuries. “You weren’t mauled by a wolf, and no Human could do this to you.” I inhale deeper to get a better scent on him. “You’re old, so you’re strong. Yet here you lie near death.” I push my lips out until the top one touches my nose. “I like puzzles and you are undeniably puzzling me.”

  “This is not a game you want to play.” His jaw clenches. “And I’m immortal, but not indestructible.”

  “You sound like you’re in pain.”

  “Of course.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Don’t you snap at me.”

  “Why are you still here?”

  “Told you that bit already, you need to see my Alpha. Daddy will want to know about you.”

  “Would you just kill me instead? Remove my head that will do it.”

  “Do you have any idea how much trouble I’d be in if your body was found? Pack Enforcers run this territory every day, and not to be mean, or anything, but you smell … different. They’d be able to scent you a mile off, and then what would I do?” I flap my arms around us. “My scent is all over this place now.”

  He closes his eyes and counts silently to ten for patience. A wicked smile flashes across my face, but is gone before he opens his dark eyes and fixes them on me. “The Alpha is your father. Biological?”

  “Umhm. He’s my Daddy. He’s a good one too. Kind, open-minded, got a mean bite though.” I rub my side where the scar from my last punishment is. That was because of these annoying Vampires too.

  “Would he do me a kindness and end my suffering if you asked it of him?”

  My eyes widen. “Oh. Oh I’m not his favourite.” I grin and wink at him. “I’m the troublemaker, the black sheep of the family. In fact, I’ve no doubt somehow you crawling onto our territory is going to be made out to be all my fault.” This diverts my train of thought. “Why are you on our territory if you don’t mind me asking?” He does not speak, and I hesitate before asking. “Were you in the fight yesterday night with that rogue your kind has? Is that really happening? I was told one of you has risen against the others, or is that story bullshit I’ve been fed?” I search my memory for the name Lee gave. “Daniel. The rogue’s name is Daniel.” Still, he says nothing, but my mouth is on a roll, and I take his silence as an invitation to keep talking. “It’s clear your own kind did this to you. So you must have had something to do the crazy new Queen and her suicidal mate. Do you know them? I do. Her name’s Lee. She’s beautiful, and nice. Out of her fucking mind, but nice. You must know her. She’s a tiny thing, green eyes, dark hair. Did you fight for her? Is that why you’re hiding here? Did she lose? To be honest I hope not, she owes me big time, and she has all the Packs in a state of uproar after the death of my baby cousin.” I tuck my hair behind my ears then lower my voice. “Shall I tell you a secret? The Alphas are terrified she’s going to come after them, but I keep saying to Daddy that won’t happen. Lee’s in charge now, a real woman, and women have more sense than men.”

  He slams a fist to the ground. It squelches into the mud, but I catch the gist of the effect he was after. “Woman, do you ever stop talking.”

  My mouth swings open before snapping shut. I tip my chin back perilously high. “Bite me.”

  “Very well. If you wouldn’t mind coming closer to offer your neck.”

  I giggle before slapping a hand over my mouth. Disgusting as the imagery was, I’d walked right into that one. His eyes sparkle briefly before they fill with quiet desperation again.

  He intrigues me, this Vampire. If I leave him here, he’ll die. No Humans come into these woods, and Vampires need to feed nightly. He’s already lost a lot of blood, and even his regenerative sleep hasn’t helped. Now that I’ve spoken to him, it seems cruel to leave him here in the damp to slowly bleed out.

  I tap a finger to my lips, my decision final. “I’m taking you home with me.”

  He sighs, yet again. I sigh back dramatically and bend over, lifting him up into my arms like I would a child.

  He makes a noise of alarm. “Put me down.”

  I almost drop him he hissed the command so forcefully. “Um, why?”

  “I’ll crawl.”

  I blink, nearly losing my hold on him again. “Crawl,” I repeat slowly. “You can barely lift your head, and you think you will crawl all the way back to my house?”

  He grits his teeth, shifts in my now loose embrace. “Yes.”

  My eyelid twitches. “Is it such a big deal for one of my kind to help you?” Silence. “I’m waiting.”

  His jaw works and with what seems like an effort in patience he says, “It is not that you are Lycan. You are a woman.”

  I’m speechless. Dumbfounded. I drop him on his ass and stride away. I turn on my heel and stomp back to him to give my own glare. “If I was a male you wouldn’t care?”

  Groaning, rocking on the spot, he nods.

  “Fine. Crawl then.” I point northeast. “That way.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I wait for him to start moving.

  Setting his jaw, he shakes as he drags himself a metre in the direction I’d pointed.

  I snort. “I have a wedding to get back to. This will take all night and Daddy will get pissy.”

  “You don’t … think bringing a stray … enemy … home will upset your … father.” He pants the sentence and pauses, arms wobbling.

  This really cannot continue. If he won’t let me carry him and he can’t drag himself there….

  “Can you drink from me?” I jump in shock the same time he does, and look over my shoulder as if looking to spy who just said that.

  He twists around to seat himself on his butt and eyes me incredulously. “Apologies, could you repeat what you just said?”

  I flush and roll my eyes as if it isn’t a big deal.

  He cocks his head to the side, noting th
e change in my heart rate. His nostrils flare. “You like the idea of me biting you?” At first he sounded sceptical, but his voice lowers an octave, and he growls. “You want me to bite you.”

  What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. Me?

  “Forget it.” I move past him, embarrassed as hell.

  His hand shoots out to grip my ankle.

  I stop, boot heel lifted off the ground. His hand is freezing, but instead of revulsion a thrill travels up from where his fingers press into my skin. I exhale in a rush, and focus on not collapsing into a heap.

  This is wrong, unnatural, just wrong, wrong, and wrong for me to feel this way about my enemy.

  I try to gather my wits. He’s just touching my ankle. No big deal, no big deal, no big deal.

  I’m over it.

  The hand moves up, leisurely fluttering over my calf to circle the back of my knee. His hand continues to travel up under the skirt until it reaches the swell of my buttock, encased in white lace that matches my dress. His fingers trace the patterned edge then slide down following the curve until his whole hand slips in-between my legs, finding the damp heat there.

  He purrs. “The she-wolf is wet for the Vampire.”

  In delayed reaction, I gasp, and stagger away. Yes, I stagger from him and his blasted hand. I clutch at fistfuls of skirts, blushing furiously.

  He chuckles, eyes fixed on my heaving chest. Pulling back my foot, I slam it into his side. He doubles over, coughing up blood and groaning.

  “Don’t ever touch me like that ever again.” I growl darkly to emphasize my warning then grab one of his limp arms, dragging his heavy ass behind me. I ignore the urge to investigate the solid muscle of his bicep. “Yeah, laugh it up. You just wait and see what happens when I get you home.”

  He laughs harder. “Now you tease me.”


  “Wolf.” I’m ignoring him. His tone is imperious and expectant, and I’m taking much pleasure in challenging him. “Wolf.” Yeah, still ignoring him. “Bitch.” The flat of his heavy palm slaps my ass hard.


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