Rebel: Enemies to Lovers Bully Romance

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Rebel: Enemies to Lovers Bully Romance Page 1

by Savannah Rose

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  Copyright © 2020

  Savannah Rose

  Amelia Gates



  1. Kace

  2. Janey

  3. Kace

  4. Janey

  5. Janey

  6. Kace

  7. Janey

  8. Janey

  9. Kace

  10. Janey

  11. Kace

  12. Janey

  13. Janey

  14. Janey

  15. Kace

  16. Janey

  17. Kace

  18. Kace

  19. Kace

  20. Kace

  21. Kace

  22. Janey

  23. Kace

  24. Janey

  25. Kace

  26. Janey

  27. Kace

  28. Kace

  29. Janey

  30. Kace

  31. Kace

  32. Janey

  33. Janey

  34. Janey

  35. Janey

  36. Kace

  37. Janey

  38. Janey

  39. Janey

  40. Kace

  41. Janey

  42. Janey

  43. Janey

  44. Kace

  45. Kace


  Trinity High Teaser

  More Bully Romances




  “What did you just say to me?”

  Cain threw the ceramic vase across the room, not giving a damn as it shattered, that the wall was on the other side of mom’s bedroom.

  He picked up the lamp on the desk and smashed it against the bookcase behind him, swearing loudly.

  That’s just like him- all rage, all fury, no conscience, zero heart.

  He truly is Rick’s son.

  They’re all overgrown sacs of shit, and now I’m officially one of them.

  Well…Technically, I’ve always been one of them. We all have the same tainted blood staggering loudly through our veins. The same darkened heart that beats fury, having buried happiness ages ago.

  Until recently, I hadn’t really been one of them. Blood, yes. But family? Never. I was always grateful for that – for the opportunity to be different, the ability to have dreams and aspirations. I didn’t care about fitting in with a bunch of psychos with no hope for the future.

  Leave it up to Rick to mess even that up.


  Cain’s temper tantrum was growing by the second and all I could think about was my little sister, Abby, waking up and wandering into his rant.

  I really need to get her out of this piss-pot of a place. I’ve always wanted to leave the cage of my family, but now more than ever, I needed to get out. It was the only way Abby would have a chance of knowing what it meant to have a life, to be happy, to be a child. The only way mom would get the treatment she needed.

  But as I stood there in the “office” watching my brother go red in the face with anger about something I couldn’t possibly care less about, I was reminded of just how stuck I was. I couldn’t just leave. Couldn’t just strap a bag over my shoulder and tell Cain to go screw himself.

  The worst part was that he didn’t just steal my present, he stole my future too. Cain had finally gotten what he wanted. All my academic pursuits had come to an explosive halt in one life-altering second, and now I was officially a part of “the family business”. Daddy dearest was no longer around and someone needed to pull his weight. Unfortunately, the only available someone was me. Like a puppet I was pushed and pulled, forced into directions I never wanted to take. Down roads that were better left untraveled.

  I’m sure Rick had laughed mockingly when he heard how much his actions had completely ruined my life. Maybe he was even the driving force behind Cain putting his foot down and insisting that I step into the shoes he left unfilled.

  What the fuck had I done to deserve this ill-will? Not much. I just wanted to lead a different life, chart a different course, be my own fucking person – a better one than any of them aspired to be. All of those things went against the grain of what it meant to be a Da’Costa. Like it fucking mattered.

  We’re all bound to wind up in prison or dead, anyway. Rick’s made sure of that.

  Good job, dad.

  Father of the fucking year.



  “Mr. Da’Costa?”

  I’m vaguely aware of someone talking to me as I slowly drag myself way out of my head.

  “Mr. Da’Costa.” Mr. O’Donnell is perched at the edge of his desk, staring at me.

  I look around. Just about everyone else in the classroom seems to have their eyes trained on me, too. Great!

  “Mr. O’Donnell?” I respond as casually as I can manage.

  “I asked you a question.” He smirks at me and anger boils in my chest.

  It’s one thing to have people take the piss in the unsafety of my own home, but to do it here…it irks me in a way none of them could even begin to imagine. So much so, that even the pacifist in me can see myself punching O’Donnell in the face.

  “Oh, you did? My bad. Could you ask again? I stopped listening to you a few sentences in. You know, you could really use some work on your dictation. The whole monotone thing doesn’t help the uninteresting vibe you have going on.”

  Mr. O’Donnell’s eyes start closing into a squint and I know he’s annoyed. That makes two of us.

  “What are the outermost electrons of an atom called?” he asks, though I’m sure that’s not what he wants to do.

  Outermost electrons? Really? Who the hell cares?

  How’s that gonna help the current shit-storm brewing over my life?

  It’s not like I’m ever going to get to go to med-school or anything. My roots dictate that the only career I’ll be able to pursue is one where a gun is plastered to my palm. I have the brains to answer the question – though something as simple as that is nothing more than common sense. To be honest, there’s a part of me that wants to shut O’Donnell up and remind him that I’m not a fucking dimwit, but the anger is stronger.

  “Outermost electrons, huh? I know this one...” I pause, dragging out the moment of anticipation. Everyone seems to hold their breath, waiting…waiting…waiting. “Haters?” I say, rocking back in my chair with my arms folder over my chest.

  Snickers fill the room as they all try to contain their laughter. Everyone but Mr. O’Donnell. He doesn’t seem to find me funny...too bad.

  “Mr. Da’Costa, if there’s somewhere more important that you need to be, then perhaps you should go,” he offers.

  I arch a brow at him. “Now, now Mr. O’Donnell, I’m not falling for that again. Last time I accepted your gracious offer to rid myself of you, I wound up in detention.”

  “Oh? And you’re suddenly averse to detention? I thought that was your idea of extracurricular activities these days,” he mocks.

  I can feel my jaw tensing. I really want to walk my fist into his face. That sounds like a fun new extracurricular activity.


  “I’ve got tons of shit to do today. Can’t hang around with you all the time, you know? You should probably get yourself a woman, dude. I hear they tend to help with the loneliness you seem to be battling.”

  Mr. O’Donnell smiles and walks around his desk to retrieve his detention book. Even from the back of the class, I know that piece of crap really well.

  “Mr. Da’Costa-”

  “Don’t tell me, let me guess, we have a date later
this week?” I roll my eyes, leaning back into my seat. “Sorry sweet cheeks. Gonna have to stand you up.”

  I can visibly see Donny boy turning beet red as he makes the entry into his book and it’s the highlight of an otherwise crappy day.

  I’ve managed to humor everyone except Mr. O’Donnell and Janey fucking Bradshaw, who sits stewing across from me, dressed in expensive-looking jeans overalls and a blue crop top underneath, trying to keep her head down as always.

  “You don’t find me funny, baby?” I direct my question to Janey, and she continues to ignore me so I kick her chair. “Hey! Dork in the overalls, I’m talking to you.” I lean over my desk and blow at her chestnut brown hair and she visibly recoils.

  “That’s enough, Mr. Da’Costa!”

  I hold my hands up as if caught by the five-o and rock back into my seat.

  Who gives a shit what the self-righteous, uptight Janey Bradshaw thinks? Hell, if anything, she should be happy that I’m not giving her a run for her money in the grades department anymore. She can sleepwalk her way into top student this year. I bet that would look great on whatever Ivy-League University application form I’m sure she’s filling out. Just the thought of that irks me on even more. So much so, that I don’t think twice about snatching the paper from in front of her. My motion is so swift that not even O’Donnell notices it. Janey tenses, but only has time to drop her jaw and form an ‘O’ with her lips as I rip the papers to shreds and shove the pieces in the side pocket of my backpack.

  When the bell rings to rescue me from another minute of O’Donnell, Janey still hasn’t gotten around to the point of snapping her mouth shut. I smile and I’m grabbing my bag to head out the door when the good old teacher sets his sights on me once again.

  “Kace. A moment.”

  The class continues to bail out as I sling my backpack over my shoulder and drag my feet over to his desk. “Sup?”

  “You got a D on your last Chemistry test.”

  “That’s not exactly what happened though, is it? You gave me a D on the last chemistry test. Don’t complain about it now.”

  O’Donnell sighs and swipes at his brow with the back of his hand. “Kace, enough with the jokes. What’s going on?”

  I don’t need this heart-to-heart professor bullshit right now. I have way more important things to do.

  “Nothing. I forgot about the test is all. Didn’t study.”

  “It was an open book test, Kace.”

  I shrug. “I left the book.”

  “Kace, I’m trying to help you here.”


  He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed and I take it as the perfect chance to start moving.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Donny,” I call out, glancing back at him. He used to be my favorite teacher. Sucks that this is what we are now.

  I start stepping out and collide into Janey who’s heading out the door.

  Did she stay behind to eavesdrop? Seriously?

  “Watch where you’re going, princess,” I sneer at her, pushing her out of the way as I head out the door.

  She doesn’t flinch, but stares at me with those big brown eyes, silently challenging me. Does Janey Bradshaw ever do anything loudly? I can’t imagine it...not that I have time for crap like that. It’s gearing up to be a rough couple of days at home and that’s where my focus needs to be. I can either get my head in the game or get it blown off, and it’s anybody’s pick who would get to pull the trigger.

  Janey looks away, like a chastised puppy and I can feel a slight smirk tugging at my lips.

  “Good little puppy,” I whisper to her.

  She grinds her teeth and takes a step toward me. It’s almost funny to watch this goody two shoes trying to play big and tough.

  “You know what, Kace?”

  I bite down on my bottom lip, as to prevent myself from laughing in her face. “I know a lot of things, Janey Bradshaw. Which thing in particular are we talking about?” This time it’s my turn to take a step toward her. Much to my surprise, she doesn’t flinch like she usually would, which only works to get under my skin. “Thing number one,” I say, as I slip the strap of her backpack off her shoulders, catching it before it hits the ground, “is that I don’t like you getting all up in my fucking face.” Holding her backpack by the straps, I hurl it down the hallway, watching as it lands with a thump on the corridor floors. “Now fetch,” I hiss, snapping my fingers at her.

  She shakes her head at me and spins on her heel, rushing in the direction of her belongings.

  I take a deep breath, feeling a lot more settled as Janey leaves my presence. I’m one foot in the opposite direction when I spot Bubba, heading to the roof for a lunch-time special.

  Just in time, I think as I nod at him. He climbs the stairs two at a time to make sure that the roof is clear before I get there. Bubba’s the only one who fucking gets what it’s like to be in a school where no one else is like you. To be smart and cursed to play a fool for the rest of your goddamn life. I think Bubba’s still holding onto hope that this school will provide him with something better, though. That he’ll be able to clock the grades he needs in order to leave the gang world behind. Maybe he’ll succeed. A big part of me hopes he does.

  I check behind me before squeezing into the little passageway that leads toward the roof, climbing the stairs just as quickly as Bubba did. It’s amazing that no one has ever disturbed our lunchtime ritual since we’ve been coming up here. Tax dollars at work right there.

  “What’s up, man?” Bubba greets me and I can smell that this isn’t his first session for the day.

  “You know how it is,” I grunt, and he nods, producing a pre-rolled joint.

  From the roof, we have a great view of the schoolyard and all the turds below. Jessica is still trying to get Tom’s attention, strutting more than just what her momma gave her. Her dress is a colored version of skin today and her tits look like they’re gonna jump out at any second. Pathetic. Tom isn’t going to go for that. Anyone with half a brain can see it, but it’s Jessica we’re talking about here.

  I flick my gaze in the other direction, taking in Liberty’s team spirit in full effect. The football jocks are all hyped up for their big game this week, fist pumping and laughing with their hands taut around their bellies. The mathletes are eating sandwiches and studying formulas, happier than you’ve ever seen nerds portrayed on television. It’s a sad sight, but on top of the roof, I feel like the king of this pathetic mess.

  Taking a draw of the bone green joint, I look across the yard at Janey, sitting by herself with her head buried in a book.

  I don’t think I’ve ever met a more annoying chick.

  I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something about her that pisses me off. One glance at her and my mood changes.

  We used to be acquaintances once. The kind of people who would smile at each other in the hallways, maybe even whisper a ‘hello’. But that was in another lifetime. Before Rick. Before mom got hurt. Before I was forced to be an actual participating part of my fucking family.

  Janey can’t seem to let go of the friendliness we might have shared before that time and I don’t know what I can do to make her take a hint. Well, that’s not exactly true, I have a few ideas but they’re all messy and I have Abby to think about.

  “Gonna shoot hoops later?” Bubba asks, puffing out a cloud of smoke. He leans back and pushes a finger through it.

  “Nah man. There’s a curfew in Kensington tonight and Cain is already tripping out about some shit so I gotta get in early and hold it down while he goes out and does some groundwork.”

  “For real? That must be what I heard Lucas talking about.”

  I feel my lips twitch at the mention of Lucas’ name?

  “What did he say?” My voice is darker than I intend it to be.

  Bubba glances over at me with a raised eyebrow, then continues to stare at the kids below.

  “Some nark got shot a few days back. They
don’t know who did it, though.”

  “That’s never stopped Eli from lashing out before.” I grind my teeth at the memory of the bullet storm from a few months back and Abby’s terrified screams as I held her on the floor beneath the bed, protecting her with everything in me.

  We weren’t involved in that shit then and we’re not involved in it now, but we all know Eli will be gearing up for war anyway, peace treaty be damned.

  Who goes to war over a fucking nark? Eli apparently. Honestly, he should have been glad to be rid of a traitor. But he’s the kind of guy who will grab at any excuse to have a dick measuring competition with Cain. And when it comes to sizing dicks, Cain is not one to back down.

  Honestly, they’re all just a bunch of morons. I wish they’d just get rid of each other and be over with it. If I could get Abby and mom out, I’d flush the entire place and exterminate them and their bullshit once and for all.

  Janey is still reading her book when I look back in her direction and I wonder briefly if her book has any of the answers to my current problem.

  Doubt it.

  A spoilt rich snob like Janey doesn’t read books on mobsters and crack-whores. People like Janey don’t understand people like me. She’s likely digesting some prissy romance novel or applying for college. Because, you know, she gets to do that. The opportunities of the fortunate and the unfucked.


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