Sinfully Rich: A Steamy Billionaire Box Set

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Sinfully Rich: A Steamy Billionaire Box Set Page 47

by Vivian Wood

  “Because Luna promised she has softened Cate up for you for the last two days.” Owen looks thoughtful. “I don’t know why you and Cate are so spiky with each other. She’s perfectly nice to me.”

  I shoot him a glare. “It’s not always like that with us. Besides, I’m trying to leave that spikiness behind.”

  He trots up the steps to the altar, looking around a little. “Do you think that is part of your thing? I mean, that’s one of the reasons your sex is hot, right?”

  Raising my eyes up to the cathedral’s vaulted ceiling, I sigh. “Can we talk about something else?”

  He shrugs. “Sure. This whole day is just about you two.”

  I pace some more, though it’s not helping my stress level at all. “Let’s go over the plan again. Luna is going to get her here. Then…” I trail off, frowning.

  Owen comes over to me, standing in my way. He puts a steadying hand on my shoulder. “Then everyone else will fade into the background. I’ll be right outside. It’ll just be you two in here until you call to me.”

  I take a deep breath. “That just leaves the key piece to me, then. I have to figure out what the fuck I’m going to say to her.”

  He raises his brows. “Yeah, now would be a good time to practice whatever you’re going to say.”

  My mouth turns down at the corners. “I love her. Even when she’s being mouthy. Even when she’s crying. I still love her. That’s the main point I want to focus on.”

  “That’s a good one.” He smiles ruefully. “I wish I had what you have, man.”

  I eye him. “What about you and Chloe?”

  I only have to mention her name and his cheeks color. Instantly, Owen turns from a confident man into a bumbling fool.

  “Oh, Chloe and I are just friends,” he says firmly. He clears his throat, clarifying. “We could never be anything more than that without damaging our friendship.”

  My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out, glancing at the screen. As expected, it’s Luna.

  We are in the parking lot, heading to you.

  I glance up at Owen. “Luna says that they’re here. This conversation is paused, but it’s not over.”

  He rolls his eyes at me. “Whatever you say, man.”

  Owen heads to the back of the cathedral, disappearing through one of the dark wood doors. I head to the end of the first pew, sitting down.

  My heart beats loudly in my ears.

  Will Cate listen to what I have to say?

  Or will she just give me the cold shoulder?

  When I hear Luna’s voice at the back in the cathedral, I tense.

  “Just come on,” Luna says. “I know it’s not one of your church days, but I think you’ll find it worthwhile…”

  It takes an inhuman amount of inner willpower not to turn around. Especially not when I hear Cate’s voice.

  “I don’t think—” She stops mid-sentence. “Luna, what is your brother doing here?”

  “Don’t be mad,” Luna says. She raises her voice to call out to me. “Luca, I got her here!”

  I rise, turning to face them. Cate looks breathtaking in a simple black gown; Luna is dressed fancy too in a lemon-colored dress. Dressing up is part of what I asked Luna to do.

  Cate is pale, a distrustful frown on her face. Luna bites her lip, walking backwards toward the rear of the cathedral.

  “Luna!” Cate snaps. She turns to see my sister retreating. I watch her swallow heavily as her gaze returns to me. “What do you want?”

  I approach her slowly, seeing her sizing me up as I get closer. She licks her lips nervously and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.

  “I want to tell you that I’m sorry. Sorry for the fight, sorry that I ever made you walk into Madisyn’s wedding with me.” I pause, frowning. “I didn’t actually want to go. But I was worried that if I didn’t keep that date as a tentpole, our relationship wouldn’t be able to bloom.”

  Her eyebrows rise slightly. “Is that what it is? A relationship?”

  I prowl closer. “That’s what I want it to be. We were obviously drunk when we wed, but… I think my subconscious knew something I didn’t.”

  Her eyes narrow as I take the last few steps to stand before her. “What would that be?”

  I reach out and take her hand. Looking her in the eye, I kneel.

  When I pull out the ring box, her look of shock almost makes me smile. I just hold the ring box, not quite ready to open it yet. I have to explain myself first.

  “I think I knew that there was a spark, Cate. You knew it too. But we both had reservations. Things that had to do with our pasts. I was still worried about Madisyn. You were guarding your heart because you’d been hurt.” I smile ruefully. “We were both dim. But especially me.”

  Cate, for her part, is staring at me like I’ve gone mad. “Luca—”

  “Cate,” I interrupt her. “I love you.”

  Her eyes go wide. “You do?”

  I nod. “I realized it a while ago, I think. But I’ve never felt it more strongly than when you ran out of Madisyn’s wedding. I was furious with her for plotting to break us up, yes. But I was even more mad at myself for letting us both be put in that position.” I take a deep breath. “I realized then that I am pretty obsessed with you.”

  Her cheeks stain with color. “You are?”

  Expelling a breath, I nod again. I snap open the ring box, then take her hand again.

  “Cate De Rose, you mean so much to me. We may fight, we may disagree on so many things… but at the end of the day, there is no one else who I would ever want to call mine.”

  Her eyes fill with tears. “Oh, Luca… I feel the same way.”

  I pull the ring free of its box, holding it up to her, an offering. “Will you be my wife? In truth this time.”

  She presses one hand to her heart. “Yes, Luca. Yes.”

  My heart soars. I am too tongue tied to say anything, so I just slide the ring on her finger. I’m about to stand up when Cate launches herself at me, kneeling to kiss me.

  Her lips are hot and sweet under mine. I twine my hands around her body, sinking my fingers into her hair as I kiss her breathlessly.

  Her grin mirrors my own as she pulls back, tears on her face. “I love you, Luca Leone.”

  I brush some of her hair back from her face, relishing this closeness.

  “I love you too, Cate.”

  She looks at the huge diamond on her finger. “You didn’t need to get me this, you know. I would’ve said yes without it.”

  I kiss her again. “I know. That’s something that I love about you. I just wanted it to be official. I figure we can do it properly this time. A big white dress, this cathedral, me in a tux… the whole nine yards.”

  She sucks in a breath. “You mean it?”

  I chuckle. “If it makes you happy, we’ll do it. I would marry you on a beach. I would marry you in a ditch. It doesn’t matter to me. We have all the time in the world to decide.”

  Standing, I help her to her feet. She beams up at me, her tears drying. “I love that, Luca.”

  I stick my elbow out, offering it to her. She takes my arm and I usher her toward the back of the cathedral. “Owen is here somewhere. I think we should tell him and my sister first… then we should go somewhere.”

  Cate’s brow knits. “Like to your house?”

  I smile, shaking my head. “No. Somewhere more exotic than that. And while we’re on our mini-vacation, I’ll contact my real estate broker about buying your old house.”

  Her steps falter. “You said it was a bad investment!”

  I stop, staring down into her face. “It’s meaningful to you. That’s all that matters.”

  She frowns. “I don’t need to you to buy things for me, Luca. That’s not why I married you in the first place.”

  I cover her hand where she touches my arm. “I know. But I can. And I will. Then we will never argue about that again.” I smirk. “Although I’m a hundred percent certain that we will find new things
to fight about.”

  Her lips lift. “I’m still paying the down payment on the house. You can put up a fuss if you really want to, but I feel pretty strongly about it.”

  Pulling her close, I seal my lips over hers briefly. “I would expect nothing less, princess.”

  A little chill slips down her spine even as the nickname makes her smile. “It’s a deal.”

  And with that, we head to the back of the cathedral, both bathed in the glow of our own love.



  As I walk down the aisle of the cathedral, the audience is standing up, looking at me in my wedding finery. I wobble a little, but Carmine is right beside me. He pats my hand and wheezes a little, smiling at me.

  I only have eyes for one person, though. I can't stop staring at Luca. His dark blue, tailored tuxedo and crisp white shirt perfectly accentuate his tan and the bold lines of his face and body.

  Even from this distance I can see the stubble on his face. My heart squeezes. Luca is normally fastidious; he must have been so busy this morning that he’d forgotten to shave.

  I force myself to smile and nod at the people on either side of the aisle. I don’t really see anyone’s face, but I know they are there. I can hear people whispering and see a few waving at me.

  We had wanted a smaller wedding, but that had been impossible, considering Luca's social prestige and my grandmother’s friends. Mostly the cathedral is packed with people who know the Leones, but I don’t mind. As long as my grandmother is here, and Harper and Luna are acting as my bridesmaids, I’m not too stressed.

  Luca's mother and father had put up an unholy stink about it when we broached the mere idea of a small, intimate wedding. They also turned up their noses at my wanting it to be in a church though.

  Luca put down his foot and told them we would bend on the guestlist but I got to pick the place. So here I am, walking down the aisle.

  I smile at my grandmother and her friends as I reach my spot by the groom. They smile back at me, which is the little bit of encouragement that I need right now.

  Luca's mother, liberated by my husband’s departure and excited by the prospect of a grandchild, had even quit drinking. She had been sober for three months now, and a far better person for it. Luca's father is, well, he is still an asshole, but he is making an effort to at least be respectful to Luca and Luna.

  I reach my groom’s side. Luca beams at me.

  All other worries and thoughts cease. All I can see is this man before me. Luca takes my breath away.

  The wedding ceremony goes by in a blur. All I remember is when the priest asks Luca and I to join hands and recite our vows. When Luca gently slides the wedding band onto my finger, and his eyes gleam with unshed tears as he speaks.

  “Cate, you have been a revolution in my life. No matter where we’ve gone, or what we’ve done, we’ve always been able to come back to each other. You are kind, beautiful, smart, strong, good, and loyal. I vow to love you, honor you, respect you, support you, and protect you. I vow to be faithful and kind. I vow to never forget how lucky I am to be marrying my best friend.”

  He stops for a second, gathering his breath. My heart swells; my eyes blur with tears.

  “I only have one regret, which is that it took me so long to figure out that I was in love with you. I think, in my mind, I kept seeing you as that scruffy little girl that Luna first brought home… and then one day, I looked and I suddenly saw this incredible, beautiful woman before me.”

  I beam. “I’m glad you changed your mind,” I quip.

  He laughs. “Cate, I know you’ve had to struggle before, but no matter what comes our way, I vow that you won’t struggle alone ever again. Your troubles will be mine, your joys my own. Everything I have is yours.”

  I feel the tears running down my cheeks like rain. Suddenly, all my anxiety seems to melt away, leaving only an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. I take the large gold wedding ring and place it on Luca’s finger.

  “Luca… first, those vows were amazing. I don’t know how I could ever top them. But then, I don’t have to, do I? We’re together now, and everything that strengthens you also strengthens me.”

  “You know it,” he affirms, squeezing my hands.

  “You’ve been my best friend too. I can’t even remember a time when you weren’t in my life. I feel like you encourage me, protect me, reassure me, and grow with me. But I was blind to you, just like you were to me.”

  Luca brings one of my palms to his lips for a kiss, but otherwise doesn’t interrupt. I swallow heavily and then continue.

  “Once I realized I was in love with you, it felt like someone had turned on a light within my soul. I vow to cherish you, and that light. I vow to love you and honor you. I vow to always be grateful for the blessing of your love. And I’ll protect you, too, whenever I can. I vow to be by your side for the rest of our lives together. I love you and I’m honored to call you my husband.”

  The priest smiles and says, “By the power vested in me, I now proclaim you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride!”

  As people stand and applaud, Luca’s strong hands wrap around my waist. I turn my face up to his and he seals his lips over mine. I feel more happy and protected than I’ve ever been, here in his arms.

  Forever and ever.



  Coming up next…

  I swallow nervously as I climb the steps of the drab little office building. I pause in front of the dark wood front door. Hoisting my medical bag, I smooth my dark gray skirt.

  “You’re going to do well,” I tell myself. Moisture pools in my armpits. I normally wouldn’t wear such a formal black top, especially not on this warm Seattle day.

  But today is a job interview.

  No, not an interview. The job interview. I really need this internship to put on my resume during this summer while I transition from medical school into my residency. It’s vital for the doctors in charge of assignments to find me impressive, from what I hear.

  Of course, my medical school only accepts a few positions as resume-worthy… and I found out about all of this two days ago. And this is it, the only position remaining.

  I look at the building one more time, biting my lip.

  Aurora Borealis Charters, the sign above the door reads.

  Blowing out a steadying breath, I open the door. A gust of cool air buffets my face as I step into the dreary office. Everything is just shades of brown in here. The faded carpet, the worn drapes, the chipped office furniture.

  I swallow again. How is this place still open and making money?

  There is a young woman seated at the reception desk. She looks up at me from an ancient PC, her expression puzzled.

  “May I help you?” she asks.

  I step fully inside the office, closing the door behind me. “Yes. I have an appointment with Daniel Byrne?”

  The receptionist’s brow furrows. “In what regard?”

  I set down my heavy medical bag with a soft thunk. “It’s a job interview. You’re still looking for someone with medical expertise, right?”

  “Ohhhh,” she says, pushing herself to her feet. “Sorry. You just look too young to be a nurse.”

  I scowl at her words. “I actually just graduated medical school,” I say, keeping my tone as even I as can.

  “Oh!” She flushes. “Sorry. Let me just go tell him you’re here.”

  I bow my head. “Of course. Thank you.”

  She goes through the only doorway, only bothering to partially close the door. “Daniel! The medical attendant is here!”

  I fidget with my bracelets. Each one is a silver bangle from Tiffany’s, chosen with great care. One for each year of college.

  I graduated with my two best friends, Cate and Harper, and wanted something to commemorate the time.

  So I got us all matching bangles. It may be silly, but it really bucks me up to think about the meaning of the bracelets on days like this one.

The receptionist sticks her head out of the doorway. “Mr. Byrne will see you now.”

  Smiling graciously, I pick up my medical case and head back toward her.

  She ushers me down a hallway to a cramped office, where a shockingly handsome man sits behind his file-covered desk. He wears slacks and a tropical shirt, his salt-and-pepper hair cut close to his scalp. He stands up to shake my hand and I notice that he is quite tall and muscular to boot.

  I flush as our palms touch.

  “Daniel Byrne,” he announces.

  “It’s a pleasure. I’m Luna Leone,” I say. The color in my cheeks flames higher under his measuring gaze.

  I wonder what he sees when he looks at me.

  A little rich girl?

  Someone too young to be a doctor?

  I hope not.

  “Sit, sit,” he says, resettling himself in his seat. “Let’s see…” He digs through the piles of papers on his desk, unearthing a file. He flips it open and leafs through the pages. “You’re from Mercy Southwest, right?”

  I sit down in the only chair, setting my case down beside me. “Yes. I just graduated medical school in the top half of my class.”

  Okay, I was number fourteen out of thirty. So what I told him was not a lie… it just wasn’t exactly the whole truth.

  My lie draws his gaze up from the page. “Really?”

  I shift in my seat, trying not to give in to my urge to fidget. “Yes.”

  “Mm.” He looks down at my file again. “We usually don’t get the first draft of med students in here. Or second, or the third.” He smiles ruefully. “Actually, we usually only get the people that just barely graduated by the skin of their teeth. Cruising to Alaska and living on a boat for an entire summer doesn’t really appeal to a lot of people, I guess.” His brow hunches. “Especially not women.”

  I blush again. “I see. Well, you were on the approved list of placements that my school gave me…”

  He rocks back in his seat, studying me. “Why are you really here? Is this your backup or something?”


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