Happy Place

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Happy Place Page 7

by L. P. Maxa

  Nicole ran her hand down his arm. I smirked when he pulled back. “We were just telling Cassandra here how happy we are all for you two.”

  Declan’s smile became genuine. “Oh, yes, thank you. We’re pretty happy too.”

  Amber winked at him. These bitches better back off; he was my fake fiancé. He was…fake…taken. “I would hope so. I mean a son, an engagement, all coming together in a surprise wedding ceremony? Y’all sound like a celebrity couple.”

  I felt Dec tense up next to me. I dug my fingers into his side, sending up a silent prayer that he just went with it.

  “Mmmmmhmmm.” He grinned and took a sip of his scotch.

  “Well, if y’all will excuse me, we simply must mingle.” They walked off together, in a pack, looking for their next meal.

  When they were gone, Dec grabbed my arm, pulling me away from his body and turning me to face him, “What the hell, Cass?”

  “Look, I—”

  “You guys are never going to believe what just fucking happened. Amber’s husband followed me into the bathroom and—” Brice stopped short, looking between Declan and me. “Wait, what’s with all the tension here? Why does Dec look like he’s seconds away from strangling you?”

  Declan cleared his throat. “It’s time to go.”

  “We have full glasses, man,” Brice whined.

  “Don’t care, let’s go.” Dec started to walk toward the front door.

  Just like the siblings we were, Brice and I both downed our drinks before following him out. Petulant. Just ask my mom.

  “Wonderful.” Declan rolled his eyes, grabbed us both by the arm and steered us out of the house.

  Once we were all safely in the car Brice asked again, “What the hell is going on?”

  Dec looked at me, eyebrows raised. “Since Cassie is apparently so good at telling stories, I’ll let her explain.”

  I made a face at Declan. “Both you guys abandoned me. I was attacked by perfume and a pack of passive-aggressive bitches.”

  Brice snickered. “What did they say to you?”

  “They called me a working single mother with a fatherless child.”

  Brice’s eyes got wide. “They. Did. Not.”

  I nodded. “They. Did.”

  “So what did you say?”

  “I told them that Wyllie was not fatherless, that Declan was his dad.”

  “Good for you, sis.”

  Declan crossed his arms over his chest. “And?”

  “Annnnd…that I was not single. That Declan and I had been together since the night Wyllie was conceived.” I shrugged and looked out the window.

  Declan let out an irritated sigh. “And.”

  “Annnd…that we were engaged and we’re going to have a surprise wedding on Christmas Eve…yaaaaaaay…” I smiled and did a little happy dance.

  Everyone in the south had annual holiday parties. My mom’s Christmas Eve get-together was the social event of the season. She sent out gold embossed invitations and had champagne fountains, ice sculptures, and real snow brought in. It really would make a beautiful backdrop for a wedding. It was a lovely lie.

  Brice spit out the sip of scotch he’d just taken from his pocket flask. “Cassie. You told them that?”

  “I did.”

  Declan shook his head. “She did.”

  Brice leaned forward to our driver. “Sir, take us to the nearest bar.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  The new glass of scotch I had in front of me was doing nothing to calm my mind or my temper. Cassie just told the Dallas gossip mill that we were engaged and getting married in just a matter of days. Days? As if our lives weren’t complicated enough right now. What was she thinking? Obviously, she wasn’t.

  Seemed that she did that often. Not a good pattern to have in life.

  Brice leaned forward, looking around Cassie to me. “You know, maybe a fake wedding isn’t such a bad idea. It’ll get the parents off y’all’s back, because you know damn well that they are going to be after you two to couple up now. And it will be a nice memory for Wyllie. I know he’s too little to actually remember, but the pictures would be nice. Knowing that his mom and dad cared for each other that much.”

  “You want Cassie and me to get married so that our parents will be happy and our son can see pictures? You’re just as crazy as your sister.”

  “Hey. I’m not crazy. I told you, I was attacked and backed into a corner. I did what I could to save myself.” She wrapped her lips around the tiny straw sticking out of her gin and tonic. I needed to stop watching her mouth work. Crazy or not, I still wanted her.

  “I didn’t say you should get married, I said you should have a wedding.” Brice signaled to the bartender that we needed another round, which we didn’t. Well, they didn’t, they were irrational enough without alcohol. Me? I needed a whole bottle. “We’ll get a fake minister, we’ll print out some phony documents. When y’all get back to Florida, wait a few months and say it didn’t work out. No one will ever know. And Wyllie is too young for it to affect him.”

  Out of my peripheral vision I could see Cassie slowly nodding in agreement, wide eyes and excited smile. I reached up and placed my hand on her head, stopping her movements, without taking my eyes off Brice. “Do you hear yourself? This isn’t an episode of I Love Lucy, this is my life.”

  Cassie removed my hand, and then placed my palm against her cheek. “This is my life too, Dec.”

  I groaned. Did she know the effect she had on me? This woman gave birth to my child and never told me. And now she’d lied again and I was thinking of going along with it? I should be walking out of this bar because this idea was crazy. But instead, I could feel my resolve cracking with each passing second. It wouldn’t be real. And it would make my parents happy. The Christmas Eve party was already planned; it’s not like it would cost anyone any more time or money.


  Cassie grabbed my face and smacked a kiss on my lips. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise I will be the best fake bride ever.”

  Brice clapped his hands together, one time, loudly. “All right. This is going to be great. I can’t wait to see the look on Mom’s and Mrs. Preston’s faces. First things first though, we need to get Cassie an engagement ring.”

  “What? Why?” I had to buy a real diamond for a fake wedding? That seemed unfair.

  “If I don’t have a ring, no one will believe it’s real.” Cassie looked at me, a duh look on her face. I would just return it after all this was over, no big deal.

  “I have a buddy whose dad owns a jewelry store a few blocks away. I’ll meet up with him in the morning and pick out a ring. Just give me your credit card.” Brice held his hand out, like asking for money to buy his little sister an engagement ring was the most natural thing in the world. Maybe mental illness ran in their family.

  I grabbed my wallet out of my pocket and put my black metallic card in Brice’s hand. “Don’t go crazy with this ring, man. I mean it.” Hell, maybe mental illness ran in mine too. Who was crazier? The man who thought up the plan, or the man who went along with it?

  Brice looked taken aback. “Excuse me? Doesn’t my sister deserve the best?”

  My eyes went wide, exasperated. “It’s a fake wedding, man. She doesn’t need a million-dollar ring.”

  He smirked. “Well, at least you want people to see that yours is bigger than Steven’s, right?”

  Fucking dickwad of a best friend. “Make it bigger than Steven’s.” Pathetic ass man that I was, I’d given in. Again.

  Brice knocked the edge of my card on the table. “You got it, boss man.” He downed both the drinks in front of him. “Y’all finish up, I’ve got head at home.”

  Cassie snorted. “You mean you’ve got to head home? Are you drunk?”

  Brice shook his head, standing. “Uh, no. I meant what I said. I’ve got head at home.”


  When we pulled up to Brice’s house there was a very leggy, very bust
y, very blonde girl sitting on his front porch steps. Her tiny skirt was riding up… I was pretty sure if I tried, I could see if she was wearing panties. But it was nearly midnight. The later the night, the higher the skirt, right?

  “Friend of yours?”

  Brice shrugged. “Not really. Just my, uh, date for the evening.” He shook my hand and then high-fived Cassie.

  She laughed. “Play on, playa.”

  “Word.” Brice opened the door, climbed out, then leaned his head back in. “I’ll meet y’all at Blue Mesa tomorrow for brunch.”

  I raised my eyebrows in question. “We’re going to brunch?”

  Brice laughed. “It’s Sunday in Dallas and we’re young attractive people, of course we’re going to brunch.” Brice shut the door and jogged up his driveway. The blonde stood and practically jumped into his arms, shoving her hand in his pants.

  I turned to Cassie as our car pulled away. “You’re oddly okay with your brother’s male whorishness.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Brice’s male whorishness? That’s the pot calling the kettle black, if I ever heard it. Did you or did you not sleep with half of Europe?”

  I winced, internally. “That was different. I was sowing my wild oats. I knew when I moved back home it could be time to settle down and start a family.” I gave her a pointed look before adding, “I didn’t realize there would be one ready and waiting for me when I got off the plane.”

  She turned to look out the window, her expression sad. I didn’t want to make her feel bad, not right now. I changed the subject. “And what about you? Are you going to sit there and tell me you haven’t dated? You’re gorgeous, our son is adorable, and you live in Seaside. There are tons of eligible single dads who come through that town just hoping to find a hot piece of ass.”

  Cassie looked back over at me, her nose wrinkled in distaste. “Did you just call me a hot piece of ass? I’m your son’s mother.”

  “Yeah, when I said it… It felt wrong.”

  She leaned back in her seat, a sigh escaping her sexy lips. “No, I haven’t been on a date. I haven’t been for coffee. I don’t even think I’ve been hit on since you and I were together.”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  She let out a little laugh. “No. I was pregnant then I had a newborn, now a toddler and a business to run. You were the last…” Cassie let her words trail off.

  I leaned closer to her. I knew where she was going with that last part. At least I hoped I did. I wanted to hear her say it. I wanted to see her lips form the words I longed to hear. “What? What were you going to say?”

  “You were the… It’s so stupid, I’m not embarrassed, I’ve been…busy. You were the last man I was with.” She turned her face fully toward me, her mouth inches from mine. “You were the last man to touch me.”


  I’m not sure how it happened. One minute Cassie and I were walking up to her front porch side-by-side like two normal adults then the next, I had her pushed up against the front door and I was devouring her mouth. Reminiscent of the first time we were together. I had no idea if I made the first move or if she did. All I knew was that I couldn’t get enough of her; I couldn’t get close enough, taste enough.

  Her admission in the car had made my blood heat. If I thought I’d wanted her before… Knowing that I was the last man to touch her, to kiss her, to make her scream in ecstasy, stirred every ounce of desire that I’d been trying to keep in check. And now, the harder I kissed and caressed her the more she moaned and pulled my hair.

  I needed to get us inside, in a room with a bed and a lock on the door. Cassie fumbled with her little black clutch until I heard the jangle of house keys. We spilled into the entryway in a tangle of mouths and hands. As soon as she shut and locked the door, I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. I flew up those stairs two at a time and dumped her on her bed before turning to lock her door. I ripped her shirt over her head, taking her lace-covered nipple into my mouth while her hands busied themselves with my zipper.

  Her skin tasted like sugar and felt like silk. Her hand found my dick and began a series of lazy strokes.

  “Oh wow, Cass, you’ve got to stop, baby, or I’m going to embarrass myself by coming in your hand.” I nibbled down her neck, her stomach, and then slid her leather tights down her toned legs. “It’s been too long, and you feel so good.”

  I felt her body stiffen, and when I looked up at her she was scowling down at me. “Really?”

  “I meant it’s been too long since I had you.” Was she going to throw Europe in my face forever? Wait, forever? Was I contemplating forever with this woman? I shrugged the thought out of my head and fastened my mouth on her clit. She hissed in response. I loved every sound she made. We were going a mile a minute and I fucking loved it. She let out a loud moan when my fingers found her core. “Shhhh…you’ll wake up your parents.”

  She smirked. “Playing out a high school fantasy?”

  “No.” I grinned against her. “Maybe.” I climbed up her body and positioned my dick at her entrance and rubbed the head along her folds. She was so wet, so ready for me. I felt like I was going to explode, and I hadn’t even been inside her yet. “Are you on the pill?”

  Her “yes” came out as more of a breathless whisper and I entered her in one thrust.

  “What are you doing?” Her body tensed and she shoved on my chest.

  “What? You said you were on the pill.”

  “I was on the pill when I got pregnant with Wyllie too.”

  “Oh. Really? Man, my sperm are fierce.” I pulled out and rolled off her, opening her nightstand drawer. “Uh, where are your condoms?”

  “I don’t keep condoms in my bedroom at my parents’ house, Dec.”

  I jumped off the bed. I should have been self-conscious that my rock-hard dick was bouncing all over the place, but I wasn’t. “Okay, no worries. I have some in my suitcase.”

  “Really? Were you hoping on getting lucky while you were visiting your folks?”

  “I was hoping to see you.” Which was the God’s honest truth. Even though Cassie had lied to me for two years, and turned my life upside down, I still wanted her. So damn much. I dug around in my bag. I couldn’t seem to find them. I dumped out everything I’d packed. “They aren’t here.”

  Cassie propped herself up on one elbow. “Are you sure you brought them?”

  “Positive. I saw them this evening when we were getting ready for the party.” I stood up, my boner sticking out in front of me. “Where could they be? You don’t think…” I let my words trail off.

  “That our moms came in here and stole your condoms, hoping that you would knock me up again? I wouldn’t put it past them.”

  I walked back over to the bed and lay down between Cassie’s legs, my chin resting on her stomach. I kissed her once, twice. “I’ll be reallllllly careful. I promise.” I knew I was once again being irresponsible, but when it came to having Cass, all logic went out the window. “What are the odds of you getting pregnant twice on the pill?”

  “Maybe this is the universe telling us that this,” she motioned between us, “isn’t such a good idea.”

  “What? Wha…What?”

  “In the past two days, I told you that you have a son who I kept from you for two years. I told people, that I can’t even stand, that you and I are getting married. Just to save face.

  “When we are in Seaside, and it’s just me and Wyllie, everything is so simple. I am in control and things make sense. Then I’m back home with you for forty-eight hours and I don’t even recognize myself.

  “Wyllie is my top priority, he comes first, and in order for me to be a good mom I have to be in control. I have to know what I’m doing. I have to have it together for him. Falling into bed with you…then what? What happens in the morning? What happens five days from now? It’s too complicated, it’s too much.”

  Well, wow, she had certainly cooled off quickly. I didn’t want to pressure her. I didn’t want her to do anyt
hing she was uncomfortable with. And everything she just said made perfect sense. Even though it sucked.

  I shifted up her body. “Cass, I understand where you’re coming from. And I understand why you’re scared and hesitant and why you’re turning me down. But I need you to understand that I forgive you for keeping Wyllie from me. Forgiven, just not forgotten. And being back home? Doesn’t that make all of us regress just a little bit? You told a lie to some dumb bitches, you told a big lie. But you know, maybe Brice is right—one big party could be fun. It would please our parents, show off our son, show people we are united and we are a real family. It may not be a real marriage, but we are a real family.

  “What could it hurt? Have some pics for Wyllie to see how much we love him, to see that we did love each other. I don’t know what I want tomorrow, I don’t know what I want ten years from now. Other than Wyllie, of course. I can’t promise you those things. But I can tell you that no one has ever turned me inside out the way you do, I’ve never wanted someone as much as I want you. And I meant it when I said that I missed you, every day that I was gone.”

  That speech I just gave wasn’t me trying to convince her to sleep with me. I wasn’t sixteen. That was me just laying it all out there; that was me giving her my truth. I needed her to know exactly where I stood, no misunderstanding.

  I could see the debate taking place in Cassie’s head. It’d been two years since she’d been touched, been made to feel good. She needed this. I needed this. I put my hands on either side of her head and dipped down slowly to kiss her, giving her time to tell me no if that was what she really wanted. When my lips touched hers, she let out another little moan. Damn, she was strung so tight it wouldn’t take me long to send her over the edge.

  I let my body rest against hers, and she ran her hands down my back. “Cassie?” I pulled back and looked into her eyes. She didn’t answer me out loud, just nodded her head, pulling me back down to meet her mouth again. I let my body fully connect with hers; her skin was on fire. I entered her again and this time she didn’t push me away. “God, Cassie, you feel so good. Better than I even remembered.” And she did. Her body fit mine like a glove, the heat pouring out of her was consuming. I moved inside her slowly, she was so tight, so tense. “Relax, Cass. You’ve got to relax for me, baby, I can barely move.”


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