Praetorian Rising

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Praetorian Rising Page 13

by J. McSpadden

  Camille retreated against the wall of a cabin, searching wildly for a weapon. She saw nothing but a small fist-sized rock and grabbed it as the massive crunch of their boots closed in on her.

  The larger man looked down at her with supreme boredom, his shoulders the width of a grizzly bear. He held his gun down and away from Camille in a passive gesture, which confused her. "Are you Camille?"

  "Who wants to know?" Camille shot back, raising the rock.

  "We aren't here to hurt you; we're trying to help."

  Camille's eyes flicked down to the name on his grungy uniform: General Phillip Ballen. He'd recited the perfect thing, Camille thought wryly, just what a soldier of Sierra Village would say before they shackled an intruder and threw them into the unknown wild beyond the Asperian wall. The men closed in on her, making her entire body scream with a warning. She would die before she let another soldier touch her. "You stay back, don't come any closer!"

  Phillip stopped, his eyes scanning her face as he raised his hands in an offer of peace.

  The second soldier, a man named Lieutenant Acher Greeves, walked carefully over to join them. He mirrored the General, his hands open and displaying his palms to showcase his intent of kindness. "Camille, we're not your enemies. Vesyon ordered us to collect you and bring you down to operations. It'd be a lot easier if you came willingly."

  Hesitating for several long moments, Camille turned her attention to the General. "How do you know Vesyon?"

  The burly man sighed in annoyance but seemed to understand her hesitation. "I've known Vesyon for a very long time, long enough to smell like his damn smoking pipe for how often he picks it up in my presence. I'd rather not force him to collect you himself as he is in a rather...serious meeting," Phillip said, his stern glare never wavering from her face. After waiting a few seconds longer, Camille allowed the small rock to drop to the ground at her feet.

  Phillip gestured for Camille to follow, and the three of them headed down the muddied path back the way she'd come. Once they reached the elevator, Phillip pulled out a white plastic card from his jacket pocket and swiped it against a metal panel to open the doors.

  Phillip and Acher walked inside, dragging Camille with them. She could feel her patience slipping away and her panic rising as they shoved her into the furthest corner, apart from the sliding doors.

  "We have her, Captain," Phillip said, pressing a black button on the wall and speaking into an intercom.

  After a long pause, Vesyon replied in curt stiffness. "Bring her to operations, please." Though his words were dry, they meant something different to Camille: We are not safe to speak openly here, so please keep your thoughts to yourself. She wasn't sure how she knew that, but for once she wanted to listen to him.

  The elevator stopped much more abruptly than her ride up and opened to reveal another long hallway with doors labeled by numbers and names. Large green letters spelled out "Romeo Village Operations" just across the top of the metal door at the end of the hall, and the two men made for it with her in tow.

  Phillip swiped his card once more, and the panel lit up before the heavy metal door slid open to reveal a substantial, circular room and a surprisingly loud screaming match between two men just inside the doorway.

  "I told you to watch her!"

  "I told you she wouldn't sit still much longer!" Theo yelled, his face flushed and eyes threatening to darken.

  "You should carry out my orders no questions asked, soldier," Vesyon said, immediately back in control.

  "Tell that to your Praetorian. She obviously doesn't listen very well," Theo snapped under his breath.

  Both men went silent and whipped around as Camille was led inside, with Theo zeroing in on Acher's vice-like grip on her left arm. "It isn't wise for you to handle a Praetorian like that," he remarked.

  Vesyon also stared at Acher, his expression turbulent. "I requested you ask her to come, not force her. There is a huge difference."

  Phillip looked slightly perturbed but requested his soldier to release Camille. He instantly dropped her arm.

  "Thank you, General. Your help is much appreciated," Vesyon said to Phillip. "We will discuss matters further after the evening meal."

  Phillip nodded and exited after the Lieutenant while Camille came to stand mutely at Vesyon's side. Everything about the situation seemed incredibly strange to her. Despite the anger Vesyon clearly displayed, she could tell it wasn't directed at her.

  Vesyon waited until the door had closed behind the soldiers before he looked at her. "How are you? Are you feeling weak or tired at all?" His tone soaked into her system like warm butter on freshly toasted bread, and she was equally relieved as much as worried by his calm reaction.

  "I'm fine," Camille said swiftly. "Should I not be?"

  "Before anyone else interrupts, I need to be clear with you. The King Regent knows you're here—the soldiers who attacked us in the forest were scouts looking for you."

  Camille's line of sight zeroed in on Vesyon as her mind whirled with the news. "I don't understand. I'm not the only Praetorian in Aspera," she said, looking from Vesyon to Theo and back again. "Why isn't he after either of you?"

  Theo's eyebrows scrunched in discomfort. "Vee—just tell her man, what have you been doing since you rescued her?"

  Vesyon glared at Theo. "There hasn't been much time between running from the Chimera, finding you in the forest, and getting attacked by Equestrian Guards."

  This threw Camille for another loop. "Why would they be sent so far outside the High Court?"

  Vesyon shook his head wearily. "The High King wants you back, Camille. He sent a pack of Chimera after you, and now he's sending his best guards. You must understand that I only left you in Sierra Village because I thought you wouldn't be found. It was my mistake—I should've come for you much sooner."

  "What do you mean he wants me back?"

  "There's a lot I haven't been able to explain to you," Vesyon murmured, gaze downcast.

  "Yeah, I can see that. Answers would be nice," Camille retorted.

  He blanched; her sarcasm obviously hit home. She could feel that something was off, but no matter how intently she stared into Vesyon's grey, storming expression, she couldn't place what it was. Her stomach felt uneasy, and her intuition set off a warning bell of uncertainty.

  Vesyon collapsed into the closest chair, balancing his elbows on his knees as his head fell into his hands. "An army of two thousand Equestrians left Whiskey Wharf this morning. They're headed in our direction as we speak."

  "But why? I don't understand," Camille said.

  "You aren't the only one," Theo said dryly.

  Both Camille and Vesyon turned a sharp eye on the arrogant blond before silence settled in. She could run; she could take her sword and find a way to make do.

  "I know what you're thinking, and it's not possible," Vesyon said with a shake of his head.

  "Why not? Can't we just leave? Disappear." If the High King was after her, she wanted to be as far away from civilization as possible.

  "The idea itself isn't horrible, darling—it's just not an actual possibility," Theo said gently. "I'm sure you've noticed this isn't a typical village of Aspera. There are a lot of things we are protecting here. We can't just abandon it."

  "Theo," Vesyon warned.

  Camille looked between the men. "Okay, seriously. What's really going on?"

  "Just tell her!" Theo said, flinging his arms out in exasperation.

  Vesyon glared at him without restraint, a silent argument taking place that still left Camille in the dark.

  Theo finally broke the silence, ignoring Vesyon and regarding Camille with frank honesty. "We're hiding a weapon—something we can destroy the High King and his army with."


  "A weapon?"

  "Yes, and the High King has sent an army to break down our efforts to reform, as well as to collect you, apparently," Theo said, completely ignoring the fire blazing in Vesyon's expression. "We've been building
this compound for protection from the High King, but it appears even steel walls and cement ceilings can't keep out the rats. So, we didn't stop at protection—we targeted our efforts toward defense."

  "Is this true?" Camille asked, turning around to see Vesyon's face slide into a mask of neutrality again.

  "I should've brought you here sooner," Vesyon said, ignoring her question and raking his fingers through his shoulder-length black hair. "You have to understand what we've been trying to accomplish, what we've been working toward. I should've kept you under lock and key, but I didn't want to keep you from living. I knew once someone recognized you, the King Regent Metus would be close behind," Vesyon said.

  The syllables of King Regent Metus's name crashed viciously against Camille's memory, forcing all other questions out, leaving a disgusting taste in her mouth. She'd heard this name again and again in Sierra Village, but always on the tongues of the villagers. Metus was the unyielding King Regent, the right hand to the absent High King, the one enforcing Asperian laws. Yet hearing his name spoken by Vesyon shook loose a recollection long forgotten, and she shivered in response.

  Theo squinted, scrutinizing her reaction. "You remember him?"

  "I don't remember him, no. But something strange did happen to me down in my bedroom this morning..."

  "What?" Vesyon asked, his voice thick with worry.

  Camille blinked against the barrage of images infiltrating her mind. "I saw things that weren't really there. One minute I was fine, and the next I was covered in..." Camille couldn't bring herself to go on. Explaining the entirety of it would bring the memories roaring back, and the last thing she wanted was to see them again. "Words spark a memory that I can't seem to suppress, and then suddenly I'm hallucinating. I don't understand what's happening to me."

  Vesyon's steel façade slipped as his shoulders slumped. "The wall in your mind is beginning to crumble, and your past will flash into your vision with incredible realism when you are weak or exhausted. It's my fault; I've pushed you too hard since we left Sierra Village."

  "So, everything I've been seeing—it really happened?"

  Vesyon nodded his head and began to massage his temples. "Memories will continue to return until the wall blocking your past is completely broken. It's not just you who experiences this—all Praetorians see things in our moments of weakness. It'll get easier with time, and, eventually, it won't catch you so off guard."

  "I'm not sure I'm ready for this," Camille said in a rush.

  "Unfortunately, you don't have a choice."

  "But these flashes, these images—they make me sick. Make me feel like I'm turning into something I'm not."

  Vesyon turned away, most likely to avoid meeting her pleading expression. Vesyon was still hiding something from her, and she had a sneaking suspicion he was afraid of her memories returning. "You always can control who you are, Camille. Being a Praetorian just makes it even more important to control your reactions to situations."

  "I'm afraid of what I'll become."

  Theo grasped Camille's hand, a gentle, soothing motion that sent a rocket of heat up her arm to fill the empty pit of her stomach. It was unnerving that a single touch could cause such a reaction, but she didn't pull away.

  "The virus we were infected with when we became Praetorians has several side effects and reliving disturbing images from our past is one of them. The doctor calls them 'Praecollection.' As you gain more strength, they won't be so debilitating," Theo said softly, brushing his thumb back and forth across her knuckles.

  "We need to stay on task here," Vesyon said, his tone curt and crisp, once again causing Theo to pull away and cross his arms against his chest. "Metus is on his way, and we need to prepare. Camille, I'm sorry to say this, but it would be best if you stayed out of the main fight. You aren't strong enough—"

  "Says you!" Camille burst out against her better judgment. Vesyon was right; she still felt weak, and her entire body ached to climb back into bed. But this wasn't something Camille wanted to run away from, either. She wanted to know why the High King was after her, and when the King Regent arrived, she wanted to be front and center to fight him off. "I'm not hiding from him."

  Theo chuckled appreciatively. "That's our Cam, blazing into battle on all cylinders." His confident smile lifted Camille's spirits. Even though he was as overprotective as Vesyon, he still seemed to appreciate her desperate need to prove she could handle herself.

  The room fell silent between the three of them, each lost in their own whirl of thoughts.

  Vesyon eventually spoke first. "Take Camille up to the kitchens, Theo. She needs to eat and regain some strength. Make sure she gets to bed afterward. She needs rest."

  Although she wasn't even close to understanding everything, the mention of food had Camille's mouth involuntarily watering. A huge pang of homesickness throbbed in her stomach when she thought about Betty Anne and a nice warm meal at the Broken Goat.

  Reminiscing would have to take a back seat, though; Camille was starving, and a piping hot meal was more than deserved after the week she'd been having.

  Chapter Ten

  Secrets in the Night

  Camille sat back against her chair; her stomach distended blissfully with the pressure of food she just devoured. The small red plate of rosemary chicken and tomato salad with cured cheese had been so delicious she was tempted to grab her plate and lick off the remaining flavor left behind.

  "Another one?" Theo said, handing her a fourth goblet filled-to-the-brim with a drink Theo called "Scotties." It was the most delightful thing she’d ever tasted, a smooth and savory concoction of buttery caramel and cream.

  "Oh yes, please!" she said as she happily accepted the silver glass out of his hand, her fingers barely grazing against his. A spark of electricity zipped down her spine at the slight skin contact. "Thank you," she said, her body clamming up with a sense of shy apprehension.

  Why does he make me feel so on edge? she thought as she sipped at the warm beverage in her hands.

  He smiled at her enthusiasm, his expression tender as he watched her.

  "You're doing that thing again," Camille said, keeping her eyes glued to the glass in her hand, slowly drinking and savoring the buttery sweetness rolling over her taste buds.

  "What thing?"

  "Staring at me."

  He didn't reply as he continued to stare, his gaze boring into the side of her face with unrelenting heat.

  "This is quite an impressive kitchen," Camille said conversationally to break the tension she felt thrumming between them. She pulled her focus away from his attention, desperate to calm the erratic beating of her heart.

  Romeo Village appeared poor and rundown with neglect topside. However, the inner workings of the compound were downright glamorous by comparison. The kitchen hall was lined with reflection panels circulating the entire room and making it feel as though she were sitting on top of a tower over-looking the mountains and trees of the village. It was incredible, and unlike anything she had ever seen before. The pinewood paneled floors were shiny and clean, not a dust mite in sight or errant cobweb through the weaving of exposed wooden rafters expanding the width of the hall. Everything was alive with the glow of a soft rising moon.

  "I'm sorry that I keep staring," Theo said finally as he pushed his empty plates away, scooting closer to her on the bench. His left thigh pressed against hers, sending a fiery spark of electricity up and down her spine. "I just can't believe you're here with me."

  The grin plastered on his face was almost comical. She wasn’t certain if she wanted more of his attention, or if she wanted to run and hide from it, either option made her insides squirm uncomfortably. "I think I'm ready to go to sleep," Camille said, unable to look him in the eyes.

  "Sure," he replied, his tone slightly less enthusiastic than before.

  Their scuffed and muddy boots echoed down the dimmed hallways as Theo walked her back to her room. She knew she wouldn't have been able to find her way without him.
r />   "Here we are," Theo said on a sigh as though he didn't want to leave her alone just yet. It was endearing and made Camille smile in response. They stood silently for a moment in front of a door Camille never would've placed as hers.

  "Thank you for walking me back to my room; it really wasn't necessary," Camille lied.

  He smirked in response, then took her hand and brought it to his lips. He brushed a feather-light kiss across her knuckles, sending a flutter of nervous butterflies through her bloodstream. She could feel the heat radiating off his body, and it made her desperate to draw nearer. It was weird to handle such a strong pull toward a man she barely knew. Even after what had happened in the forest with the Equestrians, Camille felt safe and intrigued by Theo's subtle advances. She craved them and wanted more.

  "We both know," he said, looking into the depths of her eyes with a sparkling hint of mischief, "that you never would've made it back without my help."

  Her gaze pulled away from the intensity of his expression down to his full lips, ones which she couldn't help but linger on. Her sense of modesty disappeared whenever he looked at her, and it made her lips form into a smile without even thinking.

  "I can't even begin to tell you how good it is to see you again," he said, allowing his free hand to wander the sides of her waist. His fingers splayed wide against the small of her back, pulling her forward with the tiniest bit of pressure against her spine.

  Despite her effort to recall his face, his aromatic, woodsy scent and the barely contained look of lust he was giving her, she still couldn't place him in her memories. She sighed with frustration, longingly staring at his face. "I'm sorry," Camille said, pulling away. "But I don't remember you."

  Without warning, Theo's hands caged her face, and he dragged her to his lips, pressing with such intensity that she could barely breathe. Her entire body froze with delightful surprise as wave after wave of desire shot through her system like a roaring fire. His mouth moved with purpose, nipping at her bottom lip sending a sharp tingle of excitement zipping down her spine. His fingers threaded through her hair to yank her closer, sending jolts of electricity over her skin. His every move, each fervent touch, the heat of his body pressing against her—it all filled her like a drug she didn't know she'd been craving.


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