Elesian Dragon Mates: Dragon Shifter Reverse Harem Complete Series

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Elesian Dragon Mates: Dragon Shifter Reverse Harem Complete Series Page 13

by Sammie Joyce

  No one spoke. Rose sighed quietly in relief. At least that was one problem out of the way.

  “Thank you for your confidence. I will do my best to live up to it. I’ve been giving the future a lot of thought. I’m going to lay out my suggestions, but I am open to criticism and advice from all of you. I’m inexperienced and value your input.”

  There were a few smiles at that. Asher had told Rose that to lead didn’t just mean telling people what to do—it meant convincing them that your action plan was the best course. Rose intended to make sure everyone was heard. She didn’t want to make a blunder now—this was too important.

  “I am mated to Asher, Gavin, Jagger, and Mace. They have agreed to keep their current quarters here. I suggest that all three covens merge. We have enough space here, and we’ll have a better chance of defending against Hellith that way. Asher and I will rule the dragon clan as equals. Maria will be running the Areva coven for now, until I am ready to take over from her.

  “If we agree to merge the other two covens into the Areva coven, Asher will move the rest of his people here as well. There isn’t enough space for them all in the basement, but there are plenty of rooms in the mansion—they will have their pick. I will be staying in the basement with my mates. What does everyone think?”

  Rose braced herself for a general outcry, but it didn’t come. Instead, people started asking questions and making suggestions for minor improvements to her plan. She listened carefully to everything and gave her honest opinion. Asher took her other hand under the table, running his thumb over her knuckles.

  It seemed to take forever, discussing the specifics. There was still a lot of mistrust between witches and dragons, and both sides wanted boundaries set in place in terms of how they should act around each other. Rose knew that in time, those boundaries would need to be put aside, but for now, it was a time of transition, and they needed some kind of structure.

  Surprisingly, Annabelle volunteered to co-lead a group aimed at integrating everyone with one of the dragons. They would do everything from combat training to games. Annabelle wasn’t a high-ranking witch, but Rose had wanted her here for moral support.

  After listening to everyone’s advice, Rose decided that some participation in the integration group would be compulsory for everyone. Uniting dragons and witches was essential.

  The meeting dragged on for hours, but eventually, the room fell silent. It seemed they had come up with a plan that everyone was at least okay with, if not entirely happy.

  “If there’s nothing else, I say we should get to it. We don’t know when Hellith will return; there’s no time to lose.”

  “One more thing.” Asher spoke loudly enough for the whole room to hear, but his eyes were fixed on Rose alone. “Before you came, Rose, this coven was a place of slavery and abuse. You’ve done more than just help defeat Hellith. You’ve awakened us from a very dark place. From here, we can work to a brighter future. I suggest that this day be known in future as the day of Areva’s Awakening, to honor the change we have made.”

  “Sounds good to me—it’ll be a nice way to celebrate our unity. Maybe we can have the kitchens do up something special, and we can all have a dinner together.”

  Asher’s eyes were smoldering. And afterwards, we will claim our mate.

  Rose felt herself blushing and hoped no one noticed. Gavin, Jagger, and Mace caught onto Asher’s train of thought and were suddenly looking at her like a starving man looks at a burger.

  “Great, then let’s get to it.” Rose hoped her voice didn’t sound as squeaky to the others as it did to her.

  They moved to the dining room for the dinner. Witches and dragons everywhere sat at tables together. It looked a bit forced, and it was—Maria and Asher had seated them. There weren’t any sparks flying yet, so Rose counted that as a success.

  She sat with her four dragons, Annabelle, Wendy, and Jade. Wendy and Jade looked doubtful about the whole thing, but they were at least being polite to the dragons.

  The food was delicious, but not as delicious as what would come after. Rose could tell from their thoughts that her dragons wanted to take her together, in the same bed. The thought was both intimidating and intoxicating. She didn’t know how it would work, but the snippets she picked up from their thoughts were enough to make her eager for the dinner to end.

  Rose cleared her plate in record time, waiting eagerly for the others to finish.

  You should stay at least a while. You’re their leader now. You can’t just rush off. Asher’s mental voice was amused rather than reproving.

  Rose responded with a barrage of the dirtiest thoughts she could muster. Asher’s eyes went wide, and he snatched a napkin, positioning it carefully on his lap to hide his rising boner. Jagger snorted into his plate.

  Needless to say, they left shortly afterward. Asher picked her up, carrying her to their new basement home. They were kissing before they were even down the stairs. Rose felt herself being laid on an unfamiliar bed—one a lot larger than the one she remembered.

  “We had the rooms combined and a bigger bed put in,” Mace explained. “The witches were great; they saved us what would have been weeks of construction.”

  “When did you do this?”

  “While dinner was being made.”

  “So, that’s where you and Jagger disappeared off to.”

  Mace nodded. He crawled up next to her, his breath hitching as he watched Asher kiss her neck.

  “Someone needs to teach me a spell for removing clothes,” Rose moaned, pawing at Mace but held back by what she considered way too much clothing.

  “I can fix that.”

  With uncanny speed, Mace undressed. His cock was hard as he stood before her, looking nervous. Rose beckoned him to come and lie beside her. Asher quickly stripped her of her shirt as Rose and Mace started kissing.

  Gavin and Jagger got her pants off in between removing their own clothes. Rose could feel them kissing their way up her legs, one brother to each leg. It was overwhelming, being bombarded with so many sensations at once, but it was far from unpleasant.

  She had to pull away from Mace to breathe. She clutched his shoulders. Asher was now kissing her breasts. “Get those clothes off,” Rose ordered, thrilled when he complied at once. Naked, with four naked dragons lavishing attention on her, she was spoiled for choice as to where to look and touch.

  Rose wriggled a bit, taking Asher’s cock in one hand and Mace’s in another. She chuckled at their simultaneous moans as she started stroking them. She had one of them licking each breast now. Gavin and Jagger had reached her thighs, and she was tingling in anticipation. The whole thing was so synchronized that she wondered if they’d practiced this, but then all thought was pushed from her mind.

  Gavin urged Jagger back, nestling between her legs and licking her clit. Rose’s rhythm with Asher’s and Mace’s cocks stuttered. She could barely focus on anything except wanting more of Gavin’s tongue.

  He licked and licked, until Rose was arching her back and crying out with her need for release.

  “Right, you’ve had your fun. Move over, brother.”

  Gavin reluctantly moved aside, allowing Jagger to take his place between her legs. “You ready for me?”

  “Beyond ready,” Rose gasped.

  He thrust into her, making her whole body jerk. “Harder,” Rose panted. Jagger complied, setting up a quick, fierce rhythm.

  “Gavin… get over here.”

  There wasn’t a lot of space, but Gavin managed to shuffle himself in beside Mace. Rose opened her mouth wide in invitation. She didn’t need to ask twice. Gavin’s cock felt huge in her mouth, so heavy and leaking precome. The bitter taste was different, but not unpleasant.

  He started thrusting his hips in time with Jagger’s thrusts. Rose still had her hands on Mace and Asher’s cocks, and she didn’t need to worry much about pace now. The way her body was moving as Jagger pounded into her gave them more than enough friction.

  Gavin came first, s
pilling his seed into her mouth. Rose scrambled to swallow. Some of it dripped down her chin, which Gavin licked off before falling down beside her, sated and exhausted. Mace was next, wetting her hand as he cried out and thrust his hips forward.

  Rose was so close herself that she could barely focus on anything except her own release. She put her other hand on Asher’s cock, using both of them to finish him off. Mace started fingering her clit as Jagger kept at it.

  Just a few sure strokes, and that was it for her. Rose writhed on Jagger’s cock as she came. The pleasure was so intense that she lost track of everything else. The spasms of her pussy were enough to send him toppling over the edge a few thrusts later.

  The five of them lay in a tangled heap, too limp with pleasure to move.

  Mace was the first to move. He went to the bathroom and returned with a wash cloth. He cleaned Rose tenderly, before wiping himself off. He rinsed the cloth and handed it to Asher.

  Once they and the bed were all relatively clean, they lay together in a happy pile. Rose was in the middle with Asher and Jagger on either side of her. Gavin was next to Jagger, with Mace next to Asher.

  “It feels… different, somehow.” Rose couldn’t quite put into words the difference she felt, but it was there.

  “It’s the mating bond.” Asher started untangling her hair with one hand. “It’s always been present, but consummating it as we have strengthens it. We are one, now—one mind, one body. Only that way will we be strong enough to face the coming storm.”

  Rose realized when he said it that he was right. For the first time, she didn’t feel inadequate in the face of the task before her. Defeating Hellith wasn’t going to be easy, but with her dragons by her side, she knew that they could do it.

  “You tried to tell me, but I didn’t understand before. I think I do, now. Together, we are strong enough. Do you think the witches and dragons will really be able to live together long-term? I know everyone is cooperating now, but it takes more than a few days to override centuries of hatred.”

  “If any of the dragons cause trouble, I will see to them. I won’t have anyone jeopardizing what we’re building here.”

  Asher looked so fierce, so commanding as he spoke, that Rose found herself believing him.

  “The witches will be fine,” Mace said quietly. “You’re their leader. They’ll take their cues from you.”

  “And in the interest of giving off the right cues, I think it would serve the greater good for them to ‘accidentally’ walk in on me giving you the best orgasm you’ve ever had.”

  “Jagger! You’re terrible. I don’t want to traumatize them.”

  “They’ll learn to live with it—or they’ll be walking on broken toes.” Gavin probably would break the toes of anyone who upset her. He still didn’t trust the witches, and Rose couldn’t really blame him.

  “That won’t be necessary. We’ll find a way to make this work. There’s one thing I didn’t say in the meeting, something important. I love you.” Rose made sure to look each of her dragons in the eye. “I’m so glad I’m your mate. I promise that I will love you forever, no matter what comes.”

  “I love you too, Rose.”

  “As do I.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, my mate.”

  Her dragons converged on her in a many-armed hug. Rose couldn’t stop grinning. She’d never been happier than she was right this minute, and she knew that this moment would never end, not truly. Not as long as she had her dragons by her side.


  Chapter One

  Rose cheered as Jagger blasted a huge flame into the air.

  “Thirty feet, that’s a record!” Annabelle was managing the spell set up to measure flame heights. There were a couple of other witches gathered around to watch. It was important for the dragons to practice their skills, but it was perhaps even more important for the witches to get used to seeing them in action.

  Asher had suggested making the whole thing a game, to add a more lighthearted air. In the nine months since the witches and dragons had united and merged into a single coven, they had made a lot of progress, but thousands of years of hatred and mistrust were difficult to overcome.

  Rose had approved the idea, but she hadn’t taken into account how competitive her dragons were.

  “That was cheating, he was standing closer to the spell’s base than any of the rest of us.” Gavin folded his arms, glaring at Jagger.

  Rose just rolled her eyes. Gavin always tended to assume the worst. A lot of the witches didn’t like him because he seemed constantly sullen, but she understood his attitude. They had all been through a lot, and everyone dealt with it differently.

  When he was alone with her, Gavin smiled more and revealed a softer side. Rose walked over to him. “It’s just a game, Gavin. Relax, we’re here to have fun.”

  “I’ll show him,” Gavin muttered, moving closer to the spell’s base. Rose stepped back, giving him space to shift into his dragon form. All four of the dragons were beautiful in their true forms. Their scales gleamed brightly in the sunlight.

  Gavin was a deep purple, which contrasted strongly with Jagger’s red. In their human forms, the twins looked quite similar, but their dragon forms were as different as their personalities.

  Rose glanced around to see just Asher close to her. As Gavin let loose his flame, she whispered a quiet word. The spell did its job, amplifying Gavin’s flame just enough to let it reach the thirty-one-foot mark.

  Asher winked at her. He was the leader of the dragons and knew the value of keeping everyone happy. Jagger was constantly laughing and joking; he never took anything seriously. He wouldn’t mind losing the competition.

  The one thing he did take seriously was protecting Rose—all of them did. Rose had never thought she’d end up the mate of four dragons, but she honestly couldn’t be happier. She couldn’t imagine her life without them.

  In the last nine months, she’d made good progress on learning to use her powers. Besides, she always felt more confident with her dragons by her side.

  “And that’s a new record!” Annabelle recorded the height on the clipboard she was using. “Mace, you’re up next. Then we’ll start using witches to amplify the flames and see how high we can get. Everyone start getting into pairs. Not you, Rose, you’ll be sitting this one out.”

  That was probably a wise decision. At the mention of pairs, all four of her dragons were suddenly looking at her possessively. Rose didn’t put it past them to get into a brawl over who got to pair with her.

  “Annabelle is right, you all go find someone.”

  All of them scowled at her. Mace shifted to his dragon form, belting out a column of flame at twenty-five feet.

  “Way to go, Mace!” Rose cheered. Mace was smaller than his brothers, and not as strong in a fight. He tended to get overshadowed by the others, so Rose always made an effort to make sure he knew he was recognized and valued.

  Sometimes when she needed a break, she’d seek out alone time with Mace. He was refreshing—not as assertive and possessive as the other dragons. When he thought she was in danger, though, he could turn lethal in her defense as easily as any of them.

  Asher and Gavin were now bickering over who got to pair with Maria. Maria was leading the coven for now. Rose was the rightful leader, but she had a long way to go before she was ready for that, and had been grateful for Maria’s offer to run things for now.

  As was the requirement for any coven leader, Maria was one of the most powerful witches here. She was also the coven healer, a position that gained her much prestige and gratitude.

  “Right, that’s it, random selections.” Rose stepped between Asher and Gavin, who looked like they might start shooting sparks out of their eyes at each other. “Let’s have four witches who’re willing to help put their names on paper, and I’ll do a random draw.”

  Jade, Maria, Elaine, and Wendy stepped up. Everyone watched with interest as Rose did the draw. Maria was paired with Mace, Ela
ine with Jagger, Wendy with Gavin, and Jade with Asher. Gavin made a sour face. Jade and Wendy were both relatively inexperienced witches, on a similar level to Rose.

  “Right, let’s go!”

  The crowd around them was growing. Now that the witches were involved in the casting, there was a lot more interest from the rest of the coven. Later, they would rotate different witches and dragons in.

  They had three rounds before averaging the results. Asher and Elaine came first, followed by Maria and Mace, then Jagger and Wendy. Gavin scowled at Jade, as if it had been her fault they came in fourth.

  “Excellent work, everyone!” Maria led the applause, giving it time to die down before she continued. “Now, for the next round. We have Max, Dane, Haro!”

  The three dragons stepped forward. Rose recognized them as the three who had been held in the neighboring coven, before the covens merged and the dragons were given their freedom. They were all part of the Areva coven now.

  Jagger flopped down on one of the chairs set out on the grass, pulling Rose into his lap. She squeaked in surprise, but quickly got comfortable, putting her arms around his neck and leaning against his chest.

  They watched and cheered, sampling bits of the food on the trays floating around. The dragons had helped with that spell. They had some magic of their own, though not as comprehensive as witches had—their main powers were their strength, speed, senses, and of course, their ability to shift into dragons.

  When it was time to pair up, Annabelle hurried forward to Dane’s side. He put an arm around her, whispering something in her ear.

  Be lucky you can’t hear that far, Jagger told Rose, grinning. Rose had finally gotten used to how she could talk to her dragons in her mind, as well as aloud. That’s the kind of promise that should only be made in the bedroom.

  What? I didn’t realize they were together!

  Neither did I, but it’s excellent teasing material. I never thought I’d see another witch fall for a dragon. You should never let her hear the end of this.

  She was the first one to believe me about you, that you’re not evil, Rose reproached, but she wasn’t really annoyed. Jagger thought everything was a joke; getting him to try to take something seriously was often a battle, and not one Rose cared to fight. She loved him as he was, and she never tired of laughing at his antics.


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