The Exxar Chronicles: Book 02 - Emissary

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The Exxar Chronicles: Book 02 - Emissary Page 61

by Neal Jones

  And that's when I realized what the core of this book was all about: these two men and their personal struggles with reconciling the past with the present. How do the decisions that we make when we're young affect us years down the road? Do we ever really get second chances in our adult lives? As soon as I realized that Emissary was really about these two men, the rest of the book fell naturally into place. It made perfect sense. Marc and Kralin are the commanding officers of Exxar-One. Their struggle with their hatreds and prejudices for one another are the focal point of the greater galactic struggle for power among the empires around them. I know that probably seems obvious now, but you have no idea how many pages and chapters I had written before arriving at that epiphany. And then, of course, my next thought was, "Duh. Why didn't I think of that before?"

  Ah, well. Such is the craft of writing.

  And, like I said earlier, thank the gods this book is finally finished. Not only am I immensely relieved to have this particular battle behind me, I'm also extremely proud of this second chapter in the series. That was my other huge worry as I slogged through the messy details and scenes of this book. Would it really be worth it in the end? Would these stories all come together in a reasonably cohesive whole, and would they make sense? Would Marc and Kralin's stories be worth reading when all was said and done, or was I just wasting my time?

  I'm happy to say that I'm pleased with the final result. Yes, there's a few minor details that I'm not excited about, but I'm done messing with this work of art. I love the direction that I ended up taking with Vatra Inehl and the Jha'Drok royal court, and I can't wait to continue her story in the next book. I love the way that Mariah's past relationship with Marc when they served together on the Tokyo was affected by Marc's past relationship with Laura, and how that whole triangle became very complicated and tangled between the three of them in the present. I love the little tidbits of personal details that I was able to throw in regarding the supporting cast. There's very big stories that will come of all the seeds planted here: Chris and Sam's new relationship, Jeff and Mike's new relationship, Navarr and Grax's professional sparring, and Jennifer and Mariah's new friendship. I also loved creating the Chrisarii world and its people. There's so much of that planet's culture and history laid out in this story, and it was a pleasure to write. (Although, I absolutely despise the necessary task of creating alien names for people, places, and things. Hate it! While definitely worth it in the end, it's such a tedious and time-consuming chore that I sometimes question my enjoyment of writing sci-fi.)

  So, finally, it's time to lay down the hammer and chisel and move on to the next piece. Overall, I think that Emissary is worth the blood and sweat that I poured into it. I don't know about you, fellow reader, but I have definitely emerged from this process with a much better understanding of my characters and their place within the grand mythology of this series. I feel much more confident about tackling their futures now that I understand their pasts.

  Enough of my yammering. Go ahead and read the appendices if you haven't already, and then put this book back on the shelf next to The Erayan. I promise not to take as long writing the next installment as I did with this one. I've already come up with an excellent title: Acts of Peace and War.

  I can't wait to get started on it.

  September 2008 – February 2012


  Appendix 1

  Names And Places

  Listed below is a dramatis personae of the characters from Emissary, as well as names of certain key locations and settings for the story. For further background detail on the senior staff of Exxar-One, please consult the appendices of The Erayan or visit


  Commodore Marcus Gabriel: commanding officer

  Major Kralin Saveck: first officer

  Commander Mariah Decev: chief science officer

  Lieutenant Christine Navarr: chief of security, ex-wife of Lieutenant Ritano

  Lieutenant Grynel Sikandra: chief tactical officer

  Lieutenant Commander Kiran Garrett: chief engineer

  Doctor Benjamin Rosenberg: chief medical officer

  Brantar J'Soran Varis: strategic operations officer

  Ilkara: the Erayan guardian

  Jennifer Rosenberg: Ben's wife; they have a daughter, Emalie

  Laura Sysko: Marc's ex-girlfriend, director of anthro-tech division of FCE on Mars

  Jeanette Sysko: Marc and Laura's daughter

  Doctor Samuel Eppler: EarthCorps

  Doctor Thomas Rayburne: EarthCorps

  Doctor Kaden McMullen: EarthCorps

  Doctor Si'Kora: Chrisarii

  Lieutenant Dana Howard: EarthCorps security officer

  Lieutenant Jeff Ritano: EarthCorps security officer

  Staff Sergeant Michael Frakes: Marine Corps infantry officer

  Thalor Grax: Orethian; owner of the bar/restaurant that bears his name


  Maliston Kroth: high chancellor, ruler of the Chrisarii Alliance

  Arius Ronnd: chief minister of the Chrisarii Central Intelligence Ministry

  The High Quorum: the governing body of the Alliance

  Some members of the High Quorum:

  Councilor Rynim

  Councilor Nirav

  Councilor Crit Ormran

  Councilor Sulst

  Councilor Harrik

  Councilor Oc'Chen

  Councilor Maddoc

  Councilor Aum

  Councilor Burskel

  Kler Erimos: tal'shil'ra of the Church of the Varashok

  R'Jaad Samok: first holy father of the Church of Onng Le'Roh

  Inaird Lortait: Samok's high cleric

  Conclave of Thardane: the ruling body of the Church of the Varashok

  Some members of the Conclave:

  Elder Thraisvor

  Elder Kinash

  Elder Lerke

  Aliira N'Lyn: twelve year old girl who is the fulfillment of Tor'Ahl's first prophecy

  Messani N'Lyn: Aliira's mother

  Alikk Vi'Sar: terrorist leader of the Haal'Chai

  The Haal'Chai: a terrorist group of renegade Chrisarii who oppose the peace talks with the Federation

  Farak and Jharis Saveck: Kralin's father and mother, respectively

  Lieutenant Inedra Bre'el: childhood acquaintance of Kralin Saveck; reunited with him when he returned home for his mother's funeral


  Erengaar Valayne: lord emperor of the Emperium

  Larewyn Valayne: lady empress, wife of Erengaar, daughter of House Tannit

  Lord Gyan Tannit: Larewyn's father

  Lady Marija Tannit: Gyan's wife, Larewyn's mother

  Vatra Inehl: lady princess, Erengaar's half-brother

  Jharek Valayne: Vatra's son

  Doctor Rimshar: personal physician of the royal court

  Sierik Grel: Vatra's cousin

  Lyka Grel: Sierik's wife

  Third Lovar Prokal R'Daak: commandant of the 26th Legion, fiancée of Vatra Inehl

  The Talik'Jhor: the central intelligence agency of the Emperium

  First Lovar Ryomekk: head of the Talik'Jhor

  Dakkahr Broen: Voice of the Senate, a position akin to Speaker of the House

  Jolan Nejra: former senator of the Emperium, currently in exile on Exxar-One

  Annaias Nejra: Jolan's wife

  The Shouk Drigald: the Jha'Drok equivalent of the Chrisarii Haal'Chai; the Drigald are fighting against the oppression of the Imperial Senate and the Talik'Jhor

  Galoret Ain: leader of the Drigald


  Skaela Enkaro: president of the Interstellar Federation of Peace

  Edmond Brouchard: Enkaro's vice president

  Nicholas Caine: senior director of Federation Central Intelligence


  The Nevala Sector: a wide stretch of neutral territory between the Chrisarii Alliance and the Jha'Drok Emperium; it's home to several doze
n non-aligned worlds and star systems; a hiding place for criminals and drug lords, all of whom are unofficially ruled by the Rykon League.

  The Rykon League: an organized crime ring that deals in everything and anything of black market value – weapons, drugs, technology, money laundering, etc.

  Galadreon-253: capital world of the Interstellar Federation of Peace; the Presidential Dome, Central Military Command Headquarters, and the Draathma Parliament are all located on this world.

  The Tiralan Neutral Zone: the neutral territory between the Chrisarii and Federation borders where Exxar-One is located; this area is named for the Tiralans because they assisted in the negotiations of the cease fire treaty between the Federation and the Alliance in 2668.

  Appendix 2

  The Children Of The Varashok

  ( 1 )

  The most dominant religion of the Chrisarii people is referred to officially and historically as the Children of the Varashok. Approximately three thousand years before the events that take place in The Exxar Chronicles, the Chrisarii people lived in a bronze age, very similar to the middle ages of ancient Earth, with most of the planet's population gathered into fiefdoms and/or tribal clans. This historical period was marked by much war and bloodshed. The clans were led by warrior kings, and the strong preyed upon the weak. What follows are several excerpts from The Holy Covenant, Markanus Translation, primarily from the Book of Oraeko.

  Chapter 1

  The Battle Of Shi-Hyron

  1 In the twilight before the First Age, in the deserts that spread across the burning plains, there lived a king named Samgar, son of Awtan, and he was as ruthless and barbaric as he was cunning and wise. He shrewdly pitted one tribe against another, inciting battle and then taking the spoils.

  2 By the end of his days he had amassed several kingdoms under his command, but his enemies were as cunning as he. They conspired with Queen Idenu, who poisoned her king as he slept. But she did not escape her own treachery, and her body soon lay next to her husband's.

  3 King Renast, son of Unnt, intended to slay all of Samgar's children, but the youngest son, Aamon, was saved by a poor maid of the kitchens named Dyhabb who fled into the desert to seek out one of the free clans. For ten days and ten nights she wandered the burning plains, surviving on only bread and water that she had stolen away with her.

  4 At the end of that time, she came upon the camps of the Clan Shi-Hyron. Dyhabb was close unto death, and placed the infant in the arms of King Riddan, son of Esch. She had given most of her bread and water to the infant, and Riddan blessed her before her passing on.

  5 Riddan, son of Esch, was a wise and honorable man, and he believed in living with other tribes in peace and cooperation. His wives had borne him only daughters, and he raised Aamon as son of his own. Thus did Aamon receive the surname of Tor'Ahl.

  6 Many years passed, and King Renast grew ever more lustful of his power. He ordered his army into the farthest reaches of the burning plains, to conquer all the free clans and bring them under his dominion.

  7 Less than one generation passed before Renast's army fell upon the camps of the Shi-Hyron. During the longest and fiercest battle, King Renast slew Aamon's father, and then he turned his sword against the young boy.

  8 But Aamon had learned from an early age how to wield his blade. He disarmed the aging warrior, and then pressed his sword against the throat of King Renast.

  9 "I should cut your flesh wide and let all of your blood water this sand!"

  10 "Then do it and be done, and let the Varashok welcome me into their realm with glory and fire!"

  11 But Aamon had learned his father's lessons well, and he drew back his blade and stabbed the crimson sand instead. "There has already been too much blood spilt on this ground. I will not add more. Take my hand now, and let us end this war. If we do not, we will destroy ourselves and our children for nothing."

  12 Renast stood and extended his right hand, but his left held a dagger that Aamon did not see. "You are as foolish as both of your fathers! I am happy to send you to them!"

  13 But as he thrust his hand forward to stab Aamon in his heart, Renast was felled by the arrow of Cosk, one of Riddan's most faithful and loyal soldiers. He had looked across the battlefield and saw what was about to befall the young prince, and his arrow was swift and true. It struck Renast in his neck, and his dagger pierced Aamon's side instead of his heart.

  14 The cut was deep, and the blade was poisoned. Tor'Ahl stumbled away from the fight, and as Cosk charged through the battle to get to his master, he was brought down by a sword to his belly.

  15 Almost all of Riddan's army was dead or dying, and their number was few. Renast was slain, but his army was the victor, and his general quickly overran the Shi-Hyron's encampments, capturing the women and children for slaves, and slaughtering the few men who had stayed behind because they were too old or too weak to fight.

  16 The battle was over. Though there had been no cloud in the sky when the fighting began, the Varashok now unleashed their tears upon the sands. The rain washed away the blood of the slain, as thunder and lightning rent the heavens.

  17 Aamon was alive, but weak, and he knew that if he fell he would not rise again. He dressed his wound as he walked, stumbling through the storm towards the uncharted plains. Because of the storm he was not seen by Renast's army as they plundered the dead and then returned to Wirshod.

  18 For three days and three nights, Aamon walked without rest or food. The poison from Renast's blade gave him a high fever, which led into a delirium that caused him to collapse in the darkest hour of the third night.

  19 He closed his eyes and he could see the light of the fire that burns near the gates of El'Sha'Lor. The arms of the watchman lifted him, and he felt peace at last. Then he remembered no more.

  Chapter 2

  The Prophet's Return

  1 General Lormnal, son of Dihan, appointed himself King of Wirshod. His domain now stretched for many leagues across the burning plains, and he began to build many additions to the great walled city of Kimnamor that served as his capital. For fifteen years, King Lormnal governed his domain with the same ruthless might and cunning wisdom that had made Renast so powerful and so feared.

  2 With much of the free clans now part of Lormnal's kingdom, there was none left to oppose him, and he built up his army with the same fervor that he expanded his capital city.

  3 There were old stories of other kingdoms to the north, in the lands that lay beyond the great chain of mountains that bordered the burning plains. Lormnal dispatched scouts to cross the vast, desert expanse and traverse the mountains in order to see if the legends were true.

  4 But none of them returned, and he sent out more scouts. They, too, never returned, and the people whispered among themselves about other legends that spoke of demons and monsters that lay beyond the mountains.

  5 Lormnal was wise enough to heed the warnings of his council, and he sent no more scouts. Instead, he dispatched his armies to conquer the free clans that still roamed the deserts surrounding his ever-expanding kingdom.

  6 One day a stranger appeared at the city gates, wearing a gray robe with a large hood that obscured much of his face. He seemed to know where he was going, as if he had walked these streets before.

  7 When he arrived at the steps that ascended to the palace gates, he was stopped by the guards who demanded that he show himself. The stranger reached up slowly and drew back his hood.

  8 His face and hands were as hardened as the parched earth outside the city walls, and his hair was long and tangled. His beard, too, was thick and uncut, but his eyes were as alive as the bonfires that burned on the the city walls at night to keep the sand wolves at bay.

  9 When he spoke, his voice was not raspy, nor did he sound mad. Instead, he uttered words of authority in a tone that was as deep as the moonless nights that sometimes fell across the burning plains, when not even the stars were visible.

  10 "I am the son of the Varashok. I bring a message for Ki
ng Lormnal. You will allow me to pass."

  11 The guards refused, but as they stepped forward to seize the stranger, he raised his hand. The men were struck blind and deaf, and they stumbled about in panic and fear. The visitor ascended to the gates and repeated his salutation.

  12 "I am the son of the Varashok. I bring a message for King Lormnal. You will allow me to pass."

  13 The watchmen had seen what had happened to their fellow soldiers, but still they refused to let him pass, and they too were struck deaf and blind.

  14 The visitor walked into the outer courtyard of the palace and up to the entrance of the great hall. Again, he was confronted by guards of the king, and just like the others they would not allow him to pass. Yet he did.

  15 Inside the great hall, King Lormnal was celebrating the victory of his army over yet another of the free clans. All seven of his wives were seated around his throne, and the musicians were playing, and the servants were bringing around heaping trays of food and wine.

  16 The stranger strode through their midst, ignoring all but the king, and after a short time the music stopped, and the servants halted, and the boisterous laughter of the court stilled. All eyes were on the one clothed in gray as he walked to the throne.


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