Illusional Reality

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Illusional Reality Page 15

by Karina Kantas

  Thya smiled. “I am humbled by your concern. However, I have envisioned this scenario. When his intention is identified it will be dealt with. Fret not.”

  Alkazar returned her smile. “Thya, I sense a transformation, acceptance, and for this, I am grateful, although I pity any Bora that comes against you.”

  Thya laughed. “I am a force. Only do not pity Kovon. He warrants punishment.”

  “And yet you are not aware how you will achieve this?”

  Thya did not answer. Instead, she took his arm and led him from the room. Before opening the main door, he turned to her. “I pray to the Changlins that you succeed and are returned unharmed. I will not exist without you, Thya. Continue in safety and do not partake of any refreshments offered to you. Remain keen and aware.” He embraced her tightly. “Oh, how I hoped it would not arrive at this.”

  With determination and courage, Thya set out on her journey. Omad was among her escorts and spoke feverishly of his worries. No matter how much assurance she gave them, they worried about her safety. In the end, Thya gave up, and would not answer his questions in the fear of sounding abrupt.

  After completing half the journey, Thya dismissed the escort against Omad's wishes. She wanted to arrive at the gates of Senx alone.

  The sentries were so surprised to see her travelling unaccompanied, that one went in search of her escorts. When he returned he shrugged in bewilderment, unable to believe she dared to come alone. The gate opened and Thya entered the realm of Senx.

  Many Senxs were outside their dwellings, busying themselves with their duties. They paid no heed to Thya. They would not dare to involve themselves in their lord's business. The punishment would be severe. They had witnessed the hand of Kovon and so kept their heads down, appearing uninterested.

  Thya was shocked by the difference with the Senxs. Their faces were withdrawn and pale and their garments showed signs of age and wear. How she pitied them. Her escorts were silent as they took her to the chamber where Kovon waited.

  She turned and curtsied to the sentries. “I appreciate your gratuitous company.” The bewildered look on their faces satisfied her immensely.

  They opened the door to the great chamber and then left. Thya entered alone.

  Kovon was seated, looking comfortable and relaxed upon a recliner. It seemed he had rid the chamber of the cheering gold decor since her last visit. A dull, silver metal now created a dark and somber ambiance. He stood and acknowledged Thya's appearance with a wide and seemingly happy grin.

  “Thya, I am delighted by your acceptance to convene with me once more.”

  “You will address me as, my lady. This is my right,” she demanded.

  “Then you will address me as Lord Kovon.”

  “Do not believe I am present by choice,” she retorted. “I appear in the hope we can arrive at an understanding. Despite this, I ought to eliminate you for the assassination of my confidante and for the fear you and your father have instilled in the hearts of my kinsmen.”

  “Kezar, umm… An unfortunate accident.”

  Thya did not dare to speak and so stared at him until she could control what came out of her mouth.

  “At present you are the Lord of Senx. My kinsmen are under the impression you would comply with an alliance absent from wedlock, though I am doubtful of this. Even so, they have persuaded me to converse with you. Although I believe I am wasting my breath. Since Darthorn's unexpected demise, I sense my kinsmen are under a bigger threat.”

  “How perceptive of you, my lady, and allow me to state how honoured I am by your presence, for I am sure you retain pressing matters to deal with since taking your rightful place among the Tsinians.”

  Thya read his expression. The darkness in his eyes revealed his true feelings—that he despised her as much as she did him.

  He continued, “Believe me when I remark that my heart lightens at your sight. I desire for us to… turn over a leaf, I believe that is how you would word it. I would become more familiar with you, for I have a feeling about us.”

  He had fantasised many times about the moment he would have her defenceless on his territory. The situation was his to control.

  “You play games, Lord Kovon. You have not the intention to work towards peace.”

  “Again, I congratulate you on your perception,” Kovon answered. “Certainly I requested you under false pretences. Tis a perfect opportunity to depose of my enemy.”

  “I am present and unarmed, what do you purpose to do, Lord Kovon, eliminate me?” Thya laughed. “Do you believe tis so effortless? Numerous have attempted and failed—as will you.”

  Thya knew she should feel petrified and warned herself against her words. However, an inner strength burned through her body and soul and she felt strong and invincible.

  Kovon stepped towards her, his expression was deadly serious and his voice barely a whisper. “I hold not the intention to destroy you at present. I desire satisfaction.”

  Thya wished she could wipe away the smirk flickering across his face. “You believe you have it worked out, do you not? If you presume I will plead for mercy, then you are mistaken.”

  Once more, Thya calmed the anger rising within her as Kovon laughed ruthlessly.

  “You will plead, my lady, alas not for mercy. I will fulfil your every whim until you implore me further.”

  It was Thya's turn to laugh. “You are under a misapprehension, Lord Kovon. I do not feel desire. You repulse me. You are misled by the notion that you attract the opposite sex. Well, permit me to enlighten you, female Senxs retain extremely poor taste. I will never consent for you to lay one finger upon me.”

  Thya assumed by then that Kovon would have stopped smiling. It worried her to see him looking so sure of himself.

  “We will shortly observe.”

  The sensation of lightheadedness overwhelmed Thya. She tried to shake off the dizziness, only she felt a pressing sensation on her temples. Raising her hands, she rubbed hard at the ache. However, it did not cease; it grew.

  “I too retain powers, Thya,” he said. “An ability that is rarely passed down the generation of warlords.”

  He ceased smiling and concentrated. She believed he was looking into the midst of her soul.

  “You will desire for me. You will ache so needingly. You will do all I require. My will is presently upon you.”

  Thya tried to speak. Her mouth opened only no words came out. She could not move, no matter how hard she tried. It was as if a cold hand held her back. She watched helplessly as Kovon circled her as though prey. She sensed him standing behind her, yet could not confront him.

  Kovon smiled. He finally had her enclosed in his control. She was similar to all Boras—puppets awaiting instruction from their master. She was naught. Certainly not the prophesied saviour. His hand touched her waist, and he felt her quiver.

  Thya hoped the shiver was from fear; however, she knew it to be desire. Why was she allowing herself to be fooled by false emotions? Why was he affecting her this way? He repulsed her, did he not? Alkazar was the only man she desired. Thya felt Kovon's hot breath on her neck. She wasn't as disgusted by it as she wanted to be. She was aroused, and her body ached for more. What was happening?

  He had control of her body and soul and she would do whatever he demanded from her. Oh, how he had waited for this moment. He was going to savour every moment, take his time and burn the memory into his mind so he would always remember his biggest conquest. She was exquisite, and he was eager to uncover her shapely body. He ran his fingers along her side, causing her to sigh with desire. It satisfied him immensely.

  “You retain a quality about you, Princess,” he whispered in her ear. “A shadow beyond your beauty. Tis what I have desired. There is an essence in your spirit. I can sense it.”

  Although Thya could not answer Kovon, she tried with all her might to break free from his will.

  “Do not fight me. Not one can resist my power. I will cause this to be pleasant enough.”

Thya's mind screamed, but no words passed her lips. What had he done to her? She felt aroused. She did not desire his touch, yet her body yearned for more. Kovon was creating false lust, and she was compelled to fight him. Her existence and soul depended on it.

  “Relax,” he instructed.

  He led her to a corner of the chamber, and even though her will told her not to, she followed. Two huge, silk pillows appeared on the floor.

  “I sense you have surrendered yourself to a Bora of recent,” he said. “Did you relish the thrill of your interaction? Tis naught compared to what you will sense when I take you. Permit my spirit to engulf you, Thya. Allow my entrance.” He led her by the arm to the bedding. “I will transport you to locations and senses you have yet to reach. I will pleasure you until you cry out.”

  Kovon ordered Thya to lie down on the floor, which she did without resistance. Her eyes contained a glassy look and not once did she turn her face away from his. She waited for his next command.

  As he tied her wrists to the steel railing decorating the side of the chamber, he smiled, satisfied.

  Thya was ready to give him whatever he wanted of her. It seemed pointless to struggle and fight. She regretted allowing herself to be captured so easily. She tried to take her mind to a place where she could forget what was happening to her, only too many questions raced through her mind and she could not relax. How could she have been so stupid to believe she was competition to a powerful warlord? What would her demise be? Would he force her to walk off the balcony as she now realised he had done to his father? If the great Darthorn could not resist him, how could she?

  Kovon kissed and licked Thya's throat and then lowered his aim.

  It was all too easy. He had expected a little resistance. She was pathetic. He wanted to tell her so, just not yet. First, he wanted his fun. He wanted to hear her beg. That was his goal, only then would he enjoy himself. It would conclude in her demise. He had planned it from the moment Jakar had announced her intended visit.

  Thya sighed in ecstasy as he lowered the dress from her shoulder and kissed her naked skin. It felt right—good. She wanted more, just like he said she would.

  “You sense it, do you not? I am aware of your need. Permit the feeling to flow through you. I sense the fever rising within. The flame of your concealed lust is igniting the core of your essence. Open yourself to me.”

  Kovon felt sure that if he released her from his power, she would continue to beg for his touch. However, he enjoyed the feeling of mastery too much. He wanted control.

  “Oh, my lord,” she cried as his hands lowered and pressed into her desire.

  Kovon smiled, satisfied.

  Oh, how she wanted him. How she burned for his touch. Why did she ever resist him? He was everything she wanted. No! What was she thinking? These were not her feelings. He had control of her. His force created false desire. She knew her true feelings, and if she could retain this thought, then perhaps she could fight him.

  Two powers fought within her—her own will and that of Kovon's. For a moment, both were in perfect balance.

  “Do not fight me, Thya, or this will become unpleasant.”

  His words were like ice water, cooling her false sense of desire. Alkazar's voice rang through her mind. ‘Relax. Empty your thoughts and concentrate solely on what you demand,’ he had told her.

  Her mind calmed and cleared, and with it, she rid Kovon's thoughts from her head.

  “Nay,” he yelled. “This cannot be. I have higher power,” he declared. Only already his will was fading.

  Engaging in an inner struggle, Thya broke Kovon's power.

  He stood up. His fists clenched so tight they turned white. Sweat dripped down his face and his eyes screwed shut. He willed his power onto her with as much force as he could. However, Thya was suddenly stronger than him.

  It wasn't until Thya was certain he no longer had control over her that she felt a burning deep inside. Not unpleasant, soothing. Energy emerged, giving her strength—a sense of the hidden force. She willed the ties to undo, visibly un-knotting them.

  He had lost the struggle, and having used all his power and strength in the battle of minds, he collapsed to the floor. Astonished by what had occurred, he watched Thya, who in one movement rose to a standing position. She stared at him, her eyes white. It was as if the light shone through them. They bore into him. The brightness increased until he could bear it no longer. He turned his face away, but only for a moment; curiosity won. She came towards him, almost gliding. An invisible wind surrounded her. Her hair flew wildly around. Kovon thought she looked like a Gestle, a powerful demon from the underworld.

  He held no power over her, and for the first time in his existence, he felt vulnerable. Unable to find the strength to crawl away, he waited until she was upon him.

  “You are an evil Bora, Kovon. I will obtain payment for the misery you have inflicted.”

  She came upon him but stopped. Another voice called through her mind. No. This is not the means. I do not want revenge.

  No sooner had she thought this, the desire for vengeance was no more and the fever in her blood subsided.

  The Darkeye was responsible for the evil shadowing her land. She was certain that without it, Kovon would be a powerless, humble Senx and no threat to her kinsmen.

  “I am compelled to destroy the Darkeye.”

  “Destroy the Darkeye?” Kovon laughed. “Do you assume tis so effortless? Only a warlord may gaze upon its light.”

  For a moment, it seemed a problem, until a swift thought entered her mind.

  She stretched her arms out and willed the Darkeye to appear. Nothing happened. Kovon laughed at her.

  Thya was not aware if she retained the ability to create things to appear on command. She did not yet understand what she was capable of. However, she could control the force of nature with the gift of Yepsy. With that thought in mind, she cleared her throat and called out, “Oh, majestic wind of the north, by the grace of the Changlins I summon you to present yourself.”

  To Kovon's disbelief, a wind blew around him. It gathered itself until a funnel of air faced Thya. Within moments of the tornado appearing it had grown in size. Without voice, Thya commanded the fierce wind to seek the Darkeye and bring it to her. The funnel moved towards the entrance of the chamber, the big brass doors swung inwards, as if an invisible, mighty hand had pushed them open. The tornado disappeared, yet Thya's sight did not leave the doorway. Her attention fixed solely on her command of the wind. She paid no heed to Kovon. He was no threat to her and lay helpless, astonished and stunned beyond words.

  Within moments of the tornado leaving, it reappeared, bringing a shadow along with it. It wasn't until the funnel was stationary that Kovon realised what was constrained inside.

  “Do not undertake what you contemplate,” he cried. “I forewarn you, consider what you bring about. You realise not what you possess.”

  Thya didn't need to deliberate. The Darkeye was the source of Senx's power. The eye caused the evil that had shadowed Tsinia for far too long. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  With a slight movement of her head, the tornado rose from the ground until it could go no further. There it stayed, suspended in midair.

  In one last effort, Kovon begged her not to destroy the eye. “Thya, rightful Queen of Tsinia, you are victorious. Retain your motherland and you will neither perceive nor retain sight of me henceforth. Tis my oath.”

  At last, Thya heard the words she'd been longing for. Kovon had surrendered.

  “Only I implore you, do not destroy the Darkeye.”

  This, she did not want to hear. If the warlord was willing to conclude his war for the safety of his precious eye, then certainly it had to be destroyed. She stepped back and let her gaze fall to the ground, and with it, the Darkeye.

  The tornado disappeared, and the crystal crashed to the ground. In one last effort, Kovon lunged forward, but it hit the floor with such force it broke into a thousand pieces. The shards litt
ered the chamber though none lay close to Thya. Many hit Kovon, and he screamed with both pain and sorrow.

  Silence followed.

  First, he was numb with shock. Then came rage. “You obstinate fool,” he spat. “You stupid, unfortunate Bora. You do not comprehend the repercussions of your actions.”

  He picked himself up from the floor and glared at her. Thya wanted to turn away from the sight of his mangled, bloody face.

  “I forewarned,” he continued, “though you listen not.” He laughed then, a mad, insane laugh. “With your power and the employment of the Darkeye, you would have ruled the Outlands.”

  “I do not desire world domination,” she told him. “All I require, all I have ever desired, is peace for my kinsmen.”

  “Tis why I laugh for you, not upon you,” Kovon retorted. “The Darkeye would have bestowed the peace you so desperately desire. The Darkeye can be employed for righteousness too. It was my father who displayed a preference for the dark side. You, Thya, you could have commanded all, but tis your loss rather than mine.”

  Kovon's words did not seem to be said in jest, yet if it was so, then she had indeed made a grave mistake.

  They both stared at the broken shards.

  “There will be an occasion, and presently, when you repent your actions,” Kovon warned.

  “Possibly,” she answered. “Although you will not be present to sight the occasion of my regret.”

  Kovon stood up straight and lifted his head. “So I receive my judgement, announce to me, Thya, what is your intent?”

  “Tsinians do not condone violence, and I am willing to accept this also. You have suffered enough. You do not retain power and will hurt naught. Without the aid of the Darkeye, you are defenceless. So, Kovon, I allow you to rule Senx as is your right, though weak and powerless as you are, tis doubtful your reign will last. I sight unrest among your kinsmen. You will suffer as you attempt to protect your inheritance.”

  Thya thought she was just.

  “You will rue your decision,” he warned.


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