Talon (Uncompromising #1)

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Talon (Uncompromising #1) Page 29

by Sybil Bartel

  “Come on, Maddie girl, let’s get you cleaned up before bed.” Siren hugged Maddie tight and lifted her up.

  Shit. “I don’t have a crib.” Was she too old for a crib?

  “She can sleep with us.”

  Us. I sucked in a breath and silently followed them into the bathroom. I watched in fascination as Siren bathed Maddie. The whole time she had her in the water, she quietly spoke to her, gently explaining how they’d been apart but now they were together and they’d be together forever.

  My heart was shredded just listening to it but I couldn’t ignore the pride I had for Siren and her coping skills. Not to mention the small child who patiently sat as her mother scrubbed weeks’ worth of dirt off her at three o’clock in the morning like it was normal as hell.

  When Siren lifted Maddie out of the bath and dried her off, I was looking at a different child. Her blonde hair was almost white and her eyes stood out even more on her flawless pale face. She was angelic and sweet and she stole my fucking heart.

  I reached out and took her hand. “Feel better, baby girl?”

  She leaned into Siren but when she didn’t pull away from my touch, I smiled in triumph.

  “Will you hold her while I grab the diapers?”

  “I’ll get ’em.” I turned to go and Siren touched my arm.

  “I’d like her to get used to you, too.”

  Damn. Seriously real. Then in the next breath the thought I’d been pushing away forced itself into my sleep-deprived brain. If Siren walked, this house would never be the same. I’d never be the same. Two hours in the presence of these two together and I never wanted to go back to my old life.

  I pasted on a smile like I wasn’t completely gutted by the thought. “How ’bout I hold you, sweetness?” I held my hands out.

  Slow, like she wasn’t sure if she should, she leaned a little bit away from Siren. I took the opening and pulled her into my arms.

  Siren smiled reassuringly at her. “Be right back.”

  “There, not so bad, huh?” I held Maddie up so we were almost eye to eye. “I’m taller than your mama. You get a good view from up here.” I winked.

  Maddie squirmed then buried her face against my shoulder like she was shy.

  I couldn’t help it, I chuckled. “You shy, baby girl?”

  Her arm went around my neck.

  My heart fucking soared and I couldn’t stop the grin that spread across my face. “Oh darlin’, you know just the way to my heart.” I hugged her tight. “You’re awfully quiet. You got any words waitin’ to come out?” I peered down at her.

  Her hair combed back, her thumb in her mouth, she snuggled into me and I wondered how much she understood. Probably all of it. Siren came back and I handed her over. Two seconds later, she was snug in a diaper and wrapped in a dry towel. The issue of Stone weighing on my mind, I had to ask Siren about the cops. Carter had never given her a choice when Maddie had been taken but I wasn’t going to do that to her.

  “We keepin’ a low profile on this? You wanna go to the cops? Throw the law at Stone?” I was torn. On one hand, Stone could rot in jail for this but on the other, if we said nothing, I had an open channel to go after him if Neil and André hadn’t already done something.

  Siren casually put a hand over Maddie’s ear like she was just holding her close. “Are you sure it won’t happen again?”

  Over my dead body. “Not on my watch.”

  “Then I just want this over with and I want to move on.”

  “That enough closure for you? Think before you answer.” Most people would want justice served.

  “I have thought about it. With his son gone, I don’t think he’ll see any opportunity to try to manipulate me. I have nothing to offer him. He knows I’m not a part of his world and there’s nothing sentimental about him, he won’t want a relationship with her. The only leverage he could possibly want would have to do with you and I think he’s smart enough not to go down that road. But if he does, I know you can handle it.”

  I leaned down and kissed her. “Thank you for the vote of confidence, darlin’. And for the record, you’re right, he won’t get at me, or you two.” I knew more Marines than he had LCs if it came to that.

  “So it’s settled?”

  “Consider it done.”

  She nodded but she didn’t move and she didn’t say anything else, she just studied me.


  “I’ve never seen you nervous before.”

  Inhaling, I smiled. “I’m not nervous, darlin’, I’m adjustin’.” I stroked Maddie’s soft hair. “Never thought I’d have a little one in this house.”

  Siren’s expression turned grave. “It’s not too late to change your mind.”

  “You getting’ cold feet on me?” I deflected, amping up my smile.


  Jesus, she was honest. “Me neither. C’mon, let’s get horizontal.” I led her to my bed and pulled back the covers for her.

  She crawled in and lay down with Maddie still in her arms. Turning to her side, she whispered in Maddie’s ear, “Night-night time.”

  Maddie looked between us then tried to sit up.

  Siren gently pulled her back down. “It’s time to sleep, sweetheart. We’ll play in the morning.”

  I quietly laughed at Maddie’s attempt at a protest and crawled into bed. The second my back hit the cool sheets, exhaustion roared up and grabbed me. My eyes burning, I dragged a hand over my face and settled it on my bruised chest. “Damn, Siren. Feels good to lie down.”

  She reached across Maddie and grabbed my hand.

  I turned and two sets of identical eyes met mine.

  All at once, it hit me. Going without my whole childhood, losing my mother and half my friends in the Marines, not being able to save any of them, losing Leigh, the past two years, it all came down to this moment. This one moment. It was my gift. I made it here and I got the prize of a lifetime—two gorgeous girls.

  I smiled wide. “That’s the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen.” I laced my fingers with Siren’s, kissed her once then touched my lips to Maddie’s forehead. “Good night, baby girl.”

  Eyes wide, Maddie stared at me.

  I glanced at Siren. “She gonna fall asleep?”

  “When you turn the light out.” Siren gave me a teasing smile.

  Oh. Shit. “Learnin’ curve.” I grinned and reached over to turn the lamp off.

  “Talon?” Siren whispered in the dark.

  “Yeah, darlin’?” I wanted to hold her so bad but I thought Maddie would be better between us so I stayed put.

  Her fingers skimmed across my temple. “You look really handsome with shorter hair.”

  I chuckled. “Thank you.”

  “Goodnight.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed her fingers. “Goodnight, beautiful.”

  I was asleep in minutes.

  I FELT THE HEAT ON my face a fraction of a second before something small and light tickled across my cheek.

  My eyes opened to sunlight streaming in through the open blinds.

  And a twenty-month-old.

  Sitting up, facing me, her thumb in her mouth, Maddie reached out and ran a finger across my cheek again.

  I smiled. “Mornin’, sunshine.”

  Eyes alert, the sun shining behind her hair, she looked like an angel as she reached out and did it again.

  It took me a second to realize she was feeling my scruff. “Yeah.” I grinned. “I need a shave.” I glanced over at Siren. On her stomach, her hair everywhere, she was sound asleep. I looked back at Maddie and held a finger to my lips. “Wanna help me?” I whispered. “Let Mama sleep a bit longer?”

  I wasn’t sure but I thought I saw her nod. I carefully got out of bed then reached for her. Her arms went up instantly and my heart soared.

  “Good girl,” I whispered, cradling her to my chest. “C’mon. Let’s get that saggin’ diaper off you.” I walked into the bathroom and quietly c
losed the door behind us. For a second, Maddie looked alarmed but I smiled reassuringly. “It’s all good, sweetness. We don’t wanna wake Mama up yet, okay?”

  She blinked a few times.

  I took it as consent. “Good girl.” I took her diaper off and tossed it then realized I hadn’t brought another one in. Shit. Were kids housebroken?

  I ran a hand over my head. “Okay, darlin’, you gotta work with me on this.” I glanced at the toilet. She was so small, she’d fall in if I set her there while I shaved. “You ever pee on a potty?”

  Naked, thumb in her mouth, she just stared at me.

  “Okay. Here’s how it works.” I held her under her arms and set her on the toilet. “Now you pee.”

  Like magic, she did.

  I whooped before I remembered we were being quiet. “That’s my girl!” I whisper-yelled as I grabbed a bunch of toilet paper and handed it to her. “Now you wipe.”

  A small smile curved around the thumb stuck in her mouth but she didn’t take the toilet paper.

  “Okay, one step at a time, sweetness.” I cleaned her up and set her on the counter. “Help me shave then we’ll get some breakfast. I bet you’re hungry, huh?” I grabbed a washcloth, wet it and gave it to her.

  She took the washcloth and stuck it in her mouth.

  I laughed and gently pulled it out then wiped her face with it. “It’s for washin’ up, darlin’.”

  She held it to her face and mimicked me.

  Jesus, she was cute. “That’s it, baby girl. Good job.” I quickly dragged a razor over my face. “Okay, my turn. Can you wash my face?” I leaned down to her and grinned. “Show me whatcha got.”

  She pushed the washcloth against my nose and dragged it down my face.

  “How am I lookin’? I gotta be handsome for Mama. Am I good?”

  She dropped the washcloth and the small smile appeared.

  “See? No one can resist me.” I kissed her cheek. “Let’s get some grub.” I picked her up and we quietly made our way to the kitchen, closing the door to the bedroom behind us. The second I went to put her on the counter, I realized my mistake. “I forgot a diaper, baby girl.” Damn. “Okay, here’s the deal.” I put on my serious face. “No peein’ in the kitchen. You gotta go, you tell me, okay? Can you say pee?”

  She stared at me.


  “Plan B.” I set her down, put a kitchen towel on the counter by the sink and grabbed some food out of the fridge. The twenty seconds it took me, she stood perfectly still where I’d put her. A small part of me was relieved she wasn’t crying or running off but the rest of me was heartsick at the way she acted so shell-shocked.

  I scooped her up and put her on the towel with her feet in the sink. “You like washing, sweetness?” I turned the water on to a slow trickle and handed her an apple. “Rinse this apple then we’ll get it cut up.”

  I reached to grab a knife and by the time I turned back around, the apple was in her mouth and her toes were under the water. I laughed. “That’s my girl.”

  “Everything all right?” Siren radiated tension as she walked in to the kitchen. “I didn’t hear you two get up.”

  Maddie instantly held her arms out for her.

  I waited till she picked Maddie up then I put my arms around both of them. “I would never take her anywhere without your permission.”

  “I know.” But the rigid set to her shoulders said otherwise.

  “I promise you, darlin’.” I kissed her forehead.

  “I know, I just…” She looked at Maddie and smiled a small smile. “I didn’t hear you wake up, Maddie.”

  I stroked Siren’s hair and rubbed her back. “It was a long night. I think we all could’ve used a few more hours’ sleep. How ’bout I make us some breakfast?”

  The intercom on the alarm sounded and Siren jumped.

  “It’s okay, it’s just the alarm lettin’ me know someone’s at the gate.” I checked the video feed on the alarm panel and saw my Challenger at the gate. I hit the talk button. “What’s up, Kendall?”

  “I’ve been driving your piece-of-shit car for hours is what’s up. Open the damn gate.”

  “You alone?”

  “Who the hell else do you think would be with me? Cuban boy?”

  Christ. “Pull up to the first bay in the garage.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said sarcastically.

  I glanced at Siren. “I’m gonna throw some clothes on then get the keys.”

  “She can stay for breakfast,” Siren offered.

  I grabbed her chin and kissed her once. She smelled like jasmine and Maddie and my bed and warmth spread through my chest. “I love that you’re offerin’ but there’s only so much Kendall I can take. I’m gonna get my keys and have one of André’s men drop her at home. Be right back.”

  “Okay.” She smiled and I felt like the luckiest bastard alive.

  I kissed her once more then grabbed some shorts and my cell and went downstairs.

  Kendall stood next to the Challenger with her bag at her feet. “I hear you’re a daddy now.”

  I ignored the bait. “Did you tell Candle you were comin’ home?” I held my hand out for the keys.

  She handed then to me. “I wouldn’t say his house is my home, but yeah, I called him. Did you know you have two scary-looking muscle heads parked outside your gate?”

  I glanced at my phone but I didn’t have any missed calls or texts. “Candle didn’t call me.”

  “I told him not to.” She shrugged casually. “I figured you had enough on your plate.”

  Huh. “Thanks. Why isn’t Candle’s house your home?”

  She waved a hand dismissively. “Just because my shit’s there doesn’t mean it’s my home. Whatever, I’m not explaining it. Is pretty-boy surfer still watching the shop?”

  It suddenly occurred to me why I put up with Kendall. She nicknamed everyone. I smirked. “Yeah. I gotta call him.” I hadn’t checked in and he hadn’t called.

  “I’ll take care of it. I’ll get my ride then go over there. Speaking of which, you driving me?”

  “André’s men will drive you.” I raised a hand and signaled for them to come down the driveway. “Braige said he wanted to make a few boards. I told him he could. He might be around for a few days workin’, so don’t give him shit.”

  “You let him in your shop? With your tools?” She mouthed the word wow.

  “You’re a pain in the ass.” The SUV pulled up.

  “Whatever. Daddy.”

  “Christ.” I rapped on the passenger window and it rolled down.

  André’s guy, Tyler, inclined his head at me from behind the wheel. “Boss?”

  “You talk to André? Is it safe for her to go to Candle’s?”

  “I sent Davis over there a half hour ago. All clear.”

  I nodded. “Take her over then make sure she gets to my shop.”

  “I’ll drop her off and come back here. Davis will handle the rest. You good for twenty minutes?”

  “No problem. Close the gate behind you.” I opened the door for Kendall, gentleman that I was, and nodded at her. “Thanks for bringing my car back.”

  She smirked and hopped into the SUV.

  I threw her bag in back. “Hey. I’m not comin’ in to the shop for a week.”

  “Shocker.” She rolled her eyes as she buckled her seat belt. “At this point, you should just make me a partner.” She pushed the button to roll the window up and Tyler pulled away.

  I went back upstairs thinking about what she’d said. On one hand, she’d be the last person in the world I’d want to partner with. On the other hand, it’d mean more time with Siren and Maddie.

  I’D MADE BREAKFAST, CLEANED UP then called my lawyer. I wanted to make sure I was off the hook for Carter’s death and I wanted a record of everything that had gone down with Siren and Maddie and Stone in case Siren ever decided to press charges. I didn’t mention Maldonado.

  I told Siren we were getting all new stuff for Maddie because it wasn�
�t safe to go her old place but in truth, I didn’t want any reminders of Carter in my house. Siren reluctantly gave me a list after telling me I was wasting money. While she and Maddie were napping, I left Tyler at the house and went shopping. My first stop was at the Land Rover dealership. I bought Siren a Range Rover. They were tricking it out with the extras I’d wanted and it was being delivered tomorrow. That was the easy part.

  Now I was staring at fifteen different choices for a crib and wondering what the fuck I’d gotten myself into.

  “You think you can get away with this?”

  My muscles tensed and my back went straight. Motherfucker.

  I slowly turned, not letting Stone know he’d gotten the jump on me. “You think you’re gonna get away with kidnappin’?” I asked in my most lethal tone.

  His face beaten to hell, his clothes rumpled, Stone sneered. “No one’s left alive to tell about it. You even fucked that up. Rule number one to implicating someone, leave a witness.”

  Rage boiled in my veins and my hands fisted. I was going to kill him. I didn’t give a shit about the two LCs flanking him, their hands under their cuts, Stone was a dead man. “I’m gonna enjoy watchin’ you die.”

  “You don’t have the balls. Just like Randy, the Marines made you soft.” His voice lost its controlled edge. “Where’s my fucking money?” he demanded.

  “What money?” I snarled.

  Veins popped on his neck. “Don’t give me that bullshit. I know it was you who tipped off Maldonado’s men. They’re too stupid to break into my compound and rob me all on their own.”

  If I wasn’t so fucking enraged, I would’ve laughed. “Go fuck yourself.”

  Sweating, his jaw clenched, and he growled, “Get. My money. Or Maddie’s gone for good.”

  I moved.

  I took out the bigger LC on the left with a single throat strike and grabbed my gun from my back waistband before the other LC even drew his weapon. I jammed the barrel into Stone’s ribs.

  “Here’s how this is gonna work.” I lowered my voice to a deadly calm. “You wanna walk outta here, tell quick-draw to drop his weapon and kick it over.”

  Stone glanced at his flunky and nodded. The asshole set his gun down and kicked it to me.


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