The Playful Prince

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The Playful Prince Page 3

by Playful Prince(lit)

  “Hmm, for that, you’d best seek an audience with the king. He’ll be the one to give final approval since the cave systems are on Lord Myrddin’s land,” Quinn answered. The grin reappeared on his playful mouth and she doubted he ever took anything seriously. “Now, about this attraction between us.”

  Tori’s frown deepened and Quinn’s grin widened. His bright blue eyes glinted good-naturedly.

  “Prince Quinn,” she opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind, only stopping as she remembered her goal was to be allowed to stay on the planet.

  Tori hadn’t been lying when she said the marshland mud was thoroughly interesting to her as a scientist. Though at the moment she hated her sense of civic duty, she did want to make sure the cave systems were clear. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she found out ten years from now everyone on the planet died because she’d lipped off to an insufferably roguish prince and got kicked off the planet.

  In her most professional tone, she said, “Thank you for your time. I’m sure your,” Tori waved her hand in the direction of the hall where his girlfriend had disappeared, “royal duty calls.”

  “Dr. Elliot.” Quinn’s head dipped forward slightly.

  She could tell he was going to say more, so instead, she hurriedly nodded back and stated, “Good day.”

  Tori turned on her heels and rushed down the hall to get away from him.

  Quinn watched the woman stalk away from him and smiled. The lovely scientist was definitely a strange character. Chuckling, he walked after her at a slower pace. It was clear she wanted him. The smell of her longing was in his head, teasing him. He hadn’t expected her to fall into his arms, but that didn’t stop him from teasing. She was so serious, so flustered, that he just couldn’t help himself. The fact that she resisted him made him desire her more.

  Quinn’s grin widened, trying to see her figure through the sway of the baggy lab coat. Feeling lighthearted, he began to whistle and he made his way to the main hall to join his brothers.

  * * * *

  The banquet hall was a splendid affair with a high domed ceiling of glass that let in the diffused light of the three suns. Long tables and bench seats were along the floor for group dining. At the front of the hall, on a raised platform, was the king’s table. Tori took a deep breath, too tired to look at the mosaic pattern on the walls or the lovely tiled floor. She’d been working since before dawn--drawing blood samples, coordinating lab reports and scientists, overseeing tests on the biological weapon they now had safely stored on the HIA ship. It had been a long day, and would be an even longer evening. She’d be lucky to get to bed before midnight.

  Taking a deep breath, she smoothed her dark hair back into her bun, hoping she looked professional. At least she’d been able to get out of the white protective gear they’d worn on arrival. She hated contamination suits. The plastic helmet and stiff gloves made it hard to move around in a laboratory environment.

  King Kirill was at his table, but he wasn’t alone. Prince Reid and Prince Quinn were with him. Reid, who she recalled was a twin, was the darker brother and very good looking, though there was a definite conceit to him that made her grimace.

  “Please don’t let the rest of the princes be like him,” she whispered under her breath, as she looked at the handsome Quinn. The Var men were nothing like she’d pictured the night before. They were strong, handsome, and too charming for their own good. When doing the physical exams on the guards, she’d turned down more marriage proposals than she’d ever imagined getting in five lifetimes, let alone one day. Surely, they’d been joking, but it’d done wonders for her ego as a woman.

  “Dr. Elliot?” a nearby technician asked. He was in the middle of signing a clipboard when he’d heard Tori speak.

  Tori cleared her throat, “Nothing. Carry on.”

  Tori did her best to look dignified, as she went to stand before the head table. The king looked stressed, not that she could blame him. Having your kingdom beset by foreign scientists and HIA personnel couldn’t make for an easy time. Tori stopped and waited until she gained the king’s attention. When he turned to look at her, she bowed her head in respect.

  “The palace is clear, your highness,” she stated clearly. A couple of the scientists stopped to look curiously at her. She motioned at them to carry on. Tori paused, waiting for them to roll the heavy cart of equipment past before turning forward once more. The last thing she wanted was an audience right now. Her nerves were shot and she needed every last bit of her energy to make sure she didn’t give Prince Quinn an opening to embarrass her. “My scientists have done a final sweep of the grounds and are loading the equipment back onto our ship.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” Kirill answered. He nodded down at her from the main hall table. Prince Falke approached. The commander took a seat next to his brothers. Tori shivered. He really was the most frightening of the princes--large, militant, and emotionless. She found she couldn’t look him directly in the eyes. She took a hesitant step forward and lowered her voice. “Your highness, I request permission to stay on your land. I’d like to explore the caves where the crate was found and run some tests.”

  “Has there been a leak?” Kirill asked alarmed. His long black hair flowed over his shoulders, nearly matching the color of his brown-black eyes. He gazed down at her, concerned.

  Tori shook her head in denial. “No, but it never hurts to be careful.”

  “Dr. Elliot found a piece of mud caked to the crate and analyzed it. She believes there is something strange about our marshes. She wishes to run some tests,” Quinn put forth.

  Tori had expected him to speak, yet she wasn’t prepared for it. Her heart fluttered nervously. She couldn’t stop herself from glancing in his direction. Quinn’s handsome face lit up with mischief and he winked at her, blowing her a gentle kiss with his lips. She knew he only teased her, but it worked for she lost her train of thought. Hardening herself, she swallowed nervously and prayed no one saw how he disturbed her.

  “All that, naturally, would be in my report, your highness. The HIA will also do a planetary scan. It’s just a precaution and only with your permission, of course. I’ll set up camp with a team of three. You won’t be bothered by us. We’re scientists and won’t cause any trouble. We wish to analyze the cave to make sure we’ve gotten all biological weaponry off the planet that might be missed with a scan. Surely you can see the wisdom in that. At the same time, I’d like to do a concise analysis of the land. If anything, my findings might actually benefit you and your people, making for more viable farmland.”

  “What does your Agency say?” Kirill asked.

  “I don’t work for the Agency. I was contracted for this one job. Their people couldn’t make it here in time.” Tori paused, refusing to look at Quinn though she could feel his eyes on her. “However, if you would rather have government hacks traipsing about your kingdom....” Tori shrugged.

  “Write you proposal, doctor,” Kirill answered, suppressing a grin, but not before she saw it. “Give it to my brother, Prince Quinn. He’ll give it his approval and oversee the project.”

  “But, your highness!” she began, before she could stop the words. She glanced at Quinn. He wasn’t smiling, but the mischief was still in his bright blue gaze. She shivered, wondering how such an aggravating man could have such a profound effect on her. It had to be sleep deprivation. There was no other reasoning for it. Slowly, she nodded, “Thank you.”

  Quinn watched the beautiful scientist walk away, suppressing his grin. He knew he aggravated her, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. There was something about her that made him want, no need, to tease her. When he saw her serious face, he just felt ... playful.

  When they were alone, Kirill said to Quinn, “Approve her plan if you can. We need to have those caves checked out and she’s the only expert I know of on this planet. Besides, she has an honest face. I think we can trust her.”

  Quinn nodded. He was secretly glad someone would be checking out
the caves to make sure they were safe. And if the little doctor wanted to play in the mud while she was at it, then he’d just have to make sure he was around to play with her.

  * * * *

  Tori sighed, staring around the metal cabin of the ESC ship. Lifting her pack over her shoulder, she turned to go. After speaking to Franklin, the Var agreed to let her and her team stay without her written proposal. It seemed when the HIA wanted something, they got it. It was just as well. She hated bureaucratic paperwork. Not too many of the ESC scientists were willing to set up camp on the Qurilixen surface with her. Most of them were contracted and couldn’t leave the corporation anyway, even if they had wanted to.

  Dr. Simon Martens, an older gentleman, agreed because of his passionate interest in documenting alien insect species. Simon was a round, balding figure who squinted when he talked and often got distracted from his purpose. However, he had a long solid reputation that would come in handy when it came time to add legitimacy to any project she might wish to fund.

  Dr. Grant and Dr. Vitto were both younger scientists, not as experienced but both likeable enough characters. She’d worked with them both on their last assignments, and many others, so she wasn’t worried. Dr. Grant was blond and tanned, even after spending months away from the sun below the icy surface of Sintaz. Dr. Vitto had short dark brown hair and bold features that bespoke of his old European earth heritage.

  Part of her wanted to kick herself for taking on another project, changing her plans of a much deserved trip of relaxation to spend who knew how many months on a savage planet collecting mud samples for analysis. She’d camped before and she could easily do it again.

  Tori thought of Prince Quinn. He was only too happy to give his approval to her project. She had a feeling she would be seeing a lot more of the prince. Sighing, Tori made her way down the long corridor. She knew the only thing that made the assignment bearable was that she wouldn’t be at the palace during her stay.

  Chapter Three

  “Dr. Elliot, this will be your room for the duration of your stay.”

  Tori frowned at the Var guard before stepping into the luxurious palace suite after him. The pack fell from her shoulder to land on the tile floor with a loud thud. She left it where it was, stepping forward to look around.

  Her jaw dropped, as she looked up toward the ceiling. A large crystal chandelier hung beneath a dome of tinted glass. It would take five men, arms spread wide, just to make a ring around the fixture. The crystal shards hung down like raindrops, lighting the large oval room.

  The guard made his way around to the side wall. Tori closed her mouth and followed him with her tired eyes. The suite was just amazing.

  “Food simulator,” he stated, showing her where the button was hidden on the wall next to a long banner with the Var royal symbol of an upright wild cat. “I’m also to extend an invitation to you from the king that you may join the palace in the banquet hall for meals while you’re here, if you prefer. Many in the palace choose to gather in the hall.”

  The guard, who made for an odd tour guide, looked at her expectantly. Tori nodded that she understood the invitation. A small smile lit his face, shining in the depths of his eyes. It was the same look all the Var guards had been giving her since her arrival. It was a look of open invitation.

  “Over here,” the guard continued, moving to where a purple velvet curtain hung from the ceiling. He stepped up on the platform and drew the curtain back. “You will find a bath.”

  Tori saw a large round tub surrounded by curtained windows. The velvet drapes could be drawn back for light or around the front and over the windows for privacy.

  “The ceiling light will keep it dimly lit within the curtains, if you wish to have them drawn.”

  She again nodded at the guard. His eyes roamed down over her body and his expression glazed. Clearing her throat to get his attention off her breasts, she shot him an expectant look. The last thing she needed was this man picturing her in the bath. She was tired and just wanted to crash onto the nearest bed. She wanted darkness and a pillow. That was all. It was almost midnight and the sunlight had only dwindled to a soft haze. She again glanced up at the ceiling.

  “The fireplace is lit by command,” the man said, passing by the large circular fireplace across from the front door. It was designed to heat the whole room at once--bath, couches in front of it, or the side opposite the bath, which she guessed was a bed hidden by more purple curtains. The guard stopped and, gesturing to the last set of curtains, confirmed her suspicion. “This is the bed. If you wish for darkness, all you have to do is draw the curtains around as they are now.”

  Tori again nodded. The man smiled at her, not moving from the room.

  “Navid, was it?” she asked.

  “Yes,” the guard grinned, gazing at her oddly.

  “Thank you, Navid, for the tour.” Tori gave him an awkward smile.

  “Hmm, yes ... oh, yes,” he said. “Very good. If you have need of anything at all, just ask Siren.”

  Navid made his way to the door. Tori moved to follow him, watching him bow as she closed the door behind him. She moved to step back, stopped, and then locked the door for good measure.

  Without bothering to pick up her bag from the floor, she kicked off her shoes and walked toward the curtained bed. Her lab coat slipped from her arms and floated to the floor behind her. She didn’t bother to take off the black jumpsuit. This wouldn’t be the first time she slept in it. Struggling with the heavy purple velvet, she finally found an opening. Her eyes closed before she ever hit the soft thick mattress. Large silk pillows surrounded her and a moan escaped her lips as she relaxed against them.

  “Mm, finally. I thought you’d never get here.”

  Tori’s eyes popped open in surprise. She held perfectly still, not daring to believe her ears. A hand came from the darkness to skim across her stomach, shooting warm fire through her body, making her tingle with liquid awareness. She swatted the fingers back and they stopped with little protest. Sitting up on the bed, she belatedly screamed and reached for the curtains.

  Tori stumbled from the dark bed back to the floor. Turning, huffing in anger, she glared at Prince Quinn. At least, she convinced herself it was anger that made her heart pound and her blood boil. The alternative was too unacceptable.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded, hands on hips.

  “What?” the roguish prince shrugged. He grinned, sitting up on his elbows to lounge on the bed. His light brown hair was tousled erotically about his shoulders. His blue eyes beckoned her back to his side. She glanced at his strong hands, her stomach tingling where he’d dared to touch her. Every nerve inside her hummed with life, begging her to let him have his way. His tone was a low, seductive rumble in his chest. “You aren’t happy to see me, Dr. Elliot?”

  His easy tone infuriated her, more so since she found him incredibly sexy sitting atop the large sea of purple and gold silk. A sexy smile curled playfully on his lips, confident and sure. His chest was bare--toned and oh so defined. A primal urge rose inside her to jump on top of him. Her body pulsed to life. His grin widened.

  “What--why would I be happy to see you?” Tori’s eyes widened in disbelief. Happy wasn’t exactly the word for what she was feeling at the moment. Her eyes again roamed down his long frame, hesitating at the obvious arousal between his thighs. It took everything in her to keep from panting like a fool and licking her lips.

  “Well, earlier, in the hallway--” he began, with a light, meaningful gesture.

  “Earlier, what?” Tori broke in. “Did you hear me say, hey, Prince, come to my room later tonight? Meet me in the bed so we can get it on? I don’t think so, buddy.”

  Quinn laughed, an aggravatingly rich sound to her ears. She shivered again, her mouth dry. Sitting up, he gave a light shrug. “Well, not exactly with words, Dr. Elliot. It was more in the way you looked at me, stared really. In the way your body came to life with fragrant desire.”

  Tori’s mouth o
pened, but nothing came out. For the life of her, she couldn’t think of a single thing to say to that.

  The prince’s handsome features contorted into a pout, as he rose to his knees before her. “Come, Dr. Elliot, I didn’t get my physical. I need you to examine me to see if I’ve been contaminated.”

  Tori’s body lurched. Rampant desire filled her, rushing in her blood to heat every corner of her body. Her stomach and thighs tightened in anticipation. She swallowed, fighting her body’s reaction to him. It would be so easy to jump on the bed and play his little game. Correction. It would be so fun to play his little game.

  “Ah, yes, that’s the smell I remember.” The prince took a deep breath, making a great show of sniffing the air before he motioned to the bed. “What do you say, doctor? How about a little fun? Want to run those hands over my tight body and examine your patient? You look tense. Come, I’ll massage you instead. I’ll play doctor and you can be the patient.”

  His smile was altogether too lecherous. The tip of his tongue edged over the side of his full bottom lip. Her body lurched again, and again he seemed to smell her.

  Yes! Oh, yes! Her mind screamed. Tori’s face turned red in mortification. She pointed to the door. “Get out!”


  “No, I don’t want to hear it. Get out. Where I come from, this is simply not acceptable behavior.” Tori jerked her finger at the door once more and tapped her foot in annoyance--truthfully more annoyed by her reaction to him than by him. “In my culture if you want to get to know someone better, you ask them out on a proper date. You take them someplace nice--dinner, music, picnics, and plays--nice places to do nice, civilized things. You don’t just show up in their bed uninvited!”


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