The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1)

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The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1) Page 12

by Marie Higgins

  She pondered over his words. He’d said them with so much emotion that it actually gave her hope. Mick believed in her, so why was she still sulking? He was right. She could do this. She was the rightful heir, and she would prove it to the employees, to her grandfather, and especially to herself.

  For the first time since the reading of the will, she felt like she could handle this – and win. Her heart melted, knowing that Mick believed in her.

  Doubts tried sneaking in her mind. What if I fail? But then with Mick’s money to back them up, just in case, she couldn’t fail.

  She hoped.

  “Do we have a deal?” he asked.

  She nodded sharply. “Yes, we do.” She stood and stuck out her hand for him to shake.

  He rose off the chair and took her hand. His long fingers stroked her skin so very gently. The warmth from his palm blended with hers, and her heart fluttered.

  “If you don’t mind,” she said, slowly withdrawing her hand from his, “I’m going to need a few shareholders to help me out. As you well know, this project isn’t a one-person show.”

  “Of course. Pick anyone you’d like. Even me if that’s what you wish. In fact, if I remember correctly, you had told me once that we worked well together.”

  He was trying to get back on her good graces, evident by his crooked grin and the twinkle in his intriguing eyes. But she didn’t want to take him away from his girlfriend. Nicole had seen how attached they’d been in the parking lot this morning. But more importantly, Nicole also didn’t want her heart broken, again. As the saying goes in baseball, three strikes – you’re out.

  “Thank you, Mr. Remington. I take my job seriously, so I’ll jump right on my new project.” She motioned toward the door. “If you don’t mind...”

  “Fine, I’ll leave. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “I will, but I don’t think I’ll need anything.”

  She waited until he left before she scrambled to find phone numbers on her Rolodex. Determination surged through her. She would show her grandfather that she should have been president. And hopefully, Mick would graciously bow out and turn the company back over to her.

  She grabbed a pen and notepad and started making notes of what she would accomplish. During a pause, her mind drifted to Mick. Perhaps she was judging him too harshly. It wasn’t his fault that her grandfather turned the company over to him. Was it? Maybe grandfather was truly thinking of the takeover, which was why he amended the will right before he died.

  Nicole frowned. Had she misjudged Mick all this time and blamed him unnecessarily? And if she was wrong about that, maybe she’d been too quick to judge him when she saw him with that clingy woman in the parking lot.

  A memory flashed through her head of them embracing by his car and how the woman was all over him. Nicole frowned. So maybe she hadn’t been wrong about him after all.

  Pushing her injured heart aside, she quickly made some phone calls to a few of the shareholders she could trust. They set up a meeting at a restaurant. Her treat. She had a few ideas to throw at them. But they needed to accomplish this in one week. It would be hard, but she was confident that she could do it.

  Three hours later, she and four of the shareholders sat at a large table in one of Maple Springs’ nice restaurants, poring over her notes. She showed them the revenue spreadsheets she’d made earlier today.

  “By lowering the cost of the products by just twenty percent, we’ll bring in more sales, and we won’t take that big of a cut. Also,” she grabbed a few more pages she’d printed from off the internet, “take a look at these. I have a friend who works for Peaking Design in Denver, and she told me about a new product they put out just last year. In just that time, the company nearly quadrupled in sales. Several months ago, she and I discussed how their product could work nicely with ours. I’m not suggesting merging with them, but I’m wondering if we could upgrade some of our products by using theirs, and in return, they’d get a share of our stock, and a percentage of our sales.”

  The men’s eyes widened. Two men talked at once, explaining how that idea just might help, and how they could broach the subject with Peaking Design’s president.

  “I’ll call them today,” Nicole stated. “There’s no time to drag our feet. This must be done immediately.”

  The men agreed and the mood around the table seemed to lighten. Nicole breathed easier and relaxed in her chair. As she sipped her ice water with a slice of lemon, she gazed around the busy restaurant, recognizing a few faces of those who had been good friends with her grandfather.

  Out of the corner of her eye, another familiar face caught her attention as he sauntered into the restaurant as if he owned the place. She sucked in a quick breath. Wasn’t that Carl Remington? Mick’s father?

  Her gut twisted and the food she’d eaten not too long ago lurched in her stomach. What was he doing in Maple Springs? In a split second, Mick’s promise came back to her that he’d not let his father takeover Adkins Dev-Tech.

  She scrunched lower in her seat, hoping he wouldn’t see her. He was with a woman, and they were being led to a table in the back of the room. When Nicole got a good look at the woman, she gasped and slapped a hand over her mouth. Wasn’t that... Mick’s girlfriend?

  Nicole kept her eyes on them as they sat at their table. The senior Remington was very flirty, but the younger woman didn’t seem to mind. It bothered Nicole that the strawberry-blonde was flirting back, touching Carl’s arm and leaning against him. When he said something, the woman laughed and batted her fake eyelash extensions.

  After a few minutes, he took the woman’s hand and held it tenderly as he stared into Mick’s girlfriend’s eyes. Nicole grimaced. What was wrong with that woman? Why was she acting this way toward Carl when she belonged to Mick?

  “Nicole? What do you think of giving this pitch to Peaking Design’s president?” Ted slid his notepad in front of her. She glanced at the sentences written on the paper, but her mind wasn’t on what she read. Instead, she wanted to keep watching Carl. She desperately wanted to know why those two were together – and in Maple Springs.

  Chuckling, Ted rubbed his shaven pointed chin. “It’s not exactly perfect. I’m sure if we put our heads together, we’ll figure out more to say.”

  She nodded to the shareholder, but didn’t reply. Her gaze was glued to the odd pair in the back of the room. They were leaning closer together, and each held a champagne glass while the waiter poured champagne into their drinks.

  Nicole quickly excused herself from the table and walked toward Carl’s table, trying her best to stay hidden in some way, but it didn’t matter what she did. The couple seemed that they only had eyes for each other. As Nicole passed their table, she stopped behind a partition that separated their room from where Nicole’s table had been.

  She tried her hardest to hear what the two were muttering – and giggling – about. If only they’d talk louder.

  Carl held up his champagne glass and smiled at the woman with the model-shaped body. “To our future.”

  “To our future,” the woman repeated and clinked her glass against his before taking a sip.

  “So, my dear, what did you find out today when you visited Mick at Adkins’ company?”

  She giggled. “Well, I did overhear some employees talking about how Mick was strutting around the place like he owned it.” She shook her head. “Can you believe his nerve?”

  Nicole sighed a relieved breath. At least nobody knew the company was really his... yet.

  “I hope my son enjoys it while it lasts because it won’t last long. I just bought out another shareholder. That makes three. Isn’t that wonderful, Tara?” He held up his glass of champagne in a silent cheer before taking a drink.

  “That’s great news, Carl darling. But... what do you want me to do about Miss Adkins?”

  Nicole scowled, leaning closer to the partition, anxious to hear more.

  “Nothing yet. It’s too soon after that last stunt, which by t
he way, should have worked the way we planned. But that’s nothing to worry about. Next time we’ll do it better, and it’ll take both Mick and Miss Adkins out of our way.”

  Nicole huffed as anger filled her. What in the blazes were those two connivers talking about?

  Just then a waiter came to take their order. Nicole waited patiently until the waiter left, but then all she could hear from the odd couple was talking about what dress she was going to buy for Carl’s yacht party.

  Grumbling under her breath, Nicole followed another waiter out, still trying to stay hidden from Mick’s father and girlfriend. But yet... was Tara Mick’s girlfriend or Carl’s? All of this was very confusing.

  When she reached the table, the shareholders stood and decided it was time to get back to work. Since she’d already paid for their meals, Nicole walked out of the restaurant with her mind full of questions. Should she say something to Mick? But she had to. After all, he was part of Carl and Tara’s plan to take both Mick and Miss Adkins out of their way.

  She waved goodbye to the shareholders and headed for her car, but... right in front of her was a large black truck with big tires and tinted windows – the exact truck that ran her off the road and nearly gotten her killed.

  Her chest clenched as she walked closer to it, studying the front bumper. The truck that had been the cause of her near-death experience had nicked the side of her car which had sent her rolling down the hill. As soon as she stood in front of the truck, she stared in shock at the dented frame and the blue paint that marred the vehicle. The exact blue that had been the color of her car.


  Mick lifted his arms over his head, stretching out the kinks. He’d been on his laptop for several hours now, looking for a place to live. He had townhouses all over the United States, but he wanted to make his home here in Maple Springs... with Nicole by his side. He knew her attitude lately stemmed from her grandfather’s will, and the stress that she’d been under, but Mick hoped she would forgive him for inadvertently swaying James’ mind about the company.

  He had no doubt Nicole would be able to take on the challenge he’d issued this morning and run with it. Nicole was a smart woman, and she needed a little shaking up to get her to start thinking on the right track. It was going to be very hard for him to sit and do nothing for the next seven days. Wherever he saw a need, his instinctive reaction was to try and help.

  Yawning, he stood from the hotel’s small kitchen table and moved to the even smaller refrigerator to grab a cold bottled water. After unscrewing the lid, he gulped down the liquid.

  It had been awkward to walk through the halls of the Adkins’ Dev-Tech building earlier today, acting like he was supposed to be there. He didn’t announce that he was president. That was Nicole’s position. However, he pretended to be there because he was helping her. The employees would rather believe that excuse, anyway. They all looked up to Nicole, and because of who Mick was related to, they’d rather think the worst of him. Thankfully, because of Nicole’s kindness toward him, the employees were slowly accepting a Remington in their midst.

  He stopped near the window and looked out. Darkness had settled over the town. A few headlights beamed brightly as the vehicles entered the parking lot. Sighing, he leaned against the window frame. He didn’t want to spend the whole evening at the hotel. Restlessness wasn’t a very entertaining companion.

  His cell phone rang, and his heartbeat quickened, hoping it was Nicole. But caller ID gave him the name Tara Browning, instead. He grumbled a cuss. He didn’t want to answer it, but he was tired of her hounding him.

  “Tara,” he answered in a rough voice. “Why are you calling me? Didn’t you understand what I told you this morning?”

  “Mick,” she said in a pouty voice, “please don’t be mad. We’ve been friends for too long to end like this. All I want to do is talk things out. I don’t want you to hate me.”

  He forced a laugh. “You don’t want me to hate you? Then leave me alone as I’ve requested.”

  “Not until we get a chance to talk... like adults.”

  He huffed. This woman was impossible. She was like a head-cold that wouldn’t go away. “Are you saying I’m not acting like an adult?”

  “Oh, no, Mick. I just don’t want us yelling at each other or calling each other names.”

  He paused and arched an eyebrow. She was a mind reader. He’d only called her names in his thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, Tara, but there is too much going on in my life right now to have to work on our relationship, even if it’s only friendship.”

  “Please talk to me, Mick. I want to know what’s going on in your life. You’ve accused me before of not caring, but I do care. I do care about what project you’re working on now. You can’t tell me you don’t wish you had someone to talk to, because everyone needs a friend. And because you’re here in this town amongst people who don’t care about you, I want to be the one you confide it.”

  He scowled. What was her game? He’d started dating her only because she looked good on his arm... just as he’d looked good on hers. She’d always been selfish, and if he cared to admit, he had been a little selfish in their relationship, too. But that didn’t mean he wanted to confide in her. The best thing for both of them right now – mainly him – would be to not get involved. He didn’t want anything to ruin his chances with Nicole.

  “I appreciate the offer, really I do, Tara, but my answer is still no. I need to cut you out of my life. I’m in love with another woman. Please understand.”

  Silence filled the space between them, and Mick prayed this was the last he’d have to talk to her. After a couple of seconds, she cleared her throat.

  “If that’s how you feel.”

  “It is.”

  “Fine. Good-bye.”

  Once the line went dead, he blew out a sigh of relief and stuffed the cell phone back in his pocket. Hopefully, he’d not be hearing from her ever again.

  The knock at the door jump-started his heart, and he prayed it would be Nicole. He eagerly stepped toward the door, anxious for some company – as long as it wasn’t Tara coming to nag him some more. When he opened the door, his heart tripped with excitement.

  “Nicole,” he sighed happily.

  She wore the same pants suit she had on this morning when he talked to her. But her hair was out of the ponytail. He liked her hair better when it was free and flowing over her shoulders. Like now.

  Her expression told him that she still wasn’t too sure whether or not to like him, so he’d take things slowly until she trusted him again.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” she said meekly.

  “Of course not. Come in.” He opened the door wider. “I’m always happy to see you.”

  She stepped inside, twisting her hands against her middle. “This really isn’t a social visit. In fact, I’m still wondering how to tell you...”

  Curiosity got the better of him. “Let’s sit so you can tell me what’s wrong.”

  He waited for her to sit, hoping she’d choose the sofa so he could sit next to her, but she picked the single cushioned chair, instead.

  She released a pent-up breath and met his stare. “I suppose I should just come right out and say it, even as hard as it is for me to put into words.”

  “Yes, I wish you would.” He didn’t like the feeling of rejection that slowly climbed inside of him. The awkwardness between them disturbed him greatly.

  “This afternoon while I was at lunch with some shareholders, I saw...” She took a deep breath during her pause. “I saw your father.”

  Slowly, Mick released the anxiety that had built inside of him. “I’m not surprised my father is in town, especially because we both know why he’s here.”

  “Yes, but that’s not the shocking part.” She fidgeted in her chair. “I saw him with a younger woman.”

  Mick chuckled briefly. “That doesn’t surprise me, either. My father has a reputation for dating young women.”

She nodded. “Oh, I’m sure he does. This particular woman has strawberry-blonde hair and the body of a model. I... I saw her this morning in the parking lot, giving you an indecent hug and kiss.”

  Mick held his breath, not knowing which part to be shocked over – that Tara was dating his father, or that Nicole had seen Tara throwing herself at him.

  “You saw her hugging me this morning?”

  “Yes. I was in my office, and I saw it out the window.”

  He recognized the jealousy in her gaze and the bitterness in her voice, but he didn’t want her to think he was cheating on her. “Then I’m sure you saw me push her away when I told her to leave me alone.”

  Nicole’s cheeks turned pink and her gaze dropped to her hands. “No. I’d closed the blinds on the window by that point.”

  He relaxed a little on the sofa and folded his arms. “I had broken it off with her the day of your accident, but Tara has a difficult time with rejections. She’d followed me to work and hurried out to meet me when I climbed out of the car. I’d threatened her that if she didn’t leave me alone, I’d slap her with a restraining order.” He grinned. “You should have seen how quickly she left at that moment.” When the hesitation remained on Nicole’s expression, he quickly added, “If you don’t believe me, you can check the security cameras on the parking lot. I’m assuming there are security cameras, right?”

  “Yes, we have cameras.”

  “Good.” He exhaled slowly. “So, you saw Tara with my father at lunch today, huh?”

  Nicole nodded. “And they were being very cozy together.”

  It struck him as odd that Tara would flirt with his father earlier today, and yet only minutes ago, she tried to patch things up with him. Mick rolled his eyes. “Tara’s not the kind of woman who stays single for very long. But why she’d go after my father, I don’t know.”

  Nicole licked her lips. Her leg bounced nervously. Finally, she rose from the chair and sat next to him.

  “Mick, they were celebrating. Your father said he’d bought out another shareholder. Tara mentioned she came into the building and had overheard some of the employees talking about you being here. Then I heard them talking about us... about getting us out of their way. Your father mentioned something about me, and about how things had gone wrong with their first stunt. I didn’t know what they were talking about until I went outside to get in my car.”


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