Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3)

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Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3) Page 6

by S. Lawrence

  How are we, as damaged as we are, the type of men that are needed to do this thing? I don't realize that I spoke out loud until Kai's deep voice floats on the wind to me. "You believed in my mate, that she was my destiny. If that is possible, a woman meant for me after hundreds of years, why not believe this? Hell, for that matter, why not believe after seeing everything, including Jason and myself?"

  I glance up at him as he moves to my side. "It's not the magic I have a hard time believing in."

  "I've known you for years, Jason's known you for years, and we know what kind of man you are, what kind of man Sean is. Don't we all have stains on our souls?" He walks away, leaving me to my thoughts.

  An image that I think is my mother's face enters my mind. Most days, I can't remember what she looks like, but today, it's as if I just saw her. My first real memory is of a hospital. I never saw her again. After the hospital I was taken to the orphanage but I certainly wasn't safe there. Sean has been by my side since I walked through the doors.

  Turning, I walk back into the tack room. He stands waiting, ready to go. We don't speak, for there is no need. I finishing putting my pack together and lift it onto my shoulders. Sean bellows up to Cora, telling her to move her ass. I rub a hand over the Concubar's velvety nose one last time.

  "I told Grandda that he needed to give him to you." I look at Aislin's face as she steps up beside me. She stays out of reach of the beast as he bares his teeth at her but she bares her right back. Her horse, Fergus, knickers for her.

  "Maybe when I come back, I could go for a ride," I say softly, letting hope come through in my voice.

  "I"m moving Fergus to Scotland, to our home. I can bring this asshole with me too, if you want." She grins at said 'asshole' before moving away. One last pat and I move outside. Walking to Sean's side, we wait just outside the sweeping branches, as everyone joins us.

  Cora is last, a tiny pack on her back that I'm sure hasn't much of anything in it. "What? I'm trusting you big burly men have enough for all of us." Sean growls, and she winks at me. Emma shakes her head knowing Cora says that shit just to stir him up.

  What the lass hasn't realized is he's taken her into his protection, so she will never be rid of him now. Sean is like that, once he decides that you are his, he holds on with both hands. I guess, if I'm honest, we both are. It takes us a bit to trust, but something about these women have thrown every brick in our defenses right out the door. Maybe their magic and ours links us on a soul level, although ours is much more latent and nothing like what is happening with these three. Maybe their magic calls to ours. I don't understand what it is but I do know that I am different around them. It started that night in the pub with Aislin, something settled into place as soon as Patrick brought her in. It is growing and changing as they do. Maybe, like they are destined for their mates, we are destined to come to their aide.

  I look around us, locking eyes with Kai and Jason before nodding. Sean is standing right before the tree, and Cora is hugging Aislin and Emma. Aislin looks at me over her shoulder, and I nod, a silent promise to take care of the tiny woman.

  "Let's go," Sean grumbles and earns glares from the women.

  "We're coming. Get your panties out of the bunch they're in. This is going to be great -- an adventure. Jesus, try not to sound like we are marching to our deaths," Cora screeches at him, her words of excitement a contradiction to her tight grip on my shirt. I put my hand over hers as I lead us over to join Sean. Once we reach his side, we all stand, looking at the trunk. The others form a loose semi-circle around us.

  "How do we fucking work this thing?" I ask Kai after a minute, his shrug less than comforting. Suddenly, the trunk begins to shimmer and we feel the portal's magic cascade over us. In moments, the actual Tree of Life is visible through that shimmer. Cora's hand tightens even more on me, and her other reaches out for Sean. He takes it in his own, and together, we step through the portal.

  Danu and Morrigan are waiting for us.

  "My Druids, long have those of your kind been my favorite. The first gave me my daughter, and through those years, you have stood by the old ways. You believe your power to be insignificant, but it is not. It has lain dormant, waiting until you need it. You will feel it flare to life once you begin your climb down through the roots." Danu's voice is calm as she tells us words that immediately change our fate.

  I lock eyes with Sean over Cora's head, and his flare with apprehension. Neither of us like walking into any situation with unknowns, and this entire situation is exactly that.

  "My dear Cora, guide them, show them the way." She looks directly at Cora, and something passes between them. I stiffen at being left out of the loop. Cora bows her head slightly, marking the end.

  Morrigan moves to stand in front of us."Prepare yourselves; she is opening the doorway," Morrigan cautions. I am again struck by her beauty and understand why warriors called to her on the battlefield; she is a dark avenging angel. Raven's image floats into my mind, the exact opposite of the goddess. For a moment, I'm lost, and the ground begins to shake beneath our feet. Sean and I both shift our stance, and Cora gasps. The dirt at the base of the tree moves and shifts, revealing what I can only describe as a Hobbit door, like from the movie.

  Cora giggles and she lets go of us, bouncing away, hopping from foot to foot in her delight. "I TOLD you… We're going on an adventure."

  Sean barks out a laugh at her, and I can't hide my grin. We both know the reference; we both loved the movies. Her grin is blinding when she realizes we get her joke. "I knew I loved you big lugs. Totally doing a movie night when we are done kicking this quest's ass." She holds her fists out and we bump them; no way would we leave her hanging.

  "So, do we knock or what?" Sean questions, only half serious. The door creaks open, revealing a magical world on the other side.

  Hands joined together, we look back at our friends one last time as we step through the portal. The carved door slams shut behind us, and we all flinch at the finality in that sound.

  Chapter 12


  As we step through, we are greeted by a world never before seen by human eyes. A dark and frosty world, cold seeps into our bones, and Cora's teeth begin to chatter. I sit my pack down and draw out the coat I had tucked inside for her. Moving behind her, I hold the coat up, letting her slide her arms inside before I move to her front and zip it up like you do for a child. She smiles up at my face, which makes me frown at my own actions.

  "Don't get a big head," I grumble, but she only reaches up and pulls me down to her level before placing a light kiss on my beard. I straighten and avoid Michael's smirking face. Pulling my own coat out and shrugging into it, I look at him when I feel his apprehension skyrocket. My eyes sweep the area and land on an extremely tall woman that appeared out in front of us. Her hair is silver with what looks like antlers growing out of it. Her skin is almost translucent but with a hint of blue running through and eyes like pools of liquid obsidian. She had to be at least a foot taller than Michael, putting her well over seven feet. But still, she was beautiful, breathtaking even.

  "I am Hel, sent by Yggdrasill to take you to my realm. I am the only one living who can travel to it. She wishes you to start your journey at the Well of Rivers. From there, you will continue until you meet another who will guide you to the Well of Fate and the Norns." Her voice sounds frozen, like the cracking of ice.

  I keep my eyes on her, not trusting her a bit. We've all learned that beautiful hides evil. We were told not to trust here, so I am sticking with that theory. She takes one step forward, and Michael shifts in front of Cora.

  "You do not trust what I say? I'm a goddess, my powers beyond your understanding. I have no need to lie to you. Call out to her, to Yggdrasill, and she will assure you." Her voice doesn't sound angry, but there is something in it, maybe disappointment or hurt. It's like we hurt her feelings. My eyes slide to Cora as she steps around Michael, a smile on her face.

  "Goodness, boys! Settle down," she scolds
before craning her neck to look up in the woman's face. "Holy moly, you are one tall drink of water. I'm Cora, seer of things. I believe you. They," she jerks her thumb back at us over her shoulder, "are slower to warm up to folks. Take no offense." She leans closer to the woman and every muscle in my body readies for a fight. "They think they are here to protect me." Hel had leaned down to hear Cora's loud whisper and she rolls her eyes up to take us in, amusement at our companion stamped on her face.

  "Cora," I growl at her. "Step back."

  She looks at me lips pursed and shakes her head. "My darling man, I should have explained, or they should have. I'm here to LEAD you, not the other way around. And I say she is a-okay." She grins at the goddess and says, "Lead the way, my lady. Or Goddess or… What should I call you?"

  "Hel is fine," she replies comfortably.

  "Great, well Hel." She snickers at her own joke. "Sorry. Anyway, how to we get to this well you speak of?"

  "I shall carry you." I scoff at her. She is going to carry all of us? Yeah, right. Before our eyes, she begins to grow larger and larger. "My mother is a giant and well, you know my father. Loki is a shapeshifter, so he can become whatever he needs. I can only change my size." Her voice is booming as she peers down from us from a great height.

  I slowly pick up my bag, returning it to my shoulders as her massive hand swoops down and scoops us up. We hold on tightly to each other. No one says a word -- what is there to say? She glides to the root that I just now notice and begins to slide down it. The root twists and turns, like I'm on a weird roller coaster. I look to the others; Cora's face is a lovely shade of green, and Michael is grimacing. Our hair begins to blow as we pick up speed, down and down we slide. Cora's gasp startles me from my wonder, and I follow her gaze. My mouth falls open as I watch the blur of the universe flying by; stars and comets, planets and galaxies.

  On and on we go, circling the root as we slide down. We begin to slow, and then slow even more. Suddenly, Hel lets go and we fall, landing incredibly softly on the ice covered ground. Before us is a gate that stretched far into the sky. On either side of it, there are walls of ice that climb high and disappear from sight. Hel lowers us gently to the ground and shrinks back to normal size. Cora is gushing about the how amazing it was when a beast the size of a horse bounds toward us growling, saliva dripping from its massive jaws. I ready myself, draw my gun, and aim at one of the four yellow eyes staring at us.

  "That would only anger him," Hel laughs. "This is Garm; he guards the gates. He also loves cake."

  Cora steps forward and holds out her hand. "Don't we all. My favorite is carrot cake with cream cheese icing. I bet you'd just love red velvet." She baby talks the huge animal who stands taller than she does, by a lot.

  He sniffs at her and drops into a sit in front of her, tongue hanging out. Rolling my lips in and biting them, I try to stifle my laugh as drool drips onto her head. My poor effort is rewarded with a glare. Michael turns his head turned away, but I don't miss his shaking shoulders. She wipes at the mess for a minute before giving up, as more drips on it and is now all over her hand. Hel pats him and motions him away.

  "If you will follow me, I will take you to the well." She pivots and walks away, not bothering to make sure we are behind her. "While you travel through the well and down the river, be aware that if you listen closely, you hear whispers of truths, truths to you and truths to the cosmos. This journey you are taking has not been done before. Do not let yourself get lost in the knowledge, for you can not stay too long in any of the wells."

  We are all silent as we follow behind her. We walk until she stops in a courtyard made of stone and ice. There in the middle is the well; it is very large and circled in blocks of ice that are carved with intricate Norse designs. We move to its edge and peer down in to it. A single drop of water falls, splashing in the middle, the ripples moving out to the walls. I look up and see a huge stag standing above us on the roots. It is one of the deer from the myths that run the tree.

  "I remember the old story of the well never going dry because it is filled from the water off the stag's antlers. I didn't believe it.” Michael's voice rings with new found reverence.

  "A great many of the legends of the tree are real. She keeps those she holds dear close. She has chosen animals from this world to guard her. When our people came here, her spirit came with them. We do not know what she was before, and I doubt they even knew she traveled with them. Upon arriving, she joined with Gaia, the spirit of this planet, and they have but one goal -- to save it, to protect it. And she... They have chosen you."

  I stare into the water, looking at my reflection and trying to see what this being sees. A man full of anger and unable to love is what looks back at me. One so damaged by my past, I am only good for one thing -- killing. If she needs me to kill, I can do that but I'm am no Guardian, no saver of anyone. Long minutes tick by as I stare at myself before I see Cora's gaze locked on her own face. She is smiling, but it doesn't reach her odd eyes.

  I can tell she is having the same thoughts as I. Well not about killing but the why was she chosen.

  Chapter 13


  I'm still reeling over the trip down the root and now this. Chosen to protect the planet, the world, and everyone on it. No pressure. I'm not looking at the water, not like the others staring at their reflection. I know what they are trying to see. I don't have to look to realize I'm not going to find the answers staring back at me. Unlike Sean, I don't believe we are lost, broken, damaged. Scarred fuck yea but not lost. We love, just in our own way. We have goodness, maybe not blinding white light goodness, but our own brand. We have honor. We sacrifice for those we care about. For me, that is enough.

  I clear my throat, "So how does one actually travel through the well?" I look up at Hel, looking for an answer.

  "This is your first test. It is a leap of faith. No one has ever attempted it. Will you be brave enough to try? If not, I return you to the door."

  "What of Raven? We were told we were coming here because she is in danger," I declare, my anger flaming to life.

  Hel shrugs, "It is true, my father is also very worried about her and also Fenrir. I am safe in my Realm. No one may enter, not even Allfather himself, without my permission. I do not know what will become of her or what exact dangers she is facing now." Her voice is calm and it grates on my every nerve.

  I look to Sean and Cora. The pixie is removing her coat and handing it to Sean. Next, she removes everything but her pants and bra. "What are you doing?" Sean growls.

  "I'm getting wet and I'd like to have some dry stuff to put back on when this is over." She slides her pants down and shoves them, along with her shirt and shoes, in her bag. It is bulging with the new items. Sean pulls a waterproof bag from one of his pockets.

  "Here. Put that in here, or it won't matter if you are wearing them or not."

  Hel raises her eyebrows watching as Sean and I follow Cora's lead. Oh, we are just stupid enough to do this. Cora turns and faces us, shivering in the cold. "Can we get a move on? I'm going to be a popsicle. I ain't used to the cold, boys; give me heat and humidity any day over this shit. No offense," she says and smiles up at our host. I grasp her hand and help her onto the side of the well. I step up beside her.

  "Let me go first," I caution before jumping in. I try to surface but I'm pulled down and down. Soon there is only darkness and my lungs are burning. I fight my body, trying to relax. Farther and farther, I sink, and my brain slows, the air long ago having left my lungs. My last thought, before the darkness closes in, is of Cora and Sean. God, I hope they at least make it.

  When I wake, I'm laying on frozen stones, and every bone in my body hurts. My lungs are burning, and my head is screaming. I slowly raise my head and look around me. I am yards away from anything until I finally see a waterfall off in the distance. Someone moans behind me, and I roll over, grit my teeth, and try to push up to my knees. Sean is laying a few feet away and beyond him is Cora, but she isn't making any
noise. Shoving up to my feet, I rush to her, checking for a pulse but not feeling one. Sean stumbles to my side as I start CPR. One breath and she coughs, spitting water into my face. Sean barks out a strained laugh as our tension eases. Falling back on my ass, I sit and shrug off my bag. With my arms resting on my knees, I look back at the waterfall.

  "How did we get all the way over here?" Sean mumbles while Cora is struggling to sit up, still coughing.

  "Look past the waterfall into the sky." Our eyes are draw up at Cora's words, and I behold something that I don't quite comprehend.

  "Is that the fucking well in the sky?" Sean sounds as baffled as I feel.

  I look back at Cora and her eyes are shining and unfocused. "We passed the test, the leap of faith, and our natures were revealed. Sacrifice." Her voice is flat, lost as she is in her vision. We watch her until she returns to us.

  "What does that mean, Cora?" I ask her gently.

  "Simple. We had faith. We took the plunge and at our final moments, or what we believed were our final moments, we did something the well judged as the truth of our natures or our souls. What did you do or what did you think as you faded to darkness?"

  Sean looks away before striding off. I remember my last thoughts and nod my head with understanding. Cora smiles at me before glancing at Sean. She starts to push herself up, and I shake my head. He will not welcome her wisdom, not yet.

  "I've never known someone so desperate to believe they are so bad. Usually, it's the ones that are bad who believe they are good," her voice whispers, so low I can tell she is really only speaking to herself.


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