Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3)

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Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3) Page 9

by S. Lawrence

  We climb for a few hours until finally, we break through to a world of blackness. Roots shoot down from darkened skies and plunge through ebony rocks, disappearing beneath the surface. But still, the snow continues to fall, evaporating as it touches the ground.

  "Well, at least the snow is pretty," Cora says on a sigh as she jumps down to the ground.

  "Woman! Will you please let us check things out before ye leap to your death?" Michael scolds her, and she shrugs sheepishly.

  "Warm but not like lava or anything," she retorts.

  "Not the bloody point. You didn't know that." He shakes his head as he joins her. Setting their bags on the ground, they both shrug out of their coats and tuck them away. Michael pulls his long sleeved shirt off as well, and Cora thinks she is covertly checking out his arms. She is failing miserably but shows no shame when I clear my throat.

  "Go ahead, big boy. I'll look at you too." She shimmies her body in what she thinks is a seductive move. I roll my eyes. Michael's booming laugh echoes through the bleak landscape, bouncing off unseen walls of rock.

  I pull my flashlight out and flick it on, trying to shed some light on where we are. It isn't that it is dark, it's the absence of light, almost as if this place sucked it away. "Now what?" I grumble.

  "I think we should work our way into the center. If we assume this is the edge, we head in." He points in front of us. I have no other suggestions so I nod. We haven't gone far when there is a great rending of wood, followed by a roar that shakes the ground. We all freeze. Moving into position, we put Cora between us and draw our weapons. I do feel they will be useless against what is coming, but the action is ingrained, muscle memory taking over our actions.

  "Sweet mother of God! What was that?" Her voice trembles and her hand reach back grabbing hold of my belt loop. I grin because it reminds me of what tiny children do with their parents. Patting her hand with my own, I try to reassure her.

  Michael holds his hand up and signals us to move forward... Step by step, we move closer to the sheer rock face that is at least a hundred yards in front of us. Roots grow down around it, but it is our best chance at cover. As we slide between two of the roots, the ground begins to vibrate. At first, I can't understand what the sound is. Something is sliding over the rocks and roots, and we hold our breaths as it grows louder. Whatever is coming, it is moving closer at a very fast pace.

  A scream pierces the air just before Cora slaps her hand over her mouth. The beast turns its colossal head our way. We have no chance to hide. We run to the rock face and put it at our backs. At least if we get eaten, we will see it coming.

  "Humans?" The voice is caustic. "How are you here?"

  "Yggdrasill sent us. We travel to the Well of Fate." Michael's voice is grim, waiting for the beast’s next move.

  "Yggdrasill, you say. Did she not tell you the way? How did you arrive here? No matter. I'm Nidhogg, the great serpent. I gnaw her roots and judge those who dare to pass through this land." His head swings from side to side, mesmerizing, like a cobra. As soon as the thought enters my mind, I shake my head, breaking free.

  "Don't stare at him," I hiss, grabbing Cora's arm and shaking her. She in turns hits Michael, and we all look down at the ground.

  "You don't need to, Sean Scott. I can see the stains on your soul from here. They wrap around you like a cloak. So many deaths at your hands." Nidhogg's hot breath blows over me as he moves within inches of my face. "You can't hide from those things that shape who you are."

  The pit of my stomach falls while the flames of my anger shoot through me. Michael's fingers close over my wrist, squeezing it tightly. I look to my brother. The massive head swings to him as I tense.

  "Michael Stewart, killer of men, one who feels no remorse for those that burned. You possess a hatred that poisons your soul." The slitted eyes roam over Michael's face, a face stamped with defiance at the judgement we can hear in the voice.

  "You don't know them, you don't know the why." Cora is vibrating with indignation; it makes me smile sadly because neither does she really.

  "Cora Fontenot, your loyalty is admirable but misplaced. These men are killers. And as they are, it is my right to judge them and dispense the punishment they earned. Your line comes from Circe, mother of all witches, but do not think to advise me. I'm old as time itself, and this is my realm. Whoever directed you this way was no friend of yours."

  The words "trust no one" seem extremely important now. Goddamn him. That mother fucker sent us here to die.

  "And what exactly will the punishment be?" Her voice grows more fierce.


  "What? NO! They were chosen, chosen by Yggdrasill. You can't do this." She ends on a screech as tears begin to fall.

  I move in front of them, my defiance shining in my eyes. "You can do what you wish to me but let them leave."

  Cora gasps, and her head begins to shake.

  Michael steps up to me, right in my face as he growls, "Don't try to protect me, to shut me out. I've been here since day one, right by your goddamn side. I'm more a part of this, more responsible, than you are."

  "Brother, you are redeemable. I'm not. Besides, isn't this the prophecy, brother killing brother? We knew one of us must die." I am resolute.

  "This isn't a negotiation or barter. I decide who lives and who dies, and you, brother, are guilty of killing." The great serpent moves back, watching closely. Humongous jaws widen as he prepares to strike or swallow us whole.

  Cora screams before rushing in front of us. Nidhogg peers down at her. "So be it."

  I curl around her, waiting for death, disappointed in myself for not being able to save them.

  Chapter 21


  I ready my knife. I might not survive this but I will release my anger on this creature who dares to judge us, who cannot look beyond the things we have been forced to do. I look at Sean, who is even now trying to protect Cora any way he can, shielding her eyes from what is coming. I scream, and it goes on and on. I can't slow the tears of rage that stream down my face. I make a decision and run at the beast.

  A great roar echos through the realm, and I stumble to a stop as the creature whirls, body coiling in tight. I realize Nidhogg isn't exactly snake or dragon but a strange mix of both. One thing I know for certain is if he is worried, we should be worried as well. I look back, and the others have straightened, so I wave them back. We begin to inch carefully away from Nidhogg.

  As we watch, the sky is filled with a bronze dragon. This dragon is so massive that if this place had a sun, the thing would surely block it out. It makes Kai's dragon look like a baby, and he is huge. Sean is staring open mouthed, and Cora's face is stamped with a mixture of fear and excitement. A roar rings out again, and we break into a run, no longer trying to be stealthy in our escape. We run like the devil is chasing us, and quiet possibly, he is. The ground quakes, and I turn while still running to see the dragon land. It becomes a battle between these two beasts, and my legs stop moving. I'm locked in place as a woman with fangs and claws appears before me, her chest heaving. Her eyes flick to Nidhogg and the dragon as they engage with each other. While she watches them, I study her; she's beautiful in a deadly way with raven hair and icy blue eyes set in porcelain skin, framed by long inky lashes. She turns back to me and smiles. It is not altogether comforting.

  "Asger will handle him. He pushed his luck with her, but she doesn't normally get involved. Doesn't like to chance changing the outcomes, but she made an exception since Grandfather started it." Her voice is smoky as she tries to explain what is happening. She looks over my shoulder and smiles again. The others have noticed and are returning to our side. "I'm Ylva."

  "Ylva," Sean says, although you can tell it's a question.

  "Yes, we were the first. The first she chose to protect." Her hand sweeps around, pointing to the roots.

  I look at the dragon fighting, and everything falls into place. Kai had told Aislin a story about the first Guardian and the Berserker he lo
ved. "THE Asger and Ylva?"

  She throws her head back and laughs deeply. "So, we are a 'the' now? He'll love that. Yes, that is us. We have been waiting a very long time for her to call us again. We do little things behind the scenes, but now she chooses her final protectors." She pins us with her intense gaze, and I fight not to flinch at her scrutiny. Sean, of course, gets angry at her perceived judgement.

  "Do ye find us lacking then?" He growls, stepping forward.

  Her head tilts and her eyes blaze bright blue, and I fight not to step out of reach, my survival instinct kicking into overdrive. Eyes narrowing slightly, she speaks, and it is the voice of the Berserker. "So much hate, so much anger. I taste it on the air, and it draws me to you. No, we do not find you lacking; that is your judgement. We see your worth, as she does. A warrior's heart beats in your chest. Even now, you think on how to fight me. You could try but why? We are here to help you. A true testament to her faith in you. She hasn't chosen a champion in a thousand of years. Do you think to question her judgement?"

  A great roar draws our eyes, and I'm surprised; the great dragon stands over his fallen opponent. Black blood drips from his jaws, and his amber eyes are locked on us. A deep rumble emanates from him as he takes in her Berserker eyes, signaling her anger.

  "I'm fine, my love." Her voice is back to normal. "We were just discussing worth." He began to amble toward us and one instant, he is the enormous dragon but the next, an ancient Highlander. Long auburn hair, with war braids plaited into it at his temples, frames his face. Cora sighs beside me, and Ylva looks at her, grinning.

  "He does make an entrance, doesn't he? Don't give him a bigger head." A chuckle burst from her as Cora continues to stare, while nodding her head.

  "He is… Wow. Just every Highland warrior romance I've ever read, I was picturing him. I'm so sorry." She grins, totally unrepentant. The man in question strolls up to his woman and pulls her in tight against him. Lowering his head, he kisses her, pouring his passion for her into it. We all look away. Well, Cora keeps peeking, and I hear at least two more sighs before they break apart.

  "Och, lass. Ye are a wee one." He turns, peering down at Cora, and she blushes. Blushes.

  "Psh," breaks from Sean, and a laugh erupts from me.

  The giant of a man looks to us winking, just before he turns serious. "It has begun. Those that have chosen the wrong side will know that she is ready to fight for ye. They will know that Raven is important. She is in even more danger now. Ye must complete yer journey." I nod in understanding. "Can I give ye a piece of advice before we return to our home to wait for her call to battle?" Sean nods. "There will come a moment, a choice, and you must be all in - no hesitation, no doubt. When I was joined with my dragon, he stood, judging my soul, my very essence. After, I was placed in the ground at Her roots, and she chose me. She chose Ylva. She chooses you. Now, you must choose yourselves. See yourselves as everyone else does; look beyond your hurt and anger. If you don't believe, ask my love."

  I look to the woman at his side, and she nods her head, blue eyes blazing. As she focuses on us, she floods my mind with images, death and destruction, blood staining her claws and fangs, and beneath everything is all her emotions.

  I'm driven to my knees by her guilt, her rage bows my back, and then her love forces tears from my eyes. Abruptly, they are gone. I look to my right, and my friends are also on their knees. Cora's face is slack and her eyes shine bright. Sean looks at me, locking eyes before pursing his lips and nodding. It is time.

  Chapter 22


  Something happened. It must be bad for Yggdrasill to call in the wonder couple. She let them fade into the background long ago, so they will be a surprise when the final battle begins. I look at my companions, and their faces mirror my worry.

  "I must go." My gut is churning, and I have a very bad feeling about what might be taking place. They rise, coming to me, but I don't wait, sifting away with an unapologetic look on my face. I go right to the Tree of Life, becoming solid beneath her branches. I lay my hand gently on her trunk and open my mind, waiting for her to answer my unspoken questions. She floods my mind with things of old and new possibilities, a non-answer that rivals one of my own.

  "Are they safe?" I don't need to say their names, as she knows. Nothing. My breath catches as worry snakes through my body. I sift. I check her home. Nothing. I reach my mind for Fenrir. Nothing. Never, in all these thousands of years, have I experienced this amount helpless. Suddenly, a rainbow of color swirls through me, care and concern dance across my skin. I stop, and huge frozen snowflakes fall from the darkened sky, coating me. It is Cora. A tiny brilliant flash, a spark in the darkness, barely visible but blinding. Somehow, she connected to me, offering me comfort. I can't trace my way back to her but I get the sense of determination and urgency.

  She centers me, and my tumultuous emotions calm. If they were taken, I can do nothing but try to find them without alerting anyone that I recognize the danger. My throat tightens as I walk through the doors to Valhalla. My brother sits upon his throne with the bitch at his side. I stroll forward, the picture of nonchalance, only stopping when I'm at his feet.

  "Brother." I dip my head.

  "Ah, Loki, we missed your presence. Where were you these last days?" Danger lurks in his voice. Ragnhild stares at me, undisguised hatred filling her green gaze.

  "I visited with my niece for a bit. She was a bit emotional after her Guardian found his destiny and married. I thought you might go visit your daughter." We both know he would never, hasn't since the day she chose the wrong side in his eyes.

  His eyes narrow. "I heard the bay of Fenrir. What might he be hunting?"

  I shrug. "No idea. I haven't seen him in some time. I'm sure he visited Raven after her return. They care for each other." I lace my voice with disdain. The soft whisper of feathers alert me to Ragnhild's shifting. I pin her with a hard stare, daring her to make her move. I might not be strong enough to defeat Odin alone but I can dispatch her without a second thought. Honestly, I should have done it a thousand years ago. The smirk on her face lets me know that she, like myself, is just biding her time. Playing the fool for so long allowed most to forget the scope of my power, exactly as I wished them to. I bow before moving away.

  Stopping, I turn back to my brother. "Has Raven returned to report in? I'm interested in this group of Guardians."

  "Why?" His voice changes, hardening.

  "Because their group is growing. Not only in size, but in power." I keep my tone mild. "I like to keep close tabs on power, especially from other clans, possible threats. I would think you did the same." I know he does, and he is aware that I do.

  We stare at each other for long moments before he speaks. "Raven did come but long since left."

  "And what did she observe?"

  "Not nearly what she should have. It appears her attention was divided," Ragnhild snarls at me.

  "That's too bad." I turn away, walking to my seat at the far end of the hall, aware that they keep a very close eye on me, looking for any sign of my worry. I stay long into the night before finally slipping away just before dawn.

  Sifting to a farm outside New Orleans, I stay just beyond their realm, spying on the people Raven attached herself to. They are somber, the women's faces lined with worry. The men are radiating frustration. That I understand.

  I release my powers slightly and look to the threads of destiny that are wound around them. The gossamer-like threads form a web between them before shooting away, crossing into our realm and others. Yggdrasill is right, of course; these people are very important to the future.

  Three of the threads that cross into our realm are humming with emotion. The Druids and Cora are facing their darkest fears. Humans often mistake what that means. Your darkest fear is never something external. Those, the so called enlightened, fear the same as the lowest addict. Am I worthy? Worthy of love? Worthy of anything and everything I receive in my life? They convince themselves the horrible tragic thi
ngs are what they deserve and only those things. What of the tiny beautiful miracles that happen in the span of an instant? The chance meeting of a person that shapes your future, the gentle caress of loved one, or the seemingly innocuous decision that alters the course of your life. They can't see the beauty of the intricacies that make up the universe. Instead, they fear themselves unworthy, unlovable, and undeserving. If they only knew how hard the universe works to get them out of their own way.

  Shaking my head, I look back at this group of extraordinary beings. My eyes widen when Aislin starts staring right at me, or at least right where I am metaphorically standing. A gentle smile curves her lips, and she gives me a minuscule nod, allowing me to remain hidden if I wish it. Power boost indeed, Morrigan. I sift the rest of the way in, appearing in front of them. The men tense, shifting to protect the women. I chuckle, for they have no idea the power those two now possess.

  "I've come to ask for your help." Shocked is an understatement. I want to laugh at their faces but I don't. Raising my brow, I continue, "Nestor brought something I requested from him and when he delivered it, he was being followed."

  Silence. Wood crackles in the fire, and I hear the horses stomping within their stalls below. Jason's anger is palpable. His eyes flash red before settling back to dark walnut. Emma reaches for his hand, calming him in an instant.

  "I made a plan, and since we are awaiting your friends to finish...well...their quest, for lack of a better term, now is a good time to set a trap for the traitor. It cannot make it back to whoever is masterminding this whole thing that we are readying ourselves for this battle. Yggdrasill is moving her players into position, but Sean, Michael, Raven, and even Cora are key to her plans. We must keep them as safe as possible." I level Kai with a questioning look. "You felt Asger, I take it?" His eyes sweep over his companions before he nods.


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