Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3)

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Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3) Page 11

by S. Lawrence


  We didn't sleep. Instead, we each laid stiffly on the ground, trapped by our own demons. The sky is just beginning to lighten when Cora sighs and shoving herself up, wrapping her arms around her knees. I shift, and she turns her head, laying her cheek on her knees, looking at me with a sad smile on her face. I reach out and run my hand over her wild hair. "Tis nothing to be done, lass. No tears today. We will get to them and then we will do what needs to be done. We all will."

  She straightens and nods, drawing a deep breath before standing. She leans down and digs into her little bag, straightening when she finds what she's looking for. I raise an eyebrow at her brush and hair stuff.

  She brushes the wild mass of color before pulling it up in a ponytail on top of her head. "Uh oh. I know what that means," Sean murmurs. "Aislin and Emma both put their hair up when they are getting serious."

  Cora grins, "Hell yeah! Ponytail and gangster rap. Let's go kick those bitches’ asses!" She makes a fist and holds it out at us. I bark a laugh before bumping it with mine. She turns an expectant eye toward Sean; he shakes his head but bumps her tiny fist, earning a huge grin.

  In moments, we start back on our journey. As we walk, Cora tells us tales of life in the swamp and living in the French Quarter. We tell her about Scotland and our beloved Highlands. She passes us water, and I hand her some jerky to eat, handing Sean some too. I realize we haven't really been eating. We soon devour everything we've brought with us. We are just finishing as we top a ridge, and there below us is the well. We pause, each looking at the three women that are waiting in the distance.

  Cora's hand slips into mine, and I squeeze it tightly.

  "Are you ready?" Sean asks. I nod.

  "Let's do this shit!" Cora states, and we both laugh. She is a spitfire for sure. I don't think the Norns have any idea what they've gotten with her.

  She squeezes my hand tightly and then lets me go. Before I know what she plans, she marches forward, leaving us behind. "We're here. Now what?" Her voice rings out across the valley, the sass echoing back to us. I look over at Sean and grin before starting after her.

  The three Norns wait for us just in front of the well. They are breathtakingly beautiful, each with Cora's silver eyes. They seem almost angelic in their serenity. But I'm not fooled; we are walking to our destruction.

  As we draw closer, my stomach starts to churn. I realize my hand is on my gun and I force myself to let go. Guns will not help us here. We slow as we get closer, our feet laden with weight. Sean and I shift slightly in front of Cora, drawing their gazes.

  The one that appears Asian in her features tilts her head and studies us. Her face is smooth, but her ancient eyes are continually assessing. The dark beauty smiles at Sean, and his eyes narrow before quartering the area around the well.

  "It's good that you have arrived," the Norn that looks like she could be from our own Highlands speaks, her voice tinkling like bells. Calmed by the sound of it, I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding. "Cora, we have waited for you for a thousand years."

  Our friend's hand tightens on mine for a second before she lets go. She is stepping forward when she is frozen, her foot suspended in the air.

  I growl, "What are you doing?"

  "Giving us some privacy." The Nubian Norn's voice rolls over me like thunder. I look at Sean, and he is frozen in place as well, his gun halfway from the holster.

  "Some decisions are best made without the influence of others. Some offers are best offered to only one." It is the Norn whose clan settled in the Far East that speaks now as she glides toward me. Her hand glides over me, soft as silk.

  "I know of the prophecy -- brother killing brother. I won't hurt Sean." My anger at the situation they directed us into bubbles to the surface.

  "What would you do to save him?" Her breath blows across my neck.

  I tense - it shouldn't be on my neck, she doesn't reach it. I turn my head and realize she is floating above the ground. "Anything," I snarl.

  The others move closer. "So much anger," all three say in unison, and it sounds eerie. I sway a bit on my feet, their power weaving into my mind. My life plays out for them as they travel through my memories. ALL of my memories. "So much sadness." I flinch. "So much longing."

  I shake my head trying to break free, breathing fast and clenching my fists.

  "Calm, Druid. We mean no harm to you. We only offer choices. I'm Unmei, and these are my sisters, Hatima and Wyrd. We are the weavers."

  The red-head named Wyrd moves in front of me. "We wove your threads to this point, and it is now up to you."

  "So, I should thank you for my shite life," I say in defiance.

  "A life that has brought you to your family. These people, that surround you, are your family, are they not?" An image of all of us, at Kai and Aislin's wedding, appears before me. We are laughing, and I can see the love woven around us. The red threads of our lives form a beautiful delicate spider web. "We didn't make that pattern, every single one of you did. Your choices. And now, we offer another." Hatima smiles again, and my lips curve in response.

  "We do not discount the trials of your life. We watched and lamented the choices made by others that affected you. We did what we could. We worked to bring you to Patrick, Chris, and Sean. We worried at times that we had interfered too much. Yggdrasill cautioned us to allow you to reach this moment on your own."


  "Depending on your decision, you will need great strength. Not of physical strength but of spirit or character. We chose you first. Your decision will decide what we do next." Unmei looks to the others before glancing back at me, the message is crystal clear.

  "What is the offer?" I resolve to save them anyway I can.

  "Someone must die so that the others can live. Not only live but prevail," Hatima replies, her voice steady.

  "Let it be me," I answer swiftly.

  "What if I told you, if you die, it is not a guarantee? What if we said Sean is not the one? What if we said you must choose one of the others?" I shake my head in denial. "What if we told you it is you who Raven calls for? That her love will heal you?"

  "My answer is the same." I swallow, looking at my brother, my faith in him stronger than ever.

  "He is too damaged, Michael. His heart is too broken. The loss of you will destroy him even further," Wyrd whispers as she moves in front of him, her eyes sad. "We saw his true self long ago."

  "If you can't see his worth, then you don't understand him at all. My decision stands, he deserves any chance I can give him." While they spoke, my hand has moved back to my weapon, and I lock eyes with them. As I slide it from the holster, in a movement smooth from practice, I bring it to my temple. "Tell him I said thank you. Tell him I love him and that he deserves this chance and to not fucking blow it. Tell Cora none of this is her fault. Tell Raven I hope to meet her again sometime."

  I smile sadly and pull the trigger.


  I look to the others; they are frozen in place, and the three Norns stand in front of me. Watching. Assessing. I turn and look at the tiny woman next to me, her face filled with dread and determination. I run my hand over her rainbow hair, before leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Thanks for the laughs, ye wee fairy," I whisper, my voice gruff.

  I walk around her to stand in front of Michael. "Brother, I'm sorry I failed ye in life but not now."

  "We offer you a choice...," their three voices call out. I turn and lock onto them.

  "There is no choice. He is the better man." Their eyes widen as I put the gun in my mouth. My movements are faster than they expect, alerting them to how often I practiced this. I swear a look of pride covers their faces right before the bullet tears through my brain.

  Chapter 26


  A scream bursts from my throat as I'm forced to watch two of the best men I know. Both scenes playout at once, even though I can tell Sean and Michael are in their own realities. Michael's torment and love shining in his eyes
as he looks my way. Sean's lips on my head and his voice whispering over me, not missing the resolution in it. I fight the Norns’ power, begging them to let me help my friends.

  "Daughter," the one that had introduced herself as Hatima says quietly, "it must happen. A sacrifice is required."

  "What fucking good is it? Why do you need them to die? You used me to get them here. You tricked us. We believed at least one of them would walk away from here." I'm screaming at them and struggling to reach the boys but I fail. I'm shocked silent as they both fall to the ground, together even in death. Sean falls in front of Michael, still protecting him from unseen dangers even now. I'm released and stumble to them, falling over them. I pull them close to me as their blood runs over me. My sobs are uncontrollable. I manage to pull them both to me and I hold them close, mumbling prayers learned from grand-mere, prayers to every God I know and even some ancient voodoo spirits. I pray for their tortured souls and I pray for vengeance for them.

  "Daughter, you must come away." Wyd moves and squats in front of me. I stare as Sean's blood soaks into the white of her dress. "Let us explain to you, let us help you understand." My head is shaking. Unmei comes and moves their destroyed heads from my arms. I am covered in blood that has gone sticky. I realize now that hours have passed. I let Hatima pull me up and lead me to the well. Wyrd draws a bucket of water from it, and they start to wash the blood from me. Fresh tears fall as the pink water run from my arms. Unmei rubs a damp cloth over my face, it too turning pink. My rage returns.

  "Tell me fucking why!" I growl, my teeth clenched in hurt and anger.

  "The problem with prophecies is that people interpret them how they want," Wyrd replies, her calm pissing me off even more.

  "Not many ways to interpret brother killing brother."

  "That is true, but we sent that vision to you. A test for you all." I turn and glare at Unmei.

  "A TEST!" I scream, my chest heaving. "Did we fucking pass?"

  Part III




  Chapter 27


  "Yes." Hatima smiles. "You all passed. You could have told them more after we showed you that they could both die, but you didn't. You knew the vision was not from Mimir. They could have refused to come."

  "They would never do that," I tell them with certainty.

  "We know." Their voices weave together and their power skates across my skin. "The true prophecy is about sacrifice and change. Only one knew the truth of it, Yggdrasill. For she is the one that is gifting the change."

  "Change?" I question, my curiosity peaked.

  "You will see, little daughter. For now, let us show you your power." They move away and Wyrd waves her hand. I'm instantly clothed in a long white dress like their own. I look back at the bodies of my friends, torn between believing the Norn’s words and my loyalty to these men. "Come, she is with them."

  At their words, the power I felt what seems like a lifetime ago under the tree in Louisiana seeps up from the ground and washes over me. I choosing to trust and pray I'm not wrong if follow them. It is late in the night when, in unison, their heads turn back to the well. Fucking creepy as hell.

  "It is time." They all rise and glide away as one. I struggle to my feet with none of their grace and chase after them. Torches are flickering around the bodies, which are now clean and lying next to one another. They are restored, no sign of the damage done by the bullets. Sean's face is relaxed in his death, and he looks years younger. Michael looks so at peace. I feel fresh tears pool in my eyes.

  The Norns move into a circle around them, reaching out and grasping each other's hands. They look to me, Hatima and Wyrd each holding out a hand in my direction.

  "Me? I don't know what to do here, girls. Sorry."

  "Join us, daughter. It is you we waited so long for. It is not happenstance that you met these men, that you met Aislin and Emma. We wove your threads, we wove the threads of your ancestors a thousand years ago." I gape at them. "You must complete their transformation. Without you, they are lost."

  Christ on a cracker, no pressure, Cora. I join my hands with theirs. "Now what?"

  "Let her guide you, Cora. She chose you. Showed us you all those years ago. She had faith in you." Again their voices merge, and with them, I hear another.

  'Thank you, little one, for guiding them, for trusting me. I know how hard it was. They are special to me, as are you.' Yggdrasill's voice is beautiful.

  "If they are so special to you, why didn't you protect them from the horrors of their life?" I ask.

  'Some things are stronger after they have been broken. And for their destiny, they must be very strong indeed.'

  I nod. "You didn't show me everything." I sound like a brat, sullen.

  'No. I didn't.' Laughter tickles through me. 'Your Grand-mere was right. You needed to have faith for your destiny to mark it's path. You needed to be able to believe in yourself and your power. Time to stop running.' I look at the faces that watch me silently, waiting for me to embrace what they believe I am. 'Believe in what you are.'

  "Okay, okay," I grumble. "What do I do?"

  "You believe and let your power free, darling girl. Just let it free," Unmei urges.

  "I didn't realize I was holding it captive," I say sardonically, trying to understand what is happening around me.

  "You keep it under lock and key, my dear," Wyrd chuckles.

  "Release it!" Hatima shouts making me jump. I glare at her for a moment before closing my eyes. They are freaking me out. This whole thing is freaking me out.

  'The future depends on you. I will show you now what they are to become.' An image of a great dog, or wolf, appears in my head. It's coat is white but also shimmers green in the light. The fur is long and sections are in braids, with beads woven within it. His face is white as snow with bright emerald eyes shining out at me. I can feel his connection with the Earth, with every living thing. 'Cu Sith,' she whispers the name to me. The Norns begin to chant the words.

  Next comes a great black cat, larger than a jaguar but with a thick body and a square head like one. It is black as the night sky, except one patch of white on its chest. Fangs peek out of its muzzle, and sapphire eyes look right into my soul. He is the silent killer, the protector of those who can't protect themselves. 'Cait Sith,' her voice echoing through my mind. Now the Norns are chanting both titles, calling to Sean and Michael. I smile at the knowledge. 'This is their destiny. You must give them this gift. Free yourself and free them.'

  I feel myself relax. It is in my power to bring them back to us, to give them great power. With that knowledge, I feel my power break from the chains I bound it with. My back bows, and I fight. "Relax, daughter. Send it to them. Pull the gift from she who gives it to them and send it to them."

  Coolness washes over me. It is Yggdrasill, it is the Mother Earth herself. They offer me the gifts. 'Give this life to them, choose who will be which. You know what to do.'

  Do I? I look at the men dead and wait. I think of their personalities and instantly I know. Sean needs the connection with Mother Earth to soothe his soul. Michael was always Cait Sith in his way, the silent killer traveling the trees. I send my power to them with my love. I feel the moment the powers that are being given to them take hold. I feel the first beat of their hearts. I feel the great beasts stretch beneath their skin, settling into them. I feel the joining of their spirits. It isn't like when the dragons join with men; that is two separate animals. This is more like two sides of the same animal. How long it takes, I'm not sure but from one moment to the next, the men are gone and the animals sit in front of us. Eyes blinking in confusion, they look around our circle. I break free and start to rush to them. A roar stops me dead in my tracks.

  "Michael?" His mouth stretches wide, canines that seem a foot long glisten in the light of the torches. A growl rumbles from the massive wolf at his side as they both stare at me. "Sean?" My voice trembles, not in fe
ar but in sadness. Did they lose themselves? I look at the Norns.

  "It will take them a moment," Unmei states. A deep growl echoes around us as Sean stands with teeth barred, moving toward them. Not toward me, thank God, as I sigh in relief.

  "Michael, are you in there? Shit, what if I did it wrong? It's not like they gave me exact directions. 'Just release my power.' Oh fuck, I did it wrong. I just made them animals," I ramble, incoherently, my eyes bouncing over their faces. I drop to the ground dejected. Burying my hands in my head, I try not to cry. That's me, the fuck up. I'm well into my pity party when I feel a gigantic head bump into me, velvet fur sliding over my bare shoulder. I look up. Azure eyes are inches from mine, and I see him there. "Oh, thank God!" Throwing my arms around his neck, I press my face into that black fur. Tears slide from my eyes in relief. The next second, I feel his arms come around me and his warm skin is under my cheek. I can't help but grin. Pushing back, I grin wider at his face, the amazement stamped there is beautiful.

  "Och lass, you've saved us." I start to cry, hearing his voice. He rubs his hands over my arms and a tongue licks up my neck. Jumping, I twist to see the gigantic wolf sitting behind me, green eyes filled with amusement.

  "Sean." He shifts and is standing before me NUDE. Holy shit! I try to look away, I do but damn. I realize I've said it out loud when his booming laugh startles me. Jumping to my feet, I turn to face Michael and Mother of God, I had been practically sitting in his nude lap. "CLOTHES!" I screech, my face hot.

  I hear a throat clear and we all whip around to see the amused faces of the Norns. I don't miss the looks of appreciation I see on Norns’ faces and, if their posture is anything to go by, neither do the boys. I giggle and it quickly turns into a full belly laugh. New tears, of true happiness this time, are streaming down my face in a minute. A wave of hands and Sean and Michael are back in clothes, like they had been before my world got turned upside down. I can relax a little.


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