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Sin Page 15

by Torrie Robles

  She normally doesn't come into the clubhouse area, avoiding the chaos that the club brings. Luckily, she has access to the kitchen and my mother's house by going around back of the building. She doesn't like the lifestyle the clubhouse represents and I understand that. I barely tolerate it. We still haven't thought beyond her pregnancy. I'm not sure what her plans are and to be honest, I'm not ready to hear it. I don't want to listen her tell me that she's leaving, that she's going back to live with her parents, away from me. But this place isn't for her. She shouldn't have to live in the same building where guys are fucking the club whores. But this is temporary. It has to be. Because she has to continue to be safe.

  "She's fucking gorgeous, man." Hawk says from beside me.

  "Yeah she is."

  "Damn, Savannah, your tits are smokin’!" His outburst instantly embarrasses her.

  "Shut the fuck up, Hawk." I smack him in the chest.

  "You don’t have a brain to mouth filter, do you Hawk?" She says as she laughs.

  "No, ma'am. Not among friends, anyways."

  "Well then, I'm honored to be considered a friend, please, continue with the non-filter." She smiles.

  "Seriously, though, your tits weren’t that big yesterday." She laughs while I smack Hawk in the back of the head. Rubbing his head and turns towards me, "Hey, she said I can continue. Smack her." I cut my eyes to her, catching her flinch at those words.

  "I would never put my hand on her in that way, dumb ass."

  Recognition flashes on his face. "Oh, shit. I didn't mean that, Savannah."

  "I know, don't worry, it’s okay." She reaches for Hawk's hand. I clench my teeth as I watch her thumb brush back and forth again the back of his hand. The heat of jealously creeps up my neck.

  "Why did you come out here? This isn’t typically your scene."

  "Well, on your mother's suggestion." She lifts her brow. "Thank you by the way, even though I told you not to bother her. I'm going to head to Doc, to make sure there isn't something more going on. She ran to her house to grab her purse so she can take me."

  Knowing that Redding is in the area has me with an uneasy feeling. I'm not sure what his angle is. He may have snatched Louie's daughter to sell her, or he might have snatched her to use her as bargaining. If he keeps her, he may get Louie to do his dirty work and bring his club to us. I hope that's not the case and that Redding hasn't put the past of our two clubs together. Then there's Louie Sr. Does he know his son is about to send him to his death? Has he finally gained a conscious and decided the life of his granddaughter is worth more than his own life? Whatever it may be, I don't want my mother or Savannah out without protection.

  "I think it's better to take one of the guys with you. Maybe have my mother skip this one."

  "Why?" She questions.

  "I need you to trust me on this, Savannah."

  "And you need to trust me. Why the sudden over protectiveness?"

  "I've always been protective."

  “You’re not joking.” Hawk says under his breath.

  'You've never had one of the guys come with me. It's always been okay for me to be with your mother. We've done our weekly visits with Lily and everything without one of the guys."

  "That's gonna need to change too. I can't have you out like that. I need you here, behind the walls, safe. At least for a little while."

  "Mathew, you need to tell me what's going on."

  "Jesus, Sin, just tell her."

  "Hawk will take you to Doc's." She crosses her arms over her chest, making her boobs spill out even more. "Jesus, put your arms down." I pull on her arms while Hawk is laughing. "Your chest is big enough already, they don't need any help coming out of your bra."

  "Hey, focus here." She says as she snaps her fingers in my face.

  "Just let Hawk take you, not my mother and when you get back I'll tell you everything I know."


  "I have never and will never lie to you, sugar."

  "I don’t mean to interrupt." Kara walks up. I don't need her shit right now.

  "What?" I snap

  "I overheard that she needs to go see Doc."

  "And? Hawk’s taking her."

  "I know, but I was wondering if I can get a ride. I have an appointment down town.”

  “Absolutely not.” I answer.

  “Sin, come on. Hawk is going where I need to go, it’s only logical. I just need a ride.”

  “I don’t mind taking her.” Hawk pipes up. I look over to Savannah and she gives me a look of disapproval.


  “Fine. Get your ass in the back and don’t say a fucking word to Savannah.”

  “Alright, Jesus.” She goes to stomp off but I grab her arm.

  “I’m being serious, Kara. Don’t fuck with me and don’t spit your venom towards Savannah. I’m warning you.”

  She pulls her arm away. “Yeah, I got it.” She turns towards Hawk. “I’ll be at your truck, thanks.”

  "You can't be serious?" Savannah questions.

  "It’s just a ride, sugar. She won’t open her mouth. I promise.”

  “Would you ride with Tyson if he asked for a ride?” She crossed her arms again, pushing her tits up even further up this time. My eyes dart to Hawk and he’s totally checking out her cleavage. Hawk's my brother in all sense of the word, but there is only so far I allow my family to go and he’s right on the edge of my patience.

  “Just get to Doc’s so he can check you out.” I turn to leave, still listening to their conversation.

  "You have got to be kidding me.”

  "Savannah, don't push him." Hawk says. "Let's get going so we can get back. I've got club shit to deal with."


  I enter Cut's office as soon as I made sure the three of them left the compound in Hawk's black truck. The lift on it is going to be a problem the further along Savannah gets. I may not be able to rely on him taking her places if I can't talk him into adding a step up for her. I can't risk her falling while she's trying to climb that thing and hurt the baby. "Everything alright?" Cut asks as I enter.

  "Yeah, Savannah’s going to see Doc. Her morning sickness should be getting better by now.”

  “Normally you’d think, but didn’t she start later in her pregnancy? Maybe it just means she’ll just have it during her second trimester and not her first.” I look at him in disbelief. “What? I’ve been reading up.”

  "Is that so?" I question.

  "Jesus, Sin. You aren’t the only one who plans to bring kids into their future. I have every right to read up on shit that Lily might be going through."

  I hold up my hands. “I’m not saying anything.”

  "Fuck you. Why are you here, anyway? You being the doting father to be, I figured you’d be in the office holding her hand."

  "We're just friends."

  "So you say, brother. If you’re not with her, then who is?"

  "Hawk and Kara."

  "Hawk I understand, but why in the fuck did you send Kara with them?"

  “Chill out, Cut. She needed a ride into town. I didn’t see the issue with that.”

  "Sometimes you’re so damn blind at shit that’s right in front of your fucking face."

  "Whatever man, I’m not here to justify my decisions to you. I've been thinking. Do you think Redding snatched that girl because he's a sick fuck and likes to sell little girls to other sick fucks or do you think he took her to use her as leverage?"

  "I've thought that. That's one of the reasons why we need a meeting before we commit to anything. I haven't spoken to Louie in years. I need to see where his head’s at. I need to see if he's coming to me as a father who's lost his little girl or as a club president looking to take a club down while doing a job on the side."

  "How will you know the difference?"

  "I'm going to have Mom sit in on the meeting."


  "Because she has had a child taken. She can sympathize and she can tell me if he's sincere or not."
  "That's risky, bringing Mom into it."

  "Well then, you'll think it's even riskier when I tell you that I’m going to have Savannah in the room as well."

  "Fuck no you aren't!"

  "Listen to me, Sin. I would never put your girl in harm’s way. I would trust you with Lily's life; you need to grant me the same decency. I’m not telling you that I'm going to be parading her in front of Redding and the cartels he's in cahoots with. I'm telling you, and let me repeat, I'm telling and not asking you, that she is going to be in the room with mom, you, me, and half of the club. No one will get to her. I need to see if seeing her gives Louie any reaction. We don't have to introduce her. I just need her present."

  "I'm not sure if Savannah will be up to it."

  "She'll be up to it after you tell her what you found out today."

  "That's club business, you know how I feel about getting involved with the shit end of club business, but I’ll tell her. Only because this has to do with her and her safety and I’ll do whatever I need to do to make sure they both stay safe. But me telling her doesn’t mean she’s going to want to put herself and the baby in danger. I’m leaving that decision up to her. I’m not pushing."

  He nods. "I know you’re club by name only, and that’s fine with me. I’ve been trying Sin. I’m trying to make your life a little better and that’s the only reason why I’m so lax when it comes to your involvement with the club. Any other brother’s lack of participation wouldn’t go unnoticed, but I understand when it comes to you. I know where your heart is, and it's not with Devil's Fury and that's okay. I'm thankful it's beating again; it's been a long time."

  "Don't get it twisted."

  "Brother,” he shakes his head, smiling “I don't have anything twisted. I see everything perfectly. It's you who needs to open his eyes. Get the fuck outta here, and see your girl and make sure that baby is healthy."

  "I know the baby isn't Sin's." Kara, who’s sitting next to me in the waiting room, says under her breath. I knew as soon as Hawk mentioned that he was going to wait outside the door that she’d make her move. He mentioned something about keeping a look out, but what he failed to realize is that Kara never had an appointment. It's a lie. I love Hawk to death, but most of the time he’s clueless. Sin is gonna kick his butt when he finds out she’s still here.

  "And how do you know that?" My eyes drift around the room, taking in all the expecting mothers.

  "It's easy, really. He hasn't really left the compound in months. The first time was when he brought you back. I've never seen you before and I try to be there as much as I can. Being seen is important, you know?" I didn't, but I wasn't going to tell her that. I have no desire to get into that conversation with her. "So I know, that baby isn't his."

  "Good for you, Sherlock." I mumble.

  "Why aren't you with your baby daddy?"

  "It's really none of your business, Kara. Anything to do with me is none of your business. Let's keep it like that, shall we?"

  "I'm not trying to be nasty, Savannah. I was just asking. Don't you get lonely sitting in that room all day long?”

  “I’m not in the room all day. I have plenty to keep me busy.” I goad her a little more. “I help Sin in the shop. He seems to like my company.”

  Her eyes flare with contempt, but she quickly schools her features. “Don't you miss having a girlfriend to talk to?"

  "It's been a long time since I've had a girlfriend to confide in. It's hard to miss something you don't remember having."

  "That sounds awful. Girlfriends are the best. You know, there’s a clubhouse full of ladies who are great people and would love to take you under their wing. Me included." The snarkiness of her voices tells me otherwise.

  "Listen, Kara. We’re nothing alike. I’m not putting down your lifestyle decisions. To each their own, but we’re nothing alike. I see how you and the rest of them look at me. Do not make offers that aren’t sincere. I don’t have time for the games. I'm going to be a mother. I'm going to be responsible for someone other than myself. My worries are going to be how not to mess up my child's life, not whose dick I'm going to suck that night." She looks taken aback by my outburst. I see a couple women shift in their seats, probably uncomfortable with our confrontation.

  "Wow, I have no idea what he sees in you. You’re such a grade A bitch. You walk around Bianca’s house and the shop like your shit doesn’t stink. I’ve got some news for you." She stands up and faces me, her hands on the arms of my chair as she leans into me. I know she’s doing this trying to intimidate me, but I don’t budge, I might even sit up a little straighter. “You’re just a distraction, something bright in a place that’s full of darkness. Sin will get tired of you. The attraction will wear off and he’ll be back to where he belongs. Between my legs.”

  “Savannah Ray.” The nurse calls my name making my head jerk her way. Kara stands at attention, and takes a step back.

  “I’m coming.” I give her a small smile.

  "You can leave now." Sin growls from behind Kara, making her jump.

  I’m shocked when I hear his voice. He physically moves Kara out of the way to get to me. I watch her stumble and anger flash in her eyes.

  His hair is styled back, slicked. His beard is freshly groomed and his clothes aren't what he normally wears. His normal tight t-shirts are replaced by a nice plaid button-up. The sleeves are rolled slightly showing off the bright colors of his tattoos. He holds out his hand pulling me from my chair.

  “I see Dad made it in time.” The nurse is still oblivious as to what is really going on. My eyes dart around the room and everyone is watching us.

  “Yes, I did. Thankfully.” He gives her a small smile before turning back towards Kara, his voice low and menacing. “Leave.”

  "Gladly. I don't want to be in the way when you pretend to play daddy to that bastard."

  Sin reaches out and grabs Kara by the arm. "You seem to be forgetting your place. You had better watch it because this is your final warning. Your age is showing Kara; soon I won't be the only one who notices it. Can you hear it?" He points his finger in the air. "That's the ticking of the clock slowly winding down your time in the club." He escorts through the waiting room to the door then shoves her out of the room, closing the door on her stunned face. In two strides, he’s standing in front of me. "Hi." He looks at me, his face completely changed from just a second ago.

  "What are you doing here?" His hand rests to the small of my back, ushering me towards the still waiting nurse.

  “Is everything alright?” She asks as we enter the hallway towards the exam room.

  “Yes. Everything is perfect now.” He reassures her.

  The nurse weighs me, takes my temperature, and my blood pressure. All the while, I’m stunned to have Sin here with me. She tells us the doctor will be in shortly and closes the door behind her. “What are you doing here?” I ask again.

  "This is where I should be.” He sits down, scooting the chair closer to me. “I shouldn't have told Hawk to take you, when I'm the one who wanted to take you in the first place. I just needed to talk to Cut first."

  "Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

  "Yes, after the appointment."

  "You didn't need to come, you know."

  "I know. I'm beginning to learn there are many things I don't have to do. I'm starting to do the things I want to do and I want to be here with you." He reaches his hand out, taking mine in his. The rough calluses of his palm soothes over my skin. He continues to massage my hand, lulling me into a peaceful trance. My head falls back as I take in the feel of his fingers rubbing the muscles of my hand. My muscles relax and the tension that I had built up in my shoulders relaxes with each squeeze of my hand. "You need more of this, sugar. You need more relaxing and less worry. I'm going to make sure that happens."

  "Well, Sin, this is a surprise." Doc walks in, ending the massage session.

  "Hey Doc, get used to seeing me, I’ll be coming with Savannah from now on. I'm right
where I want to be." He winks at me.

  “That’s good to hear.” Doc smiles. “Well, Savannah, I know you’re worried about the morning sickness, and you have every right to be. I would like to see you gaining a little more weight, but I understand that you getting sick is hindering that.”

  “I’ve tried everything to keep the food down, but nothing seems to be working. I thought morning sickness was supposed to let up after the first trimester. I started getting it after.”

  “Every pregnancy’s different Savannah. You’re far enough along where I don’t have to do a vaginal ultrasound. We can do the ultrasound over the stomach. First I’ll check your cervix to make sure everything is as it should be.”

  He pulls the metal stirrups from the table. My heart pounds against my chest knowing that he’s going to be where I wouldn’t want any man. Jealously takes hold of me. “Sin.” His voice pulls me from my thoughts. He grabs a paper cover, handing it to me. “Savannah knows what to do. I’ll be right back.”

  She maneuvers her hands under her as she starts to slide her panties down by rocking from side to side. “Would you like me to leave, until you’re covered? Um, maybe turn around?”

  “I don’t have anything you haven’t seen before, Matthew.”

  She’s right. I may not have seen her before, but I’ve seen my share.

  I stand and drape the cover over her legs as she pulls the gown up completely exposing her stomach. No longer a flat smooth surface, she runs her hands over her growing tummy. “It’s getting hard.” She says, but my mind drifts to other things that are getting hard. “What?” She asks.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  She laughs. “My body’s changing. See.” She points to her stomach. “I may never have a flat stomach again.”

  “Am I perverted for being extremely turned on right now?” I brush my hand over her abdomen, which causes chills to spread over her skin. I can’t seem to wrap my mind around the fact that there’s a baby under the silkiness of her skin.

  She rolls her eyes. “How can you be turned on right now?”


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