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Sin Page 18

by Torrie Robles

  Lick is an acquired taste. It took me a while to get used to him. His mind doesn’t work like most. He’s constantly crude and rarely says anything that doesn’t have something to do with sex. The only thing that means something to him is the club. From what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen, this club is the only thing that hasn’t let him down in his life. His mother overdosed when he was barely legal. His sister took off when she turned thirteen and hasn’t been heard from since. His father is serving a life sentence for killing the man who supplied his wife, Lick’s mom, with heroin. You would think that after seeing her husband lose his freedom would change things, but they didn’t, she kept on using.

  “I’m Sin.” Ignoring Lick’s comments, Sin tries to keep the conversation normal, despite Jenni looking appalled by Lick's words. “It’s nice to meet you, Jenni.” He holds out his hand, which she accepts.

  “Nice to meet you too. Thank you.”

  “I only made a phone call; I should be thanking you for making a trip. I know Savannah gets lonely and as much as I love my mother, you can only be in her presence for so long before you begin to lose it. I figured you can keep Savannah company, keep an eye out for her for me–”

  “Why?” She cuts him off. “Why do I need to keep an eye on her?” She turns to me with concern in her eyes. “Is there something wrong? Is the baby alright?”

  “Everything’s good.” I assure her.

  “The baby is fine.” Sin cuts in. “Redding’s in the area. Has been since Savannah’s been here.”

  “Are you serious?” She asks me.

  “Afraid so.”

  “Limp dick thinks he’s got standing here in Las Cruces.” Lick says, “He thinks his tainted money is gonna get him his girl. But the thing is, there aint no girl to get because Savannah isn’t his anymore. She’s Devil’s Fury and we don’t share with the likes of him.” I’m shocked by Lick’s defense of me. We’ve had a more hate than like relationship. From the moment I’ve arrived, he’s been hot and cold. I never know if he wants to sleep with me or make me disappear.

  “Is he serious?”

  “Yeah, ‘fraid so.” Sin explains. “The club has a lot going on at the moment. There’s a possibility that he’s taken the daughter of a rival club’s president. If this is true, then we have the chance to get her back, on top of a redemption that’s a long time coming. I can’t keep Savannah safe if I’m dealing with club business.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Aint nothing for you to understand. All you need to know is that you need to keep Sin’s woman safe.”

  “Lick.” Sin’s tone is a warning. “I’m usually not too involved with the club other than building the rigs. That’s where my involvement begins and ends with the club on a normal day. It’s an arrangement that me and Cut have made, and it’s served me well for years, but now, now I need to be more club than I would like and that means that I can’t make sure she’s safe if I’m not in the office keeping an eye on her.”

  “What am I supposed to do?” Jenni raises her voice, making Goober’s head lift from the ground where he’s been this whole time. He lets out a little growl.

  “What the fuck was that?” Lick asks. “Does that thing even think he’s a threat? I can squash that mutt like a bag of shit.”

  “He’s my baby and protects his mommy and you won’t be squashing anything,” she states. “Now answer my question.”

  “I simply need you to hang out with her until I know that Redding isn’t an issue. There’s a plan in place, and if everything goes as planned, he won’t be a problem for much longer.”

  “Why not just go home, Savannah? Home to your parents. I know they’d love to have you back. Why stay here when you know there’s a chance that you’re not safe.”

  “She’s not going anywhere.” Sin grasps my hand. I can see his patience start to waver. “The only place she’s safe is here.”

  “It doesn’t seem so from what you’re telling me.”

  “She has protection here.” He pulls me into his side; I instantly relax by the feel of his body next to mine. “She’s got the club behind her. If she were to go home, there’s no guarantee that Redding won’t get to her. I need to keep her and the baby safe.” He brushes his hand along my belly. “She’s staying here, there isn’t an alternative option.”

  “Jenni.” I address her. “I don’t think I’ll be safe if I went back home. You know how strong the Reddings are. Even if I went back, do I really want to bring all that drama and trouble to my parents?” She doesn’t answer because she knows I’m right.

  “What do I need to do?”

  “It’s simple, sweet tits. Have girl time or whatever it is that you bitches do, paint each other’s toes, give each other facials. Fuck, eat each other out if that’s what you’re into. Just make sure Savannah’s safe, and you better damn well include me if you decide on the latter. My room is two doors down the hall from Sin’s. If you get lonely, or ever feel like sucking my cock, that’s where I’ll be.” He pushes through the door and then he’s gone.

  “What the hell is that guy’s issue?” Jenni asks.

  “That’s just Lick.” Sin replies.

  “Are they all like that?”

  “Nope, he’s one of a kind.”

  “Thank mercy for that.”

  “Do you think she’ll mind if I stay at her house?” Jenni asks as we walk over to Bianca’s.

  “I don’t think she’ll mind at all. She’s the best. I stayed with her for a few weeks before Sin moved me into the clubhouse with him.”

  “I have so many questions. I’m not sure where I’m supposed to start. This is all crazy Savannah. Never in a million years would I have thought it was you who would be living the life of a biker babe.”

  I laugh. “Not a biker babe.” I shake my head. “Not in a million years will I ever be a biker babe.”

  “I bet it’s hot as hell riding on the back of one of those things. All the power between your legs. The engine revving, hot damn I’m getting all hot and bothered just thinking about it.”

  I take in my best friend out of the corner of my eye. She has Goober on a leash, trotting expectedly beside her. I know that I’ve changed so much over the course of the past four years. Many of which, well most of which, she wasn’t there to witness. Another thing that I hadn’t realized before, but that was mostly Tyson’s doing. He toyed with my heart and my emotions. He slowly isolated me until I had no one to call my own. No friend that I can turn to or to help me...God, I can’t believe I let that happened. “It’s pretty surreal. Riding the bike, the power, the wind whipping around you, trusting the man you have your arms wrapped around with your life. I wouldn’t change a thing about it.”

  “See!” She throws her arms up. Her sudden movement yanks Goober back a few inches. By the look he’s giving her, he doesn’t appreciate it. “I’ve always been the crazy one.”

  “You’ve always been the one with something to prove.”

  “Yeah, exactly. I’ve been the one who wants to live outside of the box and here you are making that box your bitch.”

  I laugh at her. Just being who she is, Jenni in all her colorful glory. “I take it the box is closing in around you?”

  “You can say that again.”

  “Are you going to tell me the scoop on Jenni Renee Hoyt? It’s been four years and I need all the info I can get.”

  “Yeah, I’ll tell you mine when you tell me yours.”

  We reach the porch and as soon as we step foot on the first step Bianca opens the door. “Ah, Jenni, another Bella, yeah?” She says reaching out to bring Jenni into a hug. “It’s so nice to meet the face to go with the name, mija.”

  Jenni turns her head and looks at me. “You’ve talked about me?”

  “Of course Savannah has mentioned you. We do a lot of girl talk, well did. I should say since I don’t get those talks as much anymore. My son decided it was better to swap her as my roommate for one of the boys at the club.” She steps out of the
way and allows us to enter her living room. “I love the boys with all my heart, but a woman needs girlfriends. Men aren’t into talking about their feelings.” She pats my back.

  “It goes again the man code to discuss feelings.” I hear a voice coming from the kitchen and see Cut enter.

  He is a true leader. From the moment he’s in your presence, he commands the entire room. I thought it was only like that in Jury, but it’s not. Cut controls wherever he is. I can feel Jenni shrink in size when she takes in the mass that is Cut. She submits to him without knowing. I wonder if Lily submits to Cut. If over the years she’s learned to stand up to the man who is her husband or if he commands her just as much as he commands everyone else. I may recoil to a point, but I’ve had some time to get to know him and I think I know what makes tick.

  He has dominance about him and it’s different from what I get from Sin. Sin’s dominance gives off a control for your safety. Cut gives off the vibe that he wants your surrender out of fear and I can tell that Jenni is shaking in her cowboy boots right now.

  “That’s nonsense, mijo.” Bianca says. “Every man must learn to speak about their feelings. It only makes their women love them more.”

  “Not need to change what aint broke, Ma.” He says. “Cut.” He reaches out while Jenni mirrors his action and shakes his hand. Cut is a mountain of a man. He’s built a lot like Lick in the sense of massiveness and Jenni appears extra compact in size compared to him. She just about breaks her neck looking up, making sure to make eye contact with him.

  “I’m Jenni–”

  “Yeah, Jenni Hoyt, from Texas. Obtained her AA from the same college as Savannah, but never went on to her BS. Ms. Hoyt, who is currently taking child development, classes online to obtain enough to teach in the great state of Texas. Jenni, who is now a substitute teacher at the elementary level, but hopes to teacher high school in the future.” I watch the exchange and as Cut continues to give Jenni the information about her own life, her face begins to fall.

  I squeeze her shoulder. “They do that.”

  “What on earth?” She questions. “How?”

  “It’s club business and seeing as you’re here. In my mother’s house, I’ll tell you a little something. There isn’t anything I won’t or can’t find out about you. If there’s a chance, you being here brings danger to my club, to my family. I’ll know.”

  “Mijo, stop it. She’s Savannah’s friend. She’s harmless.”

  “A friend who has been out of the picture for the past four years.” Cut states.

  “A friend who would never put Savannah in danger. Seeing as you’re speaking of family. Blood or not, time passing or not, she’s my family and there isn’t anything that I won’t do to protect her. Not hurt her.” She brushes the curls that have fallen into her face as she addresses Cut. “I didn’t choose to let her walk out of my life but I let her go because she thought it was something that she needed. I’ll always put what Savannah needs before my own because that’s what family does.” Jenni says with authority.

  Cut doesn’t say anything more. He must be satisfied with what she said, but I know that he’ll be watching her. The entire club will be watching her. Cut’s attention turns to me. “How did the appointment go? Did my brother get his head out of his ass and show up?”

  “Yes he did.” I give him a smile, which makes him roll his eyes. “The baby’s a girl.”

  “Oh, mija.” Bianca comes to me and hugs me. I feel her body shudder as the emotions overtake her.

  “I’m so happy for you, Savannah.” Jenni tells me, giving me a small smile.

  “I’m sure Lily is going to be asking me to get the little one a tiny pink cut to wear. It aint gonna happen.” He says with a smirk. “Bye, Mama.” He gives her a kiss on the check while wrapping his arms around her.

  “Don’t ruin the news for me, Cut. Let me tell Lily. It’s a girl thing.” I say.

  “Heaven forbid I get in the way of your girl things.”

  He nods in our direction and exits the house through the back door.

  “Well.” Jenni says. “The males around here are extremely overwhelming. I’m not sure how to handle all the testosterone.”

  “Oh, mija, you just need to learn the secret. These boys may look intimidating but you have to remember one thing. Your tits will always be more powerful than the strongest of men.” She winks and we bust out laughing.

  “I’ve looked into everything. Louie’s telling the truth.” Dyke says as we sit around the table in Jury. The door opens and my brother enters, taking his seat at the head of the table.

  “I hear this place is going to be a lot pinker in the future.” He looks at me and I grin.

  “True that.” I confirm.

  “Have you made a decision?” Cut asks. My eyes travel around the table. Dyke is smiling, Lick has a smirk. Hawk is grinning from ear to ear while Bubba just stares at me.


  “Care to elaborate?” Cut asks.

  “She’s staying. I want her here. I want things that I didn’t think I would ever want and I’m going to do what I need to do to make sure it happens. I want her and that baby. They’re mine.”

  Hawk throws his head back making a whoop sound. “I’m happy for you, brother.” He slams his hand on the table. “Damn, Sin’s settling down.” He laughs and I shake my head.

  “Not a lot of men will step up to raise another man’s baby.” Dyke says. “Especially knowing that the father is powerful and wealthy.”

  “Sperm donor.” Lick speaks up. “Redding was just the fucker who put the bun in the oven.” My lips tighten at the reminder of the facts. “But it’s our boy who’s the father. Don’t ever doubt that. Just because the blood isn’t the same doesn’t mean shit. Any asshole can have a child, it takes a man to be a dad and I haven’t met one finer than Sin.”

  I’m shocked by Lick’s outburst. “Wow, man. I have no words.”

  “No need. Now that you’re otherwise disposed, means more pussy for me.” The table erupts in laughter.

  “Your father would be proud of you, Sin.” Dyke speaks up. “I don’t mean to rain on this parade of feelings and shit, but we’ve got to focus on what we need to do.” The table rumbles in agreement. “Tyson has in fact taken Louie’s daughter. Louie has in fact reached out to other clubs for help and every single one of them has turned their backs without a second glance.”

  “It seems like the sins of the father are coming to bite Louie is the ass, huh?” Cut states.

  “Karma’s taken a long time, but no matter what, she’s still a raging bitch.” Lick declares.

  “So we’re doing this?” I ask.

  “Yeah.” Dyke speaks again. “The source we have over the border informed me they’re going to move five young females at the end of the week. We have until then to make our move and get Louie’s daughter.”

  “We’re getting all of them, right? We aren’t just grabbing Louie’s. We need to get them all.” Hawk replies.

  “Yes we’re getting all of them, but we need to be stealthy during this entire operation. This isn’t something I want showcased.” Cut verbalizes. “I don’t to make a habit of rescuing children for free. I’m sure it sounds shitty, but we can’t make money doing pro bono work.”

  “Agreed,” I say.

  I know this has nothing to do with Savannah. This is about some dickhead who picked the wrong girl to take. The fact that he happens to be the same piece of shit Savannah used to be involved with only acts as icing on the cake. I wanted to take that motherfucker down one way or another. It’s like divine intervention that he decided to act stupid in Fury’s territory.

  “Dyke, set up the meeting for tomorrow night, here at the club house. Louie is coming with only two members. This shows us that he’s serious about wanting help. I’ll make sure the girls are here before he arrives. Hawk, I want you keeping your eyes on Louie. If you pick up on any facial expressions or body movement to indicate that he’s being anything but truthful I need to kn

  “Got it.”

  “Alright, tomorrow it is.” Cut continues. “If everything goes right we’ll be taking down this fucker in forty-eight hours.”

  I stand. “What are we going to do if Redding’s with the girls?”

  “Nothing.” Cut responds. The fact that he doesn’t plan on doing anything pisses me off. “Our involvement in this is minimal. Our only goal is to get the girls. Nothing else. The only thing the club needs is to have possession of Louie’s daughter so we can make the exchange and get Louie Sr. The plan didn’t entail taking Redding out.”

  “Are you kidding me right now? Redding’s a threat to the club.”

  “No, brother,” Cut replies. “He’s only a threat to the future you’re just now coming to terms with. Tyson's life has no bearing on this club. His demise only suits your end game and I’m not going to take another life just to make your love life easier. He’s not put a threat on this club, so there's no need to retaliate. Redding’s a big fish, one that can cost us big if word gets out that he died at the hands of Devil’ Fury.”

  “He’s not going to go away and you know that.”

  “We can scare him.” Lick speaks up. “Maybe we can make him re-think him being here. Make him shit his pants until he tucks tail and goes back to Texas.”

  “I agree with that.” Dyke says.

  “Me too.” Bubba finally speaks up.

  “Alright.” Cut agrees. “Once we get the girl, Lick, you’re in charge of persuading Redding to get his ass back to Texas.” I go to interject. “No, Sin. No need to open your mouth. You're far too involved when it comes to Savannah and that baby. You’re lucky I’m going to let you in on taking Louie Sr. out and I’m only doing that because of your relationship with our sister. I feel you need this. But don’t ask me for Redding because that’s not going to happen.”

  “Understood.” I stand up and walk out. No other words are needed.


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