Pendragon's Princess

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Pendragon's Princess Page 25

by Kara Griffin

She stood next to Rhyder, and they watched Sawyer ride through the gate.

  “You should’ve stopped him.”

  Rhyder pulled her into his arms. “No, he needed to go. I couldn’t have him gazing at you with such longing without wanting to put my fist in his face.” Although his words harsh, he spoke insincerely. “Ah, there is Olor. He must be here to see you.”

  The old man approached with a smile. “Fairy, you’re finally up and about.” He bowed his head. “I thought ye might be in your sick bed still. I’ve brought you a gift, fairy, one that will hopefully bring back a shine to your eyes and a smile upon your lips.”

  She grinned for he was kind. “I need only to see you to bring me joy.”

  Rhyder cleared his throat and raised a brow. “Only he?”

  She laughed. “And of course you, my husband. What have you brought, Olor?”

  He placed his hand inside the new cloak she’d given him and retrieved a pup. The pup was light-haired and with a black nose. “I know how distressed ye were at the loss of Wynn. None could ever replace that hound in your heart, but this wee one might fill it a small bit.”

  “It’s so tiny. I doubt Wynn was ever so small for he was already knee-high when my papa gave him to me.” She took the tiny pup from him and held it to her chest.

  “She be a mutt and won’t grow as big as your hound. But she’ll be as devoted.”

  “Thank you, Olor. I will cherish and love her.” Katriona thought the adorable pup needed as grand a name as Wynn’s. “I shall call her Bleddyn for even though she’ll never amount to a wolf, in her heart, she’ll be as fierce.”

  “I am pleased the pup brings ye joy. Now, about the great woe…”

  Katriona continued to pet Bleddyn and leaned against Rhyder. He set his hand on her shoulder and frowned at Olor.

  “The great woe?” Rhyder said.

  “It’s what Olor calls Shrisy. What of her?”

  Olor gripped his staff and grinned. His beard waved from a gust of wind. “The beast awaits ye. Only you, fairy, can settle her. The time has come for you to face the great woe. I shall take your pup to your home. You and my lord could do with a walk. Perhaps a stroll to the sands, aye, before the sun sets?” Olor took Bleddyn from her and continued on his way.

  Katriona held onto Rhyder’s arm as they wandered through the gate. “There are many people near. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen the hamlet so busy.”

  He kept hold of her and assured she didn’t fall into a crevice or twist her ankle on rock debris. “Aye, we must expand the hamlet if we’re to fit them all. Many families came from Cenwahl’s kingdom. I told his followers they are welcome here. Even so, there is dissension there. Those who don’t want to get caught in the battle to take the kingdom abandoned the land.”

  “I am gladdened they have a place to go and that we welcomed them.” Katriona loved being by the sea and the scent of salt permeated. She took a deep breath and a wondrous sense of calm came.

  They reached the rise and Rhyder helped her down the rocky slope. The incline was slippery enough but even more so with the recent snowfall. The descent to the beach took longer than usual. At the bottom, she stood and looked out at the sea. The waters glittered from the low-lying sun. It was magical.

  “I shall never tire of this view.”

  “Let us walk near the water,” he said and took her hand. Rhyder kissed her cheek and grinned.

  “What has you beaming like a lad?”

  He splayed his fingers between hers and started off toward the water. “It has been too long since you’ve lain in my arms naked and—”

  She gasped and shoved his shoulder. “It will be a few more weeks for the midwife instructed and forbid me from amorous pursuits.” Katriona laughed at his woeful expression.

  “Amorous pursuits?” He bellowed a laugh. “Is that what we’re calling it now?” His laughter trailed off and he pointed to the cliffs beyond them. “Shrisy comes.”

  “Is she not a beautiful creature?” Katriona’s eyes widened at the sight of such a spectacular beast. Shrisy’s scales reflected rays from the sun. Her dark, almost brownish colored scales turned more bright and red in hue.

  Rhyder stood next to her and smiled. “Did you know dragons have a lust for gold? Aye, for it’s said some sleep on huge piles of treasure in burial mounds.”

  “Does Shrisy?” she asked and laughed at the absurdity of it.

  “No, she’s more tied to the land than greed. But there’s a tale spoken of a dwarf, Fatnir, who killed his brothers to take the treasure they guarded. During his life, he guarded and hoarded his treasure and eventually turned into a dragon. He was ultimately killed by a man and his treasure captured.”

  “That’s a horrid tale. I never want to hear it again. Shrisy nears. Olor says I am the only one to figure out what ails her. Do you deem that possible?” Katriona kept her gaze on the beautiful creature.

  “Aye, perhaps if you had your awen. I just wish I understood her disdain of late. Ever since you came she’s been obstinate. I don’t blame you, but there must be a reason for her scorn.” Rhyder whistled and called to her.

  Shrisy screeched and landed in the nearby sand. She tromped toward them and nudged her head against Rhyder’s body.

  “Shrisy, it is good to see you, my friend.” He stretched out his hand and caressed her snout.

  Katriona was amazed at the way the dragon submitted to him. It was as if she bowed. Something peculiar swarmed her senses. A strange aura came. She didn’t reason her awen returned but her senses filled her with sadness.

  A tear collected in her eyes and trickled over her cheek. She swiped it away and stepped closer to Shrisy.

  “What is it, love? Are you unwell?” Rhyder stepped away from Shrisy and took her elbow. “Do you need to sit? You look pale.”

  Katriona swayed on her feet. “No, I must touch her. Will she allow me?”

  As if Shrisy understood, she trod closer. Katriona stared into her red glowing eyes. “Olor said I was the only one who might help the great woe.”

  “But you said you lost your awen.”

  “I did but oddly I can feel her emotions. Perhaps it has returned.”

  Rhyder stood behind her. “Olor said you and Shrisy are connected. That’s how I was able to find out you were on Wulfar’s land. Shrisy took me there. It was as if she was one with you. Mayhap that is why you sense her feelings.”

  She approached the fearsome beast and stretched out her hand. The dragon’s mood would caution anyone, but she had to draw on her courage. Katriona stood beside Shrisy and practically embraced her large leg. As foreboding as the dragon was, she placed her hand as near to the beast’s heart as she could reach.

  “What is it? What troubles her? Is she dying?” Rhyder’s voice rose in worriment.

  Katriona closed her eyes. The dragon’s emotions washed over her. So many sentiments: love, sadness, jealousy, fear, happiness. Swarms of differing auras played beyond her mind. At once it ceased. She opened her eyes and apprehensively looked at Rhyder.

  “What plagues her?” He gazed at Shrisy.


  He scowled. “Me? I care for her and certainly don’t wish her any harm.”

  “She knows your heart is no longer hers. That is not what’s bothering though. Shrisy longs to mate but because you won’t release her, she is tethered to this land and to you.”

  He stared at Shrisy unspeaking.

  “She won’t go unless you give her permission to do so. You must say the words and release her. Otherwise, she cannot leave.”

  “But if she leaves our good fortune goes with her.”

  Katriona caressed his face. “She doesn’t feel that way. It is not she who brings prosperity to this land. You do.”

  “I don’t know if I can let her go,” his anguished words spoken low.

  “Her heart desires a mate and staying here won’t allow her to seek her desire. Will you stand in the way of her finding love and happiness?”

er sighed. “I cannot, not when I’ve found love myself.” He pressed his hand on Shrisy’s leg. “My dear pet, I release you. Find your love, but always keep me in your heart as I will always keep you in mine.”

  Shrisy purred and nudged him with her head. Her eyes brightened to deep green and she licked Katriona’s head.

  She smiled and stepped back. “You are free, Shrisy. Go and find your love.”

  She screeched and flapped her wings.

  “Goodbye, my pet,” Rhyder said.

  Shrisy reached the sky and flew toward the setting sun. She and Rhyder sat in the sand quietly watching as she flew over the waters and finally disappeared from their view.

  Katriona grew despondent at the dragon’s departure. Rhyder would grieve at the loss of his pet, just as she’d grieved for Wynn.

  “I meant what I said, sweet lass.”

  “Meant what?” She lay back on her elbow and used her hand to shield the sun’s glare.

  “I couldn’t deny Shrisy a chance to find love when I am filled with it.”

  “You love me?”

  Rhyder pressed her back against the sand and kissed her. “With all my heart.”

  “I love you as well.”

  He leaned over her body, kissing her face and pulled back. “I just thought of something dreadful…I’m no longer the dragon king.”

  Katriona laughed and pressed her hand on his face and caressed his jaw. “You don’t need a dragon any longer, Rhyder, because you’ve already won my heart.”

  *Author’s Note*

  Dear Readers,

  I’ve woven within this story with as much accuracy in historical fact as I could. As you might imagine, there is little to draw upon when writing in certain periods. However, the kingdoms herein existed. Merica was a wealthy, large kingdom that sat in the center of Britain. The king of that nation must’ve been surrounded by his enemies. Wessex and Pendragon’s kingdoms were quite small in comparison.

  The Gods and Goddesses our heroine prayed to were indeed Pagan Gods that many Britains worshipped, that is until Christianity took hold. I don’t think their deities ever faded from the land.

  The dark ages were supposedly one of renowned grimness with great battles and loss of life. From the account of the few written text of the period, the title ‘dark age’ surely was befitting. But recently, archeologists have found evidence to refute that all existed were wars, death, and turmoil. After the exodus of the Romans, all thought those remaining in Britain fought over land and perhaps riches. There appears to have been relationships between the Britons and the Anglo-Saxons. In fact, DNA evidence shows many of them mated and joined their lives. Perhaps the period was one of survival and neighborly comradery? I like to think so.

  I’ve enjoyed this foray into this world of the dark ages. Men of that time had a great deal to overcome and who knows maybe there was such a man as King Arthur. Men of Rhyder’s caliber would certainly pledge their fealty to such a king, but alas, there were a great many kingdoms popping up. Wulfar’s claim to want to align with other kingdoms foretold the coming of significant foes. It wouldn’t be long before the Vikings invaded, which would lead to great battles throughout the land. That indeed was a dark period for the Anglo-Saxons and Britons.

  Join me later this year when Sawyer’s story comes to light and we find out how he fares now that he’s on his own and mending a broken heart.

  Happy historical reading,


  Kara Griffin

  Coming Soon


  Here’s a sneak peek:

  In order to love, she must first seduce …

  When Lady Violet Danvers husband is executed, she must flee her husband’s enemy. The king’s favored knight vows to take everything that belongs to her husband, including her. With help from a longtime friend, she escapes to the Scottish Highlands and to a clan whose laird needs her intervention.

  After returning from war gravely injured, Laird Callum Sinclair finds his wife had died during childbirth and his clan in disorder. Now father to a wee lass, and laird to a needy clan, Callum closes himself off from all. That is until Lady Violet arrives and her forthright attitude forces him to accept his past and present.

  Violet is determined to bring Callum back to the living even if she must seduce him. Luckily she is not one to easily surrender. Can she help the laird’s daughter gain his affection and renew the clan’s assurance in their chieftain? With laughter and grace, THE SEDUCTION OF LAIRD SINCLAIR might lead her to lose her heart.

  ~ Exclusive Advanced Reader Copy Excerpt ~

  Excerpt may differ from published version and is copyrighted by the author


  Chelmsford, Essex, England

  July 1394

  Violet thought she was alone. She was wrong.

  In her haste to get her nightly chores done, she ran across the grassy field toward the tithe barn. The night sky lit with an approaching storm and thunder rumbled in the distance. Their lone horse and two oxen needed to be fed and bedded down for the night. She rushed into the barn and grabbed the pitchfork to begin the task of tossing hay into the troughs.

  Violet jumped at the crack of thunder. The storm was getting closer and the animals as edgy as she. Nearly done, she set the pitchfork by the hay pile and startled when she heard a voice.

  “I’ve been awaiting you.”

  She turned and tried to discern who stood in the shadows. “Who is there?”

  “I’ve been watching you and decided you’ll be mine.”

  Violet recognized his voice. “Oh, it’s only you, Nicholas. You frightened me. Cease playing around. I have chores to finish.”

  He stepped from the shadow and neared. His long blond tresses pulled back and his dark eyes peered at her in a look she hadn’t seen before. “Shall I tell you how it’s going to be, sweet Violet? You will obey me, please me, and bear my children. I expect a meek wife, one who only covets to see to my needs.” Nicholas reached her and grasped her hair and yanked her forward.

  “Please…you’re hurting me.” Violet tried to pull away, but he held too tightly.

  “You’ve thwarted me long enough.”

  She shrieked when his hand twisted her hair and pulled at her scalp. “I am not thwarting you, Nicholas.”

  “I want you, sweet Violet. There will be no more games. You will be mine.” He pressed his opened lips against her mouth until she bit down and he forced her to subside. Nicholas clamped his teeth on her neck until she cried. “Before I leave to serve the king, you will give me what I want. You will be wedded to me this night.” Nicholas set his free hand at the base of her throat and squeezed, blocking her from speaking.

  Violet tried to gasp air, but his hold too restrictive. Terror filled her and she shook inside. A cold prickle spread over her skin. She couldn’t scream or even flee for he had a good hold on her.

  “Agree and I shall release you.”

  She would rather he kill her than agree to wed or lie with him. Violet tried to draw breath. He pressed a hand on her stomach, pulling her against him, and she felt the proof of his wicked desire against her leg.

  “You will bear my babe and be a dutiful wife. Agree or I’ll have no choice but to force your acceptance. I am worthy of you sweet Violet for you’ll be wedded to a knight. Aye, I’ll rise up in rank in the king’s army and one day you’ll be where I want you.” He cupped her breast and squeezed hard. “You see, I only want to love you.”

  He was maddened and she had to somehow get away. Violet kicked him and gained her freedom. She kneed his groin and he bent over and yelled. Freed, she ran but didn’t get far. Nicholas pounced at her and grabbed her foot. He yanked her back toward him and used his body to keep her from moving away. His lips pressed against her face and he groaned as if he was in terrible pain.

  “You see what you do to me? Aye, I cannot withhold my desire when I think of you beneath me.” Nicholas rubbed his body over her and groaned.

  “Violet, lass, are you in here?”

  Her father entered the barn. She tried to yell out to give warning, but Nicholas struck her. He regained his feet and snatched the pitchfork.

  “The storm is almost here. What is going on in—?”

  Her father gasped and shouted. Blood trickled from his mouth. Nicholas yanked the pitchfork free from her father’s torso and tossed it aside. Her father’s eyes widened. He gargled and pitched forward and fell face first on top of the hay.

  “You’re mine, sweet Violet. There’s no one standing in my way now.”

  She jerked up and her eyes teared in horror at her father lying dead. Before Nicholas got near enough to apprehend her again, she ran.

  Nicholas laughed and the sound of it deriding. “Run if ye wish, Violet. Run. You cannot hide from me for I’ll always find you.”

  Violet ran for her life into the darkness of the woods and didn’t look back. Thunder cracked overhead and lightning struck a tree close by. The brilliance of the streak of light engulfed the woods and shone like a beacon. She sprinted around the fire and toward the safety of her overlord’s home.








  Critically Acclaimed Scottish Romance Series


  ONE & ONLY – Book One







  LASS’ VALOR – Book Three


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