Falls Creek Western Romance Boxed Set: Books 1 - 3

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Falls Creek Western Romance Boxed Set: Books 1 - 3 Page 14

by Woods, Emily

  The commotion inside the bunkhouse combined with the groaning that reached her ears was a bit overwhelming, so Christina decided to walk a few steps away. She was only ten feet away when the same man burst out of the bunkhouse and nearly plowed right into her.

  “Sorry, miss,” he mumbled, reaching out to steady her. “Perhaps you'd better go inside the house. This scene might upset you.”

  As he let go and gave her a quick nod, she tried to place his accent. His voice was much more cultured than those of the other hands, so she suspected that he was not from the West. Indeed, he sounded much more like someone from New York.

  Wouldn’t that be a wonder?

  * * *

  Alex tried not to think about the startled look on Christina's face as he nearly toppled her. With the haughty look erased, he once again noticed how beautiful she was. However, that didn't matter. With Cole bleeding, he had to set his mind on fetching more bandages. Kate had told him where to look, and within a few minutes, he found them and ran back to the bunkhouse.

  Christina was standing where he'd left her, but he did no more than give her a quick nod, attempting to tilt his face away from her in the process. He didn't like the way she was looking at him. It was as though she was trying to remember something about him. Could she really recognize him from their brief encounter on the train where she'd barely acknowledged his presence? He didn't think so and hoped that she would find something else to occupy her mind.

  “Is he going to be okay?” he asked breathlessly as he handed over the bandages.

  Kate nodded as she wrapped his ribs. “I don't think anything's punctured. Thankfully, the wound isn't deep.”

  “It's just a scratch,” Cole said bravely, even though sweat beaded his upper lip. “I'll be out riding again by this afternoon.”

  “You most certainly will not!” retorted Aunt Marge. “You'll be in bed for several days. Don't even think about moving. Now, how did this happen?”

  Alex hung his head and wished the ground would open up. Now everyone would find out just how inept he was. He only hoped that Cole would forgive him for his stupidity.

  “Aw, it was nothing. Just a case of wrong place, wrong time...wrong animal.” He gave a little laugh, then gasped. “Okay, no laughing for a couple days.”

  “Well, someone's going to have to sit with you to make sure you're okay,” Kate said, a little frown on her face.

  “Of course it will be me,” Maddie declared. “As his fiancée, I'm the most obvious choice.”

  Alex saw an awkward look pass between Kate and Marge. “Well, dear, that's not really a good idea,” her mother said. “Not that we don't trust you, but...”

  “Seriously? He's injured and you're worried about, what, my reputation? We're going to be married in the spring, Mother.” Her look of indignation would have cowed any man, but not her mother.

  Since this was clearly a family conversation, Alex tried to slip out when Cole spoke up. “I'm sure Alex wouldn't mind checking on me every so often? I don't think anyone needs to sit with me exactly. I'm not on the brink of death.”

  Although it wasn't exactly helpful to his plan, Alex knew that it was reasonable since he was responsible for the accident. Of course, he didn't know that the bull was dangerous and that he should have steered clear of it. But Cole didn't seem to hold a grudge, so he nodded.

  “Of course I will. I'd be happy to.”

  Kate, Marge, and Valerie looked relieved, but Maddie was still annoyed. “I don't see what the fuss is about. We could leave the door open the whole time,” she groused.

  “Never mind, dear,” Marge said comfortingly. “Alex is happy to help out. Now, don't you have something to do?”

  Maddie clearly wanted to linger, but then she seemed to remember that there was something she had to take care of.

  “Yes, I suppose,” she replied. “Okay, I'll stop by later when I can. Alex, take good care of him.”

  “I most certainly will, Miss Maddie.”

  When the women were gone, Alex went over to Cole's side and sat on the bunk beside him.

  “I am so sorry about all this. I didn't know the bull would react like that. I shouldn't even really be on a ranch.”

  Cole looked at him curiously. “Then why are you here?”

  The question was so direct, so unexpected, that Alex couldn't formulate a reply right away.

  “Uh, well, you see...it's like this.” And then he paused. To his surprise, Cole laughed a little.

  “Look, we all have our reasons for doing what we do, and I'm not one to judge. Just a year ago, I came here in the hopes of learning the business so that I could start my own ranch. There's some land just southwest of here that is prime. Luke helped me purchase it, but I still need to learn more. By the time Maddie and I are married, I'm planning to have a house built and some horses.”

  Alex leaned forward in interest. “And Luke helped you with this? He wasn't worried about the competition?”

  “Nope. He said there's enough business for all of us. He's a great boss.”

  So it seemed. More and more, Alex wanted to tell Luke who he was, but he had to make sure the timing was good. He just wanted to know that he was doing the right thing. Also, he didn't want to cause problems for Luke. Did his wife even know that he had a son before they met? That was another factor to consider.

  “How long have you worked here?” he asked Cole, partly to make conversation, but also to try to get a better idea of how well he knew Luke.

  “Oh, more than a year ago. Luke says I'll be ready by next summer. He's even going to let me choose a few foals from his own stock to buy. He says buy, but I suspect he's going to make a wedding present out of them.”

  “Really? What makes you say so?”

  “Well, each time I ask him how much he wants for them, he brushes me off and says we'll talk about it closer to the time.” Cole shifted a little, winced, and reached for the water. Seeing what he wanted, Alex jumped up to get it for him.

  “Thanks for sharing your plan with me, but I'm not quite ready to talk about my reasons for being here. They're a little personal.” That was an understatement, but he didn't want anyone to guess until he was sure he was doing the right thing.

  “That's okay. I shouldn't pry, but it's hard not to be curious. It's obvious that you're well-educated and probably come from as far away as I do. There has to be a powerful motivator to make a man move clear across the country.”

  “Yes, there is,” Alex agreed, then tried to change the subject. “I suppose everyone's curious about me, aren't they? Were they like that with you too?”

  “Well, maybe not too much. I wasn't as well-spoken as you are, but Maddie was onto me pretty quickly. When she found out the truth, she made me tell her dad. I don't know why I waited so long. He was really good about it. I guess I was worried he would kick me out.”

  “But he didn't.”

  “Not at all. In fact, he was better about it than I could have imagined. Not only did he offer me special training, but he didn't even object to me courting his daughter.”

  Alex was on the brink of opening up to Cole when a knock sounded at the door. It was Maddie with a tray of food.

  “You shouldn't move for a little while, so Mama let me bring you a tray of food. There's enough for you too, Alex.” She put the tray on a chair between the two of them and then pulled up another to sit on. “I hope the doctor will be here soon.”

  “Really, Mads, don’t worry. I feel fine.”

  “Maybe, but I can’t help but worry.”

  It was clear that the two were in love, and he very much felt like an outsider.

  “Maybe I should step out for a bit?” he asked.

  Maddie nodded, but Cole shook his head. “Nah, you're fine where you are. I don't want to do anything to get on Kate's bad side, nor Luke's. You can be our chaperone.”

  Even though Maddie didn't seem to like that idea, she conceded to her fiancé.

  “So, what did you think of Val's sister?
” she asked the two of them. “Doesn't seem like she'll stay here too long, not if she can help it anyway.”

  Cole quirked an eyebrow. “You're mighty quick to jump to conclusion, Maddie,” he said quietly. “That's not like you.”

  To her credit, Maddie blushed a little. “I'm just saying that she doesn't seem too impressed with life out here.”

  Alex liked that Cole didn't encourage Maddie to gossip, and it helped him keep his tongue silent as well. He knew he couldn't really contribute without giving himself away in any case.

  Maddie stayed a little while longer before taking the now-empty tray back up to the house.

  “You don't have to babysit me,” Cole informed him with a grin after Maddie had left. “I think I'll just take a nap. I'm feeling kind of tired now anyway.”

  “Um, well, I think I'll stay until the doctor comes, just in case.” He looked around the room for something to occupy him while Cole rested. “Any books around here?”

  Cole waved in the direction of the bedside table. “You can read my Bible if you want. Best book I know.”

  Since Cole already had his eyes closed, he didn't witness the surprise on Alex's face. Cole was a Bible reader? He wouldn't have guessed that.

  There really was nothing else to do, so Alex picked it up and flipped through idly. He remembered there were some interesting stories about Jesus, so he turned to the back of the book and was about to read when Cole spoke again.

  “Alex? Whatever it is that brought you here, whatever you're hiding, don't sit on it too long. Take it from me. It's better to have things out in the open.”

  Before he could formulate a reply, Alex heard Cole's breathing deepen and then a whiffling snore, leaving Alex to ponder his words.

  Chapter 5

  “What's his name again?” Christina asked her sister. She hoped that her sister could offer some insight as to the identity of the ranch hand.

  Since it was now nearly lunchtime, they were riding back to Valerie's house.

  “Who do you mean? The new ranch hand?” Her sister shot her sly look. “He's pretty cute, isn't he? I think it was Alex.”

  Christina huffed a little. “You can't believe that I would be interested in a ranch hand, can you? How absurd.” Too late, she realized that Val's husband was essentially that. “It's different with you and Thomas of course.”

  But Valerie shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. I might have had the same opinion a number of years ago, but not anymore. Life out here changes you. Did you know that many women from back East come here to marry ranchers?”

  Christina had heard of that. “Well, they're rather desperate, aren't they? Women from fallen families or with very few options. I suppose any woman might be tempted to settle for marriage to rancher over other less...desirable alternatives.”

  Although she hadn't known any such women personally, Christina had heard of women answering advertisements to wed men in other parts of the country.

  “Yes, I suppose it is better than the alternatives,” Val replied dryly.

  They arrived back at the house to find Thomas reading to the children.

  “Oh, good, you're back. I wasn't sure if you were going to leave me to find lunch myself.”

  “I wouldn't want you to starve, dearest,” Valerie joked, leaning over to peck Thomas on the cheek. “Or burn the house down. Come on, Chris…Christina,” she amended when she saw her sister scowl. “Let's see what we can find for such a good father.”

  Drawing back a little, Christina frowned. “Are you asking me to...cook?”

  Valerie laughed. “Nothing so dramatic as that. Just keep me company and maybe slice up some bread. There's still chicken left over from last night that will do nicely for some sandwiches.”

  “If you insist.” With a longsuffering sigh, Christina hung up her riding hat and followed Valerie into the kitchen. If it was her parents' intention to humble her with this experience, things were off to a good start.

  Having to make her own bed this morning, Christina realized that she was not cut out for such work. The maids in her house somehow transformed a jumble of sheets and blankets into a smooth and tidy arrangement, but she had no such luck. Her pitiful efforts didn't do much to improve the bed and finally, she’d just given up. When Valerie came along and showed her how to do it, she was baffled to see her sister do such domestic work with ease.

  Now, she wanted her to help out in the kitchen?

  “If I lose a finger, I'll hold you responsible,” she grumbled. “I've never held anything sharper than a steak knife.”

  “If you can cut a steak, you can cut a loaf of bread,” her sister assured her. “Just watch me.”

  Christina observed as Valerie sawed off two slices from the loaf.

  “Now you try,” she instructed.

  She did try, but the slices, if they could be called that, were two inches wider on the bottom than the top. One piece crumbled halfway through.

  “This is ridiculous. Don't you have some peas I can shell or something simpler?”

  Val laughed. “Not for lunch, dearest.” She quickly sliced up the rest of the loaf. “Here's some butter. Spread it across the bread like so.”

  That was a bit of an easier task, and Christina felt inordinately proud of herself for buttering all the bread. In the meantime, Valerie had deboned the leftover chicken and arranged the meat on a platter along with tomatoes, pickles, lettuce, and cheese.

  “How did you do all that so quickly?” she asked, genuinely amazed.

  “It took some practice, but I was motivated to learn,” Valerie replied with a grin. “You'd be surprised what a person can do when she really wants to.”

  Thomas came in with the children and after a short prayer, they sat down to eat. Christina was surprised how much she enjoyed the simple lunch. She was also proud of her contribution.

  “I buttered the bread,” she informed the children gravely, expecting some admiring looks.

  What she got instead was a broad smile from five-year-old Jessica. “Mama lets me do that! Isn't it fun?”

  That wasn't the word she would have used to describe the experience, but after catching a look from Valerie, she decided to play along. Jessica was a sweetheart after all, and her bright shining face sparked a moment of generosity in Christina.

  “It was my first time,” she confided. “Do you think I did a good job?”

  With a serious expression, Jessica opened her sandwich and looked inside. “Pretty good. A little thick, but I like it that way.”

  Christina suppressed a laugh, sure that was the wrong reaction. She managed to smile and nod. “Thank you. I'll remember that.”

  For the first time since she arrived, Christina felt something other than resentment stir in her heart. And it felt good.

  * * *

  After having flipped through the pages of Cole's Bible, Alex replaced it carefully on the side table and got up to work the kinks out of his legs. He hadn't really read any of the tome. It was just too overwhelming of a task. Where did one even start? And what was the point when there was no preacher to explain it? In his opinion, it seemed like a rather daunting, if not impossible, task—to read the Bible on one's own.

  He decided to take a short walk around the bunkhouse to get some fresh air and exercise, but Cole's comments were heavy on his mind. Should he confess to Luke why he was here? It was hard to decide. On one hand, he would quickly find out where the man stood on the issue, but on the other, he didn't want to create a problem or burden him in any way. There wasn't anything that he wanted from him, except the chance to know who he was. However, Luke might not see it that way, if he even believed him. That was another possibility. What if he had never told his wife or friends that he had a son that he abandoned? There was the chance that he was so ashamed of himself that he would even deny it, or would become skeptical, thinking that Alex wanted part of the ranch as an inheritance.

  In Philadelphia, his plan had felt reasonable and right. But now that he was in the same vicini
ty as his father, he couldn't seem to follow through with it. Originally, he was going to come, stay for a few weeks, and then tell Luke who he was. Now, the weight of his plan felt like too much of a burden to carry. Would he even tell Luke at all? Maybe it was enough just to work for the man, get to know him, and then leave.

  That idea suddenly sounded incredibly appealing. He could stay until winter, make enough money to travel to California and start at Stanford in the new year. His grandparents would wire him the funds if he asked for it, never questioning him once about why he needed them. They would just assume that there were some unexpected costs associated with his schooling. That was how much they trusted him.

  This realization made him uncomfortable. His grandparents had raised him, loved him in their own way, and provided for him beyond his needs. In return, he'd betrayed them to satisfy his own desires.

  But he couldn't stop himself. All his life, his grandfather had told him that Luke had relinquished all his paternal rights. Be that as it may, Alex felt he had a right to meet his father at least once.

  Well, now he'd done that. But what was the next step? It no longer seemed crystal clear.

  “Is this where they brought him?”

  Alex turned to see to see Austin and the doctor approaching. How had he not heard the horses? His thoughts had blocked out everything else.

  “Yes,” he replied. “He was sleeping, so I stepped out for a just a minute.”

  The doctor nodded and entered the bunkhouse, Austin and Alex close behind.

  After just ten minutes of examining Cole, the doctor seemed satisfied. “I'll put in a few stitches, but there are no internal injuries, as far as I can tell. The bandage should be changed twice a day though, and the wound cleaned out with water that's been boiled. That'll help to prevent infection.”

  Alex took careful mental notes. It should fall to him to take care of the man, after all.

  “Thanks, Doctor Wilson,” Cole replied. “Make sure you go up to the house to settle the fee. I'm sure Aunt Marge and Missus Winston will want to give you some lunch as well.”


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