Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3)

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Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3) Page 10

by Lora Ann


  Tar moaned softly and swept his hand across his brow. Ow! He explored what caused the pain and found it with the tips of his fingers. Stitches. But why? A sharp stab coming from the back of his skull presented an answer. Once more, probing around, he found more sutures. How the hell did he end up like this? His investigation turned inward, searching his mind for answers that seemed to come in tiny flashes. He knew he’d seen the two women who appeared often, but couldn’t quite grasp why he felt the way he did for both. Love. He rubbed over his heart wondering what could possibly put him in such a situation to love two women. Was he caught in some sort of love triangle? God damn that just didn’t sound like something he’d let himself be involved in. Ever. His memory provided him with the knowledge that he did not have a sister. Could one be a close friend?

  Again, he concentrated. He remembered a relatively happy childhood until he lost his parents. His brother Chase flashed and he had a sick feeling in his gut something was wrong, but couldn’t quite recall what that something was. He growled in frustration, closing his eyes. His head felt like it wanted to explode. The door opening drew his eyes that direction. He studied the striking couple. Recognition hit. “Even Strand,” he said around a smile.

  “Thank fuck! You remember,” E announced.

  Tar wanted to nod but didn’t dare. His eyes moved to Lacey. She looked familiar but he wasn’t getting anything more. “It’s in pieces, man.”

  E nodded and grabbed a chair for Lacey first, then himself. “I’m willing to bet it’s your long-term memory at work right now.”

  “Seems so. But not fully. I can’t recall everyone.”

  “That’s normal, Tar. Give it time.”

  His gaze first on Lacey, then back to E. He saw their hands clasped together and the diamond with a separate band on her left ring finger. “You must be his wife?”

  She half-smiled. “I am.”

  “More like my universe,” E assured, gazing at Lacey with so much adoration and love that Tar’s heart began to ache.

  His head angled at E. “Do I have a wife?”

  “Not yet,” he answered. “But you are engaged.”

  “I seem to have two distinct women playing through my mind. Do you know why?”

  “Yeah, I do. Are you sure you should have an info dump right now? Because I’ve gotta tell you, man, you look like you’re hurting.”

  “E,” Lacey cautioned.

  Tar chuckled. “That delivery of yours still needs work.”

  “And here I thought it was better.” E smiled at his wife. “Since you’ve come into my life, I sure have been trying.”

  She leaned into him. “You’re a work in progress.”

  He kissed the top of her head before turning his attention back to Tar. “What all do you remember about me?”

  Tar couldn’t wipe the silly grin off his face. “Well, for starters, I would’ve never pictured you like this.” He swept his hand indicating the couple sitting there.

  “Love is a powerful thing, my friend. Don’t underestimate it,” E assured.

  Tar thought about that and decided to answer E’s question. “We’re working on a case together. That’s how we met.” Then he asked his own. “Is that how I got hurt?”

  E whistled low. “Loaded question. We did meet while you were investigating one of my clubs. But that’s not why you’re in here.”

  “Though you were on the job,” Lacey filled in.

  “Is there a time lapse?”

  “Yeah, bro, a fairly large one.”

  Pain lanced through his head like lightning as he sat up a little straighter. “Fucking A,” he rumbled, falling back against the pillows.

  Lacey got up and hurried out the door.

  E stood next to the bed. “Take it easy, Tar. You’re doing great but you can’t rush this.”

  The nurse hurried in. “Look who’s back.”

  “Doing my best, but this melon of mine wants to pop,” he grit out. Pain was etched around his eyes, mouth, and followed every crease along his forehead.

  Lacey averted her eyes. She couldn’t stand to see him hurting like that. “How long until he fully recovers?”

  Tar wanted to ask the same question but was finding it difficult to speak, as she poked and prodded around his tender crown. With a sidelong look, he mumbled, “Thanks for asking.”

  She patted his hand. “Anytime.”

  The nurse inquired, “Would you like some pain medication.”

  He went still and silent mulling around those two words, ‘pain medication’. Something sat right on the edge of his memory bank. The need to capture it was flooding him in agony. “I-I,” he stuttered.

  “Are trying to remember something,” E filled in. “Something she just said triggered it, right?”

  Instinct kicked in and he bobbed his head. Big fucking mistake. He grasped his cranium with both hands and howled out, “Make it stop!”

  The nurse obliged by popping a syringe full of clear liquid into his IV. “That’s fast acting. Say what you need to say.”

  Lacey snapped her fingers. “She asked you about pain medication.”

  His eyes were starting to droop from the effects of whatever she just shot into him. “Yeeeeeeeees,” he slurred, “Keeeeeeeeeeeeeee…”

  “Annnd that’s a wrap,” E chimed in.

  She smacked her husband and admonished, “Really?” But then she grew excited, grabbing his arm and tugging on it like a child. “Oh, oh, oh.” She was bursting with so much joy that her words weren’t forming.

  “What is it?” His head cocked, taking in her utter happiness.

  “Didn’t you hear him? He was saying Kee!” she shouted.

  A finger on the nurse’s lips told her she was too loud. “He did say that, yes,” she confirmed.

  He clasped Lacey’s hand tight. “We’ve gotta go!”

  “I thought we were staying here for a while.”

  “We were. C’mon before we miss her.”

  “Her? Where the hell are you in such a hurry to get to?”

  He spun and held on to his wife’s shoulders. “Keeley and Mitch are about to go into the field. She needs to be here.” His head gave a sharp nod toward Tar. “He needs her.”

  Realization hit. “Can we catch them in time?” She was now racing with him through the halls.

  “No clue. But we have to try.”

  “Text Mitch,” she demanded.

  “They’re on radio silence.”

  “Damn. I forgot!”

  They broke into a sprint once the front doors were cleared. Both hoping and praying they caught Keeley in time. If not, they might be too late all the way around. She wasn’t exactly going to Disney Land. No, she was marching straight into the bowels of hell and demanding Satan come out and play.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Keeley zipped up the thigh high leather boots. She wasn’t going for looking the part as much as feeling it. Power surged through her as she stroked the whip in her hands. Everything about the room made her feel commanding and in control. Mitch reassured her on the drive that he could handle whatever she dealt. This wasn’t his thing, at all. Her admiration swelled for the captain who was going the extra mile for his teammate. Brothers in every way that counted. Everything lay on the line. They either succeeded, becoming ensconced in the world of dirty deals and debauchery, or they came up short. Leaving unharmed would be the best-case scenario, but the odds were, they wouldn’t leave alive, or at least not for long. She adjusted the black bustier and ran her hands over the leather boy shorts. If they weren’t in a race against the clock, she’d have given herself permission to revel in how much Tar would love this little outfit. Focused, she rang the bell to have Mitch brought in. “All for Tar,” she mumbled softly.

  Mitch was a good two seconds from laying his “handlers” out. He closed his eyes and brought the mission into his mind’s eye, reminding himself why he was here and what the goals were. Chase saved. Tar’s memory restored. This particular
den of vipers wiped off the face of the earth. He stood before Keeley and couldn’t help but notice the change in her. Physical, yes, she owned the wicked fairy look like a boss. But that wasn’t it. Her demeanor screamed, I’m in charge. He fought the grin threatening the corners of his mouth. “Mistress,” he declared.

  “No,” she barked out, “not a hood. Blindfold.” She sashayed around him, running the handle of the whip along his bare torso. “Hands cuffed behind his back. Not the metal ones. Yes, leather instead.” Her fingers now walking along his shoulder. “Leave. I’ve no need for you now.”

  They made their exit, leaving only Keeley and Mitch, except both were aware of the audience looking on. She made a show of examining his body. In her ear, he muttered low, “Do what you have to.”

  Her soft groan communicating that she would do her best not to hurt him too badly. At least she hoped that was what he heard. With a deep, fortifying breath, she struck along his mid-section. A moan of approval echoed off the walls as he took the lash like a pro. “Very nice,” her praise more for show.

  “Hit me until I bleed for you, Mistress.”

  Her abrupt stop was directly in front of him. She pushed his chin up with the handle. “Did I say you could speak?”

  He shook his head.

  That same handle came down hard across his right trap, forcing a wince. “One,” she warned.

  Mitch stood stock still, enduring lashes across his entire upper body, but with each moan he gave, a buzzer sounded. They were being evaluated. By the sounds of it, they were doing well. He dared a sidelong glance at Keeley, noticing the sweat beading on her brow. Though the crowd they were performing for would believe it was due to her arousal, he knew different. She was beside herself with worry. He spoke out of turn, “Mistress, please, I deserve more.”

  Her gaze shot to his where she studied him closely. A silent communication took place. He was telling her to stop worrying and just get the job done. The hiss of the whip was his only warning as it bit into his upper thigh, dangerously close to his goods. “Two,” she belted out and repeated the move while counting, “Three. Four. Five.”

  His knees buckled before her and he bowed his head. The scene like that of a knight swearing his fealty to his queen. A round of applause broke out as the door swung open.

  “Oh, very well done,” came the fake praise from the well-known Lexi Brooks. “Come with me.” Her fingers fluttered in the air indicating they follow.

  Their role needed to be secured. Keeley stroked his auburn hair. “Good boy. You may rise.”

  His balance remained intact, though he was hurting and his hands were still bound behind his back. He leveled his gaze on hers, making sure she was holding up. The concern for him was evident along her brow and eyes. He gave a slight nod, telling her he was all right. She responded by running her hand down his arm until her fingers gripped above his wrist. They filed out of the room unsure where this would lead, but knowing there was no turning back.

  They were escorted into a torture chamber. Keeley was wide-eyed at the devices designed to bring pain. God, had she really wanted this not so long ago in order to reach pleasure? She cringed mentally, her body remaining still as she schooled her features. Tar had given her so much and taught her what true pleasure meant. Stunned by the freedom he helped her achieve. Darkness had been her only companion for many years. She stood there free of that prison. No longer craving the unhealthy, or striving for that next high. He gave her his heart, his soul. And she was determined to fight for his mind. Her shoulders rounded as she held on tight to Mitch. “I am not a Dominatrix.”

  “No worries, hon. We already know that.” Lexi assured. “You’re here to train.”

  “Other couples?” Keeley asked with an edge to her voice.

  Mitch gave her a warning sidelong glance.

  “Of course not, silly.” Lexi smiled. “Slaves.”

  The word ricocheted through Keeley’s head, bouncing off emotions and logic. This was exactly what they hoped for. She fought the tremors sliding up from the balls of her feet in a torturous journey past her legs, knotting her stomach, and traveling along the tips of her fingers—up and up and up it went, until the full-on collision happened in her brain. Madness and mayhem everywhere she looked. The fifty-car pileup sat front and center. So much carnage. Fear gripped her in a headlock, forcing her to look on. Her memory of her own captivity on full display.

  She was losing it. God damn, these sick fuckers found her trigger. He needed her back from a place that would only bring heartache. Shifting his weight, he nudged her, causing her to step left for balance. The move pulling her attention enough that she met his gaze. He saw the terror reigning there and knew he had to talk her down. How the hell could he do that in this predicament? Then it clicked. “May I play, Mistress?” His voice lowered deep and resonating. He watched as fear was taken down and a battle-ready soldier took its place, in her now piercing blue eyes. Mitch couldn’t stop himself from bowing his head before her. A true warrior princess stood before him, not demanding his respect, no, she earned it.

  Her gaze slid along him appreciative of what he’d just done for her. Their cover nearly blown. She clutched a handful of his hair and raised his face to hers. “We’ll see what kind of mood I’m in.”

  Lexi clapped her hands and squealed. “Oh, goody! This will be great. Who knows, you just may become partners.”

  Both Keeley and Mitch exchanged a look. This could be the lead they needed. Then again, it could be their death sentence.


  A creak of the chair alerted him someone was sitting on his left. He inhaled deeply, recognizing her sweet perfume. Her name on the tip of his tongue. But the doctor cautioned him he was doing too much too soon, and that was why recovery was going so slow. Snail’s pace. Tar acknowledged when to take good advice. The warning still rattled around in his head. “You could lose your memory completely if you continue to be stubborn and not follow my orders.”

  The SEAL respected authority, and his doctor knew just how to strike the right chord to make him behave. For now. He lay perfectly still, his eyes closed with a warm cloth over them, which heightened his senses. His ears tuned in to the breaths she took. Something upset her. Direct orders be damned. He was about to speak when she did the honors instead.

  “You’re just so hard headed.” She sighed. “And I no longer have time to handle this little situation. Other things have popped up.”

  Questions buzzed around in his mind like wasps darting around a nest. He fought the urge to swat them away. Instead listening without expression.

  “Chase…well I’m not sure just what to think of that.” Another long exhale, followed by a hiccup. “My poor Cole needs a lot of help.”

  Her hand was wet when she caressed his arm. She was crying, he realized, unable to stop the flinch her touch caused. Well, something in him knew her, because that wasn’t a reaction to an upset woman by his side. No, the response was far too personal for that.

  “Oh,” she gasped out, quickly removing her palm. “Can you hear me?”

  He forced himself to stay silent, reminding himself more information could be gathered if he listened intently. For one, her pulse had picked up. She was breathing from her mouth, not her nose. A racing heartbeat. Either she was distraught or guilty, hell, could be both. The mixture was there in her words.

  She sat back and angled her head, watching for signs he was awake. After a few moments, she couldn’t find anything to support that and continued, “Seems Keeley has given up on you.” A gloating lilt was in her voice.

  Tar’s heart began to stutter. The girl with raven hair. That was her name. But his mind was giving him a different picture to work with. A sweet face framed by dark blonde hair and beautiful soulful eyes stared back at him. His short-term memory connecting the dots, she’d changed her appearance, which meant he’d been right to assume she was undercover. The need to bolt out of that bed and find her damn near took over. Something told him she was in gr
ave danger, and recollection joined the pieces together. A little accident reconstruction took place. She’d worked with the team before and she had…oh, fuck no, she did not do that!

  A whisper was in his ear. “You are awake!”

  His eyes opened and held her captive in a hard stare. “Lisa.”

  A nurse walked in. “How are you feeling, Mr. McNeil?”

  He knew her. His gaze moving from Lisa to hers. “Christy, please call me Tar.” The words belied his emotions. A tempest was brewing. Somehow Lisa was involved in some rather shady dealings, but he couldn’t seem to recall anything to back that up. Worse, Keeley would willingly and knowingly put herself in situations to feed an addiction. From what he could remember, it was one based on pain. He had to save her! But as soon as he moved, the sharp stab rendered him helpless.

  Christy rushed over to aid him. “When are you going to listen and follow the doctor’s orders,” she tsked. “Hold on while I get this medication in you.”

  Lisa inquired, “Is that for the pain?”

  “Yes, he’ll be out in about a minute.”

  She got in his face. “My darling, please don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.” She sealed the fateful promise with her lips on his.

  Tar mumbled, “The kiss of death.”

  She gasped and looked over at the nurse. “He doesn’t know what he’s saying. Must’ve been the meds.”

  But Christy knew that wasn’t the case, her sixth sense on high alert, as she continued to tidy up a room that didn’t need it.

  The nurse could be a problem. One she would have eliminated before the sun rose. Clark could make her disappear. On her way out, “You take care of yourself,” Lisa said casually.

  Christy swallowed hard, knowing a threat when she heard one.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Exhaustion brought tears to the child’s eyes. The doctor lady kept asking him the same questions over and over. His pictures were the problem. He never should’ve drawn the angel and the shadow man. “Tell me again why this one is black,” she insisted.


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