Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3)

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Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3) Page 14

by Lora Ann

  “Shhh,” Shelby reiterated.

  Keeley fought the roll of her eyes. Shelby would catch hell for this, fuck, she would too. Mitch would be on the warpath. But she couldn’t stop this niggling in her soul that Tar needed her. She was also aware of the risk Shelby was taking for her, knowing how difficult it must be to walk around this place once again. “Sorry,” she muttered low.

  Shelby gave a tight nod of her head and led them through another series of hallways, eventually getting them to a stairwell—dark and foreboding. “I know it’s creepy as hell. But its why you’re safe using it. No one dares to take them.”

  “Um…because zombies lurk,” she attempted levity.

  But Shelby continued to stare down the past, eventually drawling, “She still haunts them.”

  “Wait! What?” Keeley’s breath blasted out of her. She’d been joking around to some extent. But it was clear Shelby was serious.

  “My best friend was murdered during our first year. Jealous boyfriend.”

  “Oh my, God.” This poor woman had experienced so much loss for someone so young.

  Shelby whispered, “Watch over her, Dana. She means a lot to me. And her fiancé needs her by his side. For love, my dear friend.”

  A cool breeze hit their faces. Keeley stared in bewilderment. The hug Shelby gave her pulled her back to the here and now. “He’s on the fifth floor but it will be six flights of stairs,” she reminded.

  “Thank you for this.”

  “Hurry your ass up, Kee. We can’t stay all night.”

  But Keeley was already rushing up the dark stairwell. “I’ll go as quick as I can.” She hit the first landing when it became colder, darker. She felt his breath on her neck. “Fuck off. I don’t have time for this.”

  “Ah, Keeley, my sweet, you wound me.”

  “Caleb, go back to hell where you belong.”

  “Not without you. Have you met my friend?”

  Keeley heard the muffled sounds of a woman. “Dana?”

  The sound of “hm-mmm” coming through.

  “Let her go!” Keeley demanded as another presence filled the air. “Demon,” she hissed.

  “Fallen One, actually.”

  “Whatever. Go away.”

  His chuckle was menacing. “You think you can take on both of us.” He began to applaud. “Brave girl you’ve become. But you see, Dana is one of mine, so, she won’t be helping you either.”

  Keeley was being corralled; silently she prayed for help. A light shone down from a few flights up and she smiled, willing to bet that it was on the fifth floor. “Looks like my backup just arrived.”

  The clanging of swords echoed as Keeley raced up the stairs. She glanced down, once she reached her destination, and saw the battle raging. Good and evil. Both beautiful and terrifying. She whispered down, “Thank you, my guardian angel,” then pulled the door open. Caleb’s specter blocked her way. She used the training she’d received and took him down. “Leave me the fuck alone,” she spat out.

  “Who are you talking to?” came a voice she recognized.

  Her gaze lit on the nurse, who’d been there before, and she smiled. “Doesn’t matter. He no longer has power over me.”

  “Ah, yes, the whispers of your inner demons. I know those well. How can I help you?”

  Keeley walked beside her. “How’s Tar?”

  “You don’t know?”

  She turned and grabbed Christy by the shoulders. “Tell me.”

  “Someone tried to kill him. He’s—” she never finished her statement.

  Keeley raced down the hall toward her man. Heaven help whoever got in her way.


  The nightmare was all too real. Her beloved twin sister was fighting ghosts and demons for herself, for Tar. Lacey had to help. She searched for a piece of paper jotting down details she could remember. Her hand shaking so hard it made the task difficult. Nothing looked legible like a three-year-old had just scribbled across it. Her heart pounded and sweat dripped into her eyes. E walked in and stopped, angling his head in search of what caused his wife to be sitting up in bed with sheer fright evident in her expression. “What is it, Søta?”

  “Keeley,” she gasped, “needs me.”

  “Us,” E corrected as he approached her. “You had a dream.”

  “Horrible nightmare.”

  He stilled her hand. “Let me take a look.”

  The simple gesture helped ease her burden and tears began to slide down her cheeks. “How can we help, E?”

  His gaze slid to hers as he sat on the edge of the bed. He placed a hand under her chin and held her there. “You said ‘we’ and I’m going to prove to you that we are a team in everything we do.”

  God, this barrier between them had been so difficult. But she realized that piece by piece they were taking it down. “I love you.”

  He placed a reverent kiss on her lips. “Most beautiful fucking words.”

  She paused, realizing what he meant. They were sweeter, more full now that they had weathered a category four hurricane. And she was grateful to be past the worst of it. Her anxiety was still running high. “What do you think we should do?”

  One more tender kiss and he stood. “Let’s go check out the hospital. My gut says something’s not right.”


  “Oh, Tar,” she cried against his chest. “You can’t seem to catch a break.” The officer stepped out into the hallway to give her space.

  Christy gave her the rest of the grave news. “The obstruction was contaminated. He’s fighting one hell of an infection.”

  “I can’t lose him,” she wailed.

  “I hate to say this, but he might survive physically, not mentally. That’s a lot of damage to his head.”

  “No. NOOOOOOOOOOO!” she screamed and beat the side of the bed.

  Christy informed, “I’m so sorry. And I should’ve kept my mouth shut. If you need me, I’ll be outside.”

  Keeley wanted to reassure the nurse that she was grateful for the facts, but nothing came out except sobs. She crawled up on top of him and held his strong handsome face in her tiny hands. “Come back to me.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “I love you. Please, don’t leave me.” Her lips now in full contact with his. “God, we need a miracle.” She laid her head on his shoulder and continued to whisper in his ear. “Fight. Fight for us. Come on, soldier, you’ve been in worse situations.”

  Her eyes were following the drip, drip, drip of the antibiotic traveling through the tube that led to his arm. She didn’t know much about MRSA other than it was resistant to most antibiotics. At that moment she chose to hold on to the sliver of hope—most, not all.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Lacey found her sister curled on top of Tar. The sight beautiful and heartbreakingly sad. A woman holding on to the only hope she had. A man fighting his way back to her. She held herself as tears became a wellspring for what she was witnessing. Worse, she felt as if she was violating their privacy in some way. Her step backwards was met by a rolling table she did not see. The commotion followed by her clamoring to right it, brought Keeley’s head up. “Lacey?”

  “Um…yeah, pretend I’m not here.”

  “Nonsense.” She climbed off his still form, double checking that he was breathing, before she held her arms wide. “Come here.”

  The sisters embraced, both crying. “Oh, Kee, I’m so, so sorry.”

  She sniffled, “So am I,” then looked back over at the love of her life. “He doesn’t deserve this. He’s good and kind. I should be the one fighting to live.”

  “Stop that!” Lacey’s exasperation coming through. “No one should be in this predicament.”

  “You know?”

  “Yeah, we were brought up to speed before I came in.”

  “Christy is good people,” Keeley sighed. “Too bad she doesn’t know the magical pill to break the spell.”

  Lacey grinned in spite of the heaviness in the room. “True love.”

  “Wonder if
he’s considered nearly dead.” Keeley winked at the half-quotes they were using from their favorite movie, The Princess Bride.

  “This new look suits you well,” Lacey said while playing with her sister’s hair.

  “It really comes together when I wear the blue contacts. I look just like my sister then.”

  They walked over to Tar’s side hand in hand.

  “Does this mean you’re out of the field?” There was no condemnation in Lacey’s question, just honest curiosity.

  “As much as my heart says stay, I know he,” she stroked his cheek, “would want me out there fighting.”

  “E would want that from me, too.”

  As if the mention of his name pulled him into the room, E entered. “What would I want?”

  “For me not to sit around if that was you in that bed.”

  “Hell no. But I also would be pissed for you putting yourself in danger.”

  She held out her hand to him. “Like any good husband.”

  “Except,” Keeley intervened, “sometimes the woman does the rescuing.”

  “Indeed,” Lacey affirmed, remembering when E needed her to come to his rescue.

  E also recalled that fateful fire and added, “The princess saving the prince.”

  “Yeah,” Keeley exhaled as fresh tears spilled out, “but this isn’t a fairytale.”

  E and Lacey enfolded her in their arms, giving her the support she needed, but their moment was broken with, “What the FUCK did I tell you?!”

  Shit! Mitch was beyond pissed. “I know, I know,” Keeley pleaded. “I broke your direct order. But…”

  “There are no but’s in battle, Kincaid,” he growled. “Far more is at stake here.”

  E rose to the occasion. “Don’t speak to her like she’s one of your men.”

  “I beg your pardon, Strand. But you two,” he pointed at him and Lacey, “are in as much trouble as she is. My show, my rules. Period.”

  Fuck a duck. E realized they’d all broken protocol. “Mitch, man, none of it was meant to cause more problems.”

  “Maybe you should’ve thought of that beforehand,” he rumbled.

  “Captain,” Shelby limped in, “would you take into consideration they were thinking with their hearts?”

  He glared at her. “Your heart can get you or someone else killed. You must guard it and think things through.”

  She huffed, “Great advice for your team, for a soldier. But you seem to forget—none of us are.”

  “Correction. I am,” came the resonating voice of the man who had them all there in the first place.

  A collective gasp filled the room before Keeley dove at him. “Oh, Tar, you came back to me.”

  He held her at arm’s length, studying.

  Mitch interrupted, “Do you know who we all are?”

  “Yes, Sir. I know you are my commanding officer.”

  “Which team, McNeil?”

  He paused, continuing to hold the beautiful woman that he felt he knew, but couldn’t recall her name. “I’m not sure I understand the question.”

  E chimed in, “Do you know me?”

  Tar grinned. “Yes, I know you, Even.”

  “And her?” E wrapped his arm around Lacey’s waist.

  Tar did a double take. His eyes darting from Keeley to Lacey several times before he whispered, “Twins.”

  Keeley couldn’t speak and only nodded.

  He angled his head toward Lacey. “You’re his wife?”

  “Yes,” she answered in encouragement. “What is my name?”

  His blinked in rapid succession as everything flooded him at once. The power of it taking his breath away and causing a raging headache. He released Keeley and grabbed his head, howling when he hit an extremely tender spot. Mitch stepped forward. “Let me take a look.”

  Tar bent his head but reached for Keeley’s hand. “Don’t leave me.”

  She swiped at the flowing tears. “I won’t.”

  Mitch explained out loud as he poked around. “Someone tried to kill you while you in here recovering from a head injury. Do you remember how you got that one?”

  He yanked Keeley forward and growled, “I fell off a warehouse roof trying to get to her.”

  “Yes,” she cried out.

  “You didn’t want to die. You didn’t choose to let go, Keeley.” His relief coming through met hers.

  “Never, baby,” she assured.

  He held her in a death grip afraid she’d disappear if he let her go. “I thought you did,” the confession ripped from him.

  “I know. I’m so sorry,” she hiccupped.

  His hand now moving to her broken arm, except it was fully healed. “I’ve been in here a while?”

  Mitch finished up and answered, “Yep. Your head never got a chance to heal.” He washed his hands and informed, “That wound is a nasty motherfucker. Probably due to the staph infection you have. And it did not help that you’ve smacked it in the same spot more than once.”

  “What about this horrific headache?” Tar inquired around a wince.

  “Pain meds are your friend. So is the antibiotic that seems to be working, for now. MRSA is a demon and you are not out of the woods. A relapse is not only possible, it’s expected.”

  “God, Mitch, where the hell is your bedside manner,” Shelby shot out in exasperation. She patted Tar’s arm. “Listen up, Knight. Your chain mail and sword are off limits right now. Your only job is to get well with no more complications.”

  “And keep your memory. Which means, no more whacking that hard head of yours. Damn, man, how you haven’t scrambled your brains is a mystery,” E pointed out.

  Tar chuckled. “Thanks for the laugh.”

  “Anytime, brother.”

  Lacey kissed Tar’s cheek, earning a growl from her husband. God she loved how territorial he was. “Hush,” she admonished, “he’s family.” Her attention now back on Tar. “You rest up and we’ll fill you in soon.” Careful to guard those words since none of them could promise when they’d be back.

  Christy came in with more medication and switched out bags. Tar shot her a pointed glance. “Can you give me a few minutes?”

  “On a scale of one to ten, where is your pain?” She knew he wanted some time but wasn’t going to let his pain become unmanageable.

  Mitch added, “Tell her the truth, McNeil.”

  “About an eight,” he replied.

  “You only get a few minutes. Make them count.”

  E whistled. “She’s feisty.”

  “The good ones usually are.” Mitch smiled and stole a sidelong glance at Shelby.

  She didn’t miss it. “You just think you’ve seen my sass.”

  His hand snagged her and pulled, bringing her right to his lips where he growled, “I’m going to love correcting that mouth of yours.”

  Shelby swallowed hard. Her breathing picked up pace. “Only if I let you.”

  He lightly bit her bottom lip before pulling back. “Oh, you will.”

  “Cocky bastard,” she ground out.

  Lacey smacked E in the back of the head for chuckling. “You teach him some of your tricks?”

  His gaze on hers. “No. And that earned you a little time out.”

  “Hmm…if you can catch me.” She darted out of his reach, gave Keeley a quick kiss on the cheek, and bolted out of the room with E hot on her heels. Her peals of laughter could be heard down the hall.

  Mitch turned a hard gaze on Keeley. “Hurry up.”

  “Geez, Captain, you’re all heart,” Shelby snarled.

  He tugged her hand. “You and I are having a little one-on-one.”

  “Mitch,” she cautioned and resisted.

  “Have it your way,” he announced before tossing her over his shoulder.

  She tried to squirm off and he swatted her ass with a resounding thwack.

  Keeley could hear the banter going on between them as they left. Her nerves were a frazzled mess as Tar stroked her from shoulder to fingertips. “Did it leave a

  “Not too bad,” she whispered.

  “Show me,” he rasped.

  An attempt to pull her arm free of the long sleeve T-shirt proved impossible. Funny how she could pull a bra off without removing a shirt but couldn’t seem to get one arm out. She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “Take it off.” His tone full of seduction.

  “I, um…thought you had a terrible headache.”

  “I do. But everyone knows the best cure for them is sex.”

  “What?” Excitement had her heart thumping so loud she was sure he could hear it.

  “Go lock the door,” his command dripping with need.

  She put a little extra sway into her hips, giving him a show, as she turned the lock with a wiggle of her ass.

  “Fucking tease,” he growled in appreciation.

  “Tease you? Remember you asked for it.” The shirt fell to her feet as she eased down her bra straps, so it lifted her boobs, remembering how much he loved that. A pinch of her nipples had them erect and begging for his attention. Her sashay was slow and deliberate, stopping to peel her jeans off.

  “Leave the panties and get on me.”

  She straddled him, grinding against his erection. His fingers traced the fresh scar on her arm before he followed with his lips. “So beautiful.”

  She scoffed, “I’ll cover them with a new tattoo.”

  “Matching ones.” He nipped along her collar bone.

  “I’d like that.” Her breathing ragged. “Baby, I want this to be slow and amazing but we’re on borrowed time here.”

  He sealed his mouth over hers, rediscovering every part. Nothing was missed as he savored her. He wanted to do the same to every part of her body but knew she was right, settling for bringing her with his fingers while tonguing her lick-me-now nipples. He slid her panties to the side and held them out of his way, then let those thick digits explore. He dipped inside her heat, trailing her juices along her folds, before flicking her engorged bundle of nerves. “God, I want to suck your clit.”

  She moaned, “Next time, I’ll sit on your face.”

  He growled and pulled his cock out, stroking it along her wet entrance. “Ride me, Beautiful.”

  Her hands on his muscular pecs, she did just that. Neither was sure if it was the time constraint they were under, the fact they could get caught at any moment, or if it was due to how long it had been since they’d made love, but the orgasms were fast and furious. Both panting hard when there was a knock on the door. “Shit!” Keeley blurted out, “Just a minute, please.”


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