Lightning Strykes

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Lightning Strykes Page 8

by Sherryl Hancock

  “I don’t bother with women’s clothes,” Remington told her. “They don’t make clothes that fit me very well.”

  Katrina nodded. ‘I figured it was something like that.”

  Remington picked up a black hoodie that had red and greenish blue wings over the shoulders.

  She glanced at Katrina. “Go and look at the women’s stuff if you want,” she said, smiling, having noted that Katrina hadn’t really looked.

  “Okay,” Katrina said, and went over to the other side of the store.

  To Katrina’s complete dismay, she loved almost everything on that side of the store. She was just looking at a price tag when Remington walked up.

  “Did you find anything you like?” Remington asked.

  Katrina had to choke back a cough when she saw the price of the jacket she’d been admiring. Remington quirked a grin, her hazel eyes sparkling.

  “You like that one?” she asked.

  “No,” Katrina said shaking her head. But her eyes told a different story.

  “Yes, you do,” Remington said, smiling.

  “What did you pick up?” Katrina asked, in an effort to distract her.

  Remington reached over and picked up the jacket Katrina had been looking at, adding it to the things in her hand.

  “What else do you like?” Remington asked, smiling.

  “Remi…” Katrina said, shaking her head. “I don’t need it. It’s okay, really.”

  Remington looked back at her with a small smile on her face. “I don’t need any of this,” she said, holding up the clothes she had picked, “but there’s no fun in that.”

  Remington walked around, looking at various things. She picked up a lace hem skirt. “This looks like you, to me.”

  Katrina pressed her lips together, thinking that it did, but she couldn’t even begin to imagine how much it cost. The jacket Remington had picked up so blithely was almost $1,600!

  “What about this…” Remington said, picking up a gold and black sheer blouse with a plunging embroidered neckline.

  When Katrina didn’t answer, Remington waggled her eyebrows at Katrina, making her laugh.

  “Remi, you don’t have to get me anything, it’s totally okay,” Katrina said gently.

  “I know I don’t have to get you anything,” Remington said, “but I’d like to, if you’ll permit me.”

  Katrina bit her lip in consternation. “Can we go somewhere… not so…” she began hesitantly.

  “Expensive?” Remington supplied.

  Katrina blew her breath out, nodding. “Yes!” she said, chuckling.

  Remington considered for a moment. Finally, she nodded and set the top back on the rack.

  “But I am getting you this,” Remington said, holding up the jacket.

  “Remi…” Katrina said her look fretful.

  “Please?” Remington asked. Her look was so sweet that Katrina couldn’t even begin to think of a way to say no.

  Katrina closed her eyes, grimacing as she nodded to Remington.

  “Good,” Remington said, “now try it on so we can make sure it fits.”

  Katrina went to take off her sweater.

  “Wait, wait,” Remington said, glancing around for a spot to set her purchase down.

  She turned to Katrina to help her remove her sweater and laid it over her arm. Then she helped her put the jacket on. It was a black lambskin motorcycle-style jacket with a sweatshirt-style hood. It looked very cute on Katrina.

  “Pafè ,” Remington said. “Perfect,” she then translated.

  Katrina looked in the mirror across from her, loving the way the jacket looked, but still worried about Remington spending so much money on her. The last thing she wanted Remington to think was that she wanted her to spend money on her. It had nothing to do with why she was with her.

  “You like it,” Remington said from behind her, her head down next to Katrina’s ear. “I can see it. Please let me get it for you.”

  “I love it,” Katrina agreed, turning to look up at Remington. “I just don’t want you to feel like you have to do things like this…”

  Remington looked down at the other woman, smiling softly. “I want to do this,” she said softly. “I know I don’t have to, onètma n. ”

  Katrina smiled, wondering if Remington even realized how often she used Creole.

  “What does onètman mean?” Katrina asked.

  “It means honestly,” Remington told her.

  Katrina nodded. “Okay, yes, it would be wonderful if you want to buy this for me,” she said, doing her best to sound grateful. She had no idea how to be grateful enough to justify a purchase at this level.

  Remington smiled brilliantly, nodding her head. “Se bon,” she said. “This is good.”

  A few minutes later, they walked out of the store, and Remington promptly took her hand and led her to the escalator and to the store Forever 21.

  “Remi!” Katrina gasped. “No…” she said sincerely, even as her eyes darted all over the store.

  “And I say, yes,” Remington said, smiling. “I can shop for you or with you, ou chwazi, your choice. I will admit I have a lot less self-control when buying for someone else though…”

  “Meaning?” Katrina asked, her tone pointed.

  Remington grinned. “Meaning I’ll spend a lot more on my own…” she said, shaking her head mournfully.

  Katrina blew her breath out, shaking her head. “That’s just blackmail Remington LaRoché.”

  “You say blackmail, I say incentive,” she said, grinning unapologetically.

  In the end, Remington picked out so many things that she thought she’d like to see Katrina in, they spent the next three hours with Katrina trying on outfits, dresses, and shoes. Remington sat in a chair outside of the dressing room, thoroughly enjoying the impromptu fashion show she was getting. Katrina was a beautiful girl, and she had a very specific style. She looked beautiful in flowery prints, and peasant-style blouses. She had hippie, flower child look, and Remington enjoyed seeing her smile as she stepped out of the dressing room in different outfits. The smile on Katrina’s face was the first way Remington knew whether or not she liked whatever she had on. Remington used that to make her decision on whether or not to say she liked it. Fortunately, her true opinion and Katrina’s rarely differed.

  After an exhaustive day of shopping, and a lot of mileage put on Remington’s credit card, much to Katrina’s dismay, they decided to have dinner at Remington’s apartment. They went to the grocery store to shop for food.

  “I have very few things there, since I’m not living there right now,” Remington explained as they strolled through the market.

  “Well, that does make sense though,” Katrina said, “since you’re staying at Wynter’s. It must be strange though.”

  “Why do you say that?” Remington asked as she picked up a bottle of wine, and a bottle of Town Branch Bourbon.

  “How do you buy food? Things like that?” Katrina asked.

  “I buy what I like. It goes in with theirs, but it works out okay, usually,” Remington said but there was something in her voice that made Katrina think it wasn’t always that simple.

  Katrina heard it. “Usually?” she asked. “Did something happen?”

  Remington sighed. “Things are a little weird right now.”

  “Weird how?” Katrina asked, glancing around to make sure no one was paying attention to them, knowing that Remington wouldn’t talk too plainly about Wynter.

  Remington shook her head. “I’ll tell you about it later,” she said, thinking the same thing.

  You never knew who was listening, especially in Hollywood. The last thing Remington wanted was to cause Wynter more headaches. They finished their shopping trip and went back to Remington’s car. It was a short drive to her apartment, since she lived in West Hollywood.

  Katrina was not completely surprised by Remington’s apartment. It was a nice place, with great views of the Hollywood area. Her furniture was very modern, black and low
slung. Even the end tables and coffee tables were black. The accent colors were gray and white. The large flat-screen TV hung on the wall above a low black and chrome console.

  Remington noted Katrina’s eyes widen at her furniture.

  “I guess it’s a bit stark,” Remington said, shrugging.

  “It’s fine, it’s nice actually,” Katrina said. “I’m just not used to modern furniture,” she said shrugging. “My apartment is made of odd ball pieces I’ve been able to beg, borrow, or steal. Not something this cohesive.”

  “Cohesive,” Remington repeated with a wide smile. “Interesting word.”

  “Well, it does all go together,” Katrina said, smiling widely.

  “It lacks imagination,” Remington said, shrugging. “I know.”

  “It doesn’t,” Katrina said, “it says a lot about you, though.”

  “What does it say?” Remington asked, as she started to unload the shopping.

  Katrina looked around, noticing that even the kitchen had little color, other than the light earth tones of the granite countertops.

  “It says you’re not really fussy when it comes to your space,” Katrina said.

  “Well, that’s true,” Remington agreed. “You’re probably really going to hate the bed,” she said looking amused.

  “Why?” Katrina asked.

  “It’s really modern,” Remington said. “I found it in Japan and liked it.”

  Katrina smiled. “To be perfectly clear here, Remington, I don’t hate your living room furniture at all. I like it. I think it fits you very well.”

  “Well, let’s see what you think about the bedroom then,” Remington said holding her hand out to Katrina.

  In the bedroom, Katrina was indeed surprised, but also fascinated by the bed. It was on a low platform, the mattress was offset on the platform, and there to the right of the mattress were lit blue squares set in a black lacquered frame that ran the length of the mattress. It was very modern indeed.

  “Wow,” Katrina said, smiling as she did, “you’re right, it’s really different, but again, so much you, I think.”

  Remington gave her a sidelong look. “You think?”

  “Well, what I know of you,” Katrina said, suddenly feeling shy.

  They were standing in Remington’s bedroom, and Katrina had been wondering all day, in fact all week, if tonight was going to be the first time they would finally make love. Suddenly they were in a bedroom, and Katrina couldn’t help but wonder again.

  “We need to start dinner,” Katrina said then, knowing she needed to get out of the room before she did something really stupid like throw herself at Remington and make a fool of herself.

  Remington nodded, turning to leave the room. Katrina followed.

  They made dinner, and ate talking and drinking wine. Afterwards, Remington cleared the dishes, but Katrina insisted on washing them. Remington acquiesced after a lengthy discussion.

  “Go relax,” Katrina said, “it’s one of your few days off.”

  Remington nodded. “Alright. Do you want another glass of wine?”

  “Yes, please,” Katrina said, smiling.

  Remington poured the remainder of the bottle into Katrina’s glass. She then got a glass out of one of the cabinets, put ice in it and poured herself bourbon.

  Katrina found Remington sitting in the living room a little while later. She had her feet up on the coffee table, looking very comfortable, having long since taken off her jacket and kicked off her shoes.

  Remington stood when she saw Katrina walk into the room.

  “Oh…” Katrina said, grimacing. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “You didn’t,” Remington said, smiling as she stood looking at Katrina.

  Katrina walked over, holding her glass of wine, and sat down. Remington sat down next to her, facing her. Remington drained her glass, and then surprised Katrina by taking the glass of wine out of her hand and setting it on the coffee table.

  Turning back, Remington leaned in, and kissed Katrina’s lips softly. Katrina put her hands to Remington’s waist, her thumbs moving back and forth on the material of the tank top Remington wore as Remington continued a slow exploration of her lips. Remington’s lips on hers were soft, gentle and Katrina sighed quietly, feeling almost dizzy with the desire that filled her. As if she’d sensed it, Remington slid one hand behind Katrina’s neck, pulling her closer, her lips deepening the kiss slightly. Katrina’s hands tightened at Remington’s waist, then slid around her back. They kissed for what seemed like hours. Eventually, Remington stood up, extending her hand to Katrina.

  She led Katrina back to her bedroom, then gently pushed her down to sit on the bed. Her lips took gentle possession of Katrina’s again as she pressed her back to lie on the bed. Remington took hours to make love to her, her movements slow and deliberate. No woman had ever taken so much care caressing and making her feel desired.

  When Katrina finally lay naked under Remington’s hands, she was way beyond logical thought. Her body responded to every touch, and she felt as if she could fly apart at any moment, but Remington lips never became demanding. Katrina pulled at Remington, who still wore an exercise bra and boy shorts.

  “Remi… please…” Katrina said softly. “I want to see you…”

  Remington smiled down at her, and inclined her head. She removed the rest of her clothes, then went back to kissing Katrina again as she pressed her well-muscled, but still lean body against Katrina’s side.

  As she kissed Katrina her hand caressed and touched everywhere. Katrina turned to face Remington, wanting to touch her as much as she was being touched. She pressed herself against Remington, who surprised her by moving to her back, and pulling Katrina over her. Remington kissed her again, her hands sliding over Katrina’s back, pressing her closer, and moving her body against Katrina’s sensually. Within minutes, Katrina was moaning softly, her breathing becoming quick short gasps. She moved faster, wanting Remington closer. When Remington slid her hand between them, touching Katrina, it was all Katrina could take. She came gasping loudly, pressing her body against Remington’s hand.

  As her shudders subsided, she kissed Remington, her whole body still trembling. After a few minutes, she sat up and straddled Remington’s waist and looking down at the ex-fighter, her eyes taking in Remington’s incredible physique.

  “Oh my god, Remi, you are so incredible…” she breathed, her eyes reflecting her awe, as her hands touched Remington’s abs and slid upward.

  Remington sat up, pulling Katrina back down with her, her lips on Katrina’s again. Katrina started moving her body on Remington’s, pressing and grinding. Remington’s breath became uneven, and her hands pressed Katrina’s body closer.

  Katrina became excited again, and in the end, they came together. As they lay together afterwards, Remington lifted her hand to Katrina’s face and stroked it as she looked up into Katrina’s eyes. Katrina smiled down at her.


  Wynter was climbing the walls. She’d been sitting out on the patio for two hours, smoking, and drinking Smirnoff Ice. Fortunately, Lauren had left the house a couple of hours before. Lauren was driving her insane! She had been constantly underfoot for the last week and Wynter had been ready to kill her a few times. It was interesting to her that Lauren had chosen to leave the house the same day Remington had left the house as well.

  She was pleasantly surprised when Xandy walked out onto the patio.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” Wynter asked smiling.

  “I thought I’d come check on you,” Xandy said.

  “Where’s Quinn?” Wynter asked.

  “She’s in talking to Mackie. Where’s Remi?”

  “Probably fucking Katrina as we speak,” Wynter said, sighing.

  Xandy’s eyes widened significantly. “Okay…” she said hesitantly.

  “Sorry,” Wynter said, grimacing, “but you did ask.”

  “I guess I didn’t really expect that level of detail,” Xandy said, grinn

  “Yeah, sorry,” Wynter said, rolling her eyes. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about all day, so…”

  “Why?” Xandy asked.

  Wynter looked pensive, blowing her breath out as she shook her head. “Because I’m stupid.”

  “You’re wot?” Quinn asked, as she walked out onto the patio. She leaned down to kiss Wynter on the cheek.

  “Stupid,” Wynter repeated.

  “Why?” Quinn asked, moving to sit down.

  “Because she’s been thinking about…” Xandy began.

  “Because I’ve been obsessing about sleeping with my bodyguard all day,” Wynter said, lighting another cigarette.

  Even Quinn was shocked for a moment. She glanced at Xandy who simply shrugged.

  “And this started when?” Quinn asked.

  “Oh, the same day I met her,” Wynter said simply.

  “Uh…” Quinn stammered.

  “At the benefit concert?” Wynter supplied.

  “Didn’t she stop you from getting in?” Quinn asked.

  “Yeah but she was totally hot about it,” Wynter said, grinning.

  “Okay…” Quinn said, grinning.

  “I know, I’m stupid, I get it,” Wynter said.

  “Wynter, what about Lauren?” Xandy asked.

  Wynter made a face, shaking her head. “She’s driving me crazy right now… I just… I don’t know.”

  “Do you still love her?” Xandy asked.

  “I don’t know,” Wynter said. “Things have gotten… bad.”

  “Bad how?” Quinn asked, her tone all bodyguard all of a sudden.

  Wynter didn’t answer, but her face said it all.


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