Bloodlines Trilogy

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Bloodlines Trilogy Page 13

by J. Thiele

  Kara raced to the back of her van to retrieve another pouch of blood. They had no idea of how time had passed until she returned informing them that it was getting dark. They weren’t ready for Victor and were forced to return to the safety of Casey tiny apartment for another night.

  Casey opted to ride with Kara and Damon; she still had some unanswered questions she hoped to get answers for.

  “Mind if I ask you some questions?” she asked before he could respond she began her interrogation. “How did you renovate that old place so fast? Not that I disapprove, it’s very appealing, but only weeks ago it was in ruins.”

  “I did not work alone Detective.”

  “Please, call me Casey.” She requested.

  Damon bowed his head in acceptance of the offer to refer to her on a first name basis. “I did not work alone, Casey. When a vampire is turned, we have energy left over from our previous existence. Unless burned off constructively the damage one could cause is catastrophic. I put the young Moresby boy to work. Together our speed is no match for human trade’s men.”

  “But the workmanship?”

  “Detec...Casey, I have had many years on this planet, boredom breeds contempt. I have overcome boredom by studying and researching. I have mastered many skills in my time.” he informed her.

  “The night Captain Pearce shot you, your blood was spilled on to the road, and we had it tested. You tested positive to over a hundred D.N.A matches. Is that possible?”

  “I do not know what my original D.N.A was, but over the years, I have had to feed on many people. Their D.N.A most certainly will still be present in my blood stream.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “Unlike humans, we have no need for bathroom facilities. Our digestive system is rewired. The blood we feed on keeps our flesh from decaying. The energy is burned off just like the calories in your own diet. But the cells become a part of us.”

  “The night we found the ‘she vamp’ in Rays place, her bite marks vanished before our eyes. Yet the bites in all of Wes’s victims were still present. How do you explain that?”

  “That is simple, just like any animal our saliva carries a healing property. Because of our powers the healing is rapid. The saliva is on our canines and is most beneficial to the donor. The young officer is still alive, so the healing residue was able to be activated by the beat of his heart. The bite marks left in the victims my prodigy left behind, were post mortem. It is a tragedy, but the poor boy was rabid and knew no better.”

  Casey nodded her head accepting his explanation, “Finally, Tyson Grey? What happened to him? He was locked up. How did you get to him?”

  “Ahh, another easy one. I did not feel it was justified that his companions perished, yet he did not. It was his hand that pulled the trigger that day, as much as it was his leadership that encouraged the others to bully and harass young Wesley. He was a thief, a bully, a liar and a murderer. He would have flourished behind the bars of a prison compound.”

  “But how did you get in without anybody seeing you?”

  “They did, but just as Miss. Kara has no recollection of her traumatic event, neither do the other inmates. I did not see fit to punish them all for a crime they did not commit. It was a necessity that the guards’ memories of the event be rewired.”

  Satisfied with the responses Casey turned her attention to the driver. “How you doing kiddo?” she asked Kara as she reached up and brushed her cheek with the back of her fingers.

  “I’ll be a lot better when we’re back at your place. The nights closing in fast.” She put her foot down on the accelerator and sped the last few blocks with the others in hot pursuit.

  * * * * *

  Once they were all back inside Casey’s home she quickly closed the curtains in case Victor returned, she didn’t want to run the risk of being caught in his gaze again. Pearce had decided he and Rose would head home to his place for a decent night’s sleep.

  “You must not leave.” Damon protested, fearful that Victor could be anywhere, and they could fall prey to him.

  “Poppycock! I’m a grown man, and a senior detective, I can handle myself against one blood sucking cowboy don’t you worry about that.” He grumbled as he opened the front door to come face to face with Victor. His face was filled with fury and his canines flashed at the aging cop. Pearce slammed the door in his face and retreated back to the rest of the team. “But if you’re feeling insecure I’m happy to babysit.” He said as he broke out in a cold sweat.

  Damon rose to his feet. “We must act fast tomorrow and finish all the preparation.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The following day the team went to the warehouse as soon as the sun was starting to rise. Rick continued to weld the rods together, with Ray following close behind dribbling the molten sterling silver over them.

  Damon was carefully preparing weapons for the team, bullets loaded with silver pellets and a silver tip. Arrows and spears also tipped with silver.

  “What are they for?” Casey asked as she inspected his work.

  “They are for Victor.” He answered with defeat already in his tone.

  “Wont those kill him? I thought the plan was to restrain him.”

  “It is. This is merely a safety measure. You must remember, Victor is very old, he will not be easy prey for us to capture.”

  “But if we kill him, won’t that mean…...”

  “Yes, I too will perish. Perhaps it is for the best.” he sighed.

  “Like fuck it’s for the best!” Kara interrupted. “After everything we’ve done so far, and everything we’ve been through, you think it’s for the best? Well if that’s the case, why are we wasting our time on this shit?” She threw the completed silver net on the floor at his feet.

  “It is just a safety measure, young Kara. If it comes down to it, what will be, will be.”

  “We will do everything we can Kara, it’s not in any of our game plans to see Damon go down with this prick. But we have to be realistic. If we can’t capture him, in the interest of him or us, the bastard will bite a bullet.” Rick told her.

  Casey picked up a handful of bullets and placed them in the clip of her Glock.

  Damon put his hand on Casey’s as she fed the final bullet in “Shoot to kill Casey. Don’t play. It will only antagonise him. Aim for the heart.” Casey nodded her head confirming she understood the instructions.

  Kara stormed out of the underground room, unable to comprehend the lengths the team were prepared and willing to go to.

  A truck was heard pulling up at the entrance. “Expecting anybody?” Pearce looked at Damon.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I am. A delivery of ultraviolet lights, actually. If you wouldn’t mind bringing them to me, I must work fast now.” Damon directed them.

  As soon as the team left the confines of the basement Damon got to work. By the time they returned from unloading the truck and bringing the cargo downstairs Damon had completely redesigned the room there was a sleeping area, and a shower. Wires hung from everywhere. A table and one chair were placed in the centre of the room.

  They were gone for about an hour, when they came down with the first load of lights and noticed all the changes “What the fuck happened in here?” Ray asked. “It looks a little cosy for a prison cell don’t ya think?”

  “My friend, I believe Charles Manson even had a bed to sleep in and access to hygiene facilities, did he not?”

  Ray shrugged his shoulders and placed the tube lighting on the camp bed against the wall, then returned upstairs for anther load. Damon immediately set about the electrical work.

  When the last load was delivered Damon was ready to attach the switch above the ground.

  The six of them stood at the entrance and held their breath, as Damon prepared to flick the switch.

  “Where did you get the money to buy all this shit?” Casey asked Damon “Or is it better that I just assume you have an early morning milk run?”

  “My dear, I have be
en around since before computers were invented, I am the king of online banking and ordering. I possess a credit card and have managed to access and transfer many funds from several offshore accounts held by the Cartel, the Chinese triads and Italian Mafia, as well as many other illegally made fortunes from all over the world. I have been the cause of many drug wars, based on the all mighty dollar. But what can they do? I am but a myth.” He smiled smugly, proud of his wit, then he flicked the switch and with it came the almighty glow of over a thousand strategically places ultra violet tubes, lighting up the room as if it were high noon.

  Damon was almost finished. He added a dial and set a trigger switch. The team were impressed with his electrical skills. The lighting was turned down to a dull glow. The failsafe trigger was designed to throw the strength up to full force, should the captive make any attempt to escape the confines of the underground prison. Surveillance cameras were installed as well as a gate at the entrance of the room and at the end of the hall. If he broke through the first one he would still have to escape the one at the other end leading upstairs.

  * * * * *

  Damon sat in his leather lounge and awaited the arrival of his maker. He heard the familiar whoosh of the intruder and looked up from his journal to see Victor standing before him.

  Damon stood “Victor.”

  “I see you have come out of hiding Damon.” His nostrils flared as he sniffed the air hard. “Though I can smell the presence of your filthy human companions. Why don’t you tell them to come out from where they are hiding? You know that once I have dealt with you it is only a matter of time before I find them anyway. Then they too will meet their fate.”

  “This has nothing to do with them.” Damon argued.

  “It has everything to do with them!” Victor argued back. “You murder a member of my line for the sake of humans? Did you think I wouldn’t know? Did you think you would go unpunished?”

  “He Was Rogue!” Damon shouted.

  “He Was My Line!”

  “HE WAS MINE!” Damon continued to argue.

  “You had no right to interfere with the punishment of my line!”

  “YOU RELEASED ME! WHAT WAS I TO DO? The boy had to be stopped.” Damon concluded.

  “Not by you. You did not have that right.” Victor had decided Damon’s fate.

  “You must return with me and create another life in the boys place, and I will decide on the appropriate candidate. This time you will not disobey me. If you had done what I asked of you all those years ago with the Moresby woman, you would have been more experienced in your selections by now.”

  “I will not return to your existence.” Damon stood his ground.

  ‘You dare to disobey my command?!” Victor raised his voice again and his hand extended toward Damon. Their eyes met and Damon began to tremble as he resisted the pull of Victor’s power over him. Blood began to seep from his darkened eyes, then his nose, finally his mouth and ears.

  From out of nowhere, Ray charged with a spear aimed at Victor’s heart.

  “RAY NO!” Casey shouted from the loft.

  Victor was too fast, pushing the head of the spear to one side avoiding the penetration of the sharp end. He clutched Ray as he rushed past and in an instant his teeth were sank into the side of Ray’s neck.

  Ray's eyes widened with fear, and the life seemed to fade from them as he went limp in Victor’s hands.

  Victor tossed him to one side and he fell silent to the ground. His body was covered in blood and he lay lifeless in a heap.

  Casey filled with rage; she swooped down from above with the chain net in her hands. She landed on Victors shoulders covering him with the net. He immediately began to smoulder, and squirm in agony letting out squeals that resembled that of a trapped pig. Rick started jabbing at him with another spear, nudging him toward the trap door. Pearce held a gun on him loaded with silver bullets ready to fire as he pulled back the mat and opened the hidden door in the floor.

  He dropped to the bottom with Casey still on his shoulders; she fell off on impact taking the net with her. Victor recovered quickly; he spun around and took Casey by the throat, dangling her a foot off of the ground.

  The quick thinking Rick flicked the switch and jumped down into the fray. The moment the lights went on Victor was forced to release her.

  The full force of the lighting was beginning to burn his flesh. Rick continued to prod him with the silver tipped end of his spear, guiding him further back into the room at the end of the passage. Casey followed with the net in her hand ready to toss it on him again if she needed to.

  Once he passed the cage door, Rick locked it behind him “Now sit tight, and behave and we might consider turning the lights down.” He said over his shoulder as the pair raced back up the stairs.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Rick and Casey returned to the upper level to find Kara desperately trying to stop the bleeding that was profusely pouring from the side of Ray’s throat.

  Pearce slammed the door shut as soon as they surfaced. Stamping his foot on it in defiance as it went down.

  Damon was still recovering from the hypnotic pull of Victors gaze. He shook his head, and recognised the smell of fresh blood. He needed to replenish. Victor had all but drained him of his energy, and the sweet smell of the blood was intoxicating. His eyes turned black and dark blue veins surfaced around the outsides signifying he was famished.

  He rose and pulled the group apart separating them from Ray, his fangs were exposed in a hungry snarl and he was about to feed on the lifeless officer, when Pearce put his pistol up to his temple “Remember what I loaded this with? I’m just starting to like you son, don’t make me pull the trigger.”

  Damon hissed as Kara reached for another bag of bottled blood from her medical kit and tossed it at him. He bit into it and scoffed its contents within seconds, returning to his former demeanour.

  “I apologise, I meant no harm.” He told Pearce, ashamed over his loss of control.

  “That’s okay son, most of us just get a little tummy rumble is all.” He said as he returned his attention to Ray.

  “Is he dead?” Rick asked

  “No the bloods still flowing, but we need a bus, fast, or we will lose him.” She informed them all.

  Damon came to his side and knelt down to inspect the wound.

  “Son, I’m warning ya, for the last time.” Pearce said as he pulled his weapon again.

  “Please,” Damon said as he sliced his wrist using his own claw like thumb nail. Blood began to flow as he clenched his fist several times forcing it to exit the veins quicker. The blood dribbled over Rays wound then into his mouth. As if by magic the wound began to heal, and Ray was beginning to stir.

  Rick slumped him over his shoulder and laid him on the lounge.

  “Wait,” Pearce began to worry, “He’s not going to be a bloodsucker now too is he?”

  “No, he will need time to rebuild his own blood supply though; mine will just sustain him until he has recovered.” Damon informed the old man who still had his weapon in his hand.

  “Right, well now what?” he asked. “What about that thing in the basement?”

  “OH FUCK!” Rick shouted, “The lights.” He raced over to turn them off.

  “I am still here, this indicates he has not perished young Rick, fear not. But now I must confront my maker.” He opened the door and prepared to face Victor in his underground tomb.

  “Not on your own.” Casey told him. “Look at Ray, that’s the result of his powers over you. I’m coming with you.”

  “And me.” Rick decided.

  ”Not me. I’ll stay up here with the youngsters.” Pearce sat in a show of defiance.

  * * * * *

  As they approached the cell they could smell the foul stench of burnt flesh, and heard the snarls of the demon at the end of the passage. Victor stood at the cage door. “Release me you fool.”

  He said as the skin looked like it had melted from his face like a candle wax.

  “I cannot my father.” Damon told him with tears of blood once more escaping his eyes. “This is the way it must be, for the sake of our kind. You will destroy all things good for the sanctuary of the original makers. Times have changed. We must be more careful, I believe we can co-exist without the endangerment of either species.”

  “You murdered your own kind!” Victor shouted at him from behind the bars.

  “Even in the human realm, rogues are put to death!” he reminded the ancient vampire.


  “YOU had no right!” Damon shouted.

  “You would have perished!”

  “As was my fate! You stole that from me. I had a right to die.” Damon fell to his knees.

  “You’re pathetic!” Victor snorted in disgust. “Leave me.”

  Casey and Rick helped Damon to his feet and turned to walk away. “Know this Damon” Victor’s voice rang out and the three looked over their shoulders to see his face beginning to heal. “You have made your choice, and you will pay dearly for it.” he began to laugh as if he knew something they didn’t.

  “I turn my back on you father, as you once turned your back on me, in shame.” Damon replied as he turned to leave his master behind.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Pearce was in the conference room when the team arrived for their duties. It seemed like forever since they’d filled in a report or made an actual arrest. The department must have thought so too.

  Pearce was given his notice with instructions to terminate the two detectives as well. They’d heard stories that they were chasing demons, or other non-existent felons in an attempt to cover up their gross incompetencies in making legitimate arrests. Ray was also dismissed by his commanding officer for failing to report to work, for his association with the fictional suspect chasing, the detectives were being accused of.


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