Bloodlines Trilogy

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Bloodlines Trilogy Page 17

by J. Thiele

  The others came running; by the time they got there the only passenger left was the driver. All seats were covered in dust. “It was a fucking set up.” Casey told them. “They’re getting smarter.”

  They headed back to headquarters, when Rays phone rang. It was Brandy from the city morgue. “Hey Ray, you haven’t called in a while. Are you seeing someone?” Ray laughed at the suggestion that he had time for a booty call let alone actually start to date anyone.

  “Nah Brandy, I’ve just been busy with work and all, you know how it is?” He reassured her. Casey rolled her eyes, fully aware that this was more than a courtesy call.

  “Well I’m a little tied up myself right now, but I’ll be free in a couple of hours. Did you want to meet for a drink somewhere?”

  “Busy huh? I bet you have clients lined up waiting to get in for a consultation.” he joked.

  “Well actually I have. Since the scandal of the cult I have quite a few. I’m just about to start an autopsy on one now as a matter of fact, female approximately Twenty-five years old.”

  “Oh yeah? Well if you find know Unusual? Give me a call will ya?” he asked.

  “Sure, will do.” She was just about to make her first incision while Ray was still on the line. “What the?” she said under her breath.

  “What is it?” Ray asked.

  “Oh my God. Somebody help! It can’t be.”

  “Brandy what is it?”

  All Ray could here was Brandy’s blood curdling screams coming through the receiver.

  “BRANDY! Casey head for the morgue, she’s in trouble.” He ordered.

  Casey pulled the handbrake and the van was forced into a one-eighty spin to head in the opposite direction. By the time they arrived Brandy was gone, no trace, so was her victim. There was No-one but Brandy on the graveyard shift, so there weren’t even any witnesses to question. Ray was near hysterical when Casey insisted they head back to headquarters.

  Chapter Seven

  At headquarters they found Kara and Rose waiting for them, “What are you two doing here?” Pearce asked. “Thought you were both rostered on tonight.”

  “With the curfew, there isn’t much action in the ER” Kara told them.

  “And with no new patients being admitted, there’s not many on the wards to care for either.” Rose added.

  Casey wouldn’t say it out loud but she was glad to see Kara, especially after she’d blown away what she initially thought was a bus load of innocent civilians, followed by the visit to the morgue. Casey filled them in on the night’s events while Ray sat in stunned silence; he looked as though he was in a state of shock.

  “You’re not hurt are you?” she asked quickly looking her over for any obvious battle wounds.

  “No I’m fine, just a little shaken is all, but Ray might need a sedative. He knew the mortician on a personal level if you get my drift? They were actually planning on drinks a little later. I think he was rather fond of her by his reaction, she may have been a little more than just a friend with benefits.”

  Suddenly there was a commotion at the back door, the group went to investigate and Rick went to the loft to look from a widow with a higher vantage point.

  A group of vampires had taken the old security guard from next door hostage, “Damon!” one shouted from the front of the pack. “I’ll make you a deal, give us the master and you can have this old bastard in return.”

  Casey looked at the wide eyes of Henry Townsend and recalled his assistance in the original case of Damon and Wesley Moresby. “Stay calm Mr. Townsend, everything’s going to be alright.” She assured him.

  Damon raced down to Victor, “Stop this madness. You have started a war you cannot possibly win.”

  “Oh, but I am winning my boy.” He said with a sadistic grin on his face. This is not the war; it is merely another chapter in a war that started centuries ago.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I despise you!” he said with bitterness. “You and your holier than thou perception of yourself.”

  “I don’t understand.” Damon was confused at where this was coming from or where it was going.

  “You think this war started over the Moresby boy? I assure you I couldn’t care less about the feral idiot. I would have probably ripped his heart out myself simply for being your sire.”

  Damon was trying to comprehend what he was saying, but couldn’t make sense of it.

  “Your wife and children, your comrades on the battlefield, your countrymen, all cheering you on like you were some kind of God. Yet when I visited your local inn you turned your back on me, as if I were nothing more than a petty street urchin. I vowed that night I will not tolerate such indignance from you and one day I would see you fall from grace. I wanted to kill you then, along with the company that jeered with you, totally oblivious to the power that was before you. But here you are almost four hundred years later and I am still making you crumble you ignorant fool.”

  “Why? Why did you turn me? I was dying. You would have been rid of me.” He asked.

  “And have you die a hero? No my boy, that was never going to suit. I wanted you to witness your demise. I wanted you to see the pain in your woman’s face when she discovered you were a deserter.” He went on, “Did you know the townspeople turned their backs on her. She threw herself into the river in the end unable to bear her grief any longer and your children were orphaned. They didn’t reach adulthood I’m afraid. Pneumonia I believe took young Esther and Mikael was taken by scabies. Poor souls.” He added with a smirk. “I’ve been enjoying watching you suffer ever since.” He went on. “Take our dear Beth, how do you think her husband discovered your torrid little affair?”

  “You told him?” Damon asked.

  “Well someone had to let the poor bastard know his wife was a filthy whore that was practicing acts of infidelity, while he was hard at work putting food on the table.”

  “You bastard!” Damon shouted at him. “I will end this tonight.” He assured him before leaving the room.

  Damon went to the door. The pack was still there, holding the old man in the front. He was about to open the door when he turned to Casey, “Once the gentleman is free, flick the switch.” Casey knew exactly what his intentions were. He was going to do a trade-off, sacrifice himself taking Victor with him. Either way he would not survive the night, but neither would Victor or any of his descendant’s.

  The door opened and Damon stood on the threshold, the gang came closer and the old man suddenly spoke. “Don’t do it son, don’t give in to these sons of bitches.”

  “Shut up old man, or ill rip ya throat out where ya stand.” He was told by the head of the pack.

  “Go ahead; I’m an old man with nothing left on this planet anyway.” He said dryly “Don’t come out here son, I’m tellin’ ya, it serves no purpose.” He went on. “I’m ready to meet my Glory on the other side.”

  Just as he finished his sentence a vamp on either side of him sank their fangs into the old man’s collar, his eyes widened and Damon’s voice filled the air, “NO!” shots rang out as Rick opened fire on the gang from his window in the loft.

  Casey and Ray ran to the old man’s body, he was losing blood fast, not only from his bite marks but he’d also taken a couple of bullets from Rick’s rapid fire.

  “Do something! Help him.” Casey shouted. Kara was putting pressure on the bleeding but with so many injuries and not enough hands she was losing the battle fast. Damon came to his aid, and sliced his wrist with his nail. He was about to let it dribble into the old timers mouth, when he held up his hand and resisted. “No son, I know what ya are and I know what ya tryin’ ta do. But please, let an old man die with dignity. My Glory would never forgive me if I gave up a chance to be with her now.” The old man took his last breath as Damon was said “Peace be with you.”

  The place fell silent as they all bowed their heads to pay their respects to the old timer. Tears ran down Damon’s face. He knew the old man would
often come snooping around, peering through the windows, watching from the fence line. They often shared a friendly nod to each other in passing on opposing sides of the dividing chain wire. He too used to watch over him in the yard next door, especially on nights when things may have gotten rowdy, and street gangs would come down the lonely block looking for hideouts. It was as though it was an unspoken respect that they kept watch over each other.

  “Right, I’ve just about had e-fuckin-nough of this bullshit!” Pearce stormed downstairs to confront Victor. “Who do you think you are? You son of a bitch!” He said with hatred in his tone. ‘I ought’a shoot you down right where you stand cocksucker!”

  “My, my - such vulgarity from a man held in esteem such as yours. Did they teach you that in the academy detective?”

  “Now is not the time to fuck with me son!” he told him.

  “Son? Why, that almost sounds endearing. Especially when you consider I’m about one hundred and twenty decades your senior detective.” He said with a smug look on his face that pushed Pearce to his limit and beyond.

  “Go Fuck yourself…son” He said as he turned and walked away. As he surfaced to the upper level he flicked the switch on for the ultraviolet lights. He could hear Victor screaming in agony. “Laugh that off mother-fucker.” He said as he slammed the trap door shut again.

  Casey went to turn the lights off knowing his injuries would impact on Damon. Suddenly Damon interjected. “Let him suffer a little longer.”

  As he started to shake and blood began to seep from his nose and ears, Beth began to real in agony Damon released Casey’s hand. “Okay, now.”

  Casey flicked the switch and Damon raced to Beth. “Forgive me my darling? I mean you no harm.” He said through the bars.

  “It has to be my love. He has lost his way, and will be the death of us all.” She assured him she understood.

  She looked down from her prison to see the old security guard lying still on the floor, “I did not want any of this. I merely sensed the death of my grandson, and came to avenge him. I had no idea it would be you I was confronting. I know you would not have made the decision lightly. It is you who should forgive me.” She sobbed.

  Chapter Eight

  The team had gone home for some sleep; Casey took Ray to keep an eye on him.

  Victor had gone quiet and Damon was alone with Beth. “I long to touch you once more.” He told her.

  “As do I, you.” she replied.

  Damon went to unlock the cell, “No! Do not enter my love; it’s not safe in here for you. I am still under his control. He commands my loyalty.”

  “Well its time you disobeyed him.” Damon said as he entered the cell. He stepped up close to his beloved, she tried to resist, but her love for him was too strong. She flew into his hold. He kissed her hard, with all the pent up frustration from the previous night, he had a lot of steam to blow off. He wanted to ravish her. He lifted her against the wall and she wrapped her legs around his hips. His hands tore her clothes from her shoulders and his mouth opened and he bit down on her. Her eyes glowed amber, as she threw him of her. “Get out Damon! He knows, Get out! You must!”

  “I will not!” he shouted back. “Look at me Beth, you can resist, look into my eyes and fight him. His mind is not stronger than yours, you must believe that, you can defeat him.”

  “Damon I can’t!” she said desperately.

  “Yes you can Beth! Look at me, clear your mind hear me and only me!” He said as he held her gnawing face still in his hands as she tried to bite him, “Look at me!” he commanded.

  Blood began to seep from her, “Keep fighting Beth, you can defeat him.” He kissed her as she fought him, slowly her struggling subsided and she began to kiss him back. He again lifted her against the wall, tearing her panties from her and loosening his belt so his pants dropped below his knees. His cock was erect, and found its way to her opening as if it were going home. He drove it into her hard. She jolted and he drove it in again. She threw her head back in ecstasy as he pumped her with a force that would tear any normal woman apart.

  “Oh Damon, I’ve missed you.” she cried out so loud that Victor was tormented once more by Damon’s victory. He threw her onto the bed, and she immediately rose to her knees and turned on all fours, splaying her pussy to him, he came from behind and plunged deep inside her again, jackhammering her pussy with his hardened cock holding her in place to take his fury.

  Their bodies slapping together with every forceful jolt, he fucked her until his cock softened. He lay on his back allowing her to recover as well, but instead she straddled his waist and said in a voice that hardened his prick once more, “I’m not done yet lover.” She lowered herself onto his shaft and slid her pussy up and down it with the speed and veracity that only the super natural world could imagine. Her fingernails digging into his chest as she rode them to ecstasy. Damon sat up and turned his head exposing his neck to his beloved. Beth growled before she sank her fangs deep into his vein. As she sucked, her body contracted around his shaft. The sensation took Damon over the edge with her.

  * * * * *

  From his dungeon Victor’s temper raged. He’d never bedded Beth himself, he thought she was beneath him he only liked to fuck the virgins that entered his brood. Every time he’d finish with them, their maidenheads would grow back and he could enjoy the experience all over again. But the indignant loss to Damon again was enough to ignite his rage and fuel his hatred; someone had honoured Damon before him again. He needed to up the ante.

  * * * * *

  Later that afternoon, when the team arrived for their shift, they walked in to find Beth sitting on the lounge playing with an iPad. Rick reached for a spear and hurled it at her heart with all of his strength. Just before it made contact Damon flew down from the loft and caught it in his bare hands. Beth stood ready to attack. “Easy!” Damon said to calm everybody.

  “What the fuck is she doing out of her cage?” Casey asked as she looked at her ancestor with disgust.

  “She’s safe. I give you my word.” Damon pledged.

  “Perhaps when the humans are here, I should be restrained, I am untested as to my resistance to them.” She said as she made her way up the stairs.

  “That won’t be necessary.” Pearce assured her. “But you step out of line just once; I’ll have no hesitation in showing you how good we can protect our own. I’ll pop a cap in ya ass faster than you can say Victor sucks donkey balls.”

  Damon looked at Pearce raising one eye brow, “Perhaps it is best until we are sure.” He escorted her back to her cell.

  * * * * *

  “Has everybody seen this morning headlines?” Pearce asked. “People are evacuating the city. Calling it a disaster zone.” He went on.

  “I had three patients admitted last night with signs of severe trauma and blood loss. I’m guessing you all can guess the kinds of injuries they all shared?” Kara told them.

  “I have one on my ward that’s almost delirious, showing signs of rabies or something.” Rose added. “Looks like he needs an exorcist or something, he’s all foaming at the mouth his eyes rolling back in his head, saying the light burns his eyes and…..”

  “Wait!” Damon interrupted her. “Was your patient a bite victim as well?”

  “He sure was. Why?”

  “We have to get them out of there! All of them, and before dark. It’ll be dangerous, but we need to get them here and into lock down immediately.” Damon insisted.

  “What’s going on son?” Pearce inquired.

  “They’re turning more humans, to add to Victor’s army. The patients, staff and anybody in the hospital will not be safe when they make the transition. They will kill anybody in sight, because they will be hungry and will not know how to manage it without their masters to guide them; they will be rogue on their own. We must bring them here now!”

  Rick and Kara jumped up, “We’re on it” Rick said as he grabbed Ray by the collar. “C’mon sunshine, we’ll need you too.”

>   “Be careful, they are confused and frightened, the transition is a terrifying experience and can make one feel vulnerable and dangerous.” Damon cautioned. “And be careful of the sun, they are already highly sensitive to its rays.”

  * * * * *

  The team returned to headquarters in a little over an hour. Wheeling in two ambulance stretchers with two of the patients strapped in as tight as possible and handcuffed to the side bars for extra security. They were headed to the dumbwaiter lift that Damon had installed when they heard Damon ask. “You said there were three, where is the third patient?”

  “Still in the bus, he’s dead; we lost him along the way. Sorry, I guess we were too late for that one.” Rick told him.

  “He’s not dead” Damon said anxiously. “We must move fast, he’s in transition. If he gets out the sun will kill him.

  Casey bolted for the door.

  “You two take them up and settle them in. I’ll go with Casey.” Rick said as he ran after her.

  * * * * *

  Casey opened the back of the ambulance and reached in to pull the other stretcher out. Just as she did, the patient sat bolt upright and began to squeal at the sun’s rays. With abnormal strength he broke loose from his restraints and rushed past Casey, clawing at her shoulder as he went. He immediately crumpled to the ground and smoke began to exhume from his body.

  Pearce raced out with a blanket to cover him and Ray hurled him over his shoulder and carried him inside.

  “You must invite him in or he will be forced out into the sun again, Hurry!” Damon shouted.

  “You’re welcome to stay!” Kara shouted from the loft above.

  No sooner had the words been spoken and the young male settled down. His skin was burned and blistered, he needed blood to heel. Rose came running with a bag from the store room.


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