The Ones Who Serve

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The Ones Who Serve Page 6

by Jennifer Kenny

  She shook her head and stopped, making Glais stay with her. “I mean the layout. Your farms are so far from the castle. The most important part of the city, your way of life and useful trading entities are furthest from protection and free for intervention.” She told him. “If any dared to come close enough that is. The rumours do keep the lands free of attack, but should those rumours ever fail Glais, your Kingdom is in danger.”

  Glais had never considered it, and he looked around, but he knew she told the truth. “The crops and livestock have always been kept furthest from the castle.” He told her. “Until very recently with your arrival, there was no food here growing in the ground.”

  “I understand it, but it is just an example. It was different to see.” Evangeline urged him to walk again, and Glais willingly fell into step beside her once more. “If I am to rule these people with you, I want to know them.” She turned to see that Glais was intensely listening to her. “I do not have the luxury of knowing them my entire life.” She cleared her throat, unsure of his motives, but never letting her guard down.

  “On that front, we are on equal footing.” Glais chuckled, however when she didn’t join him, he stopped. “Well, I suppose that isn’t entirely accurate.” He said, apologising for the subtle sound of disapproval that Evangeline made. “I only meant, while I do know the theory of Braykith and the way my father rules, it is not to say that I know the people. Politics is different from the community.” Glais winced, feeling stupid for offering such a complicated answer to what should have been a casual conversation.

  The slightest differences in Glais gave her chills that were getting harder to ignore or just accept. Evangeline felt that her livelihood was only secure if she could understand him. “Glais, are you ok?” she asked.

  “I told you before Evangeline; I am lonely. I am not very good at this kind of thing. My father never encouraged me to have friends, and the few people I do know are not interested in social engagements for my benefit.” Glais stopped his excuse, and he did not explore that further because she knew the details surrounding his life and they had witnesses. After the danger he had once posed Wick, Glais had been separated from his peers until he had control.

  When Glais was a young man, he had thought that learning the control over the curse and its impulses would mean he would be free to go and interact with his Kingdom in the same manner his brother Baxter had done. Quickly, it had become apparent to him that it was a child’s daydream, and acceptance would never come since people already feared him. “Shall we continue?” Glais gestured them forward.

  “Of course, yes.” Evangeline smiled, and lowered her arm out of his and took his hand. Glais did nothing, and Evangeline kept the contact. “The markets won’t be too crowded today. Sable told me that because of the harvesting, most of the people we see there will be busy so maybe we picked the right time for this.”

  Glais saw that Thomas was approaching them with three other men. Evangeline stopped with Glais just short of the castle guards that would be accompanying them into the markets. She understood that they were needed for everyone’s protection, but she barely bothered to acknowledge them. It was shocking to see how quickly she had adapted to people following her everywhere she went. Kyleigh had been correct on that.

  Glais recognised them all as the short list of the possible guards that will be before long assigned to Evangeline permanently. Once Glais had not cared to know that Thomas would be one of those guards. Now, he was trying very hard not to rip out the man’s throat for merely being present and attending to his assigned duties. They would have a complicated relationship, and neither man was happy with the arrangement.

  Ignoring the apparent tension, Evangeline smiled, pausing as the men came to a halt before her. “And what is all this?” she asked Thomas.

  “Your entourage My Lady,” Thomas answered, and after a moment he bowed as was the custom, but it seemed he had forgotten. Glais straightened his back and tried to lose some of the tension that kept a hold of him.

  “I didn’t realise it would be so many of you,” Evangeline said, wondering if they would be able to get anything done with this much security.

  “What were you imagining?” Thomas asked a twinkling of mischief in his eye that no one spoke of but made Evangeline smile.

  She shrugged. “I suppose I simply never realised how important Glais was to the crown. He is four times more valuable than I am.”

  Thomas laughed, and Evangeline joined him, but Glais did not. He heard a slight change in her voice, even if she didn’t realise it had happened. The men laughed because they assumed she was joking, and the joke was like something his mother would say from time to time.

  He said nothing, though, unsure how to tell her that regardless of how his father believed her to be dispensable, he did not. “It is mostly because of the increased tension,” Glais said. “I am sorry Evangeline; I did not consider how this would impact your time.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t be so silly.” She forced a smile, but Glais would not return it. He was looking out towards the tree line where there was movement the moment before someone sounded the warning bells. Someone was approaching fast on a Braykith mount.

  Evangeline did not seem to notice the oncoming intruder but rather had opened her mouth to point out the monuments of interest they would be passing soon when she heard a shout. The walkways were far less crowded than usual, but they were not deserted, and a group of people were pointing to the distance.

  Evangeline followed their gestures and felt her heart leap. Saying not a word, she released Glais’ hand and pulled up the hems of her skirts so she could run towards the figure that had caused such alarm.

  Glais took off after her, and he quickly caught up. Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her off her feet.

  Evangeline’s hands went to his, nails raking at his fingers to make him let her go. “Release me Glais.” She demanded. “That is my brother.”

  Glais put her down, turning her, so he was placed between her and the approaching figure. “Evangeline, please.” When she refused to calm herself, he turned his focus to the guards who seemed in shock at the sudden turn of events. Glais wondered if any of them could be trusted to guard her, but now was not the time. “Take her inside,” Glais said, shoving Evangeline into Thomas’ arms, but she quickly got free of him

  “That is Darius,” Evangeline screamed. Unprepared for her swift actions, she quickly slipped out of the hands of her guards and past Glais before even he could follow her a step behind. He grabbed her again around the waist, yanking her back against him and this time he would not release her

  “Let me go Glais.” She demanded once more, fighting for freedom, but Glais spun her, so they were face to face.

  With his hands on her shoulders, and blocking her view of the scene playing out just meters from them, Glais finally succeeded in getting her attention. “Evangeline, stop.” He demanded, and to his surprise, she did although she remained unsettled. She was panting, her dress restricting the ability to take a deeper breath, and he wondered if soon she might begin to hyperventilate. Adrenaline made her hands shake as she turned them into fists at her side but could not help but uncurl them only to have them snap closed once more. She did not swing at Glais although they both recognised she would fight him if she felt the need. They also both acknowledged that in a physical altercation, Evangeline would never win, but Glais reasoned that she was not thinking clearly and, so he remained on guard for Evangeline to take her first swing.

  “I realise this is painful for you Evangeline, but please we must think of this politically and your safety is paramount.” Evangeline tried to object, but Glais silenced her quickly. “The last family member you were with attempted to kill you. Please, for just a moment, do not be impulsive. We do not know why he is here, and I cannot protect you if you charge off without me.” He spoke low, a hurried whisper that only Evangeline could hear, and she understood why.

  This was the exact reac
tion Quintus had warned her against, and yet she could not seem to let it go. She nodded, but it was rushed and still panicked. Glais did not immediately release her even after she promised to behave. Evangeline rolled her eyes, but Glais did not relent until she made a show of standing calm. Glais still seemed uncertain if she would not just run once he did give her the freedom, but he needed to trust her. Slowly he lowered his hands, and she did stay where she was.

  “Stay with me. Walk beside me, but when I tell you to stop, you need to listen.” Evangeline nodded again, but she tried to look past his shoulder, trying to find her brother still and Glais moved them so she could no longer see. “You keep telling me you can pretend Evangeline.” He harshly whispered to her. “Now you need to prove it.” Glais used the last card he had against her, and after a moment's struggle, it seemed to work.

  Evangeline looked up at him and seemed to find her footing while he still held her firm. “I will.” The pair stared at each other, but Glais was not quick to release her. “I will.” She promised.

  “And you will allow me to handle your brother as I see fit for the safety of this Kingdom, and any objections will be kept internal until we are properly alone?” Glais asked.

  Evangeline nodded, biting her bottom lip as she did. It seemed like something Glais could manipulate later, but Evangeline couldn’t think of how to counter his argument. “Please don’t hurt him.”

  “It depends on why he is here.” Glais finally released his hold on her, and Evangeline did not run off to meet the quickly approaching horse that carried her brother.

  “Do you recognise that horse?” Evangeline asked, feeling her stomach drop as she looked up to Glais and saw his reaction. Baxter had volunteered to teach her to ride. Hours alone in the stable meant that Evangeline would recognise his horse anywhere. She could not imagine why Darius would be here, and still with no word from home explaining everything that had come to pass recently. Glais’ lips were in a firm line, and she noticed that his hand was on the hilt of his sword that hung from his side.

  She looked back to see the unmistakable red chestnut horse that belonged to the youngest Prince of Braykith was approaching at full gallop with only her brother at the saddle. Evangeline wondered if she needed to restrain Glais as he had done her, and knew such an image would be humorous and not practical.

  A gathering of curious people was coming together at the gate. Through the people came the soldiers of Braykith, but Darius did not slow down or look behind him. He spotted Evangeline near the back of the crowd, but he did nothing to draw attention to that fact either. Only a few meters from where the men had gathered, Darius stopped suddenly. With the lightest of commands, the horse had obeyed him as if she too understood what had come to pass. Coming down off the horse as elegantly as he could, Darius was quick to put his hands up to show he was not armed and slid to his knees. “I am Darius of Crimah, and I seek an audience with your King.” He demanded in such a voice that Evangeline had never heard before.

  All at once he was surged upon, but the soldiers seemed confused as to what to do with him now Darius was their captive. Before control could be found, another horse cleared the tree line and came towards the group. Grant was hunched over but stayed on top of the beast. His appearance had people talking, a gasping shock followed by quick, loud whispers filled Evangeline’s head, and she lost her focus quickly.

  Grant’s dismount was not as gentle as Darius’, and he crumbled under his own weight. The Braykith men who were not keeping Darius on the ground went to Grant to help him find his feet.

  Glais realised that the scene was becoming out of control and rumours were flowing faster than the truth. The truth was undoubtedly a less entertaining tale, and it seemed that people were quick to forget that all that had happened was Darius arriving in Baxter’s horse, and Grant following in behind looking injured. Glais took a moment to make a quick assessment of what appeared before him and did the only thing his father would approve of.

  “Take Darius to a cell, and take Grant to the infirmary.” He commanded and quickly he was obeyed. The crowd only parted enough to give the men a direct path back towards the castle, but the gap did not stay open for long, and Glais hated to think what stories would be circulating by the end of the evening. This needed to be dealt with quickly, and Glais knew it was important not only to the Kingdom but for Crimah as well.

  Evangeline grabbed his arm, but Glais did not change his mind on what was to be carried out. He sighed, gingerly brushing the hair from her face and letting his fingers linger. She was so distracted by Darius that Evangeline did not seem to notice he was touching her at all. “I know you do not understand this Evangeline, but I need to show that the crown is still in command here. That the wrongdoer will receive the adequate punishment, and we are suspicious and ready for action against any who may have played a role in the disappearances here.”

  “He is not involved.” She wanted to yell, but instead, her voice was a hissing sound that Glais wish he never needed to witness.

  “I know that,” Glais said. “I am only putting him in the dungeons because I cannot have him unsupervised.” He was aware that she was angry at the demands and what people already believed about her brother but Glais could do nothing about rumours. “I will speak with Father, and we will talk with Darius as soon as we can,” Glais promised. “I will be ensured he is erased of all suspicions.”

  “But if you do not like what he has to say?” Evangeline stopped, curling in on herself as she tried to see where her brother was now, but the crowd kept him hidden. “Sable, come with me. Suddenly I do not wish to go to the market.” And with nothing more to be said, she turned and walked away, leaving Glais knowing he had somehow taken steps forward and backwards in his attempt to woo his wife.


  E vangeline tried to remind herself that Glais had promised to make this process efficient and fair for Darius, but she was yet to see him act on that promise. Evangeline had been waiting in her room, pacing quietly, and still, Glais had not returned to speak with her. Evangeline tried to do as she had been told and not to act impulsively, but Darius was her brother. He was the last remaining piece of her family. Evangeline knew that once more she would not serve as people expected, and she hoped she could be forgiven for her actions.

  Evangeline walked down the stairs towards the dungeons as quickly as she could out of fear of being discovered and turned away. In her hand, she carried a basket which was covered in a black cloth. She was attempting to appear as Braykith as possible, and Evangeline believed that she had never worn so much black in her life. Her hair had been flattened by Wick into the acceptable curtains all people must wear. From head to toe, Evangeline wore different shades of black and ensured even her jewels did not have any of the Crimah red in them. She may seem impulsive, but this presentation to the world was carefully constructed. Quintus might have been proud of her, should he see her dressed and understood her motivations.

  She believed that Darius was innocent, but Evangeline was not blind to the circumstances surrounding his arrival. Evangeline would not be called a traitor to her husband for rumour's sake. Leaving Sable behind in her chambers, Evangeline had only made a single detour before going to the dungeons. She had quickly stopped by the kitchens for some bread since she was sure her brother would be hungry.

  It seemed like a lifetime had passed since Darius had appeared riding Baxter’s horse, and yet Glais had done nothing to help him. Instead, Glais and his father were dedicating themselves to interviewing Grant, and all the while her brother was left abandoned to the underground cells. Evangeline would not ignore her brother’s plight and let fate decide how the remainder of his life would come to pass.

  That was not her only motivation for a visit. As she came closer, the corridors strangely deserted, Evangeline also wanted Darius to know that coming here was not a mistake. Glais was not quick to trust her brother, and Evangeline could understand his reasoning in that regard. Baxter had attempted t
o kill and may have succeeded if Glais had not rescued her. However, whatever poison had attacked her father's mind was not living in her brother. She was confident, and was at this moment risking her life on it. She might not hold immense power within Braykith, but he did have one friend within this city.

  Evangeline paused at the last turn, taking a moment to smooth o0er her dress. Her hair was a dark curtain of earth brown, but in this dark hallway the shadows clung to the strands, and they appeared to disappear into the high collar of her dress. Black lacing held the fabric close to her body until the bodice gave way to the free-flowing fabric that brushed the dirt and loose stones in the corner of the hallway when she moved. She felt the necklace around her throat, the silver shining with malice that was better suited for a weapon than jewellery. If a sift, but calming breath she resumed her approach. Stepping towards the lone guard, she smiled. “I have come to speak with Darius.” She thought being polite would be the best course of action. She was prepared to make demands should the guard ignore her.

  To her surprise, the guard did not even question what laid in the basket that she carried. Instead, he nodded at her once, almost like her presence was expected, and gestured her to follow him as he escorted her to her brothers’ cell. Having never come down here before, Evangeline was unsure what to expect. While none of the doors they passed appeared close to the luxury of the entranceways within the kingdom, Evangeline was surprised on how beautiful they did seem given their function.

  “Give me a shout when you are ready to leave.” The guard said and closed the door behind Evangeline. Inside the stone room was a desk and a candle, which was lit but it still took time for Evangeline’s eyes to adjust to the dark. A low cot and blankets sat to one side, and Evangeline saw that there was straw on the floors in an attempt to keep the room warm, but the straw was not fresh and had been neglected. She did not stray far from the entrance.


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