The Ones Who Serve

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The Ones Who Serve Page 18

by Jennifer Kenny

  She had felt Glais behind her before she looked up to see him. She only had the smallest of moments to realise what he was doing before his lips were pressed to her own. She did not pause but instead returned the little sign of affection. Glais was starting to become more casual around her, but she was still uncomfortable in receiving him naturally. She forced a hand to his cheek, and when his palm covered hers, she relaxed a little until Glais finished the kiss for them.

  Quintus was leaving Braykith for war against the rebellion and any other person who dared come across him. She had been lucky to limit her interactions with him in the past few weeks to only breakfast and small engagements. Almost every time they discussed any topic it would be turned around to include the death of her homestead and the destruction of all she had ever known. She would walk away with a heavy tension settling between her shoulder blades and cuts in her palms where nails had broken skin in an effort to control an outburst. In the past few days, Quintus had chosen not to take up breakfast at all and Evangeline had been relieved by his absence. This military attitude worried her and the less she needed to engage with it, the better it suited Evangeline.

  She understood the seriousness of this time and knew that Quintus was preparing troops for a real collision in perhaps the first time in living memory. Most of the men were second choices, the original forces still not fully capable yet. Recovery from the poison was a long process. If anyone dared asked her, Evangeline would say to abort the due date and wait for a more opportune moment. No one asked her, and as she prepared to see Quintus off with the rest of the family, Evangeline wondered if Quintus would ever make it home again.

  “Are you ready?” Glais asked, and Evangeline nodded. “There is just a little ceremony. Father will make a rousing speech, mother and Adeline will probably cry.” He smiled and cleared his throat gently before he could continue. He would not cry, but he was feeling the emotions of the day like everyone else. “Afterwards, I will need to speak with the remaining generals. I do not think I will see you again until this evening.” Glais warned her.

  She nodded as she wiped her hand over his shoulder to remove particles that never existed. “I suppose the distance is something we should start accepting.” She smiled when Glais reached for her hand and kissed her knuckles. His other hand took hers, and his thumb ran over the gold and onyx ring he had presented to her when she first arrived. Since he had given it to her, Evangeline had not removed it. It sat like her wedding band on the opposite hand, a declaration of her loyalty and the life she must attend too.

  “Come along. We cannot be late for this.” He reminded her, although Evangeline believed his nerves were getting the better of him. The mask would break today. She had only seen the emotionless portrayal he gave the world fade a handful of times, but she knew there was no power in this realm or any other which would keep him safe from the emotional turmoil that was today.

  Knowing the sanctity of their bedroom was something they both respected, Evangeline felt safe in asking the probing question. “Are you scared for your father?” Evangeline asked as Sable did a final check on Evangeline’s appearance to ensure nothing was out of its place.

  “I fear many things, Evangeline.” His answer was non-committal, and she knew he was trying to protect himself from her judgement. He tried to find his escape, but Evangeline was faster.

  She stopped him before the doors could be opened. They needed a final moment together in their own space, where whatever needed to be said could be freely said. “You can admit you fear mortality.” She told him.

  Glais laughed, a mocking and short sound she had not heard from him before. “Mortality means nothing to me. You forget who you are talking to.” Evangeline knew that the smile was forced. It was only a pale imitation of that smirking cocky smile that she once hated. It only brought her sadness now, because, in this strange moment between them, Glais was hiding.

  Evangeline could not bring him out of this. For as long as she had known him, which was not very long she realised, but long enough for her to know that there would be times where Glais needed his armour. She reached for the dropped diamond that sat on her chest. A sharp intake of breath and Evangeline pulled her hand away to show the fresh cut from the jagged edges.

  Glais took her hand before she could pull away. She stared up at him as he kept her finger clamped tight. Her heart thundering in her ears, Glais pulled out a handkerchief and wrapped it around the wound.

  He watched her, knowing what she must be thinking. “We have made many significant steps forward recently my love, but I know you are not ready for that.” He kissed the fabric that bound her finger, Glais was sure to stay discreet about the full deep breath he took under the pretence of affection. He hungered for her, but the mesh of sex and blood were always together in his mind. It was impossible to separate them entirely. “You need to be more careful.” He warned her.

  “I know.” She gently took her hand back and kept the fabric he had offered pressed to the cut. It had been shallow, and already the throbbing had stopped, but it had been foolish to forget for just a moment the danger that the beauty held.

  Glais opened the door for her, and Evangeline walked past him, hearing him follow, but neither Wick or Sable were invited to the ceremony. This was strictly for the royal bloodline.

  Everything changed the moment they stepped into the hallway. Evangeline felt it, and she knew Glais did as well. There would be too many people watching them today, and Evangeline felt the stress that came with being Glais’ wife and the future Queen to Braykith. Glais was well practised in making his outer appearance more acceptable to the masses, and so it was easier for him. Evangeline had needed to draw on the memory of her mother before she could truly act the part of Glais’ equal. Evangeline knew that her mother Thea had never been a Queen during her life at Crimah, she was always sure to conduct herself in such a manner that people felt comforted and inspired by her presence. That was the kind of person Evangeline wanted to be. She hoped someday she might be. She hoped no one noticed her flaws.

  Keeping up with her husband, they said nothing as they were escorted down the hallways and towards the main entrance by four guards. They were the last to arrive, but Evangeline knew they had not missed the ceremony. Adeline stood awkwardly off to one side, dressed in the Braykith Black that covered every member of the Royal family. Her dress was like Evangeline’s, but Adeline could not hold the same sophistication that Evangeline had brought to the details. Evangeline could see the inspired military style remained in Adeline’s bodice, but it was softer around the edges and less defined. Her design was for a child after all, while Evangeline was married to the future King. Their clothes made separate statements to the court but carried a united mission.

  Kyleigh looked up as Evangeline and Glais joined her. A different, yet still empowering, military twist adorned her bodice, turning Kyleigh into the image of an impressive warrior rather than the simple-minded Queen Kyleigh Evangeline found her to be. However, the styling of the dress was tarnished by the thick men’s belt that she wore low on her hips, and at her side was the sword that Evangeline recognised as Baxter’s. It was not proper etiquette for Kyleigh, or any of the women within the castle, to be seen with weaponry. However, Evangeline took pity on anyone who dared tried to remove it. Kyleigh noticed Evangeline eyes on the sword.

  “It isn’t his real sword.” Kyleigh stopped and took a breath, struggling to speak about her son. “But a replica he kept for training. It is lighter than his real sword.”

  Evangeline nodded. “He was a great fighter.” She did not know that for a fact, but it seemed to be something that people kept saying about Baxter after his death. Almost everyone agreed that if he had not been surprised, the rebels would have lost to him and not the other way around. Evangeline would not argue.

  Kyleigh held the hilt of the sword with a soft grip, lost in a memory that she did not share. Glais chose that moment to move over to where Quintus beckoned him. Kyleigh’s eyes follow
ed Glais with a look that Evangeline did not recognise but could easily guess.

  “Be kind to my son,” Kyleigh said, Evangeline silenced by the passion in her voice.

  “Of course, Kyleigh,” Evangeline said. “I have only his interests at heart.”

  Kyleigh turned her aged face towards Evangeline and held her gaze firm. “No, you do not. He will need you, and you might not want to admit it Eva, but you need him if you are going to stay here.”

  Evangeline looked back to Glais, not hearing the quick conversation he was having with his father but using the distraction to avoid looking at Kyleigh. “I can only do my best.”

  Kyleigh nodded. “I hope that is enough.” She moved away, taking her position beside her daughter.

  Evangeline felt the cold shoulder and knew the strain between herself and Kyleigh was justified. If the queen had any idea what activities Thomas and Evangeline were doing in the trees that grew just outside her marriage bed, Evangeline was sure that she might also agree with Quintus that a new bride should be found.

  She stayed where she was, standing alone and awkwardly to the side until Glais appeared once more. She did not feel him approach, and the suddenness made Evangeline jump. “Sorry.” She muttered taking a deep breath to try and settle herself. Her thoughts made her blush as if Glais knew what she had just been thinking about, but she knew it wasn’t possible.

  Glais did not seem even to notice that Evangeline was tense. He offered her his arm, and she fit beside him easily. She saw how similar Quintus was dressed to Glais and wondered what kind of image Quintus was trying to send. “Father does not want there to be a reason to question my rule in his absence.” He answered her unasked question.

  “So, he made you his twin?” Evangeline wondered how effective that could be.

  “People confuse us enough even when we wear opposite garments.” Glais reminded her. “But yes. You know how Father is all about appearances.”

  Evangeline was aware of that fact, but as she walked beside him, she was struck with how Quintus and Glais must appear to their council and their citizens. She had never realised that a significant portion of steady leadership was merely wearing the right thing and pretending until she came to Braykith. Yet, it should not be surprising for her. It had been so natural for her to adopt her mother’s mannerisms, and for Glais to mimic his father, that Evangeline wondered who they had learnt it from in the first place. Who was the first to realise a firm set mouth did more than hours of negotiations? No one had spoken such things to Evangeline during all her years of preparation, and yet she practised these very rituals almost daily.

  It also made Evangeline ask herself a question she had never dared consider before this moment. Did Braykith know how to protect itself? She looked at the beautifully made clothes, the sharp glint of Baxter’s sword when it caught the sun as Kyleigh walked, and the persistent rumours of witchcraft backed up by a fearsome King. Braykith was safe from the world because of those lies, but if anyone dared risk a confrontation, Evangeline was not sure Quintus could win. Swallowing hard, her heartbeat pounding in her chest and Evangeline was too afraid to let her own thoughts carry on in fear of what this might mean.

  Glais glanced down at her, but when Evangeline continued to stare ahead, he had to assume the subtle change in her was nothing more than nerves. They were yet to address such big gatherings, and it must be intimidating for her. He kissed the top of her head in an effort to comfort her, but still, Evangeline did nothing but stare ahead and struggle to calm her racing heart

  Quintus walked through the large doors first to the thunderous noise of applause. Evangeline looked up at Glais now, but it was too late for him to help her. He did squeeze her arm lightly, but that was all the encouragement she got as they came out into the faint light of the morning.

  Quintus stopped, knowing his family would fall into place behind him even though there had never been a rehearsal. He held his hand up as a hush silenced his people. Quintus looked at the crowd, and he knew they would remember the day their King rode for vengeance and righteousness. He also knew that there had to be individuals gathered right now that were working against him. Rebels were hard to identify when they abandoned their tattered clothes and yellow emblem. Quintus had the opportunity to instil fear into their hearts, an alarm that will ring true to whoever their leader was.

  “Never did I imagine this day,” Quintus said, the last of the voices being silenced as his own voice rose to be carried. “I never thought my son would be dead, and I would never have speculated our greatest ally would have been our enemy. Time makes fools of us all, but today I reject that label. Belief in promises and fair fights brought us here, and that all ends now.” A roar from the gathered crowd interrupted him, and Quintus let it play out as he took down the stairs to where his horse stood.

  The massive black stallion stood proudly, just like its rider. Evangeline also noticed the additional details that the animal wore just for this ceremony. Quintus had always prided himself in appearances above all else, and Evangeline was not surprised to see him pull out all the stops now. It was important for the spies to feel the fear of a man who felt satisfied and in control. Evangeline certainly believed it.

  Quintus easily swung himself over the horses back on his first attempt and settled into the seat. “I will return victorious and with stories of peace for our realm.” People cried out for him, shouting his name and stretched out hands grasped the air as they reached for their leader, but many were too afraid to touch the horse with the steel firm eyes. Quintus rode off, his selection of men following behind him in a formation that didn’t seem quite right.

  From where Glais stood, he knew this was not their best men being sent, or was it projection since he was aware that this was the truth? Glais closed his eyes and prayed to Notas, the patron God of Braykith and Holy Messenger of Xado, that the rebels did not notice the same sloppiness that Glais was certain of.


  I t was an odd thing when Evangeline needed to schedule time with her own brother. She had never realised until that moment that Darius’ time was no longer his own. Questioning her decision was not going to help, but Evangeline had to ask herself if she had been selfish when she named him as a squire. Had she underestimated her little brother? It was not a question that Evangeline could quickly answer. She knew so little of Darius.

  She knew that their relationship was forever altered now, and she needed to make peace with their new reality. Darius was no longer just her brother, and Evangeline could no longer feel safe in proclaiming her heritage as political allies. Fate had forced her hand, and ultimately he would be Glais’ squire, and Darius had done nothing to earn that honour. Evangeline could see for herself how many families were feeling quite put out now that the role had been taken.

  No one had outright said it, and as far as Evangeline could tell there had been no violence towards Darius by his new-found peers, but there were a palpable tension and a general feeling of unease on how quickly Darius had been accepted into the kingdom. She felt that others were waiting for her to make it right, but there was nothing Evangeline could do and still feel that his future was safe. She would never publicly apologise for saving her brother’s life the way she had, but she did know that things were changed forever within the Kingdom of Braykith because of her actions.

  After ensuring it did not take Darius away from learning his new duties, Evangeline went to the stables to meet with him. She had often been coming to visit with Tempest. Evangeline was glad to see that her mare had made a full recovery from her Crimah escape, but there was something off when she greeted her horse. They had always held a different relationship, mutual respect that had evolved into enduring friendship. Although such a complex emotion seemed odd to develop between a human and a horse, it did not diminish how Evangeline now felt rejected.

  She had not been able to tell anyone because it seemed almost crazy when she thought of it herself, but Evangeline knew that Tempest was jud
ging her since the horse had come back. Unable to communicate through traditional means meant Evangeline was left with making a guess regarding Tempest’s mood changes. Evangeline did not like to feel out of sorts with her beloved horse, and she missed the casual vibes the animal created in her usually traumatic existence. Tempest had no political agenda to motivate her and had been her protector since Evangeline had first come to Braykith. She never wanted the distance that seemed strained between them both now.

  Evangeline paused, frowning as she looked around the stalls. She was sure that she had told Darius to meet with her but did not hold it against him if he could not make it. Losing track of time was easy. Deciding to wait, she came upon Tempest’s stall. She came up the gate, resting her hands on it as she looked in on her horse. She knew that Tempest had sensed her arrival but was ignoring her presence.

  The dapple-grey mare stood with her back to Evangeline, seemingly completely at ease except for the way her ears would twitch. Evangeline smiled, tapping her hand on the wooden beam and seeing Tempest give the subtle movement of each ear to each tap. Evangeline was patent, and after some time the horse was slow to turn until she faced her. Tempest was still ignoring Evangeline, making a point to not look at her at all and instead looked past Evangeline and to the door.

  “I am alone,” Evangeline told Tempest softly trying to get her attention, but the animal did not seem satisfied until she had checked for herself. Seeing it to be true, Tempest finally blew hot air from her nostrils at Evangeline but approached the gate anyway. Evangeline reached out to run her palm up the animals’ head, and it seemed that for now, Tempest would tolerate her.

  “You have missed so much,” Evangeline whispered to her horse. She did not know where to start and could only imagine the things Tempest had seen. They stayed silent in their thoughts.


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