Shattered Pieces (Undercover Elite Book 1)

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Shattered Pieces (Undercover Elite Book 1) Page 2

by Steele, Suzanne

  He holds up a finger, signifying he’ll be right with me. I cut my eyes over to the guy who wasted no time wedging himself into the seat next to where I’m standing. This is so frustrating. The whole purpose of coming to a gay bar is so that I can get away from being hit on by men. I couldn’t be happier when one of the gays squeezes between us and starts talking to me.

  “Oh, he’s here again, girl. He’s right over there, in that dark corner, and he hasn’t taken his eyes off you.”

  I grab the drink that the bartender set down in front of me and raise it in his direction as if I’m toasting him. His only reaction is to crook his finger in my direction, a silent command for me to join him.

  “Girl, why don’t you go ahead and let that beautiful man rescue you.”

  “Because I’m not looking for a knight in shining armor.”

  “That’s no knight in shining armor. That’s a dark knight if I’ve ever seen one,” I hear him say as I walk in my stalker’s direction.

  “Following me again?” I ask in a snarky tone. His only response is to pull me into his suited body. I can feel him purposely pressing his hard cock into me. He reaches down, takes my free hand, and runs it over his tailored pants as he speaks.

  “No more following, Johnnie. Tonight, I make you mine.”

  “You can’t just tell me where to go and what to do.”

  I pull back to eye the man who has been following me for the last six months of my life. There is something different about him. Danger permeates the air surrounding the man standing before me. As always, he is dressed impeccably tonight. He’s wearing a black, designer suit with a crisp, white shirt, complete with what looks like very expensive cufflinks, and he’s paired it with a black, grey, and red silk tie. I find myself looking down to see what shoes he’s wearing and, as usual, they are Italian and polished to a perfect gloss. His long, layered, coal black hair complements his black eyes that are now boring into me with a gaze that challenges me not to go with him.

  Most women would die to have a man of his caliber pursuing them, but me? Well, I’m not interested in a relationship with anyone… at all.

  “Cash, I’m flattered. I really am, but I have no desire to be saved by you or anyone else.”

  “Very well, you’ve given me no choice.”

  I feel the prick of a needle and, after only a few seconds, I start to feel whatever was in it take effect. He wraps one arm around my waist and starts to lead me out. My body presses up against his as he holds me up, using the strength of just one of his arms.

  Music reverberates in my ears as I see my friend wave goodbye and wink as if I’m leaving with this stranger of my own volition. Whatever he gave me has me in a state of compliant euphoria as he leads me out to a limousine with a driver who appears to have been waiting out front for us.

  Any fight I would normally have about being taken against my will has been completely subdued under the effects of the drug.

  I lean against him as he holds me in his arms and the last lucid thought I can remember having is how good he smells. I spend the ride back to his mansion napping fitfully as he sooths me, rubbing my hair and speaking in soft tones.

  “Such a good girl,” he croons. It is the last thing I remember hearing before my eyes grow too heavy and I give way to unconsciousness.


  I stand in the corner of the darkened bar, watching the object of my affection. I knew, from the very first day I laid eyes on her, that she was perfect for what I have in mind. She’s perfect because she has no past, no present, and no future.

  My eyes scan over her and, as usual, she looks stunning. She’s wearing a teal dress tonight and though it’s sexy, it’s also classy. Her long, blonde hair falls in ringlets down her back and look like they were made with a large barrel curling iron. Most men wouldn’t even know what a large barrel curling iron is, but my life depends on noting details. Her make-up is done tastefully and her blood red lips make me envision her body at my mercy.

  My blood boils as I watch a man approach her but as is the norm for her, she ignores him. If I didn’t know any better, I would think she was a virgin or gay, but the access I have to her medical records show that she isn’t either of those; she’s just, by choice, sexually inactive. I’m certain her upbringing has something to do with her inability to bond. The professionals call it Reactive Attachment Disorder, or RAD for short. I have spent a lot of time studying it since I first began stalking her.

  I know so much about her and, given the circumstances, I should. First, I’ve been stalking her for six months and, second, my job, as an enforcer of sorts, mandates that I pay attention to the smallest of details. Though she doesn’t know it yet, she is my new trainee.

  I watch as one of the gay men she has befriended makes his way over to her. It’s evident he is telling her that I’m here because she raises her glass to me in a mock toast.

  I crook my finger in her direction and my cock hardens as I watch her make her way over to me, obeying my silent command. Her dress moves in perfect synchrony with the sway of her hips; even the music seems to play in beat to her walk. She moves with just enough sensuality to be sexy, but not so much that it’s overdone. I pull her to me, pressing my hardened cock into her. For just a second, she drops her barriers and rubs up against me. It’s blissful but all too soon, it appears she rethinks her decision and she’s rebuilding her walls as she attempts to pull away. That’s not what I want and my braced arm around her lower back forbids it.

  Her body gives her away when I glance down to see that her tiny, peaked nipples have gone hard in response to our proximity. I already know she won’t leave with me willingly but I’ve come prepared to take her with or without her consent. I don’t have much time before my next job and I need her with me to complete it.

  She needs someone to rescue her and I decided months ago that she’s mine. In time, she’ll learn to accept my decision. I’ll protect her, I will train her, but above all, I’ll take her and make her mine… tonight.

  Chapter Three


  I think his smell is what pulls me from my sleep. It’s his smell and the bright sunlight streaming through the window. I groan and open my eyes only to see him sitting in a chair, staring at me as I lie in bed. He’s running his finger over his full bottom lip as if he’s deep in contemplation.

  Suddenly the thought hits me that I may have just had my first one-night stand. “Oh my gosh, please tell me that we didn’t, you know…”

  “I can assure you, Johnnie, when I fuck you, it won’t be something you can so easily forget.”

  I can feel my face reddening and I figure it’s just as good a time as any to get up and use the bathroom, a way of escaping the embarrassment without being too obvious. I can hear his voice as I make my way into the bathroom. “The toothbrush is yours, as are all the beauty products. Use whatever you need.”

  I don’t think anything of it until I start to look around the huge bathroom that’s the size of a small bedroom. A large, sunken, Jacuzzi tub dominates the center of the room. Along the back wall is a huge make-up table with professional lighting, complete with all the items in the brand names I use. This is starting to get weird. I finish brushing my teeth and look in the mirror, making sure I’m not a mass of streaked make-up. My face has weathered pretty well through a good night’s sleep and considering the fact that my admirer drugged me to get me here, I felt well rested. I tousle my long, blonde hair and straighten the t-shirt he obviously dressed me in, trying not to think about the fact that he had to have undressed me at some point to do that.

  I quickly make my way back out to the bedroom while I still have my courage up and stand in front of the man I only know as Cash. Placing my hand on my hip, I speak through tight lips, “Where are my clothes? I need to get dressed so I can leave.”

  A flash of something that looks suspiciously like amusement crosses his face for a fleeting second before he responds. “You won’t be going anywhere; this is your new

  “Are you fucking crazy?” I spew as I stomp towards the bedroom door. My heart sinks when I see a punch keypad. I’ll need the combination to get out. I twist the doorknob with no results, confirming what I feared to be true.

  In a moment of rage, I grab a large bust placed on a small, round table and throw it at the huge picture frame window over on the side of the room. I brace myself for the crashing of glass and am horrified when I witness it bounce off and onto the floor completely intact.

  Furious, I lunge towards the man casually sitting in the chair and watching me as if he’s entertained by the gamut of emotions I’m experiencing. He leaps from the chair before I have the opportunity to assault him and tosses me on the bed as if I’m weightless. His body weighs down on mine and, once again, I feel his hard cock pressing into me.

  My breathing is heavy with a mixture of anger and something I’m not sure how to identify.

  “Fuck you!” I try to scream out but my words are muffled. My mouth is flush against his neck as he buries his face in my hair. His hips continue to grind into me as he fists a handful of my hair with one hand and slips his other into the top of the flowered cotton underwear he dressed me in last night. “That’s a good girl. Fight me, baby. I do love a good fight. Oh fuck, you are so wet.”

  By now, I’m panting, my heart is racing from the adrenaline, and my body is betraying me to the Neanderthal who has taken me against my will.

  “That’s it. Fuck that big, thick finger of mine.” His voice is a low growl as his finger thrusts in and out of me while his thumb runs little circles over my clit. He let go of my hair, probably fully aware that his muscle mass is more than enough to hold me down. His now free hand rips at my t-shirt and pulls it up so he can latch onto a nipple with his full lips.

  “Oh fuck me,” I groan, no longer willing to fight what my body is feeling.

  “Don’t you dare fucking move,” he growls, straddling over me and ripping my underwear from my body before pulling his cock out from his jeans.

  He sits on top of me and stares into my eyes as he begins running the swollen head of his cock up and down my now soaked slit.

  “Fuck you,” I groan as my whole upper body rises up. He jerks at my hips, pulls me in his direction, and slowly pushes into me, never once taking his eyes off my face.

  “I’ve waited so fucking long for this.”

  “Why me?”

  “You’re perfect for what I need. Now shut the fuck up.”

  The son of a bitch spits right on my clit and begins rubbing it with his thumb, still staring into my eyes. My fingers clench at his legs as an orgasm rips through my body. He wastes no time before he flips me over. His large, manicured hand slides from the base of my spine to between my shoulder blades. He smashes me down onto the mattress, effectively rendering me under his control.

  “Exactly where you need to be… under my fucking control. You need to be fucked. Five years is too long for any woman to go without a man.” I hold my hands against the headboard to prevent him from slamming me into it. He’s showing no mercy, proving his point that I am here to stay.

  “That’s it, baby. Take that cock. Take it like the good, little girl you are NOT. Oh, you’ll be good by the time I get done with you, though.”

  I can feel an orgasm starting in my core. It’s a raging heat about to explode and I feel like it’s going to shatter me into a million pieces. Spots form before my eyes as my body starts to shake in spasms from the inside out.

  “Oh fuck, girl, I knew fucking you would be good but this is un-fucking-believable.” His cock throbs in me as he releases all the frustration from our fight into me.

  He takes a moment to recoup before he falls down onto my back and growls in my ear, “Don’t ever fucking challenge me; you’ll never win. Now, get up and get your ass in the shower.” I hear him get up and punch a code into the pad at the door. The beep it makes as it closes ensures I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.


  I have to lean against the wall in the hallway to gather my wits. What the fuck just happened? I’m a man who is accustomed to being in control. I have to maintain control at all times not only because my job mandates it, but also because my life depends on it.

  I’ve known for the last six months that I had to have her. From the day I first laid eyes on her, I’ve been completely obsessed. I’m a man who is accustomed to having any woman that I want and, at first, I thought maybe that was the reason I wanted her—because she couldn’t be had.

  She’s forced me to take her against her will. I have no choice but to save her from herself. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman so self-destructive and I’m convinced if I don’t save her, she will be her own undoing. She can’t help it; it’s how she’s wired.

  I push myself off the wall and go to my office. She has no idea I have access to her journals and reading them will help me get into her head. I don’t have much time to train her before our first job so it’s necessary to use anything I have at my disposal to help build a bond with her. The RAD, Reactive Attachment Disorder she suffers from, complicates things but hopefully going through her journals will enable me to understand why she is the way she is. Life may have dealt her a fucked-up hand but I have every intention of taking this woman, who everyone believes is unable to bond, and forming a bond so deep with her that she can’t ever imagine her life without me. This isn’t about love so much as it is about loyalty.

  I make my way over to my desk and eye the monitor that reveals what she is doing. I watch as she sits on the bed writing in a journal that I casually placed in her room, knowing she would write down her thoughts about how much she hates me right now.

  I pop in the memory disk I retrieved when I broke into her apartment. Before I left her place, I downloaded anything and everything I might need to study her. I check the monitor one more time before I begin reading.

  I remember the memory as though it were yesterday. I know that it is forever seared in my consciousness. I awoke to a darkened room and immediately knew that something was wrong.

  “Where is Mommy?” I asked the man who stood in front of me, the latest stepfather in a long line of men that would come and go throughout my lifetime.

  “Go back to sleep,” he answered.

  “I’m thirsty” I lied, knowing instinctively that Mommy was gone and would not be returning. I needed to see for myself to confirm the worst of my fears.

  My little feet padded behind the man so large that I had to strain my neck to see his face. What happened next was also something that would be etched in my psyche for the rest of my life. The huge man reached over and turned on the light. I watched, horrified, as the roaches scattered. They had been so numerous that the white of the oven could not be seen under the sea of rust colored vermin. To this day, I am still petrified by the sight of roaches for, to me, they signify the barbarity of abandonment.

  Yes, I was correct… taking her journals had been a smart move because they reveal much more than studying her personality and mannerisms ever could. They’ll unlock the mysteries of her psyche and help me get into her head. If I can get into her head, then I can get into her heart and if I can get into her heart, I can finally sate this obsession I have for the woman. I have a long line of women at my disposal and, yet, I crave the one I can’t have. They say she is incapable of love. I’m hoping I can prove them wrong.


  I knew he was intrigued with me by the way he’d been following me for the last six months but I had no idea the depth of the man’s obsession.

  I can’t imagine what could have caused him to cross the line of sanity and kidnap me against my will. It isn’t like he can’t have any woman he wants. He is absolutely gorgeous. He stands at 6’2” with a solid, muscular build. He has black hair that falls in long layers over a prominent, strong forehead. His eyes are coal black and intense; they give the impression that he can always tell when I’m lying to him. His face looks like the gods cut it from
granite just to tantalize us mere mortal women with its stoic perfection. I know he has money by the way he dresses. Each suit is tailored to fit his massive frame; the expensive material moves—no, flows—with each confident step he makes.

  Every time he shows up when I’m waitressing at the strip club, the women I work with swarm him like bees to honey, only to be disappointed when he asks for me.

  I’ve never stripped. I waitress because I can’t stand sitting with customers but he isn’t the type of man who takes no for an answer. He went to my boss who insisted I sit with him when he came and I’m certain money changed hands.

  There were times when he would disappear for a couple of weeks and I would think he was gone but he always returned. I don’t know what his job is but, by the way he dresses, I’m guessing he owns his own company. He’s rich; there is no doubt about that. This house, his clothes, and the way he carries himself, it all points to him being very well off. I don’t care how much money he has or how gorgeous he is. All I care about is finding out why he is so fucking over-the-top obsessed with me. There is something very sinister about this man and I have every intention of finding out what it is.

  Though I get the feeling he is a very private man and normally I would honor that, I gave up manners when he took me against my will. I threw etiquette out the window when he crossed that line.

  The beep on the security system he has set up in my room pulls me from my thoughts. I look up to see the man I know as Cash entering the room with a woman trailing behind him carrying a white box with a red ribbon on it.

  “That will be all, Clarisse.”

  “As you wish, sir.” The woman in a maid’s uniform bends slightly at the waist as she speaks to him. I watch as she punches a code into the pad located by the door but she’s too far away for me to be able to discern what it is.

  I look back in Cash’s direction to see him studying me through hooded eyes.

  “If you attempt to escape, I won’t hesitate to punish you.”


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