White, Alicia - Chloe's New Beginning [Novikov Clan 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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White, Alicia - Chloe's New Beginning [Novikov Clan 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Alicia White

  Adam moved away, slowly licking his lips and Chloe stared at him until he finally spoke. “I need more time. I need days, baby. I need so much more time exploring and loving you. Right now I need to feed you so you’ll have the energy for what I want to do.” He stood up and moved to hang the towel back up on the warmer. “Brandon, why don’t you go get our girl a shirt to wear, and we can meet you in the kitchen.” He took her hand in his, and they walked out of the bathroom, down the hall, and toward the kitchen.

  * * * *

  Adam was overjoyed. He left her in the bathroom to relax while he made her something to eat. He could hear her little moans while she lay in the tub. Hearing Brandon walk into the bathroom hadn’t been a part of the plan, though. He could hear their conversation and was waiting for her to yell and tell him to get out. He was prepared to walk in and tell Brandon that it was too soon. She surprised him. She was welcoming and had demanded her pleasure. He couldn’t stay away. When Brandon got into the bath with her, he went and watched. Seeing her head thrown back, seeing her come, his cock had jerked and demanded that he join in. He held himself back, wanting her to be comfortable.

  He took her into the kitchen. It was just the three of them home, so having her naked wasn’t an issue. He sat her down in one of the chairs at the table and served her. She grabbed the fork from him and took large bites, obviously hungry after going all night without eating.

  “Slow down, sweetie, I don’t want you making yourself sick.” He sat next to her, rubbing her back, feeling her incredibly soft skin. He could understand now why Conner hadn’t brought her sooner. He enjoyed having her to himself. He would’ve done the same thing if the roles had been reversed.

  Brandon walked into the kitchen, smiling and Chloe put her fork down, grabbed the shirt from him and slipped it over her head. It looked like more of a dress than a shirt on her small frame. She looked at him, thinking, and he waited for her to say what was on her mind. She took a deep breath, sitting up straight, making her posture perfect. He leaned back and waited, watching her closely.

  “You have three dads. How is that possible? Do people here live in ménage relationships? Why did Conner want me to come here now? Why didn’t he bring me here before? What’s your plan now that I am here?” She continued asking questions, and Adam arched his brow, waiting for her to stop. It seemed that their girl only needed a bath and a home-cooked meal and she was chatty.

  “I know you must be confused and that you have a lot of questions, but the answers will come in time.”

  “Bullshit!” She jumped out of the chair and started pacing around the kitchen, and Adam tried hard to contain his grin. He looked over at Brandon, watching the spark that had been lost come back to life. “I’m not some delicate little flower. I’m not made of glass. Damn it…Conner did the same thing. I won’t be treated like that again. He kept me in the dark, trying to protect me, his words not mine.” She grumbled under her breath, and then she turned and stared at him with her big, brown eyes. She was right. She deserved the truth.

  “Come here, baby.” She walked over to him reluctantly, dragging her feet. When she got closer, he reached out and grabbed her, pulling her closer. He put his arms around her, hoping that his answers wouldn’t terrify her. “I’ll answer your questions in the order you asked them. First, yes, we have three dads. The relationships around here are ménage relationships, between brothers and one female, their mate. I’m not sure why Conner didn’t bring you here. As the youngest brother, his job was to go out and find a mate that all of us could share. The plan now is to have a ceremony with you, Brandon, and I. We want to make you happy.”

  * * * *

  Chloe processed what Adam had just said. She let his words roll around in her mind. The only thing that really stuck out was the word “mate.” It kept coming up. Maybe it was an Alaska thing or a Russian thing. Either way it just didn’t make any sense. Conner was supposed to bring her back here, and he didn’t.

  “Did he think I was weak? Did he think I would turn and run at the idea of a ménage relationship? Or…did he not think I would be agreeable and end our relationship?” She looked at Adam, staring into his eyes, searching for the truth.

  “I don’t think he thought you were weak. We talked to him, at least once a week. We knew where he was. We were waiting for him to bring you home when he thought you were ready. Whatever his reasons, I’m just glad you’re here now.”

  “We both are.” Brandon stepped up behind her, leaning his chest against her back, creating a warm blanket.

  Chloe pulled away from them, feeling empty at once but needing the separation to clear her head. “I wish things could’ve been different. Who knows what would’ve happened if he had brought me sooner.” She walked to the doorway leading out of the kitchen. “I hope you both will be able to find your mate.” She left the kitchen, going back to Conner’s bedroom. She wanted to be alone, needed the space.

  She couldn’t stop wondering why she was here, in this beautiful home, in Alaska. Why didn’t Conner bring her sooner? He must’ve thought she wasn’t good enough. They had their share of arguments. He kept so many secrets and treated her as if she was a child, but he always loved her. Chloe climbed back into the huge bed, getting comfortable under the covers.

  If his family wanted the urn, she would let them have it. It was time for him to be home. Her mind was spinning, thinking about Conner, and now Brandon and Adam. Did they want her to stay for some sort of memorial ceremony? Is that why they were glad she was here? Or, could they actually want her, even though Conner wasn’t alive? She wanted to ask all those questions, but if she misunderstood their intent, it would be so embarrassing. She closed her eyes, enjoying the silence. The last things she remembered before falling asleep were the deep blue eyes that belonged to Adam and Brandon.

  Chapter 5

  “What just happened?” Brandon stepped back and stared at Adam. How could Chloe walk away from them? Didn’t she understand what her new role was going to be? They had been waiting for Conner to bring her home, waiting for all of them to claim her. Now that Conner was gone, it was time for the three of them to pull together. It was time for Chloe to become their mate and to become the Alpha female of their clan.

  “I don’t think she understood what I said. I stayed vague on purpose. I thought that maybe Conner had said something, but it’s obvious that he never said anything. Let’s let her rest for now. Tonight, we’re having dinner here with some of the clan. She’ll know everything soon enough.” Adam got up and slapped him on the shoulder as he walked out of the kitchen, and Brandon assumed he went back to work in the office.

  Brandon stood still, leaning against the counter, thinking of what might happen. In his mind, he dreamed about her accepting them, of her on her hands and knees in the forest, welcoming them into her body.

  The ceremony was simple. The female was given a ten-minute head start to run through the forest. The males who wanted to claim her lined up and waited. More recently, the men were only the ones who were her actual mates, but sometimes another man would step up, wanting to have the woman for his own. It rarely happened, other men wanting to have a woman who was not his destined mate but thinking that they might never find the one meant for them. All unmated men were given the opportunity to join in the race to find her, to mount her, and have her welcome them into her body.

  Tonight at dinner, they were expecting a big portion of the clan. This was the time that single men could come and meet Chloe. If the men wanted to participate, they could petition to Adam and be entered. Chloe would probably draw a few men besides Adam and himself. She was a beautiful woman, so the competition might become a bit fierce. Would she even agree to be a part of the ceremony? That question rolled around in his mind. If she didn’t, they might lose the chance of ever having a family.

  Brandon walked out of the kitchen and down the hall. When he reached the room Chloe was in, he stopped and listened at the door. Knowing that she was inside the room, cuddled und
er the blankets, her warm body called to him. He didn’t want to wake her, but he felt like he was being pulled into the room to be near her. He opened the door and walked inside, watching to see if she moved. When she didn’t, he eased himself onto the bed. He sat there, watching her for a while, listening to her breath, and the rise and fall of her chest. She was so beautiful, her golden hair framing her perfect, little pixy face.

  He slowly leaned down, needing to be closer to her, to feel her in his arms. He lay down and moved his body so that he could wrap himself around her. He didn’t move her. Instead he angled himself so that he could touch her. He laid his head on top of hers, leaning down and rubbing his nose in her silky hair. He inhaled deeply, taking in her unique scent of honeysuckle. He closed his eyes and smiled. One day she would belong to him, and he’d never let her out of his sight.

  Chloe moved in his arms, turning until she faced him. She was still asleep and moved to get closer, seeking him. Brandon felt a spark ignite in his chest, and his chest squeezed until he could barely breathe. It felt right, holding her, being close like this. He decided that tonight he wouldn’t give any other men the opportunity to petition for her. She was theirs, and he would fight to keep it that way.

  Brandon tightened his hold, pulling her against his chest until he felt her nipples grow hard against him. Even in sleep, she was responsive, and her body recognized him. He moaned deep in his chest when she moved. Putting one leg in between his, she moved around until she was comfortable, when her breathing evened out, Brandon shut his eyes, finally able to relax, knowing she was safe. He’d been dreaming about holding her for years, even before Conner left on his mission. Having his mate close made him happier than he’d been in so long. He felt peace wash over him. This was what he’d been waiting for, his Chloe.

  * * * *

  Chloe was running through the woods that surrounded the house, running as if her life depended on it. Her heart pounded erratically in her chest, she could see her breath, and she was cold and shivering. She wanted to stop, she needed a break, but she couldn’t. Loud noises surrounded her, growls and snarls. She didn’t know where she was exactly, only that she was being chased, chased down by some unknown being. Whoever it was was closing in fast. She could hear pounding feet getting closer. She should be terrified, frightened, or at least a little scared but she wasn’t. She felt light, maybe even a little giddy, and those emotions confused her and had her running faster. Her muscles burned, but she didn’t stop or even slow down.

  Chloe came awake slowly. She felt warm and comfortable and willed herself to go back to sleep. She remembered thinking about both Adam and Brandon before going to sleep, so the fact that she dreamed about them wasn’t shocking. It was when the dream had turned that it became surprising. Who was chasing her? Questions plagued her as she started to stretch and move on the bed. Her eyes shot open when a large hand grabbed her and pulled her close to an equally large body. When she felt an erection against her lower back, she stopped squirming.

  “You awake, baby?” A familiar, deep voice greeted her.

  “Brandon?” She was a bit surprised. She knew that she had come to the room alone and now against his chest, feeling his breath against her neck, she felt nervous. Her heart sped up.

  “Mmmm…good girl.” He growled in her ear.

  “What are you doing?” She didn’t move, she couldn’t. She stayed frozen in his arms.

  “Cuddling. Sleeping,” he said, almost as if it were obvious.

  “Why are you here?” She wasn’t upset, just curious. Why had he come into the bedroom? Why was he in bed with her?

  “I wanted to hold you. I guess I fell asleep.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t say any more. How could she? He came into the room to hold her. He was such a sweet man.

  “Did you sleep well?” That one question had her thinking about the dream she had. She remembered it so vividly, as if it really had happened.

  “Yeah. I had a really weird dream though.” She laughed a little, feeling slightly embarrassed.

  “Tell me.” Brandon flipped her over quickly until she was facing him. He did it so smoothly, like she weighed nothing at all.

  “Wow. You’re strong.” She giggled at the use of her words.

  “Naw, you’re as light as a feather. Now, tell me about your dream.” He voice was strong and insistent.

  “It’s weird. You’ll probably think I’m crazy.” She looked into his deep-blue eyes.

  “It’s a dream. Aren’t they a little crazy?” He lifted his right brow, waiting for her to continue.

  “I guess. Okay…but no judging.” When both brows shot up, she giggled and continued.

  “Fine. I was here, not in the house, but in the forest.” At his nod, she looked him in the eye. She wanted to read his expressions. “I was running, and someone was chasing me. The weirdest part, though, was that I wasn’t scared. I was actually happy, I wanted to be chased, I think.” Chloe ducked her head, thinking that she probably sounded completely bonkers to him.

  “I’m glad you were happy. I wouldn’t want you to be scared when I’m chasing you.” He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face until she was looking him in the eye again. His answer had startled her, but it also had her shivering in his arms. The idea of Brandon chasing her through the woods made her excited and her pussy wept.

  “My answer turned you on.” He took a deep breath, and Chloe’s eyes widened. Could he really smell what he did to her?

  “Yes…I can.” Wait, did she say that aloud? Brandon leaned down and captured her lips, and she opened her mouth, eagerly accepting his tongue.

  She pushed against his chest, and straddled his waist. She ate at his mouth, nibbling his plump lower lip. When he groaned, she kept going. She moved down his broad chest, rubbing against him, feeling his muscles bunch. She pulled at his shirt, pushing it up, trying to get it out of her way.

  “Let me help you with that, sweetheart.” Brandon grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, throwing it across the room. He lay back down, putting his hands on her thighs.

  Chloe began to kiss her way down Brandon’s chest. She paused at his nipple, bit it, and then sucked the tiny nub into her mouth. He hissed, tightening his grip on her, and she felt encouraged to continue. She made her way down his chest, licking and biting his soft skin. He groaned and shifted, combing his fingers through her hair, holding her tight against him. She made her way down to his jeans, flicked the button, and pulled the zipper down, exposing his huge cock.

  She moaned, staring at his cock, and licked her lips. She leaned down and licked the head of his cock, tasting the glistening fluid from the tip. He tasted delicious, spicy and sweet. She sucked harder, pulling his cock into her mouth. Brandon’s hips shot off the bed, and his cock pushed deeper into her mouth, almost gagging her.

  “Oh, God, baby…your mouth is heaven. Swallow me. Take my cock deep into your mouth.” He groaned and shifted, holding her hair tight in his fist. He was in charge of this whole situation, even though she took the lead, his aura was masculine and powerful. She was excited and anxious to do his bidding. Chloe wanted to make him happy, to satisfy him the way he had her earlier in the bathtub.

  Chloe wrapped her right hand around the base of his cock and worked him with her mouth, wanting him to come, wanting to taste him on her tongue. She swirled her tongue around the head, keeping her eyes on Brandon the whole time. She watched him, seeing the flare in his eyes, watching his pupils dilate and become almost completely black. He stared at her, and she wanted to please him. She sped up, holding him tighter with her right hand and moved her left hand down and cupped his balls.

  “I’m so close…please don’t stop.” He watched her closely with pleading eyes, and she smiled around his cock. He was panting. Sweat dotted his brow and upper lip, and it looked like he was refraining himself, holding back. The last thing she was going to do was stop. She wanted him, and she wanted his flavor in her mouth. She rolled his balls around, holding th
em with a slight pressure.

  She sucked him as deeply as she could, determined to give back the pleasure he’d given her. She wanted to steal his control. Brandon held her head with both hands, stroking steadily into her mouth. She opened wide to take him deeper inside her mouth, and she sucked hard, using her tongue on the sensitive skin, on the underside of his cock. When his hands tightened in her hair, his groans getting louder, her pussy wept. She swallowed around his cock. “Oh, God…I’m gonna come.” His shout had her holding him tighter and taking him deeper. She felt his cock get larger. His body went taut, and he came on a bellow that shook the bed.

  She pulled her head back, letting go of his cock with a pop sound. She bit her lower lip, watching him closely, unsure of what he would think of her. He didn’t say anything. Instead, he grabbed her arms and pulled her to him, molding their mouths together. When she pulled back the look of pure contentment on his face was all she needed to see.

  “Thank you, baby. I didn’t expect that. Wow…your mouth is perfection.” She lay on his chest, relaxing against him, letting his warmth seep into her body.

  “Is it my turn next?” Chloe jolted upright and looked over at the doorway, seeing Adam once again leaning against the doorframe. He looked relaxed and comfortable, leaning there with his arms crossed over his chest. Chloe groaned and shook her head. This was the second time that he walked in on them, and each time he looked excited instead of angry or jealous. She was perplexed. Why did he look happy?

  “Maybe later. My mouth needs a break. My jaw is a little sore.” She smirked at him, and Adam pushed off the wall using his shoulder and walked toward her, uncrossing his arms. When he reached the side of the bed, he pulled her off Brandon and into his arms. She squealed but went willingly, not expecting him to do that but enjoying his arms around her.


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