Hidden Desires

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Hidden Desires Page 47

by T J Vertigo

  "Hello, Mr. Hewitt." Cayden sat down in the chair indicated by Brooke. This put her across from Bert and to the left of Harriet. She tried to discretely scoot her chair closer to Brooke, but the chair made a hideous noise as it scraped across the floor. "Sorry." she said in embarrassment.

  "S'okay honey." Brooke said with a grin, and poured Cayden a glass of water.

  Honey? In front of her parents? Nobody seemed to have noticed so Cayden let it drop.

  Harriet took the pitcher and poured herself and Bert a glass. "So, Cayden, tell, me, how was your day?" she asked.

  And we're off..Cayden smiled. "It was good. A quiet day at home is always nice." She drank some water to wet her dry mouth.

  "Oh, so you don't work today?' Harriet inquired, dishing salad out to Bert and herself.

  "No, it's my only day off." Cayden watched uncomfortably as Brooke took the tongs and filled both their salad bowls. Must talk to her about that.

  "Dressing?" Brooke asked, smiling warmly.

  Cayden couldn't help but smile back. "Yes." she replied, taking the bottle away from Brooke. "You don't have to wait on me." she said quietly. Although it was cute, she didn't need attending to.

  Bert seemed to be engrossed in his salad, but surreptitiously studied Cayden. She was nervous, that was obvious. He'd used the same phony smile plenty of times in his life. However, her whole demeanor changed when she looked at Brooke. Her smile was real and her eyes were warm. This pleased Bert. Cayden was genuine in her feelings for Brooke. He could eat his salad now.

  Cayden waited uncomfortably for Bert to finish his salad. Mrs. Hewitt was staring at her and she just knew the woman was biting her tongue. She looked sideways at Brooke, who was smiling, and it gave her a little bit of relief. She opened her legs a bit wider, so her thigh touched Brooke's and felt even more at ease when it did.

  Brooke was so happy that Cayden was actually there, sitting next to her that she couldn't stop smiling. Mom seemed to be behaving as best she could, and dad looked about as relaxed as ever. She slyly reached a hand under the table and rested it on Cayden's thigh. The tall woman started at the touch and shot a nervous look in her direction, but Brooke didn't flinch, nor did she move her hand. She sighed to herself in pleasure as the warmth of her lover's skin seeped through the fabric her pants.

  Cayden just knew one of the parents saw Brooke's hand disappear. Harriet, it had to be her, she hadn't stopped looking at the tall woman the whole time. Surely she saw her jump in surprise. Cayden's nerves started fluttering back in a big way. With no food in front of her to play with and unable to bolt from the table, she took Jodie's sage advice and tried to picture Bert in his underwear. She looked at him through her eyelashes and hardly anything changed. She figured that's just as well, she could only see him from the waist up. Picturing Bert in an undershirt wasn't a stretch. Now, Harriet... she thought, glancing over at the older woman. Her eyes narrowed as she concentrated on Harriet's upper half. Stifling a snort at the sight she conjured up, Cayden blinked away the vision. Oh lord... who wants to see their woman's mother in her bra? What was I thinking? Snickering to herself, she turned towards Brooke just to clear her mind and nearly fell out of her chair. Oh, sure. HER I can see clearly in underwear. she thought, squeezing her eyes shut. This didn't help matters, as once her eyes were closed, her imagination ran wild with images of Brooke in various lingerie. Opening her eyes quickly, she focused on her glass of water.

  "Okay, here's the pot roast!" Harriet announced, plunking down a large tray in the middle of the table. "There's potatoes and peas too. Dig in!"

  Cayden, grateful for the distraction from Brooke's half naked images, dug in.

  Brooke eyed her lover curiously, she was behaving strangely, even for Cayden. "Are you alright?" she asked quietly.

  Cayden turned to Brooke, opened her mouth, then closed it quickly, eyes wide. Turning away she replied to her plate. "Fine."

  Brooke's stared skeptically. "Hmm. I don't believe you." she whispered.

  Cayden, refusing to look at Brooke, nodded rapidly. "Yes, I am. I'm fine." she said through her teeth.

  Brooke pouted. She can't even look at me. I wonder what happened? Maybe it's my hand? As she thought that last bit, she unconsciously squeezed Cayden's thigh and she swore she heard the tall woman groan. Interesting... "Cayden, is everything alright?"

  Her stare fixed to her plate, Cayden responded. "Yes, it's great. The potatoes are fantastic. Nothing like home made." she babbled.

  In between forkfuls, Brooke glanced at her lover. Her leg was bouncing fast and furious and she refused to look in any direction but forward. What is she up to? She watched the brunette steal a peek at her, blush and look away quickly. That was weird, she wasn't even looking at my face and ... Oh Cayden... just what are you thinking? Brooke smirked, and gave her theory a test. "Cayden, honey, is there something on my shirt? I think I splashed, but I can’t tell."

  In a terrible bind, Cayden swallowed hard and willed her imagination to behave. She turned her head slowly to catch a glimpse of Harriet in a turn of the century bustier, and then quickly averted her eyes to good old Bert in a dirty undershirt. Having nowhere else to turn, she turned to Brooke. Her lover was sitting there in a cupless bra and the tiniest panties in the world. A loud gasp escaped her. Shit She cursed even as she inhaled, knowing what she did. Her eyes went wide and as Cayden is want to do, began choking.

  Harriet panicked instantly. "Oh! Slap her on the back! Pick her hands up in the air! Hang her by her feet!"

  Mortified, Cayden lifted a hand and shook her head.

  Although her lover was choking, Brooke smirked. Sex. She only chokes when there's sex. She patted Cayden on the back and whispered. "Serves you right for what you were thinking."

  "My goodness!" Harriet stood up and ran to Cayden, whacking her on the back.

  "Mom! Don't beat her!"

  "She's choking to death!" Mrs. Hewitt yelled.

  "Stop being so dramatic, she probably swallowed the wrong way." Brooke handed Cayden a glass of water and again leaned close to her. "Shame on you, thinking smut in front of my parents."

  Bert cocked his head and looked at the sputtering houseguest. "If she's choking, she's breathing. Give her a chance to catch her breath."

  Cayden gave Bert a thumbs up as her hacking wound down.

  "It's alright mom, she does this alot." Brooke said, rubbing slow circles on her bright red lover's back.

  "Really? It does? Maybe her epiglottis isn't working."

  "Her what?" Brooke asked, puzzled.

  "Or her uvula... yes, it's probably her uvula!"

  Cayden stopped coughing and settled down. "I think I breathed a pea." she choked out, her face bright red from embarrassment, and the things Brooke was whispering to her.

  "See Harriet? I told you no one wanted peas. You almost killed Cayden." Bert mentioned dryly.

  Harriet covered her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry!"

  "No, it's alright." Cayden couldn't tell her why she choked, and she couldn't have Harriet think she nearly killed her either. "It probably is my epiglottis." she said with a nod.

  "Yeah, right." Brooke agreed sarcastically. Cayden shot her a look. "I suppose your uvula got caught in it." She got an even more evil look. "But you're okay now pookums."

  Cayden wanted to crawl under the table, she needed a distraction from the horrifying situation. "So, Mrs. Hewitt, was there something you wanted to ask me?"

  Harriet's face lit up like a million suns.

  Bert and Brooke's mouths fell open in shock. Cayden must have just lost her mind. She must have suffered a loss of oxygen from her choking jag. There was no other possible explanation.

  "Well, now that I think about it..." The older woman beamed with excitement, "Tell me, where are your parents? When did they retire? How long have you had the store?"

  Cayden swallowed hard as Brooke sat and smirked. Bert just rolled his eyes and played with his peas.

  "My parents live in Vegas, they moved
about 3 years ago. They gave me the shop before they moved, so I've been running it for 5 years now." The brunette stuffed a forkful of potatoes in her mouth.

  Harriet seemed satisfied with those answers. "Very nice, very nice.. so is it a good living? I know you have a room mate, is it a necessity?"

  Cayden's leg began bouncing again. "Rent is quite high, so yes, it is a necessity due to the area we live in. If I wanted to, I could a afford a lesser apartment on my own. The store brings in money, but it's just a little neighborhood shop. It's not a million dollar business." She looked to Brooke for help, who thankfully, was fully clothed.

  Brooke smiled. "I think what my mom is getting at, is are you able to take care of me."


  "Well, that's what you want to know."

  Cayden grinned. How typical. "Sure, I could take care of Brooke properly, but I really doubt she wants to be taken care of."

  Bert snickered. "Go on Harriet, I know there's more."

  "It just so happens there is, and if we're going to be blunt, am I ever going to see grandkids?"

  Cayden's eyes widened like saucers. That one was not expected. Brooke patted her gently on the leg.

  "Ma, I think we discussed this already."

  Cayden stared at Brooke. "You did?"

  "Don't worry honey, I don't plan on that any time soon."

  Cayden began breathing again.

  "Don't you like children?' Harriet questioned with narrowed eyes.

  "Uh, sure... it's just... now isn't..."

  "Jeez Harriet, do you want her to choke again?" Bert gave his wife a sour face.

  Harriet pouted. "I'm not getting any younger you know, and neither are you." She looked pointedly at her daughter.

  "Excuse me? I'm still in my 20's thank you very much!" Cayden chuckled at Brooke's outrage. "I'd hush, you're older than me." Brooke gave her lover a glare.

  Cayden figured it was up to her to fix this mess. "Look everyone, I am not opposed to kids, just not right now. Brooke and I are still new, we have a lot of learning to do before we can talk about our future."

  Brooke felt tingles all through her body. She sees a future! Our future! She leaned over and hugged Cayden, planting many little kisses all over her face. "Thank you." she whispered.

  "For what?" Cayden was confused.

  Brooke just smiled. "Everything."

  PART 36

  B ROOKE, CAYDEN, HARRIET and Bert all sat around the table drinking their coffee. It seemed Harriet had her fill of questions and this pleased Cayden. She was able to relax and enjoy the rest of dinner, but something changed during dessert. Brooke was slowly fingering her thigh, had been for a while, and it was causing a slow burn in Cayden's body. Brooke wasn't intending to be sexual, but Cayden had no control over her reactions when it came to the smaller woman. It seemed every touch from her was 100 times better than anyone else's. Blue eyes drifted closed for a moment as Cayden savored the feelings stirring inside of her. She felt herself start to grin wolfishly at her less than pure thoughts and opened her eyes quickly for fear of getting caught. She glanced innocently at Brooke, and her eyes went wide again. Oh no, no more.. She blinked rapidly, trying to force her brain to clothe her lover.

  Brooke hearing the change in Cayden's breathing, peeked at her. The brunette's expression told her all she needed to know, and she smirked. She nudged Cayden with her knee and as soon as blue eyes turned her way, she slowly spread her legs under the table.

  Cayden's mouth opened and snapped shut, she swallowed hard while still staring between Brooke's legs. That sneaky.... she knows! She's playing with me! Looking up, their eyes met and Cayden attempted to glare at her lover, but all she could come up with was a sultry stare. It was Brooke's turn to look away. Cayden snickered to herself and tried to look interested in the sugar bowl.

  Harriet suddenly stood up. "So, what do you girls have planned for this evening?" she asked, while taking the dishes to the sink.

  Cayden couldn't help but think dirty thoughts so she declined to answer.

  "Uhm, well, I was thinking maybe Cayden and I could go into my room." Blue eyes shot her a surprised look and Brooke gave the perfect impression of innocence, "Maybe watch a movie."

  Bert raised his eyebrow, obviously skeptical. "Oh? What movie?"

  Cayden smirked, waiting to hear what movie they were going to watch.

  Brooke shrugged. "I don't know, but there's bound to be something on that we can watch." She looked to Cayden for help, but she just grinned.

  Mrs. Hewitt turned from the sink. "Isn't that gay show on? You know the one.. with all the lesbians sleeping with each other."

  "Oh! Yeah! That's right. It's on tonight." Brooke smiled triumphantly. There was legitimate reason for her and Cayden to be holed up in her room for a whole hour.

  "Well, you have some time yet, why not take old Fred for a walk. He's been waiting patiently this whole time." Bert suggested.

  "Dad, Fred's been snoring this whole time. You and mom just want to talk about us. " Brooke said, rolling her eyes. "But yeah, it'll be good to walk off dessert." She grabbed Cayden by the hand and pulled her out of the chair.

  Cayden stopped and cleared her throat. "It was a fabulous dinner Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt. Everything was very good, thank you."

  Harriet beamed. "Thank you, dear. Please, it's Harriet. It was my pleasure, you're welcome by any time, with or without Brooke."

  "Yeah." Bert agreed with a slight nod.

  "Thank you." Cayden smiled and allowed Brooke to pull her away.

  * * *

  "That was amazing! They really like you!" Brooke exclaimed, jumping up and down on the sidewalk.

  Cayden smiled at Brooke's excitement. "What's not to like?"

  The small blonde smacked her lover playfully in the arm, leading Fred to a tree. "You were awfully quiet, not that you're a talker anyway, but, what were you thinking about?"

  "Things." Cayden replied, looking away.

  "Oh, I know where your mind was Cayden, I just want specifics." Brooke grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. "I know I was a subject."

  "You have no idea." The brunette chuckled. "I was nervous, Jo told me to picture your parents in their underwear. I did and that was awful. Then, I looked at you, and well..."

  "You choked on your uvula." Brooke said sarcastically.

  "That's not so funny you know. I'm sure plenty of people have my affliction."

  "Yeah, sex on the brain. Terrible disease. They're having a walk-a-thon next Sunday."

  Cayden chuckled. "You're just fresh is what you are." She watched Brooke toss out the poop bag and turn on her heel. "That was a quick walk."

  "I want you in my bedroom." Brooke began walking away with an extra swish in her walk.

  Cayden's eyebrows raised. "I'm right behind you."

  * * *

  Cayden sat on Brooke's bed, waiting while she fetched them something to drink. She was nervous, very apprehensive of doing anything sexual with Harriet and Bert in the living room. On the other hand, she didn't think she could deny Brooke if anything got started. She wanted Brooke, she always wanted Brooke, and after what her mind did to her during dinner, she wanted her even more than usual. The door opened and the object of her desire slipped in with two beers.

  "I hope you wanted one, I did, so I just assumed." Brooke handed Cayden a cold bottle.

  The shop keeper wondered of putting it between her legs would do anything to cool her libido. "Thanks, a beer is fine."

  Brooke kicked off her shoes and sat next to Cayden. "Tell me, sexy, what did you see when you looked at me."

  Cayden put her beer down and colored slightly. "Underwear."

  Brooke giggled. "I know that. What kind of underwear?"

  "Don't make me go there again." The brunette swallowed hard.

  "Oh, so you have a very dirty mind do you?" Brooke leaned over and kissed the taller woman lightly on the lips. "Tell me."

  Cayden squirmed a bit. "Well, first you were wearing, um... a half of
a bra."

  "Half? Which half?" Brooke stood and walked to her dresser. "Turn around for a minute."

  "Why?" Cayden asked nervously.

  "I want to change." Brooke replied, sweeping her hand at her lover in a swirling gesture. "Turn around."

  "I've seen you naked." Cayden argued.

  "Humor me." Brooke said with a smile. "It's a surprise. Anyway, tell me which half."

  Cayden sighed and turned around. "It was a bra with no cups, and a tiny little pair of panties. It was not what I expected to see at the dinner table with your parents. Can I turn around yet?"

  "Nope, just a few more seconds. You got hot seeing me like that?"

  "Well, yeah! Of course I did."

  "Turn around now."

  Cayden turned her head and her eyes bugged out.

  "Was it anything like this?"

  Brooke was wearing a cupless push-up bra and a thong.

  Cayden stuttered. "Uh, yeah.. it was... that is.. you are...wow."

  Brooke grinned saucily. "You like?"

  "I like?? Brooke!" Cayden was on her feet and standing in front of the blonde in a second. She didn't know where to look first and started to resemble a bobble head.

  Brooke giggled and held Cayden's face with both hands. "When you look at my body like that, it makes my stomach tingle and my knees weak."

  "You can't possibly tell me that no one appreciated your body before." Cayden tried to keep eye contact, but her gaze drifted downward.

  Brooke arched her back, giving Cayden half a heart attack. "No, not recently. Besides, no one makes me feel like you do." She took Cayden's hands and placed them on her hips. "No one."

  The tall woman licked her lips and took a deep breath. She never wanted anyone as much as she wanted Brooke. She never wanted to touch anyone, taste anyone like she craved to with Brooke. Blue eyes glanced up to meet deep green ones. Her heart began pounding in her ears, she could read Brooke's eyes far too easily and she knew Brooke could read hers. This was getting far too intense. Looking away, Cayden tried to catch her breath.

  Brooke's heart was pounding also. She almost told Cayden she loved her and it scared her to death. Unsure of her lover's reaction to such an admission, she held her tongue, but Cayden saw it anyway. In a very unexpected twist, she was sure she could see the very same thing in Cayden's crystal clear eyes. Seeing the tall woman start to shy away, she took action.


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