The Unwilling Actress

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The Unwilling Actress Page 11

by Bella Dietrich

  The thought of shooting his boiling cum into her hot pink mucous-wet mouth was almost driving him out of his friggin' mind! He began to suck and tease her clitoris unmercifully, finally biting the little tender love button as she lurched and writhed above him. Guttural unladylike moans spilled from her too-filled mouth as she worried and pulled and drew on his bursting, jerking frantic prick. Celia was mashing the gluttonous, devouring pussy against his face, and she pulled savagely on his penis with ever-increasing speed.

  Then suddenly Patrick could no longer hold his maddened, churning screaming volcano. He felt the rush of sperm begin to burst along its narrow tube just as Celia stiffened above him and screamed around his bursting cock, "AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGH!" She twisted and wrenched wantonly above him, her teeth biting into his releasing prick and then sucking furiously as the hot shooting jets of his semen soared into her hungry mouth. "I'm...I'M CUUUUUUUMMMM-MMMIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG!" Patrick tore his mouth away from her juicing pulsing palpitating cunt long enough to scream out his agonizingly ecstatic climax. His great cock was swelling even larger as his convulsing ejaculation poured the streams of boiling, gushing, molten sperm deeply into her swallowing, sucking throat.

  Celia groaned as she sucked, and her Adam's apple flew up and down rapidly as she feverishly attempted to control the rushing, steaming squirting flow. It was an unending torrent that pumped from deep within his belly into her hungry, eager mouth.

  Her back was arching, and she bucked wildly, her body quaking uncontrollably, and Patrick could feel the flood of sticky lubrication spread warmly over his face and down his cheeks. Celia thrust deeply over his spewing prick and took it to the hilt into her laboring throat as her own gyrating body mashed and ground down and rotated over his sucking, ravaging, fucking tongue.

  The vengeance of his endless spasms of streaming liquid, thick hot sperm drenched her gullet. She frantically swallowed the creamy eruptions deep into her belly. Her lips clasped in a ring around his jumping penis, and she twirled her tongue around the throbbing head and sucked and sucked until at last there was no more and she felt Patrick's cock begin to slowly deflate slightly in her mouth.

  Wearily he reached down and pulled her limp body around, and his mouth found Celia's, hot and sticky with his cum as his was full of hers. They kissed and tasted their own residues of heaven, and at last fell exhausted in a sprawl of arms and legs, and the frogs let out one sleepy croak.

  Chapter Five

  "Sister?" Celia winced, and her heart pounded so loud she was sure it must be transmitted through the receiver she held to her ear. Why did her father always call her "Sister?" Her mouth was dry, and she hadn't even been to the bathroom or brushed her teeth yet. She gripped the phone, one arm locked at her waist to hold her robe closed.

  "Yes, Daddy."

  "Are you all right? We haven't heard from you this week."

  "Yes, I'm fine, Daddy. I've been working hard." That was true as far as it went.

  "Your mother and I are worried about you. I wish you'd give up this drama business. It'll never make you any money. You can bet your life on that!"

  "But, Daddy... we've been all through that. I guess I have to try."

  "We're just worried sick about you. Mother didn't sleep all night." Celia held her head and fought for control. Last night. Oh God. Last night. If her mother had really known what went on last night!

  "I'm... I'm sorry, Dad. Look, I have to get to work. And I have a performance tonight. I'll call you in a couple of days... okay?"

  "I hope you know what you're doing, Sister. You've got a good home right here, you know... long as I'm able to work. You think about that. You hear?"

  "All right, Daddy... yes, I will. I've got to run now. Give Mother a kiss. I'll call you soon. Goodbye now." She heard his admonitions and farewells fade as she slowly replaced the receiver.

  Dully she stumbled into the bathroom and locked the door. She reached for her toothbrush and saw her sleep-flushed face in the mirror, smudges of fatigue under eyes, a crease on one cheek where she'd buried her head in the pillow sometime during the night. Mirror, mirror, on the wall... oh God!

  * * *

  There wasn't any question in Web's mind but that he'd been a bastard. But then there were several things he'd done in the past that he wasn't exactly proud of, and none of them had ever eaten him the way this had.

  She hadn't called, and he knew she wouldn't. Celia had just walked out of his life when she walked out of that restaurant yesterday. God. Was it only yesterday?

  He squinted even with dark glasses against the bright morning sun as he walked up the steps to Peabody for his appointment with Esther to go over the books. The bitter truth about the financial state of Peabody was going to be a blow to her, too. He looked across the little grassy park to the upper floor of the ornate house where Celia lived.

  He pressed the bell and ran his hand wearily across his forehead, still looking at the top story of the house. He wasn't used to sleepless nights, and he wondered how many of them he'd have from now on... how long it would be before he could like himself again... how long he would see that lovely, trusting, giving face inside his head?

  * * *

  "This is quite a blow, Web... as I guess you know. I knew Peabody was... well, it's always been a struggle... but I just didn't realize it was this bad." Esther leaned back in the brown velvet chair with a sigh and sipped her tea.

  Web walked with coffee cup in hand from the sunny bay window with its profusion of potted palms over to the marble fireplace. His blue eyes were serious and worried behind his glasses. "I'm sorry, Esther, to have to be so brutal about it... but the facts are there. It's inevitable, and I guess, in a way, overdue. You'll lose Peabody. You have to sell. You haven't any choice."

  "There is one choice I haven't told you about," she said slowly. "I just had an offer yesterday. I don't quite know what to make of it. I'm quite confused about it." Esther took a deep breath and pulled her handkerchief from her sleeve. She told him then as best she could about Garrett's offer. A partnership. He wanted half and was willing to put up a sizable amount of capital, but she knew that it didn't amount to half of what the property was worth.

  The thing that bothered her was what Garrett wanted to do with the school to get it on its feet financially. It didn't seem to her that selling-package tickets to visiting conventioneers and their wives (a ticket included seeing a performance and an invitation to a cast party afterwards) was such an earth-shaking money-making idea. What did cast parties have to offer businessmen and their wives away from home? There was something Garrett wasn't telling her... or else she was just being dense.

  Esther didn't tell Web about... she still couldn't think about it without blushing. Justin Garrett had made passionate love to her. She still couldn't believe that he wanted her, pleaded with her, was so gallant. All these years after Brian died in China. Privately she told herself that she had taken the "veil" when Brian went. And she had, except for those infrequent but terrible times when she was so nervous that she abused herself.

  But Garrett's lovemaking had confused her so after the offer for the school. She was so afraid they were connected... that she was being a typical eager old maid. Mostly she was afraid of the incredible sexual feelings that Garrett had aroused... the feelings she'd kept so carefully in check.

  "I agree that his offer is most probably far less than you can get for the buildings alone. On the other hand, you have to decide if keeping the school is that important to you. Financially you'd probably be better off to sell."

  "But... the school has been my whole life, Web. I don't want to give it up unless I'm forced to." Esther felt as if everything were forcing her, the dwindling funds, Garrett, Web, her own body and most of all her own foolishness.

  * * *

  Web's jaw tightened, and his hands gripped his briefcase as he sat at Esther's desk listening to Hilda's threats. That bitch! That incredible bitch!

  "You see, Mis
s Peabody, she's a terrible influence, I'm afraid. Celia looks so innocent, and she is good on stage. Everybody knows that. But my family just wouldn't continue to support the school if I leave... and I can't stay if that... hussy stays. I don't like to carry tales... but I just can't stand it any longer." Hilda put her teacup down on the low table and took a flat envelope out of her large purse.

  "But surely you're mistaken, Hilda. So far you've only hinted at some questionable behavior of Celia's. I couldn't expel a girl on the strength of rumor."

  Hilda's head came up like a shot, and she moved to stand in front of the desk, the envelope in her hands. "I have damning evidence." She looked straight at Web as she said it, her eyes narrow with venom. He could hear her saying the words he knew were about to come. Somehow she'd found out about him and Celia!

  But instead of speaking, she opened the envelope, took out several large glossy photos, and handed them to him. For a moment he stared in bewilderment. The photos were of a naked and very seductively posed woman. But the woman was not Celia, as he had momentarily expected... it was Hilda herself!

  The bitch! So that was her game! She had no real evidence with which to blackmail Celia, so she was trying to seduce him in order to get what she wanted. Well, she wouldn't get away with it. He had to get her out of here, and fast.

  He tried to calm his hammering pulse. "Since I'm Miss Peabody's accountant, as you know, I handle a lot of things for her. It seems to me this is a financial matter." He rose, stuffed the photos into his briefcase, and walked around the desk to Hilda. Web took her arm in an almost brutal grip. "Miss Peabody's terribly busy this morning, and I believe that you and I can discuss the preliminaries, and then we can present our findings to her later."

  Hilda pulled back and sputtered, but Web held her firm, looking straight into her hard eyes. Somehow he got her out the door, where they almost collided with Justin Garrett. He walked right in as though he owned the place already. Web loathed him on sight.

  When they were in the living room of the flat, Web's first inclination was to shake Hilda till her teeth rattled out of her head, but he knew that wouldn't get any more information out of her. He was still shaking at the outrage of her attempted blackmail with Celia as the pawn.

  Celia wanted more than anything to be able to continue at the school, and it was his own cynical use of her that had given Hilda the ammunition. Well, by God, over his dead body!

  Now, when he needed to be cool, he knew he was more out of control than he'd been for years. His belly was churning with fury at himself for putting her in such a spot, and murderous anger at Hilda. Besides-Celia's sweet trusting beautiful face kept chasing around behind his eyeballs, and it was tearing his guts out.

  "Now suppose you tell me just why you have this burning desire to get rid of Celia," Web said grimly, sitting on the arm of one of the chintz chairs.

  "Because I want to go to New York," Hilda answered coolly from the couch, lighting a cigarette, and blowing the smoke out through her nose.

  "What does that have to do with anything?"

  She raised her eyebrows and explained impatiently, "My rather provincial father will not send me to New York unless I make good in the theatre locally first. Celia has gotten every part I needed... including the one Justin Garrett just gave her last night... after a quick roll in the hay, I'm sure."

  Web fought to keep from hitting her. "Would you care to explain that remark?" he asked through tight lips. Hilda got up and walked over to him until she was standing right in front of him.

  "I saw her... downstairs with you... fucking you right on the couch in the hall!" she hissed, her eyes blazing.

  To keep himself from hitting her and knocking her all the way across the room, Web grabbed her bare arms above the elbows, and started to shake her, standing up abruptly. Hilda moved instantly into his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist and set her mouth on his. Web could feel her big breasts mashed into his chest and her hands straying down to his buttocks and pressing him into her.

  He pushed her away roughly. "You're a damned spoiled brat! You... you ought to be spanked until you're black and blue. You're a goddamned jealous spiteful bitch!"

  Hilda stood where he had pushed her, her breasts heaving and her eyes fixed on his in a wide stare. Her hands were fumbling with the buttons on her sleeveless dress. "I just want my share." She pulled her dress off her shoulders and let her ripened full breasts spill nakedly out, the pale brown nipples winking at him. "That's all... just my share, lover..." She let the dress fall to her feet slowly and kicked it aside. Her eyes never left his face as she skinned the bikini panties down and very deliberately dropped them on her crumpled dress.

  Web stood panting, confused as a bull in the ring who has been tormented beyond his understanding. He didn't know which way to charge. He only knew he had to wipe that sneering smile from Hilda's face... somehow... some way. Even her big perfect breasts sneered with their pale brown eyes, and her pubic patch undulated faintly with a tiny movement of her hips. Despite his fury and outrage and terrible guilt over Celia, he felt his prick push up inside his pants to attention. The sweat popped up on his forehead, and not just because the morning sun was getting higher. That bitch made him feel like a boy... an ineffectual boy!

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her roughly to him and crushed his mouth down on hers, shoving his tongue brutally between her teeth, his hands catching her round little ass and cramming her snatch against his hardened cock that had begun to rise the moment her dress had started to come off. Goddamned amoral bitch!

  Her hands were all over him... unbuttoning his shirt, prying his belt loose, unzipping his pants. He felt like a freak in a sideshow... as though she were unveiling him for a crowd of suckers and was going to reveal that he had two cocks or something equally unreal. He tore his mouth loose then and shoved her away so hard that she fell a few feet away and lay there, panting and looking at him with those malevolent, predatory cat eyes.

  Web tore his clothes the rest of the way off, glaring at her and daring her to make a move. At last he stood naked, his great pole strutting out in a giant erection from his hairy blond loins.

  "You want your share, bitch... well you're going to get your share!"

  Hilda lay on one elbow where she had fallen, watching him as he came toward her. His massive and almost instant erection fascinated her. The enormous vein-laced shaft swayed and bobbed as he came toward her, prick first. Something in his face had changed, and she could tell she no longer had the upper hand. A stab of fear thrilled through her.

  Web reached down and pulled her to her feet, pointed her toward the couch, and slapped her naked buttock as she went. His hand print glowed on her pale skin like a red glove with the fingers stretched wide in terror.

  "You'll get your share, all right! I can promise you that. It may not be exactly the way you planned... but you'll get it, bitch!" He threw her on the couch, and she looked up at him slyly through a fold of tan hair that fell over one eye.

  "Turn over!" Web stared down at her naked body with the big perfect firm breasts. It was as though all her real meat had been concentrated in those full fruits, for she was so thin otherwise that she was almost skinny.

  He grabbed her narrow hips and pulled her ass high with her head sunk in the sofa pillow and her knees bent. The puckered little brown asshole between the orbs of her ass was completely exposed, every tiny crinkle showing in the bright morning sun pouring into the big room. Web's anger was still hot and hard in his belly, and he looked his fill, savoring the thought of putting his hard prick into that tiny defenseless aperture. Grunting, he kneed up behind her on the sofa. He grabbed his aching rod with one hand and touched the thick blunt head to the soft little pursed-mouth asshole.

  "W-what... what are you doing?" Her head came up, and she looked around at him, her pale tan hair hanging limply as though she were a scrawny Brahma cow.

  "Giving you your share, bitch!" He shoved forward with no
warning, holding her hips to keep her from slipping away.

  "No... no, you cant! Not in my... oh, no!"

  "I can... and I will," he grunted, pushing forward again, for her virginal anal orifice was so tight he hadn't even managed to get inside. He reached down between her spread thighs and ran his finger up her slit to get some pussy juice to lubricate her asshole. He dipped his finger between the hair-fringed lips of her moist cunt, watching her hips and buttocks jerk from the erotic intrusion.

  Web smeared the slippery lubricant over the crinkled tight little hole of her rectum. He did it several times before grasping and dipping the head of his pulsing prick between the dewy lips, and then nuzzled it tightly again up against her stretched anus.

  Then, without benefit of mercy, he thrust forward, and there was an agonizing pop and stretching, and she twisted and screamed, waggling her bottom to get free of the torturing instrument. "GGGGAAAAHHHHHH!" His strong hands held her hips viselike and strained his hips forward obscenely. Web felt the murderous grip of the muscular walls of rectal flesh slowly giving way before his ramming. God damn! It was the tightest possible hole imaginable!


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