The Unwilling Actress

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The Unwilling Actress Page 13

by Bella Dietrich

  "You know I would. I... I wouldn't do anything... to willingly... well, drag the school down. It's been too good to me. I'll never be able to repay what I've had... from everybody."

  "Have you told anybody you're leaving?" Hilda asked, lighting a cigarette.

  "No... I just thought I'd rather quietly slip away. I'll finish the play and get packed this week, and then I'm going," Celia said sadly.

  "Then this will be your goodbye party, too. It doesn't matter that no one knows but you and me. Maybe it's better that way. So... let's live it up. Here, let me fill your cup." Hilda slid through the crowd with Celia's cup. It was goodbye. The real goodbye. Celia felt her throat tighten, looking at all the gay crazy people she'd worked with these last three months. It wasn't really they who had spoiled it... no matter what her father might think. It was her own ignorant eagerness... her own traitorous body. But home in Waxahachie... there wasn't much chance that it could happen again. It would be dull, but she'd be safe, at least.

  * * *

  The music had taken over, and bodies were bowing and dipping and swaying to the courtly melodies that had been popular in Henry the VIII's time. No one was very good at the unfamiliar dances, and they were a little wobbly by now... but that only made it all the more uproarious.

  Esther was having a terrible time in the kitchen with Justin. She felt his hand close over her breast as he nuzzled her neck. Whatever was the matter with him... or for that matter with her? It was all she could do to push him away, for she felt gay and giddy and would just as soon his hand stayed there, but it would never do in front of the young people.

  "Stop that, Justin."

  "What's the matter, Miss Pea... this old man bothering you?" Bullock laughed, grabbing her around the waist and kissing her passionately. Esther pushed at his hard young shoulders, but she couldn't seem to get a grip. Her hands kept pushing him off. He wouldn't let go. Finally she gave up and just let him kiss her. She found herself kissing him back. He was such a sweet boy. So like Brian.

  When Bullock came up for air, she felt his mouth slide to her ear. "You look prettier than you ever have tonight." Esther smiled sleepily, her cheek pressed to Bullock's. Justin had been right to make her leave her hair down and put on a little more makeup. She felt prettier than she ever had. Bullock was fondling her hair that fell in golden waves almost to her waist, caught at the back of her neck with a black velvet bow.

  This would never do. She was the teacher... the head of the school. Gently she pushed Bullock away. He almost fell, but steadied himself on the kitchen counter. "Are you all right?"

  "Better than ever," he grinned at her with his sad eyes. "Just this punch. Wonder what old Hilda put in it? Has a kick like a mule."

  "Why don't you ask her? She's right over there," Esther giggled, for she could see Hilda deep in conversation with Justin. Tonight Esther loved everybody. Even Hilda, who'd tried to make trouble for darling Celia.

  * * *

  Patrick twirled Celia around his hand to the music. She dipped gracefully, and he brought her up close to his face. Celia felt his arm close around her waist, which wasn't part of the dance at all. That came a lot later in history. Centuries later in Vienna.

  "You're not doing the dance right, Patrick."

  "To hell with the dance," he said thickly. He pulled her closer. "I just wanted you to know that I'll never forget last night. Not in a position to do anything about it... but I'll never forget it."

  "Have to forget it." She pulled the long flowered skirt free of her heel and leaned against him.

  "I just tole you I wouldn't. May not have the money, Tender, but you got everything else. And I won't forget last night even when I'm governor of this fucking state."

  "Hear, hear! Everybody! Time for charades!" Hilda announced from the center of the big living room. The bodies moved back a little and began to applaud.

  "Hey, cut the music."

  "Thought we'd been playing charades all the time," Rosemary giggled.

  The room was quickly cleared, chairs pushed back, tables jammed in corners and lights turned off except for the barrage of candles Hilda had lit around the room. The couches and chairs were overflowing. The rest of them sat on the floor, with cushions and laps propping up heads and elbows in comfortable sprawls. Celia found herself with Patrick behind her on the floor. He was smoothing her tired back with his hands and massaging her neck and down her spine.

  The hangers-on had long since left, and the core of the school were left. Garrett watched the proceedings with amusement and satisfaction. That bitch Hilda had done a good job. She was no actress, but a damn good procuress, and things were going to work out fine. They were all pretty drunk now. That limeade stuff she'd stirred up had done the trick. It tasted so mild and hit so hard, since it was mostly good vodka.

  Charades... strip charades! That was a good one! Playing charades had become one big charade. There was hardly a strip of clothing left on anyone, and hands were already hardening tits and cocks everywhere he looked. Amazing what people would fall for if you gave them the chance.

  He watched Hilda get lazily up from where she'd been lying in Patrick's arms and step over people and cross the room. She put the needle back on the record player. Her big apple-pear breasts were shadowed in the candlelight, perfect and ripe. She began to writhe and sway to the music, her gleaming hips and legs in the lame pants grinding lewdly, making her look even more naked than if she'd worn nothing at all.

  Patrick rose and took the lead. They danced a fertility rite as old as man, circling and dipping and swaying and shaking their loins in mock fucking. Finally his hands clasped her hips, and he began slowly sliding her pants down her writhing hips to the beat of the music. At last he succeeded in stripping her completely and skinned his jockey shorts off. Their two naked bodies began again the obscene dancing, and it was the rutting animal that showed in the flickering candlelight. Patrick's great jutting cock stood out in lusting attentiveness from his hairy red loins, and Hilda's thighs were gleaming on the inside where her lubricants had oozed and been spread by the dancing.

  * * *

  Celia had known long ago that she should have quietly slipped away, gone to her room, and locked the door. She'd felt funnier and funnier all evening. The room kept going round and round, and she was almost sick a couple of times. But this was her farewell party, even though they didn't know it. The last time she'd be here to laugh and dance and be a part of Pea-body. The living tomb of Waxahachie awaited for the rest of her life.

  It had seemed funny at first. Every time someone had not been able to guess the title of a book or a play that was being pantomimed they lost a piece of clothing. It had been hilarious until she suddenly realized that everyone was almost naked. They seemed to have stopped playing now, and Patrick and Hilda were dancing without any clothes at all. But then they were rather beautiful in the candlelight. It was like an ancient rite or something. She closed her eyes, and the room spun again.

  When Celia opened her eyes, Bullock was lying with his head in her lap, and her lap was only covered with her bikini panties. She reached for her clothes just as he reached for her, and she felt his mouth close on her breast and suck hard. "No-o-o-o-o!" she hissed as quietly as she could, feeling the by-now familiar tingling radiate from her breast and pull some inner strings inside her pussy at the same time.

  Did men never think of anything else... wherever they were, whoever they were with? Did women only react to whatever man happened to be handy? She tried to push him away, but she was so tired, so terribly tired. Celia remembered that Bullock was Rosemary's... or should be. Where was Rosemary? she wondered dimly. She tried again, and succeeded in breaking his mouth loose from her breast that was on fire now from his hot sucking mouth.

  "Bullock, please don't... where's Rosemary?"

  "Gone to the bathroom. But s'okay. Look... it's a group grope."

  He turned Celia around so she could see that there was a naked girl in the c
orner with her legs spread wide seated on a guy's lap, and she was bobbing up and down on his rigid prick. Her mouth was turned to the side, however, and another guy was fucking in and out of her mouth as he stood with lewdly crouched legs.

  Patrick was dancing around with Hilda clinging to him, her arms around his shoulders and head and her legs wrapped around his waist, and it was obvious that his cock was sunk up in her spread cunt. Patrick's strong arms sup-ported Hilda's small round bottom. Their mouths were locked, and he swayed and bounced faintly to the music.

  Bullock laughed. "It's what we used to dream about in Vietnam. God, if those poor devils could see this!" He slapped his naked hairy thigh, laughing insanely. "Hot damn! Look at Miss Pea." Celia turned to follow his eyes.

  Horrified, she saw her beloved teacher, naked and panting, lowering herself on Garrett's naked erection. Esther's hair had come completely loose and swung in long gold waves around her shoulders and down her back. Without her clothes, she looked at least ten years younger, for her naked full breasts were firm and her hips taut and smooth.

  Wherever Celia looked there were naked bodies now, pressing, kissing, sucking, fucking. Under the sinuous music was the sound of gruntings and groanings and little squeals and moans. By twos, by threes, by fours. And she had thought she was a whore! If this was the norm, then she was an innocent! They were all fucking as casually as if they were alone!

  Bullock grabbed her again and sank his mouth on hers in a hard kiss, his tongue immediately pushing past her teeth to fuck deeply into her throat. Celia knew she had to get out of here... and she tried to struggle, but he held her fast. She'd have to wait her chance. His hard arms were too much for her in this exhausted state. She went limp to try to preserve her strength, and immediately his hands were thumbing her nipples erect and hard while he fucked her mouth feverishly.

  Celia knew she was depraved now, for Bullock's mouth and hands felt just as wonderful on her body as Web's and Patrick's had. But then there seemed to be a lot of other depraved people, too... at least in this room. They were draped all over the couches and chairs and sprawled all over the Aubusson carpet. This was her last chance to feel any man's hard mouth or caressing hands. She began to kiss Bullock back.

  * * *

  Rosemary held onto the doorframe as she made her way back into the living room. She paused and tried to locate Bullock in the dim light. Her loins tightened at what she saw. Even Miss Pea was riding Garrett on the couch like a madwoman, sliding up and down his pole in a frantic hip-shaking dance! Finally she found Bullock with his head propped on a pile of pillows and Celia on all fours, her breasts dangling over his mouth, as he sucked first one and then the other. Lying there, his lower body was unattended. Rosemary made her way to him and took his rigid upthrusting shaft in her warm hands, and he immediately thrust his hips up to fuck into the warm curled palms.

  Celia turned her head to see who had joined them on the floor. It was Rosemary! She must have shown the dismay and shame in her face, for Rosemary said, "It's all right, honey. We're all together tonight. Bullock's a good man." She giggled obscenely, leaning down to lick the turgid head of his cock she held in her hands. "He'll probably bring you off just sucking on your tits."

  Celia could do nothing but nod, for Bullock sank his teeth in her hard quivering nipple. Fire shot like a jolt through her body, flaming out to sear through her middle. A strained, "Oh-h-h," came out of her mouth as her head snapped back and the muscles in her neck stood out. She knew the whole world must have gone mad. Here she was with her breast in Bullock's voracious mouth and Rosemary was working on his cock. Her roommate, Rosemary! But the sucking mouth blotted out any moralistic thoughts, for her honeyed essence was dripping into his pulling, drawing mouth in great thick droplets. Celia slipped her hands under Bullock's balding head to pull his face even deeper into her swollen breast.

  * * *

  Garrett drove his hips up hard, shoving his almost bursting pulsating cock deeper and deeper up into the slick throbbing heat of Esther's greedy, long-starved pussy. She was cumming again! She'd had three orgasms already! God, that woman had been saving it for years, but when he'd finally turned her on, there was no stopping her! His hands clutched her grinding hips as he began to reach for his own climax. Jesus! It was so close now, but he wanted to bring her off one more time... and this time as he shot his own burden of hot thick cum deep into her belly.

  "Cum on... cum on, sweetheart... cummmmm!" he urged as his hips began to lift them off the couch in faster and faster poundings. Her lewdly contorted face was straining, and wails were spilling from her lips. "Oh... yes... oooooo... so close... yessss..." she cried softly, her eyes rolling and her hair swinging down around her breasts in frantic waving strands.

  Suddenly she stiffened above him and dug her fingernails deeply into his heavily muscled fore-arms, and she pushed down over his huge blasting rod with all her might, her head wagging from side to side in a pantomime of No though her mouth opened and she screamed, "YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!"

  Garrett let out an answering bellow as he felt the dike give and his own hot streams begin to shoot up the constricted tube of his throbbing cock and the long-awaited flooding began. "G-o-o-o-o-o-o-od-ddddd!" He pumped furiously, bruising her hips with his great hands as he pounded her sopping pulsing pussy harder and harder to contain his tidal wave that was roaring in a mighty rush out of his body and into the high secret lake that was her belly.

  Esther was a limp and useless thing, almost unconscious now from her multiple orgasms that had taken her on a magic carpet ride of pure sensual pleasure. She hung twitching with reflexive spasms above Garrett's great hairy body like a doll with a broken mechanism inside that now had to be moved manually. Sleep. She only wanted to sleep.

  Finally Garrett pulled her limp body off his deflating prick and let her roll onto the sofa, sliding out so she could lie on her back. She was so tired she was already asleep. He'd have no trouble convincing her now about the convention business. The rakeoff from the Chamber of Commerce alone would be a pretty penny since the number of conventions would increase so rapidly. He'd seen it work in Hollywood, and this was an even more ingenious variation of the theme. Garrett and Peabody... the Masters and Johnson of Dallas... only it would be a cleaner operation.

  Patrick's legs had finally given out and he had lain Hilda down on the floor, keeping his cock sunk into her wet cunt that was about ready to explode. As he kissed and bit her ear-lobes, his hand found a pillow to shove under her narrow hips for a little elevation. She was moaning incoherently, but he knew how to translate "Please... do... don't... goooood... yessss... oh, lover...." She wasn't much to look at except for those fantastic tits. Jesus! What tits! But she was tall and had a good slender shape for clothes. The right makeup and hairdo at Arden's, and the public would call her elegant and restrained. That was good enough for a politician's wife. She had the money, and that was the one prerequisite. The rest they could change and mold.

  Patrick dug his rigid, blood-gorged probe expertly into her tight, hot, swollen and sopping cunt. That sucking slit of hers was drawing fiendishly already at his aching balls, trying to trigger him. She was pretty expert herself. Her cunt-sheath was tugging his tingling, turgid prick like a damned milking machine, the fingered walls of muscle squeezing and squeezing. He could feel Hilda's damp vaginal hole absorbing and accepting eagerly all of his long, thick shaft into the depths of her channel. It made a slight sucking sound. Those cuntal muscles were working overtime on the rigid, meaty length of his wildly throbbing cock. Jesus! He couldn't hold out long at this rate... not after that crazy fuck-dancing they'd done.

  Clutching her rounded ass cheeks in his hands, Patrick wormed his finger to the puckered asshole. Her juices had already wet the opening as they'd trickled down from her dripping pussy. He began pushing at the tiny crinkled orifice with the tip of his finger. It resisted fiercely, the muscles tight and hard. He was going to make this one cum like she'd never cum before. After all, he
had to be better than the rest. He had to get at that money. Suddenly he stabbed his finger into the tight little hole, and she arched and screamed, which only rammed her palpitating pussy deeper onto his lunging spearing rod. Hilda yelled, "Yes! Fuck me in the asshole too. Fuck it good while you fuck my pussy!... please... fuck..." she panted and begged. Patrick needed no urging, but her frantic salacious words incited his fevered efforts even further to a straining mind-bending try. He rammed his finger viciously into her rectum, and the muscle ring suddenly gave and he was fucking her twice! Twice at once, filling both her holes with himself. He could feel the thin membranes between his slicing cock and pillaging finger... and it felt as though they might meet at the peak of a screaming climax. Establishing a rhythm, he slammed into her muscular holes that sucked him in a wild frenzied action. Her hips ground up to absorb his cock and then down to capture his fucking finger up her asshole. Oh, Jesus! It wasn't going to be any sacrifice to marry this much money.

  * * *

  Celia's breasts felt as though they were being chewed up in the crazed machinery of Bullock's tongue and teeth and sucking mouth. The nipples were fiery little coals that burned into her depths, causing her pussy to flood heavy sheets of fluid that trickled down her naked thighs. The fire was there too, burning and wanting and sucking in on itself in frantic muscular writhings. Oh God! She was going mad. Her belly was aching with physical pleading for release.


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