Sam's Little Girl (Soldier Daddies)

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Sam's Little Girl (Soldier Daddies) Page 2

by Pepper North

  She squirmed slightly on his lap. “It’s a fair. You’re supposed to have fun at the carnival. It’s all those games and foods. It makes everyone feel like they’re a kid again.”

  “It didn’t make your friends reveal the Little inside them. You can tell me, candy girl. Wasn’t it incredible to let the Little side of you out to play?”

  Time stretched between them. Finally, Hope whispered, “Do you think everyone knew? I didn’t realize what I was doing. I’ve read some books about women who have Daddies. I thought it was all made up.”

  His hand continued to stroke reassuringly down her spine. Sam didn’t rush her. He wanted her to think and ask questions. “It’s definitely not made up. All people who read age play, Daddy or Mommy novels aren’t Littles or Middles. They may just be attracted to the lifestyle, as someone might fantasize about experiencing rope or wax play. It’s an erotic thought… not something they’d actually be able to handle in real life.”

  “Maybe I couldn’t handle it?” she suggested.

  “I think Littles are the bravest people I know. They place their trust in someone and take a chance to live their fantasies. In the books you’ve read, how did the Littles meet their Daddies?”

  She looked up at the tree branches above them. Sam knew she was comparing all the books to find anything in common. Finally, she said, “Usually by chance. For some, an app helped them find their match.”

  “Online dating, Little style. That sounds like an incredible app.” He laughed before sobering. “Chance plays a huge role in two people meeting, regardless of the type of person they’re looking to find. The fair was our lucky chance to locate our someone special. Yesterday, I knew when I saw you that I needed to get to know you. How about if you don’t make any quick decisions and we take our time as we get to know each other?”

  “Is that okay?” she asked, as her shoulders eased slightly down.

  “It’s absolutely perfect. Now, I have something special planned for us this evening. Want to go have some fun?”

  Sam tried to focus completely on Hope, but something caught his eye. A man lurked at the side of the path in front of them. He appeared to be waiting for something or someone. Hands in his pockets, he oozed aggressive anger as he paced slightly back and forth.


  Sam lifted Hope to her feet and stood quickly. He whispered into her ear, “I need you to follow my directions completely. Okay?”

  She nodded. Her gaze followed his to the man at the edge of the path and her body stiffened. “Should we run?” she asked.

  “Yes. But I have to try to help. The police won’t get here in time. Call them and let them know what’s happening but stay hidden in the shadows back here.”

  When she nodded, Sam kissed her temple. Walking forward, he waited until he saw the beginning of a stroller coming around the curve. Immediately, he called, “Mad dog? Is that you? You old reprobate! I haven’t seen you in a couple years. Where have you been?”

  The man whirled to focus on Sam before darting back to his obvious target. “Go away. You have me mixed up with someone else.”

  “Someone else? Who are you trying to fool, Mad dog? You don’t have a baby now, do you?” Sam asked loudly. He hoped the approaching woman would hear the conversation and register that something was off.

  “Get the hell out of here,” the man hissed. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and brandished it.

  “Mad dog! You haven’t changed a bit.” From the corner of his eye, he observed the stroller stop and turn around back toward the more populated sections of the park. In his mind, he urged her to get out of there faster. To his horror, he watched Hope approach the woman pushing the stroller. She must have circled around to warn her. He was going to spank her ass.

  “You remember me, right? You couldn’t ever forget meeting me at that wild gathering.” Sam had moved close by that time.

  The man turned to chase after the now fleeing women with the stroller. Sam grabbed his sleeve and moved quickly to strip the knife from the would-be assailant’s hand and trip him to the ground. Sam continued his ruse. “Whoa! Mad dog. I see you’re as clumsy as you always were. Here, let me help you up,” he offered as he accidentally kicked the knife into the bushes nearby.

  Sam slowed down the man a bit more as he insisted on helping him up. Unable to keep up that tactic for too long, Sam moved to restrain the would-be attacker. In a display of skill revealing his own experience, the attacker skillfully extricated himself and ran off cursing. Sprinting after him, Sam rounded the corner, hoping the two women were safe. To his delight, he spotted Hope standing with a bunch of teenagers.

  The man spun in a circle as he tried to spot the stroller. The two had disappeared. Police sirens sounded and grew louder. With blistering curses, the lurker raced away.

  His words drew laughter from the teenagers. Sam watched until the man’s running form was a safe distance away. Approaching the group, Sam reached out a hand to Hope and tugged her to his side. “Thank you for taking care of my girl,” he said to the gathered young people.

  “She said someone dangerous was after the woman and baby that got away in the taxi. Hope threw the whole stroller into the front seat and made the lady get into the back,” a tall youth shared.

  “She had her out of there in seconds,” another complimented.

  When the police arrived, Sam and Hope shared all the information they could. Without the names and contact information of the woman and child who had been threatened, there wasn’t much the officers could do. Sam was impressed with the teens. They’d stepped forward to collaborate their stories and share their observations. It was apparent that no one would know the complete story.

  Sam tried to push away his worry at seeing Hope in danger’s path. He kept Hope close by his side, her hand held firmly in his. When they could finally leave, it was clear that Hope had made some new friends.

  “Thanks for your help, guys,” Hope said softly to the teenagers.

  “Any time. You just call on us, Hope. We’re here every afternoon.”

  “Bye!” Hope waved as Sam pulled her away.

  Walking to his car, Sam ushered Hope into the passenger seat. He leaned in to fasten her seatbelt around her.

  “I can do that,” she rushed to assure him.

  “You don’t want to mess with me now, candy girl,” he admitted, meeting her eyes. He knew she saw the concern in his eyes.

  “Am I in trouble?” she asked.

  “Very definitely.”

  Wisely, she sat quietly as he clicked the buckle closed. Rounding the hood, Sam watched her carefully. She didn’t try to flee but crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. He schooled his features to not give away his amusement. His Little had some fire.

  Sam slid into the truck and smoothly drove away.

  “I don’t know why I’m in trouble,” she muttered a few minutes later.

  “We’ll talk about it in two minutes,” Sam assured her.

  “You could take me home,” she suggested sullenly.

  “I will take you home if you are giving up on our relationship already. There are positives and negatives for living your fantasies to be Little. You’re about to experience one negative.” He pulled into the driveway of a small off-base home. It was plain and undecorated. Sam hadn’t bothered with decorating.

  “Can’t we just try the fun ones?” she suggested, turning to stare at him.

  “No.” Sam left the keys in the ignition. This would be her decision.

  “Are you going to spank me?”


  “Why? I helped that lady get away. She thinks her ex-husband is trying to steal their baby because he didn’t get custody.”

  “I’m glad the woman is safe. That man was not someone who anyone without defensive training should confront. However, you didn’t follow my directions, and you risked your safety. What would you have done if there hadn’t been a taxi nearby? Or that group of kids hadn’t been there?”

bsp; “I would have…” Her voice trailed off as she realized she would have been alone with the assailant and his targets.

  Sam let the silence build as the seconds ticked by. When she dropped her eyes to her twisting hands, he knew it was time for her to decide. “Would you like me to take you home or would you prefer to go inside, candy girl?”

  “Why do you call me that?” she asked, obviously trying to delay her choice.

  “When I saw you, all I wanted to be was the cotton candy you savored. After tasting your sweetness, the nickname fit you to a tee.”

  “You don’t think I’m sweet now,” she accused, looking back up at him.

  “I still feel the same way about you, candy girl. I know you’re my Little. That makes it even more important that I address your behavior. I could have lost you before we even had a chance.”

  Her mouth formed a silent O. Dropping her eyes back to her lap, Hope moved one hand closer to him as if she was struggling with how to reach out. Sam reached over and wove his fingers with hers. Immediately, her hand clung to his.

  “Ready to go inside?” he asked. When she nodded, Sam gave her fingers a squeeze before tugging his hand free. When he opened the door, she looked up at him with emotions painted over her face. Sam ducked into the truck and unfastened her seatbelt. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

  “Come on, my brave Little. I promise to take care of you.”

  When she nodded again, he straightened and tugged her gently from the car. Guiding her inside, he led her to a large armless chair. Sam sat down and pulled her between his thighs. Resting his hands on the curve of her waist, he could feel her body tense.

  “When you make a poor decision and earn a spanking, you’ll know exactly what will happen. I’ll ask you why you’re getting a spanking. I’ll take down your shorts and panties…”

  Hope interrupted, with panic in her eyes. “You can’t take my clothes off.”

  “Daddy is in charge, Hope. All spankings will happen on a bare bottom. Your clothing will come off.”

  “But I did something good,” she whined.

  “And endangered yourself. What did you do wrong?” He started the ritual of her spanking.

  “I tried to help!” she insisted.

  “What did you do wrong to earn a spanking?” he clarified.

  “I-I helped a lady but didn’t follow your instructions.”

  “Did you put yourself in danger?” He pressed her to admit the most concerning factor.

  “Y-yes,” she whispered.

  Without allowing her any more time to worry, Sam lifted his hands to her waistband and untied the bow at the top of her shorts. Hope froze in place as he hooked his fingers into the material and pulled the garment down to her knees. Without delaying, Sam lowered her Saturday panties. Hope curled her fingers into fists at her sides, but didn’t stop him. His brain memorized the delicious womanly display in front of him in a split second.

  “Good little girl. I’m proud of you,” he crooned as he turned her body to the side and helped her into place, stretched over his thighs.

  “Sam?” Her voice warbled on the brink of tears.

  “You are very beautiful, Hope. I’m attracted to your adult side as much as I treasure the Little you’ve buried inside. Let her out.” His hand dropped with a loud smack onto her bare bottom. A red handprint appeared on her pale skin. Sam immediately swatted her again in quick succession.

  “No! That hurts!” Hope protested, squirming on his lap as she attempted to free herself.

  Her legs kicked up and down without regard to the private view she gave him. He could see her body react to being under his control. Shiny juices appeared between her upper thighs. Sam celebrated her natural response to her punishment in his mind. What a treasure this little girl is!

  Holding her solidly in place, Sam continued to pepper her bottom. Sam assessed her protests and waited as he watched her skin turn pink and then red. He did not wish to hurt her, but Hope’s first spanking was important. She would remember this feeling of allowing him to control her and having her misdeed erased.

  To his delight, her Little emerged. Tears streaked down her cheeks when she looked back at him over her shoulder. Hope’s arguments faded into pleas.

  “No more. I’m sorry. I’ll never ignore your directions. I promise!”

  Sam waited until she melted over his lap, accepting her punishment completely. Her hands clung to his calf, pressing her torso as close as possible to him. He delivered two more swats to finish her punishment. Smoothing his hand over her reddened skin, he praised her. “What a good little girl. Everything is forgiven now, candy girl. You took your spanking well.”

  “That hurt,” she whimpered. Hope’s thoughts whirled in her head as she tried to sort out her emotions. She had read spanking scenes in those books on her reader. Hope knew they must hurt, but feeling it was totally different from what she’d imagined. Her bottom was on fire. Tears fell from her eyes, drenching his pant leg.

  “Come here and let me hold you.”

  Sam’s voice was deep and husky. Had her spanking affected him as well? The burning sensation pushed that idea to the back of her mind. She recognized he was the rock of her existence now. The stability in all the whirling emotions that buffeted her. Hope allowed him to lift her with an effortless display of strength.

  “Ow!” she wailed as he settled her on his lap. The rough feel of his jeans under her reddened bottom reinforced her spanking. She hid her face from him as she curled against his chest. “Sam…”

  “When you are ready, I’d like you to call me Daddy, Hope. You’re okay. Spankings aren’t fun, my Little. They’re punishments. Now everything is erased. I’m very proud of you for accepting your consequence.”

  Hope sniffled and rubbed her face against his soft T-shirt. “I didn’t like that. It hurt.” She realized she was repeating herself, but couldn’t move past the childlike statement.

  “That will fade. You’ll have a reminder of your spanking when you sit for a few hours or days. That will help you make better decisions.” His hands caressed her as he gave her time to recover.

  “There are often secondary effects. A Daddy can reward his Little after a punishment as well.” Sam stroked one hand up her bare thigh to rest on her hip. “Are you brave enough to let me help you feel better?”

  “I don’t understand,” Hope whispered. His touch focused her attention on her core. She squeezed her thighs together, feeling the wetness gathered there. She was soaked. He didn’t mean…

  Sam shifted her easily to lean back against his body. His hand stroked back down her thigh. Gently, he lifted each of her thighs to rest over his knees, spreading her legs slightly apart. That caressing hand glided up her inner thigh. When Hope tried to pull her legs together, Sam widened his, exposing her most private area. She froze in place as his fingers traced the seam of her intimate lips and dipped inside to glide through Hope’s pink folds.

  The breath caught in her throat as he explored her. Maybe she shouldn’t allow him to touch her like this. They had just met. Hope pulled her thighs together but was stopped by his hands, restraining her legs in place. She could feel the wetness of those exploring digits against her skin. She was so turned on.

  “Relax, little girl. I will memorize every part of you. Let your daddy make you feel better,” his husky voice directed. “Daddy’s in charge.”

  Hope lifted her hands to cover her face. She hid behind the barrier. It was easier to give him control that way. Her body yearned for his touch and the promise that he planned to know her intimately. He already seemed to know her secret desires.

  Releasing his hold on her inner thighs at her surrender, Sam refocused on his explorations. He stroked his fingers along her inner lips to her clit. “You are so beautiful, candy girl,” Sam praised in soft intimate whispers as he pressed hot kisses along the graceful line of her neck to reward his Little.

  Hope squirmed on her hot bottom as he circled the sensitive bud with his fingertip
. The combination of the sting and the pleasure pushed her arousal higher. His slow, deliberate caresses blew her mind. Sam’s words replayed in her brain and she felt her body respond with a gush of fluid. He was indeed memorizing her body.

  The breath caught in her throat as tingles gathered. Unable to process everything, Hope allowed her eyelids to lower. Concentrating on the delicious sensations he lavished on her body, she bit her lip to stifle the sounds that welled from deep inside her.

  Sam lifted one hand and ran a wet fingertip across her mouth. “Let me hear you, candy girl.”

  Her tongue darted out to lap at the juices he’d spread with his touch. A forbidden thrill zinged through her at the taste. “Mmm!” she moaned, opening her eyes slightly.

  “Good, huh? Let me try.”

  Hope watched his glistening fingers rise to his mouth. Sam’s firm lips parted to suck on his fingertips. She held her breath.

  “Mmmm,” he echoed. “Little girl, I’m going to need to savor you often.”

  He trailed a light touch over her shoulder to her collarbone and down her torso. Sam leaned her slightly forward to lift her shirt over her head. A whisper touch on her back made Hope shiver as she felt him flick her bra open. Dropping both garments to the floor, he drew her gently back against his hard chest.

  She sucked in her breath as his hands stroked over her newly exposed skin. Her next quick inhale lifted her breast into his hand as his fingers glided over her taut nipple. Slouching no longer, her back arched naturally to thrust her hips firmly against his body. Hope froze at the feel of his thick cock, rigidly pressing into her now. She couldn’t miss the proof that he was aroused—very aroused.

  Wishing to touch him as well, Hope reached back to slide her hands between their bodies. He moved quickly to restrain both her hands at her abdomen in one of his, before returning one hand to caress her intimately. “This is Daddy’s turn to pleasure you, Hope. You don’t have permission to touch me yet.”


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