Hidden Darkness (Hidden Saga Book 4)

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Hidden Darkness (Hidden Saga Book 4) Page 11

by Amy Patrick

  I was too stunned to speak. Of all the people whose minds I’d altered, he was the only one who hadn’t changed course, who hadn’t immediately cooperated and aided in his own destruction. He was confused. He was a disoriented disaster. But he still loved her.

  Lad finally lifted his eyes. “Do you think it’s too late?”

  I stared at him, my mouth opening and closing in silence. The word “yes” waited there on my tongue. The false memories crouched just behind it, ready to invade his brain, to wreck and ruin what was left of his life. I knew I had to do it.

  But I couldn’t.

  Instead, I grabbed his arm and jumped to my feet. “We have to get to Ryann’s room right now,” I shouted. “It might already be too late.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I broke into a sprint, not even asking Ava for details. The tone of her voice told me enough. Ryann was in danger.

  A flood of adrenaline screamed through my veins. My heart pumped like it never had in my life. In minutes I reached her door and threw it open. It hit the wall with a crash as I charged inside.


  There was a sound of surprise—sort of a hoarse shout.

  The voice was male.

  The room was unusually dark, and I scrambled toward the vase of glowing rocks, ripping off the drape that covered it.

  And there on Ryann’s bed, were two people, shock painted across their faces. One of them was Nox—no wait—it was Culley. They looked like freaking twins. He was unclothed and kneeling. His surprise morphed into a delighted smile as he recognized me.

  Straddled beneath him was Ryann’s naked form. She was absolutely beautiful, despite her horrified expression.

  She bolted upright. “Lad!”

  A ragged cry shook the walls—more of a roar actually. It took me a second to realize it had come from me. I whirled and tore from the room, unwilling to see any more of the horrible picture. I had seen more than enough.

  Ryann’s plaintive voice came from behind me, stopping me. She’d followed me. “Lad, Lad please. Come back. We didn’t bond. I was going to—I thought it was you.”

  I spun around and gave a harsh, anguished laugh. “Right. You mean you thought it was Nox—he looks just like the back-stabbing bastard.”

  She stood naked in the hallway, weeping before me with her hands outstretched in front of her. Her eyes were wide, her voice desperate. “No Lad, I thought he was you. I swear it. Until he spoke and then I knew… please. Please believe me.”

  She sounded so distressed. Her face was so destroyed. I wanted to believe her. My heart was torn to shreds, but still the pieces of it pulled in her direction. And then I heard that cocky little pretty boy laughing on the other side of the doorway, and my blood boiled.

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore, Ryann, but I’ll tell you one thing—every time I look at you—all I can see is some other guy between your legs. Don’t follow me. And put some clothes on. You’ll need them when you leave Altum tonight.”

  Her keening wail ripped at my insides as I strode away. But it did not stop me from going.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “What were you doing?” I demanded, watching Culley roll off the bed and get to his feet.

  He strode toward me, his expression fixed in its usual unreadable mask. “What are you doing? You interrupted some of my best work.”

  “You weren’t supposed to… to rape her. You were supposed to get her all mixed up.”

  “Don’t be silly. I wasn’t raping her. We were just having some fun.”

  I raised an eyebrow and gave his naked body a significant once over.

  Culley chuckled. “Yeah, well…”

  He walked over to a pair of pants draped across a chair, pulling them on in the leisurely manner of someone who felt no need to hide his nakedness. “I wouldn’t have let it go all the way. I have no wish to be eternally bonded to someone who’s lovesick over another bloke. For your information, I tipped her off just moments before you two barged in here like the cavalry. She was no doubt about to throw me out on my finely formed ass. Anyway, this has worked out quite handily, I think, if that godawful screeching is any indication.”

  Lifting his shirt from the chair, he nodded toward the hall outside where Ryann’s heartbroken wail still echoed.

  I stood for a moment, listening as my insides sank, then studying his nonchalant expression. So like his depraved father’s. Was this really what my glamour gift was meant for? Serving that madman? Torturing people? Destroying relationships? Breaking hearts?

  “I’m going to help them.”

  Culley’s wide-eyed stare met mine. “Come again, love?”

  “I said… I’m going to help them. I’m going to tell her what I’ve done, what my glamour is. Yours, too.”

  He froze in place, his jaw literally dropping. “Are you insane? Has all this underground living got you completely starkers?” His arms waved wildly around his head. “Lack of oxygen getting to you? You can’t do that. You’ll be banished for treason.”

  My heartbeat whipped in my chest like a lifeguard flag during a hurricane. But now that I’d said it out loud, I couldn’t get the idea out of my mind. I stood straighter, lifting my chin.

  “I don’t care. And what do you care? You didn’t finish your mission either. You bailed at the last second.” I pointed toward the rumpled, and now empty, bed.

  Culley sauntered toward me, barefoot, his shirt still hanging open to reveal his perfectly cut chest and abs. His bold expression told me he was well aware of how much I appreciated the view, just like everyone else.

  “That wasn’t my mission—I haven’t even begun my mission yet. That was just for fun. And so is this.”

  He wrapped a hand around the back of my head and pulled my face to his, taking my mouth in a blistering kiss. I was so shocked that at first I did nothing to stop him. The scent and taste of him was so alluring it was almost impossible to resist. But then I came to my senses and broke the contact, shoving him away. I added an extra push for emphasis.

  “You’re disgusting, you know that? I’m not one of your pathetic little groupies—or your next mission. And I’m definitely not just another place to stick that lying tongue of yours.”

  I stormed out of the room, grabbing Ryann’s robe on the way, and went into the hall where she was still crumpled on the floor, weeping quietly now. Wrapping the shielding garment around her, I coaxed her to sit up and then get to her feet. She allowed me to walk her into her bedroom like someone in a catatonic state.

  It was empty—Culley had slipped out already, thank God. Leading her to the bed, I helped her sit and then pulled the bed coverings over her lap.

  “Ryann, can I get you something?”

  She shook her head, not looking at me. Her movements were robotic, as if there might not be a life force inside her body anymore. It was frightening to witness. And I was responsible.

  “You sure you don’t want a drink of water or something?” I started searching the room. There had to be a pitcher of saol water around somewhere. I spotted one on a table in the corner and headed for it.

  “My clothes.” Ryann’s voice was a hoarse whisper, barely audible.

  I spun around again to face her. “You want your clothes?”

  She nodded weakly. “I’m leaving. He told me to leave.”

  Snatching her clothes from the floor, I took them to her and pressed them into her hands. I kneeled in front of her so she’d be forced to see my face. “He didn’t mean it. You should stay. I’m going to help you straighten this out.”

  Her eyes didn’t meet mine. “No. There’s nothing you can do. He hates me. He told me to leave.”

  “Ryann—listen to me. He’s confused. I can help you—I hope.”

  Finally her gaze lifted. Her eyes were swollen and wet. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days. “What are you talking about?”

  I squinted as I confessed. “I may have some idea why
Lad is acting strangely.” She gave me an alert look, obviously waiting for me to continue. “My glamour… you see, I am able to… work with people’s memories.”

  Her eyebrows pulled together. “Work with them?”

  “Yes. I can, you know, remove them.” I paused. “Or add them.”

  “You can erase people’s memories,” she said as if understanding was just dawning. A flicker of life entered her face. “You erased… Lad’s memories?”

  “I did. And I enhanced some. I’m sorry. I thought I was doing what I had to do—my duty—but then I felt bad about it. Once I got to know you both, I felt bad.”

  Now I had her full attention. Her voice was soft, still ragged with spent emotion, but deadly serious. Her gaze burned into me. “Which memories did you enhance, Ava?”

  “I can fix it.”

  “Which memories?” she demanded.

  “The ones of you… and Nox.”

  “Oh my God.” Ryann’s eyelids closed, and her head dropped back on her shoulders. “No wonder he’s been so upset.” She brought her gaze back to me. “That is not even—it’s old news. It was glamour-induced. I didn’t love Nox. I always loved Lad.”

  “I know that. Lad knew it too. He really fought me on it… for a… while.” My stomach turned at the sound of my own voice. God, I’m as much a monster as Audun. How could I have ever agreed to go along with this?

  Ryann stared at me for almost a full minute without speaking. Then she said, “Get out.”


  “Get. Out. I don’t want to talk to you anymore. I don’t want to see your face. And once I tell Nox what you’ve done, that you came here under false pretenses and used your glamour against Lad, I doubt you’ll want to hang around for long.”

  “No—you need my help, don’t you see? I want to make it right. I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to work for the Dark Council anymore.”

  She glared at me. “You. Davis. Culley. All the Dark Elves I’ve met so far are the same—full of tricks and lies. Just leave, Ava, while Nox will still let you. Unless you’ve screwed with his mind, too.”

  “No… I haven’t. I didn’t… manipulate anyone but Lad. I’m sorry, Ryann. I really am. I have changed.”

  She looked at me as if I were a snake or some disgusting bug. “You’ll never change.”

  For a moment, I felt my heart stop. Then I rose to my feet, turned around, and staggered out the door.

  Where could I go? I couldn’t stay here, clearly. I couldn’t go home either. I’d already confessed my intention to commit treason to Culley, and now I’d told Ryann exactly what I’d done to Lad. I couldn’t face my mother, knowing what I’d done to her by this failure, and the thought of standing before Audun to account for it frankly terrified me.

  The scariest thing of all was the idea that what Ryann had said about me might be true. I’d never change. I’d always be exactly what I was now—my mother’s crutch, Audun’s pawn, Culley’s unwanted fiancée.

  I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to hurt people. I didn’t want to be used anymore. But there was nowhere for me now. I was out of options.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Not even sure where I was going, I moved aimlessly through Altum, ducking my head away whenever I’d pass someone, not interested in talking or even making eye contact. Thankfully, there were few people out and about at this late hour.

  I ended up down by the river, stopping on the bridge to stare morosely into its dark depths. What was it Ava had said about memories when we’d strolled here during the tour? Some memories are so deep they seem to have no beginning and no end.

  I wished the memories gnashing around in my mind would end. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. I’d tried to sleep to no avail. All I could see when I closed my eyes was Ryann’s inconsolable expression. All I could hear in the silence of my room were her desperate pleas. That’s when I’d left the palace and started walking, trying to wear myself out, trying to forget.

  From the river, I wandered up the path toward the caves where the saol water went through its final stages of production. The air surrounding them was sweet as always, but I took no pleasure in the familiar fragrance.

  Nothing would ever smell good or taste good or be good again. There was no joy left in life. The past was a nightmare, the present was unrelenting agony, and I couldn’t even bear to think ahead toward a life without Ryann.

  The sugar-making fires were dark at this hour, the workers either attending the banquet or home in their beds. As I passed, the copper bowls barely shone with a dull reflection of the glowing stones I held for light.

  If only saol water could cure what ailed me now. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I loved Ryann. But I hated her. I wanted her fiercely. But touching her made me sick with disgust. Why couldn’t I just forget the past and move on with her, with my future? She was my future.

  Or so I’d thought. If I couldn’t get these negative thoughts out of my mind, I wouldn’t be able to stand being around her. Or Nox.

  Just thinking about the two of them was getting my blood simmering again. I shook my head, trying to clear it, and trudged forward. A metallic clank made me spin back toward the caves. Someone was exiting them, crouched low and moving quickly. I squinted to see him more clearly.

  “Nox?” I shouted. “What the hell are you doing in there?”

  I ran after him and grabbed the back of his cloak, suddenly very glad to have run into him. I had a few things to say to this conniving, girlfriend-stealing, so-called brother of mine. I jerked him back and dragged him roughly around to face me.

  “Oh hello, Your Majesty. Lovely night for a walk.”

  Culley Rune. He had the nerve to smile at me. It was only in the interest of preventing a full scale Elven civil war that I didn’t beat him until those perfect white teeth were buried in his spleen somewhere. On second thought, maybe I would. My fist was cocked and ready.

  “Why are you skulking around here in the middle of the night?” I demanded. “I thought you had enough sense to be long gone by now.”

  “I was just… you know, looking for a drink.” He shrugged, culpability creeping across his face.

  “That’s a lie. The palace is full of saol water. All you had to do was ring for a servant, and you would have had it in minutes.”

  “I know. Excellent staff you have there, by the way. I just… after our tour the other day, I was curious to know what it would taste like fresh from the tap, so to speak. I wanted to try it before getting on my way. But it seems things are rather dead here now, so I was toddling off toward home. To pack.” He backed away, slipping out of my grip. “I’ll wish you goodnight then. Rather tired—busy day.” He gave me an insolent grin and turned to go.

  I tackled him and threw him to the ground, pinning him beneath me before I even knew what had happened. Inter-Elven relations were quickly plummeting to the bottom of my list of concerns.

  “Busy, huh?” My fist slammed into his cheek, and the violence felt so good, so satisfying. “I’ll bet you’re tired after all your activities tonight. After seducing my fiancée!” Picturing him looming above Ryann’s naked body, I hit him again in the face.

  One of his forearms came up to block my next blow while his other fist crashed into my ribcage. I lurched forward in pain, seeing stars.

  “I didn’t take it all the way—I swear,” he said, rolling and throwing me off of him. “You are a bloody big bastard, aren’t you?”

  Now the two of us crouched, face to face, breathing hard as we circled each other, scanning for a way past the other’s defenses.

  Culley swiped at his bleeding lip with one hand, backing toward the open mouth of the cave. “I’m not sure why you’d still care about the little half-breed, though. She’s your brother’s sloppy seconds.” He gave me a red-tinted grin. “And now mine, too.”

  If I’d had my dagger with me, I wouldn’t have hesitated to throw it straight at his heart. This arrogant filth de
served to die—no matter who his daddy was. If it caused a war, so be it.

  I charged him—he must have known I would. Culley roared as he swung with all his force. There was a flash of copper and then an explosion of pain before everything went dark and I dropped to the ground.

  When I opened my eyes again, Ryann’s face hovered above me, tear-streaked and alight with relief.

  “Oh Lad. Thank God. What happened to you?”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Since Lad was basically immobile and unable to resist, I kissed his face over and over again, taking care to avoid the goose-egg-sized lump on his forehead. Its color had deepened from light blue to purple since his guards had first carried him through the front doors of the royal residence.

  “Who did this to you?” I asked. “Can you speak?”

  He tried to sit up, and looking nauseous, lay down again. His hand came to the wound on his head, probing gingerly. “Where is Culley Rune?” he growled.

  My eyelids flew open. “Culley attacked you? I don’t know where he is. Guards!” I turned and silently communicated with two of the royal guard who were standing watch inside the door of Lad’s room.

  Turning my attention back to Lad, I asked, “How are you feeling? Wickthorne was here and applied some medicine to your head, but it still looks pretty bad. What did Culley hit you with?”

  “A copper bowl, I think.”

  “That makes sense. Your guards were searching for you. They found you down by the saol water processing room. What were you doing there, Lad? What was Culley doing there? Do you think it was an assassination attempt?”


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