Dare Menage 2: Daring Proposal

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Dare Menage 2: Daring Proposal Page 9

by Jeanne St. James

  He grabbed her hips, holding her still. He pulled away enough to say, “Hold on.”

  His long arms made him able to just reach the drawer of his bed stand and he pulled a string of condoms out. They didn’t call him “Long-Arm” Landis for nothing!

  Her eyes widened. “Will we need that many?”

  He let out a low rumble. “I hope so.”

  Oh, he fucking hoped so.

  He ripped one open, reaching underneath her to encase his oh-so-ready cock.

  Please don’t let me embarrass myself by losing it within a few seconds!

  His balls were so tight, and his cock so hard, that when she guided him into her, he cried out in relief. She settled deeply and he could feel her walls pulsating around him. Her muscles rippling up and down his length.

  It felt so fucking good and she hadn’t even moved yet!

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and she placed her mouth against his ear and said, “I’m going to fuck you so good.”

  “Fucking ride me” was the only thought he could spit out.

  And she did.

  With a lift of her hips, she moved up and down his length, the warmth and tightness of her pussy making him close his eyes and blow out a breath.

  His hands gripped her sweet, round ass as she continued to move. Then she shifted her hips and he hit that spot. His hips moved in rhythm with hers, making sure he stimulated her G-spot over and over. Her juices spilled over him, soaking him, running down his thighs. She was amazing. He had never had a woman who could get this wet, give him everything she had. As she dropped her head back and arched her back, she screamed, “I’m coming!”

  He bit the top of her breast and then sucked her nipple into his mouth. The pulsations around his cock made him even harder. He tried to drown out her cries, to concentrate on keeping himself together. He didn’t want to lose it. He wanted this pleasure to continue. And continue.

  Her body relaxed after her orgasm, and she dropped her forehead against his. “Wow.”

  “Want another one?”


  He quickly flipped her onto her back, her head at the end of the bed. He grabbed a pillow and shoved it under her hips. He settled between her legs. “You want me to fuck you some more?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He held the head of his cock right at her opening, brushing it along her swollen folds. “Do you want me to fuck you hard?”


  “That’s my intent: to please you.”

  She reached out for him, running her hands over his chest. Her fingers played with his nipples, making him shiver.

  “I want to fuck you hard. I want to eat you out. I want to fuck that sweet ass of yours. But right now, I’m going to make you come again. And again and again until you cry for mercy.”

  He took his time pushing his way into her until he was fully seated. She took all of him. Every inch. She fit him like a glove, like her pussy had been made for him. Only him.

  He did a little wiggle with his hips and she cried out.

  With the pillow under her hips, she was at the perfect angle for him to hit all the spots he needed to hit with each stroke: her clit and her G-spot. They were his tonight.

  He slowly pulled all the way out of her and she made a noise that sounded like a complaint. Again, he slowly seated himself deeply, then once again withdrew completely. The slow strokes frustrated her. She dug her nails into his ass, trying to encourage him to fuck her faster, harder, deeper.

  He didn’t think she could get any wetter, but she did. When he could no longer take the long, slow strokes either, he pulled out once more.

  He dipped his head and drew a nipple into his mouth. He carefully caught the tip between his teeth with enough pressure to bring her to that edge of painful pleasure.

  “Fuck me… Fuck me hard,” she groaned.

  With a push of his hips, he drove himself hard, deep inside her. Hitting the limit of her walls. Again and again until her body clamped down on his cock. And once again, he could feel the waves of another orgasm riding along his length. He fought hard not to come with her. Once she caught her breath, he fucked her relentlessly. Giving no mercy and she asked for none. She came again and again like he promised until he finally had to give up the good fight. When he felt her body tense one more time, he let himself go. He cried out along with her.

  And then they were still, their bodies slick with sweat, their pulses pounding, their breathing rapid.

  But it was all good. He dropped his head on her shoulder and tried to steady his breath.

  “Sorry, I’ll move as soon as I can.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist. “You’re fine.”

  “Not really, ’cause I need to collapse and I’ll crush you.” He tried to laugh but it only came out sounding hoarse and breathless. And plus, he didn’t want her to see his arms shaking.

  With a grunt, he fell beside her on the bed. He gathered her into his arms, pinning her to his side. He laid a kiss on her forehead.

  Her hand stroked his hairless chest. He kept it hairless to show the results of his hard workouts. Her finger traced over the Boston Bulldogs tattoo on his right bicep. He waited for her to say something about Cole having the same tattoo. But, she didn’t. She was smart enough not to mention the other man she’d recently slept with—who happened to be his best friend—while she was still naked in his bed.

  With a groan, he released her to go get rid of the condom. In the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror. What was he going to do now? The sex had been amazing. Would she want to see him again? He sure wanted to see her again. Fuck her again. Maybe plan a real date, take her to a fancy restaurant, or a drive along the shore, or…whatever. Something. Anything. He wanted to spend more time with her, get to know her better. But did Cole want the same thing? Were they really in competition for her? That was absolutely crazy. He’d never needed to compete with anyone for a woman, especially his best friend. If a woman didn’t want him, no big deal. They could leave, he wouldn’t stop them. There were too many women out there to fight over one.

  He wouldn’t do it. He wouldn’t. He put both of his hands against the mirror and took one last good look at himself before dropping his head and letting out a long breath.


  Chapter Eight

  For the next few weeks, she continued to see both Ren and Cole. They went on real dates, as well as to functions. But it was always separately. She was enjoying the time she spent with each of them. Even though they were best friends and former teammates, they were still different from each other. Cole was light and fun, and didn’t take life so seriously. Ren was also just as fun, but tended to be darker and, at times, he could get very serious. And he definitely liked to be in charge, much more of an alpha personality than Cole. She loved both the differences and the similarities between the two.

  But the overwhelming enormity of what she was trying to accomplish with her two guys—and she was starting to consider them as hers—scared her. She considered giving up on her plan, but she had gone too far now to want to abandon it. However, what was at stake if she failed ate at her.

  She could destroy their friendship, for one. And that would kill her. She didn’t want to be responsible for that.

  Two, she could alienate them both. And she so did not want to do that. If she did, neither might want to see her again. Ever.

  But there were no rewards without risk, right? That was something her husband had always told her as he would leave for another stint in the jungle to bring medical care to the needy.

  The sex was great with the two of them. No, not just great, it was mind-blowing. But seeing them separately was not what she had intended. She wanted both men. At the same time. She wanted to make it a threesome. Not just an awkward love triangle.

  She needed to figure out a way to make that happen.

  And as she tapped her finger on her cheek, she suddenly figured out what she needed to do next…

r />   She found her cell and texted them both, but separately, so neither could see she had texted the other.

  I’m heading out to a friend’s beach house for a long weekend. You care to join me? I’ll make it worth your while. Just text me a yes and I’ll text you back the details.

  As she pressed send, a thrill ran through her. She didn’t know if it was from nervousness, or excitement, or a bit of both.

  She hoped this worked…

  * * * *

  Eve paced and checked the time on her cell phone. Again. She checked to see if she had missed any calls or texts. She cursed herself. Of course, she hadn’t. The phone hadn’t left her hand since she had arrived at the house on the beach.

  The weather was perfect, a nice breeze coming off the water. Not cold enough for a sweater, but not hot enough to turn on the ceiling fans.

  She opened most of the windows to air the place out. It had been a while since anyone had been there and it had felt a little stuffy when she first arrived. There was a line of glass doors along the side of the house facing the water. She slid most of those open, bringing the outside in.

  She needed to let out some of the nervous energy coiled inside her. She went out to the deck and leaned against the rail to watch the waves beat along the shore. Her stomach felt like it was taking a beating too.

  Her hand was gripped so tightly around her cell phone that she forced her cramped fingers to relax, and in doing so, she watched in horror as her cell dropped one story down into the sand.

  “Damn it!”

  “That’s not quite the reaction I expected when I arrived. I was invited, remember?”

  Ren laughed and took her in his arms to hold her close and give her a kiss hello. His lips were warm and inviting. She sank into his kiss and his arms, but it had little calming effect on her. She smoothed her hands down his broad back, and he squeezed her ass in her shorts before releasing her. Almost reluctantly.

  “I dropped my phone in the sand.”

  “I can get it for you.” He stepped over to the deck rail to peer over. “Damn. That was quite a drop. But I see it.”

  He gave her another squeeze and a quick kiss on her shoulder before she pointed the way to the steps leading down to the beach.

  As he walked away, she watched not only his tight ass, but the thick muscles in his thighs strain the fabric of his Bermuda shorts. Slip-on shoes and a light, loose button-down shirt finished off his look, and it looked perfect on him. She watched him disappear down the steps and let out a long, loud breath.

  A movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned to see Cole, coming through the house toward her. Maybe she shouldn’t have left the front door unlocked. She wasn’t quite ready for him. She hadn’t been sure who would show up first, but she had hoped to say something to the first arrival, so the other man’s appearance wasn’t a complete surprise.

  Too late now.

  She hurried into the house while Ren was still retrieving her cell phone.

  “Wow, this place is great! What a view! And right on the beach. Your friend must be rolling in the dough to have this place.”

  “Yeah, I love it here.” She grabbed his arm as he moved toward the deck to try to steer him away. “But Cole, hold on a minute. I need to tell you something…”

  “What’s the matter, babe? This is going to be a great weekend. I’ve been looking forward to it all week. The beach and this place to ourselves. You to myself. Can’t ask for anything more.”

  “What the fuck?”

  Eve tensed at the tone. Oh, here we go.

  Cole and Eve turned at the same time to see Ren striding with purpose toward them, a dark look on his face.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” He asked Cole. He turned to Eve before Cole could answer. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Cole held his hands out in front of him, like he was ready to hold Ren back if he came after him. “Dude, I was invited.”

  Ren slowly turned his head and pinned Eve with his gaze. He said, soft and slowly, “I was invited too.”

  Eve squirmed under his gaze, the heat rushing to her face. She hadn’t quite pictured this happening. She cursed herself for not planning the meeting better. They knew she was seeing them both, but really, was there any good way to approach what she was going to propose? It was best just to rip off the Band-Aid. It’ll sting for a little bit, but then…

  She walked toward the empty fireplace, crossing her arms over her chest. When she got to the fireplace—a safe distance away—she turned to face them.

  “Sorry. Yes, I invited you both.” They both started to say something, but Eve raised her shaky hands to stop them. “Please… Please let me finish.”

  Neither had moved and they merely stared at her. Cole’s expression was blank, while Ren looked a little peeved. Well, possibly more than a little.

  “Maybe you both should sit down?”

  Cole moved around to take a seat on the couch. Of course, he’d be the amiable one. Ren stood there, shaking his head, his fists closed. She expected him to be more difficult, since he was more…heterosexual. Alpha. Stubborn.

  She perched on the end of a cushioned chair, like a bird ready to fly away at the first sign of a predator. “I like men.” Well, that was a lame start. She shook herself mentally and began again. “I‘ve loved spending time with both of you. Both of you each have something different to offer. And I really appreciate that about you two.”

  Ren looked like he was about to say something, so she hurried on. Just rip off the damn Band-Aid! You’re making a complete mess of this. “I love monogamy. When it came to my marriage I loved belonging to my husband and him belonging to me.” She lifted a hand to stop Ren again. “However…” She grimaced. Once again she sounded like a bumbling fool. “I don’t know how to explain it. You can love someone deeply, but still want…more?”

  Oh, boy. Foot meet mouth. Maybe she should’ve written a speech on notecards.

  She didn’t want them to think that either of them were inadequate in any way. That was not her intent at all.

  Was she being selfish, wanting them both and expecting them to accept it? Maybe. But they could always say no.

  Cole sat up a little straighter. He said, “So you want to continue to date both of us.” At the same time Ren said, “You’re dumping me…us.”

  Ren finally came around the couch to sit beside Cole. He rubbed a hand over his short hair, then crossed his arms over his chest, his expression closed.

  “Yes,” she answered Cole. Well, sort of. Oh, boy. To Ren she said, “No, not at all.”

  The guys looked at each other, a flash of confusion crossing both of their faces.

  Ren sighed. “But you’re already doing that. I’m not thrilled about it, but I figured you’d sort it out in the end. I guess…” He frowned.

  “So are you looking for some type of schedule?” Cole asked her.

  “No, not exactly.”

  Ren shook his head, the light reflecting off one of his earrings. His brow furrowed. “Spit it out.”

  “Look at it like a puzzle. Out of the box, we’re just random pieces, but together… together those pieces make it complete. Each piece unique, but still they fit. They still need each other to complete the picture.” Heat crept up her cheeks. She placed her palms against them, but they were no relief. They were just as hot, if not more so. And worse, damp. “I want both of you.”

  “We got that part.”

  “Both of you…” she emphasized, lifting her eyebrows. She reminded herself why she could never be a doctor like her late husband. She couldn’t even rip off a Band-Aid neatly.

  Ren’s nostrils flared as he finished her thought in a rough whisper, “At the same time.”


  Her heartbeat pounded at her temples. Thump, thump, thump.

  The silence around her grew as she stared between them carefully, not quite meeting either of their eyes. “What they have.”

  “They.” It
was a statement, not a question that spilled from Ren’s lips.

  “They?” Cole asked, confused.

  Ren sat back and choked out what was almost a laugh. Almost. “Quinn, Ty, and Logan.”

  Cole’s eyes widened. Not a lot, but enough that Eve caught it. He pursed his lips as he sat back, his broad shoulders brushing Ren’s.

  An uncomfortable second of wiggling ensued until a gap grew between them. Maybe touching each other wasn’t quite comfortable for them at this moment, during this situation. At least, not for Ren. He dropped his head in his hands and she couldn’t see his expression. Was he mad? Shocked?

  No one wanted to break the silence, as if the first one who did had to explain the reality of the proposal. Of what Eve had just suggested. Even Eve herself didn’t know if she was capable of doing it without making more of a mess. This was not her best moment, that was for sure.

  But, she knew what she wanted. And what she wanted was both men sitting across from her. That had been her intent all along, but now the reality was sitting right in her lap.

  She’d never been so bold in her life. It even surprised her a little bit. But the thought of rejection scared her.

  In the past, she had never approached the opposite sex, and had never been so open to what she wanted. She always thought that if a man was interested in her he would approach her. That was what men did. Right?

  Maybe. Maybe not. But she had this burning desire deep down inside her she couldn’t deny.

  Her husband’s death proved to her you only live once. Cliché, she knew, but it was true. Why waste time denying what she wanted. What she really desired.

  Even if it was only for a little while.

  She shrugged mentally. As she kept telling herself, they could always say no…

  It could be they weren’t as comfortable with each other as she first thought. She believed there might be a connection there…beyond football…beyond friendship. Maybe she was reading it all wrong. Maybe it was simply a bromance. A teammate thing.

  She cleared her throat, but before she could speak, Ren stood up, distancing himself from Cole and from her.


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