Virgin In The City

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Virgin In The City Page 7

by Alexa Riley

  “Bear, don’t tease me,” she begs, and I look up to see her flushed cheeks, her hair hanging around her face.

  “Goddamn, you are the most beautiful woman in the world,” I say. I scan down to look at her pussy. “Fucking beautiful.”

  Leaning back in, I run my tongue back and forth over her clit. She rocks her hips forward as I kiss her, getting her closer to the edge. Her body is already familiar with my touch and wants relief. My hands slide up and down her thighs as her desire spreads between them, and I lick it up. She’s slick with need and cries out my name. Soon her body tenses and she goes over the edge.

  I clean her up with my mouth while she grabs my shoulders to try and steady herself. When I think she might fall, I stand up and scoop her up in my arms.

  “I didn’t think I could still be tired after sleeping all day,” she says, her heavy eyes starting to close.

  “Better wake up. I’m taking you out to dinner,” I say, kissing her on the lips. I can’t stop putting my mouth on her.

  “You are? Where are we going?” she asks, suddenly wide awake.

  “Anywhere you want. But there are about a hundred cameramen downstairs I want to introduce you to so that I can show off the woman I love.”


  “Shh. Don’t say anything back. Not yet. Just know that if you want to be with me, then I want you to see everything that comes along with me. And I want you to know how I feel.” She bites her lip and nods. “You’re it for me, but I know what my life can be like. I want you to be a part of it, but I can’t keep you locked away up here.”

  “I want to be a part of your life, too.”

  “Then let’s go introduce you to the world.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I throw all the pillows off Bear’s bed and search for my cell phone. I’m terrible with it. I never had one before I moved to the city and I still haven't gotten great about keeping it close. But I know Bear wants me to have it with me when he’s not home.

  I crawl off the bed and bend down to pick up the pillows but pause when I see a box under the bed. I get on my hands and knees and I see my cell phone lying next to it. I grab my cell and pull out the box. Bear did tell me I had free rein over his home, so does that include opening boxes found under the bed?

  I spent the last few days here coming up with decorating ideas. Bear was no help. Anytime I asked him if he liked something he’d ask if I liked it and then agree with whatever I said. It was both adorable and annoying at the same time.

  I decide to text Tasha.

  Me: If you found a random box at your boyfriend’s house, would you open it?

  Her response is instant.

  Tasha: Hell yeah, I would.

  I laugh. I have a feeling that maybe it has to do with an ex-girlfriend or something. He’s never talked about his dating past. I haven't asked, though, knowing I wouldn’t like to hear about him with another woman. I like to think of him as only mine, but maybe he once belonged to someone else? I don’t like how that thought makes me feel.

  But he told you he loves you, my mind reminds me, and I blush. I’ve wanted to say it back, but there just hasn’t been the right moment. We’re either talking nonstop, or kissing nonstop, and I want it to be special. For the both of us. It’s my first time saying it to him, and I don’t want to mess it up. I’ve heard him whisper it to me when we’ve made love or when he thinks I’m asleep. I’m going to tell him, but I’m going to do it when it’s perfect.

  Knowing how much he loves me is what gives me the courage to open the box. I take a deep breath and open the lid. My eyes water when I see what’s inside. It’s the baby blanket I made. I forgot about it after that day, and I can’t believe he kept it and put it away. My hand goes to my stomach, and I think about being pregnant. We’ve never talked about kids, but we’ve also never talked about prevention either. For all I know I could be carrying a baby right now.

  I put the lid back on and slide it under the bed as my phone dings again.

  Tasha: What did you find? Is the perfect boyfriend not so perfect anymore?

  Me: Still perfect.

  I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. I already know what’s in there, and it isn't going to be anything good. I don’t have anything at my place either since Bear and I have been cuddled up in our apartments for almost a week now.

  The media was long gone after they got what they wanted. They know who I am now, and I realized just how famous Bear really was. The media had been nicer than I thought they would be. Or maybe they were scared of Bear. They left soon after we talked to them, answering most of the questions they asked. When someone shouted a question about our sex life, Bear shut it all down.

  I should have known better about the box under the bed now that I think about it. I remember one of the reporters mentioning Bear never being spotted with a girlfriend before. I like being the first for him in so many ways. When he told me he was a virgin, too, I wasn’t able to pick my jaw up off the floor. But then knowing how disciplined he can be, I could totally see it.

  My stomach grumbles, reminding me that I need food. Not just any food but something sugary and full of butter. Bear won’t be home for a few more hours. I grab my bag and text Bear on my way out the door.

  Me: Grabbing a quick bite. I’ll be back before you get home. I can’t stay locked up forever!

  I know he’ll worry if I don’t text. I walk out the door and hop on the elevator.

  Bear: Be careful, doll face. I can take you out tonight if I’ve kept you away from the rest of the world for too long.

  Me: You love keeping me all to yourself.

  I’ll never complain about spending my nights in bed with my Bear. It’s been the best week of my life. I haven't gotten much done, but when I think about how happy I am, it’s hard to care.

  Bear: You bet I do.

  I step off the elevator and see the doorman. I give him a small wave and he nods back as he picks up his phone. I know he’s probably calling Bear to let him know I’m leaving the building. I can’t even be mad at the guy after I got him in trouble with the jerk I’d told him to let up. It wasn't long after everything went down the media uncovered a history of unsavory things about that guy. It makes me sick that I was ever near him.

  When I exit I’m happy to not see anyone outside with a camera. Bear told me they all cleared out, but I thought maybe one might pop up. It’s beautiful outside and I’m enjoying the sunshine. It makes me miss home a little. Having a house with a yard and some space was so nice. It’s great to live in the city with everything outside your door, but there’s something to be said about the privacy of having your own land. In my dreams I’d like to have both one day.

  I wave at Patty as I pass her bakery. I want to walk a little more because the weather is so nice. I go up a couple more blocks and pause when I see a coffee shop. Looking in the window I spot a display for brunch. Perfect.

  When I step inside I glance around and wish I’d brought a book or something. The place is nice, with lots of places to sit and hang out. It’s not too packed, so I walk over and look at the menu, taking my time before ordering.

  When I get my food I sit down on one of the sofas and I look through my phone.

  “How is it?” I glance over to see a man sitting down at the other end of the sofa. He’s big but not as big as my Bear. I can’t help comparing everyone to him. This guy has short blond hair with dark blue eyes and he smiles at me.

  “Not bad,” I say, being polite.

  “It’s such a nice day,” he says, nodding to the window and the sunshine.

  “It really is.” I look out thinking about how hard Bear is training. I can’t wait for his final fight to be over so we can enjoy days like today. He keeps telling me about all this free time and the fun things we’re going to do. I sigh happily.

  “Gio,” says the guy, and when I look back up he’s got his hand out.

  “Pepper, but everyone calls me Pep,” I say, taki
ng his hand. He seems nice enough, and he’s not giving off any creepy vibes.

  “Nice to meet you, Pep. I’m new around here,” he tells me.

  I put my phone down as I don’t want to be rude. “I’m pretty new, too, but everyone’s been really nice,” I tell him. “I thought it would be hard moving to a new place, but it’s been really great.”

  “Any recommendations?”

  I lean over a little. “Patty Cakes,” I whisper, feeling a bit guilty for recommending another place while in a restaurant that kind of does the same thing.

  He chuckles. “You’ll have to show it to me.”

  “I have a boyfriend,” I blurt out.

  He lifts both his hands in defense. “I’ve got a girl, too.” He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone and showing me his screen. It’s a picture of a beautiful woman who is all done up.

  “She’s pretty.” I don’t offer a picture of Bear. I have a few we’d taken, but they are for only me. They aren't dirty, but they’re intimate. The world has enough pictures of Bear, and I’m not sharing mine.

  “She’s something,” he laughs. “You going to this block party I’ve been hearing about?”

  “I haven't heard anything. Is that where everyone hangs out outside and stuff?” Where I come from they had field parties. I’d never gone to one. My aunt wouldn't let me, but I always thought it would be fun to check one out.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure. You should come. Then I’ll know someone.” I bite my lip, unsure of what I should say. “Bring your man with you. We can hang out.”

  “Okay.” He seems really nice, and I know what it’s like to be new in town. He just wants to see a familiar face.

  “Give me your number and I’ll text you later,” he says, tapping on his phone.

  I rattle off my cell number and he programs it in his. My phone dings a moment later with a text.

  “Here.” He scoots over next to me. “I hate when you don’t have a picture to go with the contact on your phone. It’s annoying when the little bubble on your text chat is blank.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder and says, “smile.” We both beam as he takes the selfie. My phone dings again. “I sent it to you in case the bubble thing bothers you, too.

  I turn a little so his arm drops from my shoulder.

  “So what do you do?” he asks.

  I get lost in telling him about some of the projects I’m working on and how I’ve been trying to come up with new ideas for my boyfriend’s place.

  “If you were mine I’d have you moved in,” he jokes.

  “I think it’s too soon,” I admit, but I don’t really believe that.

  “But you like the idea, don’t you?”

  I nod. I do like the idea of living with Bear. I know we spend our nights together, but having all our stuff mixed together sounds wonderful.

  “Don’t let him string you along. Pretty girl like you should have a man giving her everything she wants.”

  “He does,” I defend.

  I want to make sure I’m giving him everything he needs, too. If that’s too fast for him, I don’t want to push. Things are good right now and I don’t want to rock the boat. His mind should be on his upcoming fight. The rest can come after he’s won.

  I pick up my phone when it dings again.

  Bear: You’re mine. Be ready.

  I smile standing up. “Gotta go. My man is on his way home.”

  “See you later, Pep.” He stands, giving me a kiss on the cheek and taking me by surprise.

  We walk out of the coffee shop, each going a different way. I try not to read too much into it. Some people are just more affectionate than others.

  I text Bear on the way back and feel the warm sun on my face.

  Me: I’m always yours.

  I smile the whole way back home.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When I walk through the front door of my apartment Pepper is leaning against the counter in the kitchen completely naked.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” I say as I kick the door closed behind me and toss my gym bag on the floor.

  She spreads her legs a little as I rip my shirt off and pull off my shoes. I’m already hard with anticipation and I have to pull my cock out of my shorts as I step out of them, too. Now I’m naked as I stalk purposefully over to her and grab her in my arms.

  She giggles and squeals as I push her up against the wall and enter her in one hard thrust. Her laughter turns into a moan as I move in and out of her, fast and deep.

  “Fuck, I love coming home,” I say as she tightens her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I can feel her slick desire spread down onto my thighs and coat where we’re joined. “Fuck, what were you doing before I got home?” I say over the sound of her wet pussy taking my dick.

  “Waiting for you,” she breathes, spreading her legs wider.

  “You were rubbing it, weren’t you? Getting it wet for me.”

  “Yes,” she confesses as I lean down and suck a nipple into my mouth.

  I grunt as cum builds at the base of my cock, ready to shoot off any second. I have to hold it down and keep control because it feels too good to stop.

  “Fuck, I hate that you had to wait on me. I should be here, hard and ready for you to climb on whenever you want it.” She nods as I kiss my way up her neck and to her lips.

  My body was already sweaty from my workout, so I rub against her, making her smell like me. It’s some primal need inside me to fill her pussy with my cum and rub my sweat on her body. I want every inch of her to belong to me, and when I’m inside her it’s worse.

  “I can’t get deep enough,” I say through clenched teeth.

  Her nails score down my back and I grunt when I feel the slight pain. Her pussy tightens as I thrust harder, wanting her to cum on me. I want to be marked, too.

  Grabbing her closer, I turn us to the side and take her down to the floor. I plant my hands on either side of her head and spread my knees wide. I thrust like an animal as she kisses my neck and chest. I can feel the tendons there tightening as need bears down on my back. I curse when she cries out my name and bows off the floor, lost in pleasure.

  Her head is thrown back and she’s lost as the orgasm flows through her body. I keep sliding in and out of her as I finally let go of the wall I was holding back and release into her. It feels so good it’s almost painful as my cock pulses with cum. My arms are weak and unsteady; my thrusts become erratic and slow down.

  I can barely make out her soft words of praise and adoration as I come down from the pinnacle of pleasure. I hold my weight on my elbows as I kiss her lips softly and then rub my nose against hers.

  “Welcome home,” she says and bites her bottom lip.

  “Move in with me,” I say, needing this all the time. I know she’s only a hallway away, but I want all of her stuff with my stuff. I want to know she’s going to be here all the time, not because she walked over here but because she lives here. “Today.”

  She laughs and shakes her head. “You don’t think it’s too soon?”

  “I’m not a calendar, doll face. I’m a man who knows what he wants. And I know that I want you, and it’s never going to change.”

  I brush the sweaty hair away from her face and kiss her again.

  “Okay,” she says, and I feel my heart nearly burst with excitement.

  Suddenly I jump up and pull her into my arms. “I’ll go get your stuff,” I say, walking toward the front door.

  “Bear!” she shouts, and I turn around. She looks me up and down, and I glance down, seeing I’m still naked with my hard cock sticking straight out. It’s glistening with our cream and suddenly I want her all over again. “Either put some pants on before you go move my stuff or take me to the shower.”

  It’s a tough decision, but in the end, I fuck her in the shower and then move her stuff into my place. I like having the best of both worlds.

  “I’m starving,” I say, kissing the inside of he
r wrist.

  She blushes as she flips over the menu, looking on the back of it. “I’m not surprised. I’ve never seen someone move so fast.”

  “Let’s just say I was motivated.”

  “Really?” She raises an eyebrow at me.

  The waiter comes over and she orders a full breakfast including a chocolate chip waffle. I drop my face in my hands and she winks at me, telling me I can have a bite. I order my plate of protein and greens then take both her hands in mine.

  We decided to walk a few blocks since it’s so nice out and go to the diner for dinner. We’re sitting in an old booth next to a window that looks out onto the street. The lights of the town shine against her blonde hair and I can’t take my eyes off her.

  “Tell me about your day,” I say, unable to stop touching her. There just can’t be anyone more beautiful on the face of the earth.

  “Actually, I made a new friend—” she begins, but suddenly there is someone banging on the glass window beside us and it causes her to jump in her seat.

  Immediately I’m blinded when a camera flashes in my eyes and several people are outside shouting at us.

  “What the fuck?” I mutter as I pull Pepper out of the booth. “Stay close to me, doll face.”

  Glancing around the restaurant, I see people have their phones turned towards us, either taking pictures or recording.

  “Bear, what’s happening?” she says worriedly, tucking into my side.

  “I don’t know.” As soon as I say it the owner of the diner comes out of the kitchen and waves us over.

  “You can go out the back, Cannon,” he says, patting me on the back.

  “Thanks,” I say, ducking around and going past where all the cooks are at the grill.

  “Sure you don’t want to leave her behind?” I hear him say, and I turn on my heels.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?” I take a step towards him but feel Pepper’s shaking hand on my lower back.


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