Virgin In The City

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Virgin In The City Page 10

by Alexa Riley

  I sent him out to get us breakfast from my favorite diner. They have the best chocolate chip pancakes. It’s also the same diner he’d gotten into it with the owner. Bear had gone back and the two of them smoothed things over. I can’t be mad at someone trying to protect Bear. It took me a while to get Bear to see that, but eventually he did and now we eat there almost twice a week. They even have a table just for us.

  I don’t have to wait long before I hear Bear with his keys on the other side of the door. I hold up the sign over my head and try to contain my excitement. On the sign is Round One with our names written under it in gold letters. I pop my hip out trying to look like one of those women in the rings.

  When the door opens I drop the sign down in front of me and gasp when I see Rico standing there with Bear. Bear’s mouth falls open and I feel my face flush.

  Bear turns around and shoves Rico back out, slamming the door in his face.

  “Hey, you got my food!” Rico bangs on the door.

  “Fuck off,” Bear shouts back as he drops the bag of food and comes over to me.

  “Doll face, what are you wearing?”

  I lift the sign back up and shoot him a smile.

  “Do you like it? Does it make me look like a ring girl?” I ask. I do a small shake and somehow my boobs mange to stay in the top. Barely.

  “No fucking clue what they look like, but you’re always the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I smile at his sweet words, believing him. Bear has never made me doubt that I’m his one and only. Just like he is mine.

  I turn the sign around with shaky hands. “Will you think that when I get bigger?” I tease then watch his eyes move to the sign.

  This side reads Round Two: Bear, Pepper and Baby.

  “Doll face?” His voice as low as his eyes fill with tears. “Are you serious?”

  “I’m pregnant,” I say, and he wraps me in his arms, picking me up and twirling me around.

  I drop the sign to the ground as his kisses me and carries me to our bedroom.

  “I’m going to be the best dad in the world. I promise,” he vows.

  “I never doubted it for a second.”

  He lays me down on our bed and comes over on top of me. He smiles so big I think his face might break. “How many more rounds do you think we'll have?” he asks, and I know he means kids.

  “As many as we want,” I tell him as I pull him down to meet my kiss.

  I have no doubts there are going to be lots and lots of babies with the way the two of us can’t keep our hands off each other.



  Seven months later…

  I don’t question it when Bear opens the door of the SUV for me so I can get in. We only live a few blocks away, but I’m so full from lunch I don’t even want to walk that far. He leans over and helps me buckle my seatbelt, making sure it’s right around my big belly. He kisses me, then my belly, before he shuts the door and comes around to the driver’s side and hops in. When he pulls away from the restaurant he doesn't go to our apartment.

  “Where are we going?” I yawn. I’m full, but for some reason I’m still thinking about fried cheese. Okay, not just fried cheese but every cheese that comes to mind. With this pregnancy I’ve found out there isn't a cheese out there I dislike and I’m willing to hunt them down if need be. I’ve been sampling all kinds and I can’t stop talking about it. Bear told me I was going too far when I said I wanted to start a cheese blog.

  “It’s a surprise.” He reaches back and hands me something. “Put this on.”

  I look at the pink sleep mask and wonder what’s going on. “Why?” I ask, but I do as he says.

  “I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” His hand comes down on my bare thigh and my legs part a little. At this point all I can fit into are dresses. The bigger I get, the shorter the dresses get. I should break down and go shopping for new ones, but clothes shopping was never one of my favorite things to do. Bear loves my dresses and his thumb absently strokes me as he drives.

  “I’ll fall asleep at this rate.” I let another yawn go, feeling relaxed. Bear turns on the fancy chair massager in the seat and I relax. I don’t even want to know what this thing cost, but he swears he got it for safety. I’m sure that is partly true, but he has other reasons, I believe. Like how fast he can make it go and massage chairs. This car has more bells and whistles than most houses.

  “I can’t have that,” he says as he runs his hand up my thigh. My panties are already wet from the barest touch. Something about the blindfold is turning me on even more. “It’s not that far, and I’ll keep you awake.” My legs spread further and my head drops back. I moan when his finger slips under my panties.

  I don’t know what I crave more these days. Food or sex. I’m thankful Bear is a retired man because he is always ready to take care of any of those needs for me. No one has ever given me so much attention and it’s intoxicating. I don’t know how I lived without him before. I’m pretty sure I’m officially dependent on him and I don’t care.

  “Bear,” I moan as he strokes my clit back and forth.

  “You need to cum?”

  “Yes,” I tell him, wiggling in my seat. I’m so close. It doesn't take much to get me off these days. I’m always ready to go.

  “Maybe this is a bad idea. You really might fall asleep if you cum.”

  “No I won’t. I promise,” I plead with him, my clit throbbing with need.

  “I can’t ever tell you no,” he says as he goes back to stroking me. “I’ll always give you anything you want.”

  I cry out his name as I climax and feel the warm waves spread all over my body. The car comes to a stop and then his full lips are against mine. I sigh in pleasure and I hear him laugh. “I’m never moving again,” I tell him as he takes the mask off.

  “That’s a shame because I’ve got something to show you.” He moves back to his seat, adjusting himself. His arousal is clear in his jeans. Then he licks his fingers before he rolls down his window and punches a code into a keypad. The big metal gate in front of us swings open and he reaches over to pull my dress down as he drives up the long driveway.

  Big beautiful trees line the path and my eyes brim with tears. I know what’s coming. We’ve talked about moving and even looked online at a few places. I fell in love with this one but have been so torn about if we should move or not. This place is surrounded by a big gate with lots of land, but the house isn't too big. It’s why I like it. It reminds me of the home from Father of the Bride, and that’s my dream house.

  “Bear.” I look over at him.

  “Don’t cry.” He throws the car into park before hopping out and coming around to open my door. He unbuckles me and kisses my cheeks. “Before you get all worked up, just know we’re keeping both places. We don’t have to choose where to live because we can have both.”

  I hiccup. “Really?”

  “You know I strive to give you everything you want. You want a house out in the country and a place in the city? You get it, doll face.”

  “I love you.” I grab his shirt, pulling him to me so I can kiss him.

  “Love you, too. Now let me show you where we’re going to raise our children.”

  His fingers lock with mine as he walks us to the front door.



  10 years later…

  “Cannon!” the crowd shouts, and I beam up at my husband with pride.

  It’s been a long time since he’s been in the ring, and I have to admit seeing him on the mat gives me all kinds of dirty ideas. He’s here tonight to honor his former coach. He passed away last year, and Teddy’s opened a new wing of the gym in his honor.

  Coach was close to all of us, and our kids called him Grandpa. He moved in with us when he got sick, and we were with him when he passed. He told me once that teaching Bear was his greatest achievement in life, but being a part of our family was even better. I wipe a tear when Bear unveils the sign and the
crowd cheers. It’s a beautiful way to honor him and to continue his legacy.

  A few years ago, Bear and I started a foundation dedicated to helping our city thrive. The two of us bring our five kids here after school and on weekends to volunteer or play with their friends.

  We had three boys then twin girls, and after that Bear said we were done. I think the thought of another set of girls terrified him into getting a vasectomy. I like to tease him, but I think it scared me, too. The boys are wild, but the drama and tears with our daughters far exceeds broken bones and stitches from the boys.

  “Hey, Pep, are you guys going to Patty Cakes after this?” Tasha asks as she brings her stroller next to where I’m standing.

  “I think Rico said you guys were taking the kids and we’d meet you after.” I wink at her and she rolls her eyes.

  She and Rico had two boys and said they were done. Tasha said no more, but then they had a little surprise last spring.

  “You keep sneaking off like you’re teenagers and you’re going to end up with a surprise of your own.” She points down at her sleeping baby boy. “I tried to stay off him, and you see what happened.”

  “That’s because Rico refuses to get the snip,” I say, making a cutting motion with my fingers.

  She pulls back and makes a disgusted face. “Don’t talk about my favorite body part like that,” she says, shaking her head. “I just can’t take the risk of something happening to it.” She shakes her head. “It’s too good, Pep. He locked me down, put a ring on it, and gave me three babies before I ever realized what happened.”

  I laugh at her as I look to the stage and let my eyes wander over Bear. He’s in a suit, which is unusual for him. Normally he’s in sweats and T-shirts. Something about him being dressed up with a little stubble is doing something crazy to my hormones. He’s still just as handsome as the day we met, only now he’s got a little gray in his hair and smile lines around his eyes. He’s getting better with age, and I’m finding it harder to keep my hands off of him.

  “Yep. There it is. I’ve seen that look.” I glance at Tasha and she shakes her head.

  “There’s no way I can get pregnant. He’s been fixed.”

  Tasha leans in with a wild look in her eyes and whispers to me. “Life finds a way.”

  “Isn’t that line from Jurassic Park?”

  “Yep. That’s the movie Rico got me pregnant to the first time. I should have known.”

  I bust out laughing and eventually she joins me.

  “What’s so funny?” Rico says, coming over and kissing Tasha.

  “Nothing,” Tasha and I say in unison and he narrows his eyes.

  “So we’re going to take the kids and meet you at Patty’s,” Rico says, and I nod.

  He grabs Tasha’s ass and then gives it a smack before he takes the stroller and calls for the kids to follow him if they want cookies. I give my kids a quick lecture about being good and listening to Uncle Rico, and then tell the boys to look out for the twins.

  “Don’t worry. You two kids have fun,” Tasha says. “Just wrap that beast up. I’ve seen the way he’s looking at you.”

  When she walks away I look at the stage and see Bear’s eyes on me. Someone is talking to him as people crowd around for a moment of his time. He shakes hands and nods at what they’re saying, but even I can see his hunger from across the room.

  I smile sweetly at him just before someone else calls his name and he has to turn and look at them.

  I say hello to a few people and thank them for coming as I walk down the long hall to the other side of the gym. This place is empty today because of the ceremony, but at the end of the hallway I can see the trophy case with the picture of my mom and dad. Now there’s a picture of Bear and me on the day he won his final title. And an old black and white one of Coach in the ring reading a newspaper.

  Placing my fingers against the glass I smile.

  When I feel his warm arms wrap around me, I close my eyes and tilt my head so he can kiss my neck.

  “I knew you’d come find me,” I say, leaning back against him.

  “I can’t stay away from you for too long, doll face.”

  I pull away from his hold and grab his hand. I give it a small tug and lead him down the short hallway to the little closet in the back.

  “Do you want me to go in the linen closet with you?” he asks, giving me a wicked grin.

  I bite my bottom lip and nod as I pull him inside and he closes the door.

  When we’re completely alone, he presses me against the door and kisses me like it’s the first time we walked in here. He’s desperate and a little out of control as his hands roam down my body and grab at my dress.

  He bunches it up in his hands as he pulls it higher and his lips move lower, down to my neck. He trails kisses and love bites until he gets to my cleavage. When I feel his tongue dip between my breasts I moan in pleasure.

  His strong arms spread my legs as he kneels down in front of me. “Hold your dress,” he orders, and his voice is gravelly. I love when he makes those sounds because it means he’s right on the edge.

  I do as he commands and grip the material tight as his big hands slide up my thighs and to the juncture of my thighs. He brushes his thumb over the damp material of my panties before he yanks it roughly to the side and presses his nose against my lower lips. I listen to him inhale my scent and the sound is obscene yet erotic. God, how can I get so wet when he does that?

  His warm, slick tongue slides between my folds and I can hear him moan at my flavor. I roll my hips forward, wanting more of his mouth, and he gives me what I need. He grabs my ass, nearly lifting me off the floor as he kisses my pussy like it’s been lost at sea.

  “That mouth,” I moan as I close my eyes and lean my head against the door.

  “This is what happens when you’ve got pussy this good,” he says, burying his face between my legs and sucking on my clit.

  “Cinnamon stick!” I shout as a lightning bolt of pleasure shoots up my body.

  I feel his deep laugh against my tender flesh and he slides two fingers inside me. He does that thing I love where he hits my G-spot and I nearly double over. Thankfully Bear is there to hold me up and keep me from falling as he rubs me right over the edge.

  I cum hard on his fingers as I shout his name, but I’m so lost to my own orgasm that I don’t realize he’s on his feet with his cock in his hand until he thrusts into me.

  I cry out as another orgasm is triggered when his thick length slides inside. It’s warm and hard and his thrusts are deep as he grunts out his own needs.

  “Goddamn I love you,” he says as I wrap my legs around his waist.

  I squeeze my thighs and hold him tight as we hump against the door. There’s probably a crowd of people nearby who can hear all of the loud noises we’re making, but I don’t care. I love my husband and I love to make love to my husband. And if our five kids haven’t proved that already, then let them listen to the pleasure he’s giving me. Because every time is better than the last.

  “I love you, too, Bear.”

  His muscles flex under his dress shirt as he grunts. I lean forward, kissing his neck, just before I trail my tongue below his ear.

  “Fuck!” he cries out and his body tenses. He buries himself deep inside me and I feel the warmth of his release.

  I smile as I bury my face in his neck to try and hide it.

  “Damn it, you know what happens when you do that,” he says as his cock twitches inside me.

  “I can’t help myself,” I retort, running my hands slowly down his back, just enjoying being connected.

  “I wasn’t ready to cum yet.” He leans back and gives me a scolding look. “You made me go too quick.”

  I roll my hips and slide up a little before I ease back down on his hard length. “I guess you’ll just have to do it again.”

  The look in his eyes is possessive and determined as he lays me down on a stack of sheets and comes down on top of me. He kisses me like it might b
e our last time, even though we’ve still got a lifetime together.

  It’s a long time before we finally leave the closet. But it won’t be long before we’re back again.


  Shielding Lily

  by Alexa Riley

  It’s Lily Parker’s first day at a new high school. She’s a senior finishing her last semester, and all she wants to do is graduate and get out of town. Her home life is a secret hell, and she’s trying to find a way out. But everything changes when Ren says hello and sees right through to her truth.

  Ren Hendrick’s succeeds at everything he touches, including football. But he’s never been passionate about anything. He’s quiet and keeps to himself, which pisses people off. But he can’t find the desire to care. He’s lived a life without color, until Lily walks in and lights up his world.

  Their story is one of sweet young love and finding your forever before you can even dream of what that is. It’s one of protecting what belongs to you and having the courage to follow your heart, no matter your age.

  Warning: Call your dentist and schedule an appointment, because you’re going to get nothing but cavities from this sugary book. Ren and Lily start off so innocent, but by the time it’s over, you’re gonna need to hose yourself off. We’re talking two virgins who turn into maniacs. You’re welcome!

  Copyright © 2018 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]


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