Drake (Dragon Warrior Series Book 3)

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Drake (Dragon Warrior Series Book 3) Page 3

by KD Jones

  Looking into the night’s sky, he thought he saw large forms pass over, heading in the direction of the mountains. Hard to tell from this distance how many, but he knew instinctively they were dragons. It had to be Dyson and his crew. But why would they be so close to a city of people? That risked exposure.

  His dragon wanted them to leap off the three-story balcony, but there wasn’t enough room to shift. He grabbed his clothes and dressed. He took one last look at the female that had become everything to him in a short matter of time before he left.

  Drake made sure no one saw him toss his clothes behind a tree before he jogged down the beach toward the ocean. He glanced around once more to ensure he was alone, then he shifted into his dragon form. Spreading his large wings, he easily caught the breeze and lifted.

  The other dragons’ scents on the air put him on their tracks. He kept downwind, following them toward cliffs overlooking the water. He watched as they landed on a ledge near the caves at the top.

  He noted a change in the scents as he flew closer to the caves. He scented dragons, humans and...blood. He knew he should go back to get his phone and call for backup, but he couldn’t chance it with humans now in danger. They would not be able to fend for themselves against dragons.

  He flew above the cave, landing on a rocky spot. After shifting to human form, he climbed down the side until he perched on the ledge. With humans and dragons in the cave, his own scent would go undetected. Moving closer to the entrance, he spotted two naked males on their knees next to a human woman—the woman was pregnant and going into labor. The males were dragon shifters that must have just finished shifting. The scent of blood grew stronger. Drake strained to listen to the conversation.

  “Come on, female, our king needs his heir. Do not lose another one.”

  “I can’t. I just can’t...it hurts too much!” the woman cried out.

  “Push now or I’ll cut that babe out of you!” the second warrior yelled. He then slapped the female on the face.

  The two warriors started to argue with each other. “You are going to kill that female before the babe is birthed! Our king will kill you if you do that.”

  “Oh God!” the woman screamed as she arched almost inhumanly.

  Drake wanted nothing more than to rush in and kill the males, but he worried his presence would cause injury to the female and her child. He waited until a small form appeared between the woman’s legs. He held his breath wondering if the child lived.

  A loud cry broke out as the child screamed its arrival. The two males looked at the baby and smiled. “It’s done! We have breeded successfully! Take the babe to Dyson. He has a nurse waiting.”

  The short-haired male placed the baby in a basket then carried it toward the opening of the cave. Drake moved back. He didn’t know whether to attack the male and take the baby or stay with the female. The baby would not be harmed, he had time to get the female to safety then go after the child.

  The short-haired male shifted into dragon form and held the basket in his claw. He jumped off the perch and flew eastward. Drake focused his attention on the remaining male in the cave.

  “I want my baby. Please, bring her back,” the woman cried out. Drake slid onto the perch soundlessly, the warrior’s back to him. Noticing a weapon in the man’s hand, his body tensed.

  “It’s a boy, bitch, and you’re no longer useful. Three unsuccessful births, this had been your last chance. You should feel a sense of satisfaction that you have helped to keep our race alive. Now, I will send you to see your god.”

  Drake tackled the male just as he raised a sword. He took the male down and they slid to the other side of the cave. The weapon fell a few feet away. They fought, punched, and kicked, but Drake was the second-in-command of his clan for a reason. No one bested him at fighting.

  Circling, keeping his enemy in his sights, he thought to get some answers. “You are a dead man for following Dyson.”

  “That’s King Dyson! He will reward me greatly for not only providing him an offspring but taking out one of his long-time enemies.”

  Drake laughed. “You will not leave this cave alive and I will make sure Dyson does not get his hands on any babe.”

  “Too late. Ferdik will be out of this area in minutes and be halfway to our hideout.”

  Drake’s eyebrow rose. So their hideout must be closeby and he noted the direction the dragon had flown. He had to contact Reichardt, or better yet, he would reach out to the Asian dragon queen. Help would come much sooner if he called her.

  First, he needed to deal with this male and take care of the female. When the other male lunged at him with a partially shifted hand of claws, he moved to grab the sword. Swinging at the male, he cut off the hand. Then he swung again cutting off the head. The rest of the body fell to the cave floor. He hurried to the human female who wasn’t moving but still breathed.

  Kneeling, he looked into her dull eyes. “I will take you to the hospital.”

  “No...I’m not going to make it. Save my baby. He’s innocent, please.”

  “You need help.”

  She surprised him by reaching for his hand. “Promise to take care of my son and let him know that...I love him even if I didn’t get to hold him but for a minute.”

  “What is your name?”

  She whispered, “Danni.”

  “I am Drake. I will find him. I swear it.”

  He watched with sadness as the woman’s life faded away. Drake had to leave, had to go after the dragon before the baby reached Dyson.

  At the opening of the cave, he shifted into dragon form. Then he blew fire into the tunnel, incinerating everything inside. He couldn’t leave evidence for humans to find. Turning, he launched into the air and followed the eastern path. He had to find the child.

  Chapter 8

  Emily reached over to find the space next to her on the bed empty. Of course, it was. She had known it could only be for one night, but still, she had hoped they would have breakfast, make love again and exchange phone numbers and...last names.

  Ugh! She felt stupid or maybe a little like a slut. No, she was neither, just a woman who got caught up in a night of hot sex with a man she found irresistible. At least, she knew where Drake lived—Dragoon, Arizona. Her interest had been piqued by the man and after being in his arms for one night, she had grown addicted to his touch, his kisses.

  “I can’t believe he would just...leave me like that. No note or nothing.”

  Damn him. If he had been bad in bed, she would just shower the scent of him off of her body and forget about him. Drake had been a fabulous lover. She worried that he found her own skills lacking. She got to experience the morning wake of shame without his presence.

  No, he seemed really into her. She remembered him growling something about her being his. Maybe that had been part of what made their love making so intense and hot. She wanted to be his, to belong to someone. Yet, he left her.

  Just like her father, he didn’t care enough to stay around. Would she find a person who put her first and wanted to be with her? Or was she destined to always be alone, always have those she cared about leave?

  Enough, Emily! No more feeling sorry for yourself. You had the adventure you wanted and now you can go home and settle for a nice boring life. She got out of bed and began to pack her bags. She wouldn’t stay in Vigan City the whole weekend. She would leave tonight if she found transportation.


  Drake had always been a much stronger warrior, a stronger dragon, and extremely determined. He caught up with the other dragon and attacked making sure he didn’t blaze his fire on the basket carrying the baby.

  The enemy dragon tried to outfly him, but Drake would not be bested. He surpassed the other dragon blocking his path. The dragon tried to claw him with his free paw, but Drake easily dodged the first time, but the other dragon clipped Drake’s shoulder. Drake dropped lower and clawed the other dragon down the soft underside—a deep gash.

  The other dragon screamed
in pain. His grip on the basket loosened and the small bundle fell toward the ocean. Drake didn’t hesitate. He let his enemy escape while he dove to snatch the basket. He feared injuries to the child and flew to shore.

  When he reached land, he placed the basket on the sand and opened the lid with trembling hands. A cry ripped the air as the little baby with big brown eyes looked up at him. He looked so small, so vulnerable.

  “Easy, little one. You are safe now.”

  He touched the baby’s cheek with his large finger. His dragon sensed the dragonlet inside and whispered, mine...ours. His dragon wanted them to claim the child as their son. Instinct drove the species to protect and provide for their offspring. He didn’t understand why he felt so strongly about the child. His king’s own child didn’t make him feel like this when he held the babe.

  A wave of dizziness hit him. Reaching a hand up to his shoulder, he touched wetness from his own blood. He couldn’t pass out and leave the child alone unprotected. This child was special to him and his people. He had to get the babe to safety. Drawing up his strength, he closed the lid to the basket and headed to his clothes. Quickly dressing, he pulled out the cell phone from his pocket and called Reichardt.

  “Drake? What’s going on?”

  “Found Dyson’s men, two of them. I believe Dyson has managed to impregnate a female and I came just as she gave birth. I killed one of the males but the other got away. I have the child...he’s a dragonlet.”

  “Oh my God. They did it. They managed to breed. Can you fly back home?”

  “No, I’m too injured. It’s not safe to fly with the baby. They will come for him.”

  “Stay there then. I will contact the queen and have her send people to aid you. Do you have a safe place to go?”

  He thought of one place he wanted to be. “Yes.”

  “Go there and stay until help arrives.”

  “Yes, My King.”

  There was only one person he trusted to help them stay safe. And if he didn’t bleed out completely by the time he got there, he hoped she wouldn’t slam the door in his face.

  Chapter 9

  A loud knock startled Emily as she came out the bathroom after a shower. She wasn’t able to get transport until tomorrow. So she ordered room service and took a hot shower. The food came sooner than she expected.

  With a robe on, she opened the door to see the last person she expected—Drake. He leaned against the door frame holding a basket in his arms. She wasn’t letting him break her heart, and more time with him would ensure that.

  “Drake, what are you doing here?”

  “Need...your...help,” he said with effort.

  At that moment, she realized he was sweating profusely, the area of his shirt by his shoulder looked wet and his breathing came in short rapid spurts. When his hands began to shake, he thrust the basket at her. Then he stumbled inside her room and fell to the floor.

  A crying sound came from inside the basket. “What the hell?”

  She placed the basket on the floor and opened the lid. Inside was a baby, had to be newborn it looked so tiny. It only had a thin blanket wrapped around him and he shivered uncontrollably. The blanket looked wet. She unwrapped him and noticed the baby didn’t have a diaper.

  “Easy little one. Let me check on Drake first.”

  She left the basket lid open and crawled over to Drake. She pushed his side until he rolled onto his back. In the process, she touched the wet spot on his shoulder and frowned looking at her fingertips stained red. Is that...blood? She worked to get his shirt off and saw three gashes about four inches long, bleeding.

  “Drake? Honey, can you hear me?”

  He opened his eyes and smiled up at her. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Focus, Drake. What happened to you?”

  Drake winced, trying to sit up. She pushed him down but then thought twice. He may need to sit up for the wound to stop bleeding. She helped him lean against the wall. She didn’t have a first aid kit, so she grabbed another robe from the bathroom and wrapped it around his shoulder and chest, tying it tightly to staunch the flow.

  The baby began to cry again. She pulled the basket to her and lifted the baby out. Emily pulled the blanket off the baby, tossing it to the floor.

  “You poor thing.”

  Holding him to her chest, she felt scared for him and Drake. The baby sensed her unease and cried and wiggled. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. “It’s going to be okay, you’re safe.”

  Looking at Drake his eyes open but unfocused. He could barely stay awake. “What happened, Drake?”

  “You won’t believe me.”

  “Try me.”

  “I am searching for criminals wanted by my people. I discovered two men in a cave holding a human pregnant woman hostage. One took her baby and tried to flee while the other stayed behind to kill the female. I stopped the male but had been too late to save the female. She asked me to find her baby. I caught up to the other male and fought him. He fled, but I managed to retrieve the baby.”

  “Oh God. Is that how you got injured?”

  Holding the baby with one hand she reached over to touch Drake’s cheek. His skin felt really hot.


  “Drake, you need to go to the hospital and we need to call the law enforcement.”

  “Don’t! Don’t call anyone. My people are on their way to help. I just need somewhere safe to stay until they get here.”

  “The baby needs to be checked over too.”

  “The male that got away, he will be looking for the baby. Can’t let him get his hands on the child. Promise me...”

  “Look, I won’t call the authorities, but I need to get supplies for the baby. He needs diapers and formula. Babies have to feed every few hours.”

  “Leave the baby here with me and you go get the supplies.”

  She looked down at the baby she held in her arms. He had settled down and was sleeping but that wouldn’t last long. He would be hungry.

  She laid a pillow inside the basket and placed the sleeping baby there. Then she covered the baby with the pillowcase. She placed the basket next to Drake and stood. Tossing her robe to the floor, she opened her suitcase and pulled out jeans and a T-shirt. She slipped on her sandals and reached for her purse.

  When she turned back, she found Drake’s eyes on her. He had watched her change. That made heat rise to her cheeks. “There’s a grocery store around the corner. I’ll get something for your fever, bandages, and things for the baby.”

  Drake moved so that he kept his hand on the side of the basket. “Thank you for helping me.”

  “I know there’s more to the story that you’re not telling me. I don’t understand why you won’t tell me, but I deserve the whole truth.”

  “You do deserve the truth. Emily, last night was…”

  “Don’t worry about that now. Getting you and the baby help is the most important thing. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  She quickly left the hotel room, locking it behind her. Her heart raced, and she found herself looking around at the people, wondering if any of them had been responsible for Drake’s injury and the death of the baby’s mother.

  Her heart hurt for the child. If he had no health problems, then he would likely be adopted. She at least got to have her mother raising her most of her childhood. Emily remembered her and her mom baking cookies every Christmas and placing several on a plate for Santa. They even packaged cookies to ship to her father.

  She ducked into the store and quickly grabbed everything she thought that Drake and the baby might need. Even getting baby toys and stuffed animals. Shopping was her outlet whenever she felt like she had lost control of a situation. Purchases in hand, she practically ran back to the hotel.

  Chapter 10

  Drake dozed a few times, and each time he woke, he was infuriated. A warrior of his reputation didn’t enjoy feeling helpless and weak. The sound of the door unlocking had him sitting up and moving the basket to his other s
ide, away from the door. He breathed a sigh of relief at seeing Emily enter.

  She carried three large bags with her. What all did she buy? “I’m glad you’re back. The baby cried. I think he’s hungry.”

  She placed the bags on the bed and pulled out a box of diapers, cans of formula, and baby bottles. “I’ll have a bottle ready in a few minutes. I don’t have a microwave, but I can heat the milk in the sink with hot water.”

  When Emily looked at him, she frowned. “We need to clean your wounds. I have antibiotic cream and bandages and over-the-counter pain medicine.”

  “Take care of the babe first. I can wait.”

  Opening the box of diapers for newborns, she pulled out one, and handed it to Drake. “Put his diaper on while I get his bottle ready.”

  “I...have never done this before.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at his helpless expression. “You’ll figure it out.”

  Emily left him to take care of the baby while she went into the bathroom. She opened the formula and poured the can into several bottles. She did have a small refrigerator so she would store the other bottles there while she heated this one. Plugging the sink, she turned on the hot water. It took a few minutes but finally she tested the milk on her wrist. It seemed warm enough. Her only experiences with babies were babysitting her friends’ children before she had left for her teaching abroad.

  Coming into the other room she smiled, watching Drake hold the tiny infant against his good shoulder trying to quiet his crying. “I can take him now.”

  She reached down, and he carefully placed the infant in her arms. Emily carried the baby to the bed. She purchased a few baby clothes but decided to swaddle him in one of the small blankets. She sat on the bed and took the baby into her arms and put the bottle nipple to the baby’s mouth.


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