New Reality 2: Justice

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New Reality 2: Justice Page 20

by Michael Robertson

  Despite the desire to walk up there and drag her down by her peroxide hair, Marie continued to face the front. Kitty could reveal her connection to Frankie in a second. She obviously hadn't realised it was Marie sitting down there, and there was no way she was going to bring it to her attention.

  By the time the judge returned his focus to Frankie, Frankie had dropped his head and was staring at the floor.

  "The maximum sentence for this kind of crime is fifteen years. You deserve more. The fact that you were a teacher and abused that power to get at the kids is sickening beyond measure. New Reality is too good for you; you deserve to be locked up in a hole and left to rot."

  Every insult dealt Marie a physical blow. Even the baby was twitching more than usual. How much stress could the poor thing handle before it entered the world?

  "Frankie Jackson, it is with deep regret to say I'm only sentencing you to fifteen years in the New Reality program. All I can hope is that it's the worst experience of your miserable and pathetic life."

  Some of the members in the crowd whooped and hollered; Kitty's voice sounded out louder than most.

  Sweat soaked Marie's neck and she tugged on her collar as she watched Frankie stare at his lap and not respond.

  The judge then addressed the courtroom. "Thank you for coming today; your attendance and interest is always appreciated."

  While the judge was still talking, two police officers grabbed Frankie and led him away. He went without resistance.

  As Marie watched him walk out of the dock and down some stairs, she too stood up. When Doug looked at her, she said, "I feel sick. I'm going to get some fresh air."

  The comment seemed to mean very little to Doug, who nodded and turned back to his lawyer, shaking his hand as the two of them beamed smiles at one another.

  As Marie walked out of the courtroom, her legs were bandy and her head spun.

  The huge swing doors that exited the room gave in to her weight when she fell against them. All she wanted to do was run. Run until her legs couldn't carry her any farther.

  Chapter Forty

  When Marie wiped her eyes, she saw the red-faced Jezza Kuntz. The living room speakers struggled to handle his shrill screeching hysteria, and his large sweating head dominated the screen. Another wave of tears returned the nasty man to a backlit blur. All she'd done was cry. When did she become so weak?

  Unable to make sense of the words coming at her, Marie rocked where she sat. Frankie was gone! Fifteen years! What would be left of him in fifteen years? What would be left of them?


  It came from the front door. They were coming for her already. They'd found out about the baby. What was she supposed to do?

  The door shook with the next two thumps.

  Bang! Bang!

  Although Marie wiped her eyes again, it did nothing to stem the flow of tears. Her voice wavered as she got to her feet and called out, "Coming."

  As she walked down the hall, Marie paused to look out of an open window at the street below. Would she survive the jump? How long would it take them to realise she'd run off before they chased after her? No, it was a ridiculous thought. Where would she go anyway?


  "All right, I said I'm coming; keep your hair on, will ya?"

  The flat was a mess and Marie didn't have her corset on. Not that it mattered anymore; they already knew she was pregnant. They already knew everything about her. How could they not?

  A press of her finger to the scanner and the light turned green, the door popping open in response. When she pulled it wide, she started to shake. She had to fight to get the one word out of her tight throat. "Gina?"

  The petite blonde woman stood in the hallway scratching her head. "Um, I'm sorry to come to your home, but I needed to see how you are. I've been knocking for the last ten minutes."

  Marie couldn't reply, her chin shaking as she stared at the only person—other than Frankie—she'd be pleased to see. She stood aside and let her in.

  Once in the flat, Gina gripped her in a tight hug, and Marie sobbed harder than ever.

  As Marie stepped back, she sniffed again, the scent of flowers stimulating her olfactory senses. "How do you always manage to smell so good?"

  With a gentle shrug of her shoulders, Gina half-smiled at her.

  "Wait a minute," Marie said, "how did you know where I live?"

  "I followed you home one night."

  A cold chill gripped her. "You what?"

  "I know it sounds weird, but I've been really worried about you. I wanted to know where you lived in case I ever needed to come over."

  That did sound weird. Who did that? Marie studied Gina's face. Was she telling the truth? If there was deceit hiding behind her green eyes, Marie couldn't see it. But she hadn't known this woman long. Could she trust her? She then relaxed her tense frame. What did it matter anymore? She had to trust somebody. There was no way she could get through this on her own. "Well, I'm pleased you did."

  "You don't sound it."

  The assertive nod was as much for her own benefit as Gina's. "I am." She then walked into the kitchen and Gina followed.

  "Ah, a guest at last."

  After watching Gina scan the room, Marie pointed at the coffee machine. "He said it."

  "Can I make you a drink? Coffee perhaps?"

  Gina smiled. "That would be lovely…"


  Marie stared at the machine. "Jules? I didn't know you were called Jules."

  "That's because you never cared to ask."

  Gina raised her eyebrows at Marie, the same half smile on her lips.

  "And while I'm airing my grievances—"

  "Which I didn't give you permission to do."

  "…you never drink coffee. I like this new guest, she can come more often."

  Gina turned to the machine. "I'll have it black with no sugar please."

  "Not only does she drink coffee, but she knows how to drink it too. None of this rubbish with cow's milk, or whatever other alternative junk you destroy the pure bean with." Jules lowered his tone as if he were only speaking to Gina. "Marie drinks herbal tea, don't you know?"

  One day she was going to launch the stupid thing from the kitchen window. Now that Frankie was gone, she had no reason to keep it anyway.

  Suddenly Marie felt weak and supported herself by resting both hands on the kitchen worktop. She drew staccato breaths into her quivering body. Why did Frankie kidnap Doug's kid? What was he thinking?

  It was like watching a dancer walk towards her when Gina crossed the room and put her hand on Marie's shoulder. Her touch was warm—Frankie warm. "Go and sit down, love, I'll be through in a minute."


  When Gina dropped down next to Marie on the sofa, she stared at the television. "Why are you watching this cancer of a man? He's hideous."

  "You sound like Frankie. He can't stand him either."

  "I'm not surprised."

  "Having something on is easier than the silence, I suppose. It's either this or those home shopping networks. I'm not sure I can handle buxom women and power tools right about now."

  After sliding closer to her, Gina put a hand on Marie's knee. "So what happened today?"

  Marie looked up at her. "You knew the kidnapper was my Frankie, didn't you?"

  "I did."


  "I had a gut feeling about it when I saw the reports. Then I saw the state of you yesterday. So what hap—"

  Hank Manifesto's face cut through their conversation with the cheesy backing music of a news report. Why did they have to watch the overexcited arsehole all the time?

  "Coming live from the Nirvana courtrooms, this is Hank Manifesto for Nirvana TV."

  When Doug's lawyer appeared on the screen, Marie pointed at him. "Well, I suppose this'll save me explaining it to you."

  With a grin that made him look like the imbecile he was, Hank thrust his microphone at Doug's lawyer. "So, what was the verdict on the kidnapping case toda

  Confidence sat on the lawyer's smug face, his left eyebrow rose ever so slightly higher than the right. "We got him. The judge gave him the maximum sentence."

  The news vulture leaned forwards. "Which is?"

  "Fifteen years."

  "Fifteen years!"

  Aware of Gina watching her, Marie kept her focus on the television.

  The lawyer continued. "The judge would have given him more if he could, owing to the fact that he was a teacher and all. Which sparks the more important debate… should we allow estate rats into our society? Is this a warning for the more liberal minded citizens of Nirvana that we need to adopt a tougher stance?"

  Hank lost focus on the lawyer as he pressed his finger into his ear. Someone was obviously talking to him. Once he was done, he patted Doug's lawyer on the shoulder. "We must have that debate another time." As Hank moved off, he dragged the camera with him. "This just in, folks, the man who was sentenced today was called Frankie Jackson, and his house has just been raided. The police found terrorist propaganda. It seems that this man was in deep."

  The action of Gina sitting upright and looking around made her resemble a meerkat. "It doesn't look like it's been raided. What lying arseholes."

  What could Marie say to that? It was hardly news that the regular bulletins were full of hate and deceit. That was how the media worked.

  Gina then wrung her hands. "It's a stupid question, but what was it like in the courtroom today?"

  Robbed of her words by another rush of exhausting sadness, Marie leaned forwards and dropped her head. Where would she find the energy to keep on going?

  Once the worst of her tiredness had passed, she sat up straight again and turned to her friend. "It was hell. The worst experience of my life." Although her face twisted, she fought back the tears. "He looked at me like he didn't even recognise me."

  "Of course."


  Gina's back was as straight as a board as she sat on the sofa. "What else could he do? If he'd shown any sign of knowing you, that would have landed you and the baby in the shit big time. Why would he take you guys down with him?"

  Of course, Gina was right, but that didn't make it hurt any less. "I feel like I'm unravelling, Gina. What's going to happen to me? I'll be homeless when they realise I can't pay the bills. I'll lose my job. There's no way Doug will employ me after this. The baby and I will starve."

  When Gina rubbed Marie's back, it released more hot tears. "A lot of things have to happen for you to get to that point. I'm here for you. I'm going to make sure everything will be okay for you and the baby."

  Marie nodded and hunched forwards again, sobbing as Gina continued rubbing her back.

  Gina spoke kind words to her. "There, there, darling; there, there."

  Chapter Forty-One

  It was only yesterday that Frankie had been sentenced, yet it felt like she'd been without him forever. What the hell was she going to do? As Marie sat at her desk and stared at the screen, her eyes burned like they'd been doused in chlorine. Repeated blinking did nothing to stop the dry itch surrounding them. If she could have pulled them from her skull at that moment, she would have.

  The same projection had been playing on her screen all morning. The man in it had a small baby in his arms as he walked around a lavish house. He cooed and shushed at the groggy infant while rocking it gently.

  The perfect little child was dressed in pink and its little eyelids were growing heavy in the comfort of her dad's strong embrace.

  The woman in the background was difficult to see. Good job, really. It wouldn't take Doug long to recognise it as Marie when he next breathed down her neck with his snorting rasp. If he made the connection… well, it didn't bear thinking about.

  Everything in front of her was perfect: the house, the peace surrounding the young family, the life of plenty. She could have been watching her own dreams on the screen. Surely, this was evidence that Frankie was her soul mate.

  She'd worn her corset looser than any previous day and she even went as far as to rest her hand on her stomach. Fuck it. Who cared if someone noticed? The baby kicked back. Was it a girl? How would she fare without the guidance of her wonderful dad?

  The beginnings of tears set her eyeballs on fire. Again! Always fucking crying!

  The smell of Gina's flowery perfume hit Marie before Gina's delicate arm leaned over her shoulder and swiped the image of Frankie from her screen.

  When it was replaced with a bloodbath, she flicked it along again. This time, it was a man having sex. Without a word, Gina returned to her seat.

  The smell of fried food snapped Marie's body tight. How had Gina known Doug was coming? Marie turned to face him.

  "Marie, you have the screen with the rat that fucked my kid over. Bring it up now, please."

  When Doug leant into the back of Marie's chair, it shoved her forwards. If it weren’t for her bracing against her desk with one hand, her stomach would have been crushed.

  She brought the image of Frankie and the little girl up on the screen. Thank god she was still absent from the footage.

  Doug jabbed a sausage finger at the projection before pulling away and addressing the rest of the room. "You're all tied into the secrecy contract, so I'm going to tell you what's going to happen to this man."

  In the silence, Marie's stomach turned backflips.

  "I'm going to fuck him up. I'm going to ruin his fucking life and take him to hell and back for the next fifteen years. I'm going to make sure the developers force him to endure the worst kind of torture. Then I'm going to leave him alive so, in fifteen years' time, when he returns to a world he doesn't recognise, his mind will be so scrambled he won't even be able to tie his own shoelaces."

  While Doug had been talking, Marie had picked up a pen. As she held it in a tight grip, she stared at his fat neck. One swift jab and jerk would tear the bloated bastard's gullet wide open. With a grip so hard her hand shook, she looked over at Gina who gave the gentlest shake of her head.

  It was only when Doug moved away from her that Marie released the pen. Marie then turned back to her screen and listened to the automatic door open and close again before she sagged in her seat.

  What was she going to do? How could she get Frankie out of this?


  The base of Marie's back was in agony and no amount of rocking from side to side relieved the pain. Tendrils of numbness ran down each thigh. The clock on her console told her she should have gone to lunch hours ago, but she couldn't leave the screen unattended. It would have done her good to stand up and go for a walk, but what if Doug came into the control room and happened to check on Frankie when she was visible on screen? Her boobs and arse were bigger in Frankie's version, but it was still clearly her. There was nothing else she could do—she had to stay and guard the monitor.

  With her stomach churning like it was consuming itself, Marie rubbed her bump. We'll eat soon, baby, I promise. It wasn't the first promise of food that afternoon.

  On the screen, Frankie was sitting on the carpet and playing with the baby. Then he looked up, confusion creasing his face as he peered down the hallway.

  Marie turned the volume up to hear a banging noise as someone hammered on the front door. With her heart rate quickening, she watched as Frankie stood up and walked down the hall in response to the sound.

  He left the baby on the floor. What was he doing? Why didn't he take her with him?

  With the welfare of their child completely disregarded, Frankie picked up an umbrella. He must have known something was amiss. Bang! Bang!

  As he crept along, Frankie raised his makeshift weapon. "Who's there? What do you want? Go aw—"

  Before he could finish, splinters of wood exploded into the house as the door flew inwards. Six masked men piled in with it. The man at the front drove his fist into Frankie's nose. After a moist crunch, Frankie hit the floor hard and the umbrella slid away from him.

  Marie shook in her seat. It's not real. No matter w
hat happens, it's not real. But Frankie didn't know that. The man she loved believed every second of it was real.

  Two other men rushed over to Frankie while he lay on the floor on his front. One of them removed a small ball from his pocket and wedged it into Frankie's mouth. He then grabbed Frankie's hair and pulled his head back while another man secured the ball by wrapping gaffer tape around his face.

  With wide eyes and a red face, Frankie screamed; his cries were muffled and blood bubbled from his nose.

  The men bound his wrists and ankles. The man who'd produced the ball kept a tight grip on Frankie's hair and then dragged him along the polished wooden floor. At least it wasn't carpet.

  Frankie was writhing and screaming as he was taken to the front room. Once there, the man let go of Frankie and he fell limp.

  Seconds later, Marie was dragged into the shot.

  The man who had punched Frankie sat on his back while the other five men proceeded to strip Marie naked, tearing the clothes from her slim body. When she was left with just her socks on, one of the men restrained her while the other four loosened their belts and dropped their trousers.

  With every orifice tightening, Marie's toes curled, and she watched the events unfold.


  Once the men had finished, Marie's face was soaked with tears and she felt numb. Exhausted as if she'd lived every second of the brutal rape, she stared at the image of her naked form curled in the corner in a pool of bodily fluids. They'd even urinated on her afterwards.

  Snot sprayed from Frankie's nose and he continued to try and buck the man from his back. As exhaustion clearly took a hold of him, his efforts diminished.

  When the trouser-less men went over to the baby, Marie covered her mouth. She quickly checked around. No one else in the room had seen what was happening.

  One of the men wore a dirty sneer on his face when he picked the baby up by its leg. He lifted it up high before releasing his grip.


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