The Ex Killer Series

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The Ex Killer Series Page 12

by Bridget Bundy

  He asked, “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “Uh, I’m okay.” I answered. I felt really cheated, but I didn’t show it. I smiled like it was wonderful, and honestly, the foreplay was wonderful. The beginning of his penetration was exciting, but the rest was simply painful. I won’t have sex on the floor again, that’s for sure.

  “Did it feel good?”

  I lied, “It felt great.”

  “Here let me help you up.”

  I pulled up my panties and halter top, and I pulled down my skirt from my waist, and he helped me up. He stood in front of me naked, and I stared at him from head to toe. I could tell he wasn’t ashamed of his body, and he grinned when he noticed I was looking at him.

  He said, “I’ll be back. Are you sure you alright?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “There is a bathroom in the hallway just past that door. You can use it if you want.”


  He picked up his clothes, still butt naked, and he walked out. He knew I was watching his ass, and I laughed a little.

  When he was out of the room, I walked out the other door, and the bathroom was right where he said it was. There was a face rag, towel, and soap. I cleaned myself up quickly. I didn’t want to be in that bathroom too long, not knowing exactly where Alex was. After I was done, I went back into the room with the piano and waited for him.

  Thirty minutes must have passed before I saw him again. I managed to pick at the piano a little, walk around the room several times, looked under the sheets to see what the furniture looked like. Alex finally came in, and he was wearing nice jeans and a striped blue and white shirt.

  “You look handsome.” I complimented.

  He lifted his arms with a smile and said, “Hey, I do my best.”

  “Do you want to go out and eat?” I asked hoping for the Mexican restaurant again.

  “Actually, I’m supposed to meet my family for dinner tonight.”

  “Oh, okay.” I was disappointed. I wanted to be with him. We shared an intimate moment, and I wasn’t ready to leave.

  “Tomorrow we’ll go someplace to eat if you want. We can go to Montgomery again.”

  “I guess I’ll call you before I leave work.” I stated.

  “That’s cool.” He stepped towards me and he lifted my face for a kiss. It wasn’t intense like before, but sweet and tender. He said, “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  He followed me, opened the door, and gave me a kiss before I got in. That whole little thing reminded me of when I saw Jason with his girlfriend in town. Alex was so much better than him at being a gentleman. I had no reason to be jealous over Jason now. I had a man, and Alex was ten times better, a hundred times better. I didn’t want to leave, but I knew I couldn’t just sit in his driveway. Damn it, why did it have to go so fast! I drove off really slow, every once and a while stealing a look in the rearview mirror. He was standing in the yard until I was out of his view.

  The parking lot was full of cars, but there weren’t a whole lot of people around. I parked in front of my apartment, and I went inside only to find the house quiet and dark. Pritchard’s car was parked outside. So, they both were home. I couldn’t believe they were in bed so soon. It was only around 7 p.m., and usually Andrea would be drinking here or at Miss Madison’s house.

  Before going to bed, I took a hot shower. I could smell his cologne all over my clothes and I could feel his skin next to mine. I was hoping the next time we got together the moment would last longer and in a bed, and I would get something from it.

  I had this overwhelming feeling of happiness and elation. I felt like I had found the guy that would make all the difference in my life. I loved Alex. I loved how he looked and talked with a slight country draw. I liked looking at his naked body. His blue eyes and blonde hair were amazing. He was everything I never knew I wanted, and it was addictive and crazy and wonderful all at the same time. I have never felt like that before! Ever! I couldn’t sleep because my head was swimming. I could hear him breathing in my ear. I still felt him inside of me. I had to get Alex out of my mind. I had to go to sleep. There was nothing else to do but sleep.

  WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2009


  Andrea and Pritchard were in the kitchen. I was kind of surprised to see Andrea in her scrubs. She was going to work again, a second day in a row. I was amazed. For some reason, Andrea had her forehead resting in her right hand, and she was sobbing. Her breakfast set in front of her untouched. Pritchard sat beside her, trying to console her. Andrea looked really upset. I was about to ask what was going on, but someone started knocking at the front door. Pritchard instantly stood up and rushed out of the kitchen. Patrick, his brother, was standing on the porch, and Pritchard stepped outside to talk to him.

  I sat down beside Andrea looking at her plate of food. I was starving. I was always starving. I took the plate from her and began eating, which could have led to a straight brawl, but I was willing to fight for food considering how hungry I was. Instead of her getting upset, she asked me through her sobbing, “How long have you known?”

  I had no idea what she was talking. “How long have I known what?”

  “About Olivia?”

  I wondered how she found out. I answered, “I haven’t known long.”

  “You are a damn lie, Angela!”

  “I found out the day she left, and that was the day she graduated.”

  “You called that bastard, didn’t you? It was your idea for her to leave!”

  I continued eating and shook my head denying her accusations. “I had nothing to do with it.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  I said with a mouth full, “I have no reason to lie to you.”

  “I begged her to come back home. I told her that man was no good. He was a child molester! She has no idea what he’s capable of.”

  She was crazy! “Andrea, you didn’t tell her that. Are you serious?”

  “Yea, I said it! It’s the truth!”

  “That man is not a child molester.” How did she come up with that lie?

  “I have to get her to come back home. I can go see a lawyer. I’ll talk to Dr. Jameson, and she can get her lawyer to help me.”

  I looked at her strangely and asked, “What is a lawyer going to do?”

  “I’ll take him to court. I’ll get custody of her. Then he’ll have no choice but to bring her back.”

  “Andrea, do you know how crazy that sound? Olivia is 18 years old. She’s grown.”

  “I don’t care. He should have come to me first! He had no right taking her away from me.”

  I gave up the argument at that point and said, “Okay.”

  She began sobbing more, and all of a sudden she stopped and called out, “Pritchard! PRITCHARD!” I jumped when she called for him the second time. She had to be sober because she never acted like this while she was drunk.

  I wanted to finish my breakfast and get out of the apartment quick. Andrea was losing her mind. I don’t understand why she upset about Olivia being gone. She really didn’t do anything to help her anyway. Andrea should have known that as soon as Olivia could get away, she would. I wasn’t too happy about her leaving either, but I wasn’t acting stupid about it. Well, at least in my own opinion, I wasn’t.

  Andrea went to the front door looking for him, and she screamed out the door. I was so embarrassed. She came back in the kitchen, pulled a liquor bottle out of the cabinet and began drinking directly from it. It was really time for me to go. She was getting drunk, and I didn’t want to be around.

  Before I left the apartment, I took Andrea’s car keys. She kept talking about Olivia, a lawyer, and custody hearings. I knew she wasn’t going to work. She planned on drinking and fussing all day long. Andrea never went to work when she was upset or feeling bad. I knew today wasn’t going to be an exception.

  Pritchard wasn’t outside when I drove off. His car was still parked in front of the apartment, but he wasn’t anywhere t
o be found. I hoped he was taking care of the rent so James Booker wouldn’t come back again. I did not want to be homeless. I was so afraid of living without a roof over my head.

  Before I got out of the parking lot, Andrea’s car was acting like it was about to cut off. I didn’t like the sputtering and knocking that was going on. Just get me to work. That’s all I needed was to get to work, but it wasn’t going to happen. Half a mile down, the car cut off in the middle of the road. As I tried to get the car started again, someone pulled up behind me, but eventually went around looking annoyed. I don’t know why he was so aggravated. I was the one that was broke down. I kept trying to crank it, but it wasn’t turning over, and no one was stopping. And then to top it all off, I didn’t have a cell phone to call for a rescue. I got out of the car to lift the hood to see if anything looked wrong. I couldn’t tell one part from another. It all looked oily and dirty to me. I closed the hood thinking it was pointless to be looking at an engine, seeing how I don’t understand what I was looking at in the first place.

  Now I had to make a decision. It was obvious no one was going to help me. I had to walk back home. It was closer and hopefully Pritchard was around to handle the car problem and maybe even get me to work. Great, now I had to be nice to him and ask a favor.

  I started walking back to the apartment, every once and a while looking back at the dead car that sat in the middle of the road. I forgot to put the flashers on. Oh well, maybe a semi would come along and demolish it.

  It was just my luck the one person I did not want to see would come driving up. Jason never fails to show up at the wrong time. Inside the car with Jason was his girlfriend. I should have just ducked off in the woods when I saw him coming, but I didn’t react fast enough. His car pulled up right in front of me. I tried to fan away the light, choking dry dust, but I think I was making it worse.

  Jason was sitting in the passenger seat. I was kind of surprised by that. He never let anyone drive his car, but I guess that girl was special. He leaned out the window when I was passing by and asked, “Is that your car back there?”

  He knew my sister’s car. Why was he talking to me anyway?

  “You need to move that piece of junk off the road.”

  I never stopped walking, and I wasn’t going to say a word to him.

  He stepped out of the car and asked as he began following me, “You want a ride home?” I turned to face him because I was afraid that he was going to hit me again.

  I wasn’t riding nowhere with those two, and I wasn’t going to play his games. I didn’t want Jason to get any closer, and I began to walk a little faster.

  I heard him yelling at his girlfriend as he got back in the car. I kept right on walking, almost at a jog. His girlfriend sped past me, almost braising my left side. They were trying to hit me! I cussed at them! I decided next time I saw that bitch; I would embarrass her, as long as she wasn’t around Jason. I may not ever get a chance, though. He’d protect her if I started a fight or an argument. Or maybe, I would do what Tanie said and get revenge on him. I hated Jason and now, I hated his girlfriend, whoever she was. I couldn’t even remember what her name was. It didn’t matter. I’ll just call her Piece of Shit.

  When I got back to the apartment, Jason and Piece of Shit was standing on the porch where his mother lived. She had her arms crossed, and he was talking to her. I tried to ignore them.

  Pritchard was tucking in his shirt getting ready for work when I walked in the door, and Andrea was sitting on the sofa holding that same liquor bottle on her lap. She was still sobbing.

  “There’s a problem with the car.” I announced.

  Andrea heard turned the bottle upside down. I don’t think she heard me.

  Pritchard asked, “What’s wrong with it?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not a mechanic. The car is broken down in the middle of the road up the street.” I said.

  I figured Pritchard would handle the problem from that point on, and I knew exactly who to call to take me to work. I went to the kitchen and called my man Alex. His cell phone immediately went to the answering service. I tried again and still the same result. I was really hoping he would take me to work.

  I needed another way. The walk wasn’t awful bad, but I still wouldn’t make it on time. At least, with a ride I had a fighting chance. The only other person I could call was Stephanie. She answered the phone. Thank goodness. She agreed to take me to work.

  When I was about to walk out the back door, Pritchard stopped me. He was whipping his forehead with a handkerchief. “Angela, I need for you to come with me.”


  “If I have to go get a part, I’ll need you to stay with the car.”

  “Pritchard, I don’t have time. Why can’t you just fix it yourself?”

  “Angela, I need your help.”

  “Get Andrea. It’s her car anyway.”

  “You were the one driving it, and you know, she isn’t any good right now. She’s already drunk.”

  “Oh well.” I walked out the back door without a second thought. And I wasn’t going to feel bad about it, either. Right now, my goal was to get to work on time to avoid closed door conversations with Sherrie about being tardy.

  Stephanie met me at her car. Coop was standing in the living room, looking out the window. His eyes were creepy dark. He scared me staring us down like that. Stephanie didn’t look in the direction of the window as she started the car and drove away. I was relieved he didn’t come outside.

  When we drove past Andrea’s car, Pritchard was there under the hood. He was handling Andrea’s car just fine from what I could tell. Stephanie asked if she should stop. I lied to her and told her that Pritchard wanted to handle it by himself. She thought that was strange, but shrugged her shoulders and kept going.

  I asked Stephanie to take the dirt road to town, the one that passed Alex’s house. She agreed and when she drove by, I stared at it trying to get a glimpse of Alex’s truck. I didn’t see it. I wondered if he was parked behind the house. It didn’t look like anyone was there. Stephanie had no idea what I was trying to do, and I’m glad she didn’t notice.

  I finally remembered to apologize to Stephanie for not being at home after I told her she could stay at my place. She wasn’t even concerned, and she waved me off. She was such a sweet person.

  Stephanie said once she pulled in front of the nursing home, “I have to tell you something, Angela.”

  I looked at her, trying to see if her expression was good or bad. I hoped everything was okay.

  “I’m leaving Colum.”

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “I’m joining the military full time.” Stephanie answered.

  “You’ll be leaving for good?”

  “Yea, I have to get out of here, Angela. I feel like I’m not going to make it if I stay. Cooper is getting worse.”

  “I’m glad you’re getting away from him, Stephanie, but I’m sad you’re leaving me.”

  “Oh, I’m sad, too, Angela.”

  “He looked real scary today when I saw him.”

  “He’s paranoid. He thinks someone is trying to kill him.”

  “You think that’s true?”

  “Like I said, Angela, he’s paranoid. Not too long ago, he thought there was a monkey in the refrigerator handing out coconuts.”

  I laughed, and she started laughing, too. It was sad actually, but it was hilarious at the same time. I could not stop laughing.

  “He’d crack the door open to peek in, and then slam it shut when he saw that monkey.” Stephanie was in tears from laughing so hard.

  When we finally settled down, she continued, “His delusions are getting worse, and I have to get out before he kills us both.”

  I thought about Olivia. She left to find a way to live better, and now Stephanie was about to do the same. Maybe, I should find a way out of this town, too.

  “When are you leaving?” I asked.

  “I’ll know by Friday. I’m hoping as soon
as possible.”

  “Well, don’t skip out of town before saying good-bye.”

  “You know I won’t leave without telling you guys.”

  “Stephanie, I better get going. I’m already late for work.”

  “Okay, call me if you want a ride home.”

  “Thanks. You take care of yourself.”

  I felt bad for Stephanie having to leave her home because of a drug addict boyfriend. I wonder why she didn’t go live with her mom and dad. They were still alive and living in Florida somewhere. Maybe, her family didn’t want her around, but I remember her folks. They are good people. Stephanie’s parents wouldn’t shut her out like that. So, I know my first thought was wrong. I’d have to ask her about her parents next time I see her.


  I changed into my work clothes after I clocked in. I was glad I wasn’t walking back to the apartment earlier in my custodial uniform. I’m sure Jason would have picked on me about that relentlessly. And then on top of that, his girlfriend was in the car. Lord have mercy, I really wouldn’t have heard the end of it.

  When I’m doing my job, I have a lot of time on my hands to think. No one usually bothers me. So, it is easy to dive into my thoughts. A lot of the women that worked in the custodian services at the nursing home were older women in their 50’s or 60’s. They were nice to me, but for the most part, we had nothing in common. So, I worked alone.


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