by Redrae Gunn
Charles mumbled something and Olivia’s throaty laugh rang through the still silent tent. “Honey, they aren’t judging you.” Olivia gave a fierce glance around the area. “They just haven’t seen a black women in a white evening gown before noon on a Saturday.”
Charles laughed and his tension dropped enough that he could eat the next bite of food that Olivia held up to his mouth.
“Thank you,” Charles said, his eyes meeting with Olivia’s. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Olivia said softly as she gave him a slice of kiwi.
Kira waited. The silence still hung in the tent.
“So how did you two meet?” one of the women at the table asked.
Then the room erupted into conversation. More and more people approached Olivia and Charles. More of the kinky crowd came into the room and were asked question after question. Soon some of the people from town had headed into the tent with music to dance and to see some of Kira’s more tame creations.
By the time that the sun was setting, it was hard to tell who was who except by the way that some were dressed and the bands on their wrists. Kira approached the tiny platform and tapped the microphone.
“Okay, so we have a little maze set up,” Kira said. “It’s not as fun as it sounds. There are several wrong turns where there are Dominants to administer punishments. So to the Doms, if you let your subs participate, or if you force them to participate”—Kira waited for the laughter to die down before she continued—”they could be decorated with jewelry or spanked. For the rest of us prairie folk”—Kira paused as the laughter erupted from the rest of the crowd—”couples are allowed into the maze and the Dominant at the dead ends will instruct you on how to apply the jewelry or how to administer the spankings. Nothing gets out of control. It’s all safe and consensual.”
“What if someone wants to stop?” Carmen yelled through the crowd.
“There will be people on top of the hay bale maze,” Kira spoke into the microphone. “If anyone needs to stop, feels claustrophobic, or can no longer continue just yell ‘red.’ That is what is known as the safe word and it means that everything will stop for that player.”
“Are there prizes?” Michelle yelled, nearly bouncing up and down.
“The only prize for you will be that you will get spanked by your husband.” Kira laughed and the rest of the crowd laughed, too.
“Is Mistress Olivia at a dead end?” a timid looking man from town managed to ask.
More laughter. Kira smiled. It seemed as if Olivia had been making quite the impression on the guests.
“I cannot say which Masters or Mistresses are in the maze,” Kira said.
“What if we aren’t with any one and we want to run the maze?” a girl from town called from the back.
“Then there will be available submissives or Dominants that will go with you,” Kira said. “Everyone who wants to play gets to play. Safely.”
Charles was already making his way to the front of the crowd.
“Give it to me, baby,” Charles said as he pushed his walker toward the maze.
Suddenly the tent was alive and full of laughter. People started lining up. Some held back but more and more people kept lining up to get into the maze. Kira smiled as the sounds of moans, squeaks, slaps, and groans came from the maze.
Charles emerged looking happy. Michelle came out looking at her husband like he was her own personal deity and he was looking at her like he couldn’t wait to get her home. Melissa came out looking equally pleased and her husband was following her like a lost puppy. Ms. Bonalla emerged with a gorgeous young man who kissed her hand and thanked her before returning to his male Master.
After the maze was finished, everyone was either in the main tent, the music tent, or the tame demonstration tent. A few of the Dominants and Dommes were giving more personal one-on-one instructions with people from town. Michelle’s husband was listening intently to a Domme that was teaching him about a spanking bench and the types of paddles. The soft spoken woman who had asked the question about being alone was now in a conversation with another older couple who had been in the lifestyle for years.
Kira was about to go over to tell the woman about the rules but Rock was already there helping to negotiate a scene. The older couple already knew and Rock gave Kira a thumbs-up that whatever scene played out would be okay with the girl as he approached her.
“Come, little flower,” Rock said softly as he took Kira’s hand. “You have to get a good night sleep because you have a wedding to go to tomorrow.”
Kira let Rock undress her and then waited while he undressed and crawled into bed. She crawled into the bed when he patted the mattress. She faced him and placed her hands on his shoulders.
Rock smiled as Kira’s breathing slowed and she threw a leg over his hips. He adjusted her in the bed so that she was laying directly on top of him. One of her hands fell from his shoulder and he grunted returning her little hand back to where it had been. He stroked her soft back until he fell asleep a few minutes later.
* * * *
Kira stood with Miles in the back of the Quonset. A quick peek inside and she saw that more people were inside than had been at the party the day before. The cages had been covered in dark blue cloth and several flowering cacti were on each one. Kira smiled. When she had set Carmen, Casey, and Charles loose to design her wedding they had done a wonderful job.
“I’m real proud of you, Kira,” Miles said and wiped his eyes. “I’m honored you want me to stand in Karl’s place.”
“You’ve always been there for me, Miles,” Kira said. “Plus Carmen wasn’t about to give me away. She wanted to be the Maid of Honor.”
“I’ve always had a soft spot for that girl, too,” Miles admitted. “Since the first time you brought her to visit I liked her. Sam sure has changed since he met Carmen. He’s not the prick he used to be.”
“He probably has to save his energy to deal with her.” Kira smirked and Miles nodded his head.
The guests rose and looked toward where Kira was standing.
“That’s our signal,” Miles said and he stepped into the Quonset with Kira on his arm.
Kira looked at Rock. He was wearing a tux. He looked delicious. She had only seen him in a dress shirt one time and it was on New Year’s Eve. Otherwise he was in jeans and T-shirts. He looked amazing. Kira wanted to run down the aisle and throw herself into his arms. Kira pulled a little on Miles arm as she tried to hurry down the aisle.
Miles patted Kira’s arm and slowed her back down. “Enjoy this moment, honey, it’s all yours.”
Kira smiled at Miles and looked at the people in the room. Her friends. Some were from the BDSM community but most were from her home town. Home. It never had felt like this before Rock had shown up. He was her Rock, her Master.
Rock watched as Kira smiled at Miles. Her smile lit up the room and tugged at his heart. When his last marriage had gone to crap, he thought he’d never want to get married again. But his little flower had changed all of that. He wanted her to have this moment in her life and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to fulfill that need for her.
Charles pushed his walker to stand in the middle of the cleared area in front of Rock. “Who gives this woman to be married and collared?” he asked.
“In honor of Karl Knudson, I do,” Miles said. He placed Kira’s hand in Rock’s hand. Then he saluted Kira, turned and took his seat.
The vows went quickly. Kira smiled at Rock when Charles included the word obey. Then Rock held the velvet box she had seen earlier. He pointed to the floor and she knelt.
“Kira, do you trust me?” Rock asked.
“With my mind, heart, soul and body,” Kira said. She trusted him with everything. “With my life.”
“Will you accept this collar”—Rock opened the box, his voice deeper and gentler than normal—”as a sign of my dominance over you? A symbol for everyone to see that you belong to me?”
“I will,” Kira said as she looked
in the box. The leather was white and soft. A dog tag hung from a hook on the front. She touched it and turned it over. This little flower belongs to Master Rock. Kira smiled and looked up into his eyes. “Thank you.”
Rock looked at Kira and suddenly everyone disappeared The only light in the room was coming from Kira as she leaned her head forward and exposed her bare neck to him. His Dominant rose to the surface and Rock let him rise. The Master inside of him deserved this as well.
Kira felt the power emanating from her Master as he took the collar from the box and secured it behind her neck. Then Kira sighed heavily when she heard him attach the lock and the lock was secured. Her world spun and she wanted to cry from relief. She belonged. She was loved. She was needed. She was safe. She was a half of something whole and good and true.
Charles voice sounded somewhere and Kira managed to raise her eyes to Rock. His eyes were dilated and nearly black. Kira smiled at him. The twitch of his mustache told her that he was right there with her in the fog. It was just them in this moment.
“Master Rock,” Charles said. “I present your slave.”
Rock’s hand reached down and pulled Kira from her knees.
“Kira,” Charles said. “I present your Master.”
“Ladies and gentleman,” Charles said to the crowd. “I present Mr. and Mrs. Rock Pyre.”
Rock looked at Charles.
“Master, you may kiss your slave,” Charles said softly.
Rock possessed Kira in his kiss and when she wilted into his arms he pulled back. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, Master,” Kira said. She was so glad to call him Master again. It felt normal and right.
“Are you wearing my something blue?” Rock whispered in her ear.
“I wouldn’t disobey you,” Kira whispered and grinned. “Not on our wedding day anyway.”
“I would take you to bed right now but someone had to plan a party.” Rock smiled as he walked with Kira back down the aisle. He nodded to the polite congratulations he received from the people gathered.
“Someone had to plan our wedding for first thing on the last day of the party,” Kira replied. She received a smack on her ass and she felt the plug move. She hissed at Rock and his mustache twitched as he tried not to laugh at her.
“You guys need to cut the cake now,” Carmen said and directed them to the main tent.
The place was packed.
The cake was elegant. White and towering. Delicate little blue flowers with red dots were lining the edges. Nothing too gaudy or fancy. Kira choked when she and Rock cut into the cake and pulled out the first piece. Blue and red stars were actually part of the white cake. Layers of red and blue jelly were in between the layers. The cake was literally bleeding red, white and blue.
“It’s a cream-soda-flavored cake with layers of blueberry and raspberry cream filling,” Melissa said. “I had an idea of how to get the stars in the middle of the batter and I had to go through quite a few mistakes before I figured out how to do it. I do believe I need to get a patent and start marketing right away.”
“I have no idea how you did it but it is perfect,” Kira said.
“I want to apologize,” Melissa began.
“Me, too,” Kira said.
“So that’s that?” Melissa asked.
“We’re fine,” Kira said.
“Good,” Melissa said. “We get dibs on catering next year, too, as long as we don’t have a wedding sprung on us again.” She managed to glare at Rock.
“No surprises,” Rock promised.
Carmen gave the toast and then Rock pulled Kira onto the dance floor.
“So what are we going to do about the rental agreement?” Rock asked. “I really can’t continue to just pay the bills in exchange for room and board.”
“Master that agreement was voided during the second week you lived here.” Kira laughed. “You look very handsome by the way.”
“Thank you,” Rock said. “I can’t say that the bow tie is comfortable but I figured I could deal with it since you are wearing this.” Rock tugged on the back of Kira’s collar.
“The collar is beautiful,” Kira said. She leaned her head on Rock’s chest and closed her eyes. This was where she belonged. This was home.
* * * *
By evening, most of the BDSM crowd had left. Rock would be flying Charles, Olivia, Steve and Casey back in the morning. It worked out perfect for Kira because that was when she would be taking Jenna to go meet her future employers, the not-so-twin twins.
Jenna had shown up in the early afternoon and had gone to the Quonset to watch some of the demonstrations. Casey had smiled and whispered to Steve when Jenna came back looking flushed and satisfied. Kira hadn’t thought that Jenna would have been a part of the BDSM crowd but it would be nice to have a friend close-by that was in the lifestyle.
The people from town were starting to leave. Melissa and Michelle were busy cleaning up. The far tents had come down. Kira and Carmen had put the Quonsets back in order. Kira felt that sinking feeling in her chest. It was the same one that she got after coming home from vacation. But this one wasn’t because she was coming home. It was because people were leaving her home. It was a weird world.
“I’m going upstairs to change real quick,” Kira told Carmen, looking down at her wedding dress. She had worn it all day and it was finally time to take it off. She sighed.
Kira opened the door to the bedroom and Rock was sitting naked on the bed.
“Mrs. Pyre,” Rock said as he looked Kira up and down. “I do believe it’s time for us to consummate this marriage.”
Rock turned Kira away from him and unzipped the dress. He was surprised and pleased to see that she wore no panties and no bra. He tapped the plug and smiled when she squeaked. He kissed her softly at first and then more demanding as he pulled her to the bed and laid her down.
Kira moaned when Rock started to play with her pussy. He continued to kiss her and tease her until she was begging for more. When he finally entered her, she was shocked when the orgasm hit her hard and fast.
“That wasn’t good enough, little flower,” Rock said softly as he continued to thrust into her. “I’m going to need a better one from you.”
“Yes, Master,” Kira said as Rock reached between them and started to tease her clit. Her world spun as his thrusts came quicker and harder. She was so close, coiled tight, right there.
“Oh yes, baby,” Rock said. “Come for your Master.”
Kira’s legs shook. Her pussy clamped down and she screamed out how much she loved her Master as the white light hit the back of her eyes and her entire body was filled with pleasure.
“So. Fucking. Good,” Rock said as he thrust out the last of his orgasm inside of her. The way her pussy still shivered and contracted around him was a beautiful feeling He continued to stroke his shaft in and out of her until her final spasm pushed his softening organ completely out.
Rock reached down and pushed two damp curls off of Kira’s forehead. “Marriage does sit well with you. You look perfectly used and content. And all mine,” Rock said.
“All yours, Master,” Kira replied. She stood from the bed and Rock pointed her to lay across his knees.
“I believe that the something blue can be removed now,” he said.
Kira sighed in relief as she lay face down across his lap.
“Then again,” Rock said as one hand pinned her to his legs. He started to run his fingers through her folds. Then he’d hit the plug with a light smack. Then back through her folds again. Two fingers inside of her. Then a smack on the plug.
“I like feeling my cum inside of you,” Rock said softly. “I like knowing you are marked with my cum.”
Kira tried to squirm but it was hopeless. She relaxed into the feelings of being dominated and her arousal shot through the roof with Rock’s dirty talk.
“I can feel your pussy tightening around my fingers,” Rock said softly. He smacked the plug again and then slid two fingers back
inside her. “You’re so close, baby. Beg me to finger fuck you.”
Kira blinked as Rock stopped everything. Begging. Right. She was so close.
“Beg,” Rock said.
“Please finger fuck me, Master,” Kira said. The dirty words made her more excited. She never talked like that. She hardly ever swore.
“Finger fuck my pussy please, Master,” Rock said.
“Finger fuck my pussy please, Master,” Kira said. So close. So close. He paused. “Please, Master, finger fuck my pussy.” Two more strokes. Oh she needed just one more.
“Finger fuck my pussy please, Master,” she was nearly screaming the words. Two more strokes and sweet relief. Kira’s legs shook out and her hips bucked as she tried to get more of his fingers. She didn’t want them to come out of her again.
Kira’s head dropped down and her body went limp. Rock played with her until she tried to raise her head. Then he removed the plug and sat her gently on the bed. He grabbed one of the wipes, apologizing that they weren’t warmed and started to clean her off. The look that Kira was giving him was one from a very happy little sub.
“I think the whole house heard that one,” Rock said, amused.
Kira’s eyes shot open and she covered her mouth.
“We’re all friends here,” Rock said as his mustache twitched.
“I guess you’re right,” Kira said. “I’ll probably receive a round of applause from the other subs when I come downstairs.”
Rock laughed hard and Kira laughed with him. “You are probably right on that one,” Rock said and he tweaked her nose.
“Rock?” Kira said as she pulled her shorts on over her shaking legs.
“I love you,” Kira said. “I don’t just love you because you’re my Master. I love you because of you. I love you for who you are. I love you for loving me. All of me. Thank you.”
“I think I loved you the minute I saw you in the café,” Rock said. “I knew there was something about you. Something I needed. Something that I wanted to make mine. I love you for being you and for loving me. I love you for taking me into your home and making it my home.”