Winds of Fury

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Winds of Fury Page 38

by Peter Duysings

  In the days ahead, the doctor continued to ply the crew with plenty of fruit to keep them healthy and scurvy-free. At first, the sailors had eaten these exotic fruits because they were ordered to do so. As typical, the men were hesitant to try new foodstuffs such as guava, jackfruit, and grapefruit. Over time, however, the good taste and the healthy results had them eating the fruit without hesitation.

  The guava was a small pear-shaped fruit about two inches long, which grew on trees. The native people ate it raw or made jelly out of it. The bark of the trees was boiled into a tea to use as a natural medicine to help bouts of diarrhea. Siegfried, of course, had some bark collected so he could use it – or as some sailors would say, experimenting on the crew.

  Some of the villagers explained as best they could in broken English that jackfruit could grow very large and weigh as much as thirty-five pounds. It was compared in taste to a fig. Karl decided to take several onboard and try his Caribbean culinary skill. They were told that the seeds could be eaten raw or roasted. The cooks decided to try that as well. However, the grapefruit with its bitter taste was not accepted by most of the crew.

  Karl and Hugo learned from the natives to cook yams with a method that made them taste similar to potatoes, thus the crew had no problem eating them. A green-leaved plant called callaloo was used to make soup. The village women let them taste the soup, and the cooks found it was quite delicious. They were instructed how to properly prepare the soup otherwise it would have a bitter taste. Karl, Hugo, and Siegfried came back to the ship laden with a mountain of different foodstuffs. These added a new dimension to their usual diet, which was generally dull at best.

  Many of the young people of the village also accompanied the foreigners into the bush to show them the fruit. They never received visitors, and they found these Europeans quite interesting and friendly. It didn’t take long, however, for the young people to tire of the search. So, Klaus, Roderick, Dieter, and Jan began mixing with the native boys and girls of their age. Soon, the young people led them nearby to frolic in a stream and swim in a pool under a waterfall. The native youngsters stripped themselves bare before entering the water; apparently, a natural habit that the four boys were not at all used to. Although embarrassed, all four gawked at the scene in front of them with dismay and interest.

  The four lads looked uncertainly at each other as the young males and females, unclothed and mirthfully splashed away in the water. Eventually, the natives spotted the white boys still clothed and gestured for them to join them. The boys stood fidgeting on the bank, yet not knowing what to do. Suddenly several of the girls got out of the water and speaking in their native tongue and gesturing for them to undress. Without any more hesitation, the girls began to peel their clothes from them, grinning the entire time. The four were at wit’s end and stood there frozen. None of the German boys had ever seen naked females, and four sets of eyes beheld the teenage girl’s bare bodies entranced by the sight of young breasts. Within a few moments, their pale bodies were exposed, their trousers down around the ankles. A cacophony of giggles unleashed from the girls. The lads snapped out of their hypnotic trance and hands moved with lightning speed to cover their privates. Klaus had the soundness of mind to turn around to hide his embarrassment. Dieter followed his example, while the other two stood there like statues.

  Sensing the embarrassment of the foreigners, the native males came out of the water, grabbed the boys and pulled them in to hide their shame. Being in cool water up to their necks took the edge off their distress. The giggling girls jumped back in. The waterfall-fed pool was large enough to accommodate the group easily. The pond felt wonderfully cool compared to the jungle’s hot temperature. The frolicking helped to break the white boys out of their shells, and they too began to splash and swim.

  The remainder of the afternoon was spent in gleeful activity and time quickly flew by. When Klaus was lazily swimming, a hand gently touched his buttocks; in shock, he gulped and swallowed a mouthful of water. A dark-haired head bobbed in the water just inches away and was giving him a sweet smile. Beautiful dark eyes were looking into his blue eyes with an inviting gaze. After a coughing fit to clear his throat of water, he didn’t know what to do other than returning her smile, at which point he felt her hand take one of his, pulling it close and placed it on her breast under the water. He reflexively reacted by tensing, but strangely enough, his hand stayed put and caressed her firm bosom. She giggled. He was thrilled, deep inside he experienced a feeling that was not altogether unpleasant; butterflies within his stomach. He also sensed a sensation lower down that was very pleasurable. He attributed it all to pure nervousness for he had never before touched a girl’s body, let alone a breast. Suddenly she let go of his hand and swam away, leaving him wondering what this was all about. Was she interested in him or was it just youthful exploration? All he knew was that he enjoyed the sensation.

  The afternoon passed, and the young people gradually exited the pool and put on their skimpy clothes. The sailor boys stayed in the water until all the others left for the village. Only then did they exit and sit on the rocks to dry off a bit before getting dressed.

  “That was fun was it not,” Jan remarked.

  “Ja, the water was so cool. I could stay in there for a few more hours,” commented Dieter. “They sure embarrassed us when they took off our clothes, though,” he said softly not meeting anyone’s eye.

  After a long silent, awkward moment, Roderick said, “I know. It was very uncomfortable with them all staring at us.”

  Jan remarked, “Ja, I know what you mean, and I have never seen a girl naked before, that’s for sure.”

  “These natives must do this all the time because it didn’t seem to bother them at all. They’re really strange people,” Dieter added.

  Klaus put his clothes on and didn’t say a word. He was thinking about the lovely girl that grabbed him and then touching her in a most pleasant way. He didn’t want to tell his friends what happened. They probably wouldn’t believe him anyway. Maybe he would discuss it with Heinrich and have him explain why she did that. “Nein, I better just keep it to myself,” he thought, “safer that way.” They made their way to the beach where one rowboat was ashore, and sailors were loading fresh water.

  “You lads best come with us,” one of the men said. “This is our last run for the day.”

  They all rowed back to the ship, where the boys helped carry the water aboard. That night, Klaus had a wild dream about the lovely native girl. In his dream they were running through the jungle naked, hand in hand, giggling to their heart’s content. Then the dream soured as the young lovers were suddenly surrounded by the other youngsters who swam with them, all laughing hysterically while pointing at them. Klaus woke with a start; his heart was pumping rapidly, and he was drenched in sweat, it took a considerable time for him to breathe normally again. He looked to his side and barely made out the lumpy shapes of his three mates fast asleep. He laid awake for a long time thinking about the girl who captivated him. He wondered why he had such strong feelings for her. After some time, he finally succumbed to sleep.


  TIME on the ISLAND

  The next day Conrad, Manfred, and a dozen men planned to row two boats ashore to hunt for more wild game. Heinrich planned to go with them to shore and visit the village and check out the area. The men were also in search of coconuts. Doc Strobel had insisted that they bring plenty of the coconuts back to the ship whole. He was interested in tasting the palm fruit, and the cooks wanted to try recipes with them.

  Heinrich was topside waiting for the second boat to be lowered when Klaus came to stand at his side. Heinrich noticed his close presence and knew Klaus must want something. It was Klaus’s way to get his attention; the lad had acted that way ever since he was taken from the orphanage.

  “What is it, Klaus?”

  The young man answered, “Heinrich, could I go with you to the village? I met some very nice young people yesterday and wondered if
I can pay them another visit.”

  “Doesn’t Karl have need of you in the galley?”

  “I asked Karl already, and he said it would be all right with him as long as you don’t mind.”

  “What about the other lads? Don’t they want to go also after the fun you all had yesterday?”

  “None of them showed any interest in going. I guess they don’t think it was that much fun.”

  “What is it so important that you feel such a need to go? Heinrich pried deeper sensing a particular desire in the lad for wanting to go. He knew him very well by now, and there must be a good reason why he wanted to visit the village, and he already had a good idea but wanted to hear it from Klaus himself.

  The lad hesitated a moment before answering. That was confirmation enough for Heinrich what Klaus had in mind. Heinrich turned and looked straight into his eyes. The lad averted his gaze and blushed.

  “I heard you, and the other lads had a grand time swimming in a pool along with young people from the village. Is there someone special you wish to see there?” He asked pointedly with his head at a slight slant in a ‘knowing’ manner.

  Klaus knew better than to keep secrets from Heinrich who had brought him under his wing as an older brother as well as captain of the ship. There was no use in trying to sidestep the matter because he knew Heinrich would keep prying until he found out what was going on.

  “There is a … a girl. I met her at the pool yesterday and I … I kind of like her. We didn’t get to talk much together, and maybe I can see her again,” he said averting Heinrich’s eyes.

  Heinrich broke into a thin smile and said, “Is she pretty?”

  “Well, I … I guess you can say that, but I … I just want to talk with her some more.”

  Heinrich looked at Klaus, sensing the lad’s shyness. Thinking, “The boy is heart-throbbing over this girl he met at the pool. My, my, he is growing up.”

  “I suppose it’s all right for you to come along. Since you won’t be at the swimming hole, you will keep your clothes on today,” Heinrich stated with a grin.

  Klaus’s head swung around at Heinrich, and his face was beet red now at hearing that he knew what went on at the pool. Facing a mischievous grin, Klaus just stood there feeling on the spot – speechless.

  “No need to feel so embarrassed. It was innocent frolicking wasn’t it?”

  “Ah … yes, it was. Swimming naked to them is just a normal thing. We didn’t do anything bad.”

  “I don’t think you did either. So, you don’t have to act and feel so guilty, right?”

  “I … I didn’t know you knew about yesterday,” Klaus remarked.

  “It is a captain’s job to know what goes on with his crew.”

  “Does that mean I can go see her?”

  “Of course. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Why don’t you find Otto quickly and tell him I told you to bring along one of those new fancy-colored female scarves we got in Savannah so you can bring this special friend of yours a gift.”

  “You mean it?” Klaus said excitedly, and Heinrich nodded. Klaus whirled around and ran at top speed to find Otto. “Don’t leave without me,” he shouted back. Heinrich chuckled softly. It was the first time to Heinrich that the lad had taken an interest in the opposite sex; at least to his knowledge. The thought brought back a brief image of Lucy in Charleston and then rapidly averted to Anna Dupree of Savannah who he was most attracted to. There was no doubt in his mind that Lucy was gorgeous, vivacious, and excitingly wild. An evening with her would have a man howling at the moon for more. She was an absolutely alluring kind of female. Now, Anna, on the other hand, was also extremely lovely; gifted with all the right anatomical attributes. But what added value and intrigue about Anna was that she was also very profoundly gifted with intelligence, furthermore she seemed to have a heart of gold and a sweet disposition. She had charm, charisma, proper etiquette, and was cultured. She was also educated and possessed a maturity in business affairs. She struck Heinrich as such a complete woman in all the right areas. He wondered when he could see her again. He wondered if he could somehow interest her as his woman for a future together despite her higher stature. His mind was suddenly shaken back to the present as Klaus came back running.

  “Did you find Otto?”

  “Yes, and he gave me the scarf. I have it in my trouser pocket. I don’t want anyone to see me with it and get wild ideas.”

  “We best get on our way then.”

  The two boats were in the water, and most of the men were already boarded. Climbing the rope ladder, they made their way into one of them. Several more minutes went by and once all the men were aboard both boats were rowing toward the white sandy beach. Once ashore, the boats were dragged onto the sand and secured. Heinrich group consisting of Reiner, Diego, Doc Siegfried, Klaus, and four other sailors strode off across the beach to the village. The hunting party began sorting out their equipment to get on their way. They expected to be gone for most of the day.

  The village was not far from the beach. They were greeted gleefully by the inhabitants who immediately offered them a variety of food dishes. The people were so incontestably friendly offering them plates of exotic dishes heated over wood fires working themselves feverishly to cater to people they just met. Heinrich felt a bit awkward about being treated so well. If only all people were so kind, he thought. He sensed that turning down their generosity would most likely be insulting, so they acted as gracious guests all the while profusely thanking them for providing so lavishly. Although Heinrich and his men were anxious to forage for the collection of coconuts, they couldn’t prevent the people from continuing stuffing them full of food. Anything less was out of the question; they were so insistent.

  They sat talking with the elders of the village and gorged on the exotically spiced food dishes, of which some were a bit too spicy-hot for them. Subsequently, they had to down copious amounts of water to keep their mouths from burning up. All in all, they thought the food was delicious.

  Heinrich was thinking this place could be a peaceful respite for the See Wolf crew, as well as a hideaway from prying eyes, and said as much to his men, who readily agreed. Already their thoughts were of how they could grow the friendship with these good people. Heinrich decided to discuss what they could possibly offer to the villagers once back on the ship. Looking at the dwellings these people lived in, the scarcity of furniture and cooking equipment, and no medical support gave him an immediate idea on how to grow the relationship closer.

  Klaus was sitting next to Heinrich; occupied with locating the girl and only ate sparingly while he continually glanced around the area trying to spot her. After some time had gone by and he still had not seen her, he began to get fussy in his impatience. Heinrich noticed this and in a low whisper told him to make as if he had to relieve himself and to look for her. He calmly got up not to make a scene and walked to the edge of the clearing into the bush. Once deeper into the dense foliage, he began to circle the village in hopes of finding her.

  He had almost walked a complete circle around the village and was getting desperate when off to one side he heard people talking and some gentle banter. He went into the direction of the sounds and pushing aside broad leaves of dense plants; he came upon a short embankment overlooking a rushing stream filled with rocks and boulders. The voices were much closer now as he made his way around a bend walking in shallow water. Having gone past a large boulder, he spied a group of village women in the stream washing clothes. As he approached the women looked up and smiled at him; he waved and smiled back. Not carefully watching where he was planting his feet, one foot slid out from underneath him on a slick mossy rock falling backward and landing on his butt with a significant splash in the two-foot-deep water.

  Totally drenched, he was pushing himself back up with both hands as the group of women chuckled at the humorous scene. Instead of acting embarrassed, Klaus forced himself to laugh at his clumsiness in trying to appease the o
thers having fun at his expense. He was halfway up when two hands pushed him from behind and helped him up. Straightening and turning his head around, yet another foot stepped on a rock which rolled away. This time he fell backward, taking the person who helped him stand up with him into the water. They both splashed into the rushing stream. The women now howled with laughter and stopped their work to watch the two in the water. Klaus felt terrible for taking down the person who had helped him; he twisted around wanting to apologize. As soon as he made eye contact, he froze as he looked into those same deep dark eyes that had captivated him yesterday in the water pool.

  Once again, her lovely smile held his attention. She pushed herself up and looked down at Klaus still sitting in the water just staring at her. Her hair was up tied in a ponytail and was dry not having succumbed to the water, but the rest of her was drenching wet and as Klaus looked her over he had a clear view of her lovely body beneath her thin wet clothes. His eyes settled on dark protrusions projected outward, and his eyes transfixed on them. She was still smiling and then reached out with both arms, gesturing to take hold of them. He reached out with his hands and took hers in his, and she leaned her body weight back pulling him, while he pushed himself up with his legs. They stood there together with their hands still clasped together. Suddenly they both broke out and laughed; the other women’s cacophony of laughter was almost drowning out theirs and the noise of rushing water.

  Klaus led her off to the side and out of the stream bed. She spoke first in poorly formulated English as most all the villagers spoke, “We made much laughter for women today, no?”


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