Portrait of Jealousy (The Art Models Club Book 2)

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Portrait of Jealousy (The Art Models Club Book 2) Page 2

by Amanda Meadows

  “No! This candy is mine.”

  The little boy stared at Hunter as though daring him to say otherwise.

  “No,” Hunter said, his voice even. “Everyone around you, including me and the nice cashier, saw you take candy after your mother paid. So the candy is not yours.”

  The little boy threw the candy on the ground.

  “I think you dropped that,” Hunter said, his voice still even.

  His earlier smile was now gone. His eyes were dangerously bright.

  “Why don't you pick up the candy and put it back where it belongs.”

  Amber nervously checked out her supervisor's face. She seemed to be holding in a smile.

  “I've got plenty of time.”

  Hunter's voice was icy. He sat back on his heels, his piercing eyes never looking away from the boy's face.

  The boy cast one hopeful glance at his mother. Finally, he carefully gathered up the pieces and put them back in their appropriate spots. He looked to Hunter for approval.

  “Excellent! That's how a little man acts.”

  Hunter smiled and got to his feet.

  “Give me a high five!”

  The little boy complied with a small grin.

  “Now, let's tell the pretty lady that next time we won't try to take candy without paying for it.”

  The little boy looked stricken but Hunter waited with an encouraging smile.

  “I won't take candy anymore,” the little boy whispered, his head low.

  “Good job,” Hunter said, rewarding the boy with another smile.

  “Give me another high five and then go and help your mom.”

  The little boy slapped Hunter's hand and then galloped towards his mom. He tugged on her leg and then tickled the baby's foot. The infant immediately stopped screaming.

  Grabbing the little boy's arm roughly, the mother hurried out of the store, practically dragging her son along.

  The remaining customers in Amber's line broke into applause.

  Hunter blushed and bowed low.

  “So you're also a child whisperer as well,” Amber said coyly.

  She quickly rang up Hunter's small basket of food.”

  “Among other things,” Hunter replied, with a smirk.

  “I'd be happy to reveal them to you when your shift is finished.”

  He handed her the exact amount of money for the groceries.

  Amber felt herself flush.

  “5:00 o'clock,” she whispered, aware of her supervisor's curiosity.

  “Later, Baby. Don't want to linger and get you in trouble.”

  Amber forced her eyes on the next customer.

  “Sorry about the holdup.”

  The next woman in line smiled mischievously.

  “That's a keeper, honey. Don't let him out of your sight.”

  Amber giggled.

  “Um . . .yeah . . .thanks.”

  Amber was glad she was busy because it helped her to not think so much about Hunter. She knew that look he gave her. A look that said he couldn't wait until they were alone and he could feast on her body.

  At the end of her shift, she saw her supervisor approach.

  “Oh, hi Stacey,” she said nervously.

  She debated with herself whether she should bring up the incident with the little boy or not.

  But Stacey smiled inexplicably smiled at her warmly.

  “I normally don't like to see boyfriends coming around, Amber. But your young man completely surprised me.”

  Stacey laughed.

  “I wish had recorded that little boy's face when he realized that he wasn't going to be allowed to get away with stealing candy.”

  Amber gaped. Stacey hadn't exactly been warm and fuzzy up to this point. In fact, this was the first time Amber had ever seen the woman crack a smile.

  “Um . . . Hunter does have a way about him,” she said carefully.

  “It's okay,” Stacey said. “I still don't like boyfriends hanging around my employees. But he seems like a good guy. More importantly he turned around what could have been an ugly situation.”

  Stacey held out a clipboard and motioned to a piece of paper with Amber's name on it.

  “Also, I just want to say that your customer service time is really improving.”

  “Thanks,” Amber said, glowing.

  Another employee called for assistance and Stacey turned away.

  “Keep up the good work!” she called over her shoulder.

  Amber clocked out with a smile on her face. Her feet were killing her but she didn't care. In just a few minutes Hunter would be waiting outside to pick her up. It had only been a week since she found out about Hunter's internship. She was making the most out of their limited time before he left.

  As though he could somehow read her thoughts, Amber's phone buzzed with a text from Hunter.

  “Walk out door from fruit and vegetable section. Proceed left to third row. Walk back twelve parking spaces. I'll be in the thirteenth spot.”

  Amber grinned. Sometimes Hunter was such a nerd. A very nicely put together nerd, she thought. But still a nerd.

  The Ranger Rover was, of course, exactly where he said it would be. Hunter jumped out and ran around the car to open her door.

  “Oh, my!” Amber said. “I'm getting the full gentleman treatment. What's the occasion?”

  Hunter only smiled secretly and walked back to the driver's side.

  Amber sank into the leather seat with a sigh. She smiled at Hunter as he slid into his seat and started the car.

  “It feels so good to be sitting at last.”

  Amber groaned as she slipped off her sneakers and wriggled her toes.

  “Feet still sore from yesterday?” Hunter asked sympathetically.

  “Yeah, but at least I have tomorrow off. Maybe we can do something that doesn't require walking?”

  “Oh, that won't be a problem!”

  Hunter grinned slyly.

  “Do you have something in mind?”

  Amber's curiosity was piqued. Usually, they wandered around museums or caught a show on the weekend.

  Hunter looked over and winked.

  “I can't tell you because it's a secret.”

  “A secret?”

  Amber sat up straighter.

  “Come on, can't you even give me a hint?”


  Hunter refused to even look at her.

  “What about for a kiss?”

  Amber fluttered his eyes at him in a way she hoped was sexy.


  Hunter kept his eyes straight on the road.

  Amber pouted and unfastened several buttons of her blouse.

  “Don't you like looking at me anymore?”

  Hunter sneaked a quick look and grinned.

  “Oh, I love looking at you all right. But I can wait a little bit longer.”

  He broke into a wide smile.

  “Especially since you're going to be practically begging me to get you naked.”

  Amber reached up and primly buttoned her blouse up to the neck.

  “I don't think so,” she said firmly.

  Hunter simply started laughing.

  “I'm serious. You shouldn't just assume that you can have your way with me when you want.”

  She shoved her feet back into her sneakers.

  “Tonight is going to be a no sex night for you.”

  “Whatever you say, Baby,” Hunter had the nerve to say, pulling in the driveway.

  “But I'd be willing to bet a hundred dollars that you're going to change your mind.”

  Chapter 3

  “You're lucky I don't have a hundred dollars to bet!”

  Amber jumped out of her side of the car before Hunter could open the door for her.

  “That money would be as good as mine!”

  “Oh, don't be mad, Gorgeous!”

  Amber noticed that Hunter hadn't lost his smirk as they climbed the steps to the apartment. She hobbled behind him, her feet killing her. But she
slapped away his hands when he tried to help.

  “Temper, temper!” Hunter said, his voice mocking her.

  She marched past him, stormed into her room, and slammed the door behind her. And then stopped, mouth open.

  A large bouquet of yellow roses, wrapped in a silky purple ribbon, awaited her attention in a crystal vase on the small, antique dresser. She read the small note: “Thanks for being the best part of my life for the past four weeks. – Hunter.”

  Amber felt herself tearing up. She had been so caught up in her new job and Hunter's impending departure that she had lost all track of time.

  Hunter knocked on the door a few minutes later and she spun around.

  “Come in!”.

  Amber giggled as the the door inched opened. Through the small crack Hunter poked a barbecue skewer with a white napkin tied to the end.

  “I surrender! Is it safe to come in?”

  Amber laughed as Hunter cautiously open the door and stuck his head inside.

  “I can't believe you remembered.”

  “Technically, the official date is Monday.” He paused and smiled. “But I couldn't wait until then because we have class that day.”

  Amber regarded him quizzically.

  “Um. . .okay. . . but why would flowers on Monday be an issue?”

  Hunter shrugged and stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets.

  “Oh, the flowers would not have been an issue.” He grinned wickedly. “But my other plan would have conflicted with class.”

  “Other plan?” Amber hopped up and down. “Come on, tell me.”

  “All in good time, Baby,” Hunter said, turning to leave the room.

  “Oh, by the way, I was planning on ordering Chinese for dinner. Hope that's okay?”

  “Yeah, fine. But when are you going to tell me what the big surprise is?”

  Amber followed Hunter into the living room.

  Hunter laughed.

  “Persistent, aren't you? Listen, I have a few things I need to get done right away. But I'll try to finish quickly. Okay Miss Impatient?”

  Amber sighed.

  “Okay, okay! I guess I'll have to be patient.”

  Grabbing a magazine, she kicked off her sneakers, sank down onto the sofa, and grabbed a magazine. Within a few minutes though, she dozed off. She jerked awake as she felt Hunter scooping her up.

  “Shh . . .It's okay, I'm just taking you to my room, Gorgeous.”

  Amber snuggled against Hunter's chest as he padded to his room. Hmm . . . he smelled freshly showered. She reached up and felt his damp hair. Maybe he was heading for the bed. Damn. Maybe she should have gotten a shower herself. She was probably a little sweaty after working all day.

  Hunter deposited her in a chair in the middle of the room. A clean towel was spread out below it with a large plastic bin of water. What the hell? And why was humming?

  “So, what's going on?” Amber asked, truly puzzled.

  Hunter simply gave her a smug look. Then he left the room and came back with a steaming kettle. He poured the boiling water into the plastic tub, testing the temperature with his fingers. Finally, he left to put away the kettle.

  As she peered at the steaming water, Amber thought about how good it would feel on her feet. And then she realized that was exactly what Hunter had intended. She couldn't help but feel a tiny bit disappointed. As much as she appreciated the thought of a foot bath, it wasn't the most romantic thing that came to mind at the moment. Which was what made Hunter's disposition so confusing. He was acting like this was anything but an ordinary foot bath.

  Hunter came back with a box of Epsom salts and gave her a cheerful grin.

  Amber tried to work up a grateful smile. Okay, that settled that. Definitely a foot bath.

  Hunter settled at her feet. Then, oh so casually, he reached down, grabbed the ends of his tee shirt and pulled it over his head. His back muscles rippled with the effort.

  Okay . . .eye candy during the foot bath? This was definitely feeling a bit weird. And yet, strangely, she was starting to get a little aroused.

  But Hunter seemed to have no intention of kissing her. Instead, he reached down and slowly peeled off one of her socks. Just the touch of his fingers on her foot sent a shiver up her spine. Then he slowly peeled off the other sock.

  Amber was surprised at how sensual it felt. Then her feet were both gently pushed into the hot water. She actually gasped at first so that Hunter looked up quickly for assurance.

  After the first shock of heat, though, she felt okay. Actually better than okay as the heat moved through her body.

  Hunter scooped up a handful of the Epsom salt, lifted one foot, and rubbed firmly just over her arch. Oh, that felt nice! It was if he knew exactly where her worst aches were stored.

  Amber actually groaned with relief as Hunter worked over first one foot and then the other. She found herself fixated on Hunter's strong hands. Holy Cow! She was starting to aroused over a foot massage!

  After several minutes of complete relaxation, she noticed Hunter staring at her with a wicked grin. Then he picked up one of her feet, opened his mouth and then popped her big toe inside.

  Amber gasped and jerked in the chair as an electric current shot up her body. Bloody Hell! She had no idea how erotic his action could be. She had to grip the edge of the chair as hysterical giggles popped out of her mouth.

  When Hunter started sucking her toe, she thought she might fly out of the seat. Then suddenly, Hunter stopped, leaving Amber panting. He calmly began massaging her foot as though nothing had happened.

  What the hell? Had he thought she hadn't enjoyed it? Was he offended? She couldn't tell.

  Okay, so maybe he needed some assurance. Reaching up, Amber slowly unbuttoned her blouse until her lacy bra showed. There! Now if he would just look up.

  Hunter began to hum again as he massaged her feet.

  Okay, so now he was deliberately ignoring her. This was maddening. She reached down and stroked his cheek. When he looked up, she ran a finger along his full lips.

  Hunter closed eyes a moment and murmured appreciatively. When he opened them again, she watched as his glance moved to her blouse. He broke into a wide grin.


  Then he frustrated her by dropping his head again to concentrate on her feet. This time it was as though he was deliberately avoiding any action that could be construed as sexual. Yes, it felt good but she wanted more!

  What the hell did she have to do? Strip for him? She wanted to feel the smooth, bare skin on his chest against her own.

  Reaching up, she trembled as she finished unfastening all of her blouse buttons. When he still wouldn't look up at her, she wriggled out of the shirt and threw it at him.

  Hunter chuckled and pushed the fabric off his head. Reaching down once more, he picked up her foot. He stared at her and then popped her other big toe into his mouth. This time he kept his eyes on hers as he sucked firmly.

  Again, Amber felt as though she might levitate. She arched her back as the delicious jolt of electricity hummed along her leg, culminating in twinges in her groin. Again, she had to grip the sides of the chair. She moaned with pleasure.

  Hunter dropped her foot once again into the hot water.

  Amber was happy to see that his own face was now flushed. She hoped that this was the signal for him to move along to other parts of her body.

  Yet, as though to taunt her, he remained kneeling.

  “Your jeans are getting soaked,” he said thoughtfully.

  Really? That was what he was thinking?

  “Maybe I should let you change?” he asked seriously.

  What the hell? Amber stood, unzipped her jeans with shaking fingers, and threw them at Hunter's head. She watched, transfixed, as he stood, the front of his jeans bulging, and patiently picked up her blouse and jeans and neatly placed them on the edge of the bed.

  Amber's body was steaming. She was aching to be touched and Hunter was clearly aroused as well. But he seemed determine
d to drive her mad.

  Looking down, she noted with satisfaction that she was wearing a lacy matching set of panties and bra. Hopefully, that would be enough to drive him to the edge. Two could play this little game, she thought, and she sat primly on the edge of the chair and dipped her feet back into the water.

  Hunter looked up, his eyes slowly devouring her. Then he picked up her foot again.

  This time, she couldn't help herself as he began to kiss her calf and moved up her leg. She gripped his hair as his head moved within inches of her crotch. But then Hunter stopped, carefully removing her fingers until she sat back in frustration.

  Those captivating green eyes moved up to her face. Finally, Hunter moved tantalizingly close and kissed her forehead. He lifted her feet out of the water and pushed the plastic bin away. Then he slid upwards so that the roughness of his jeans scraped against her legs.

  Amber pushed herself forward, her body wanting his touch and his kisses.

  But to her dismay, Hunter purposely kissed her everywhere that seemed chaste. He avoided her breasts and panty area as though she were tainted.

  Finally, she couldn't take it any longer. She reached up, unclasped the bra herself, and flung it behind them.

  Hunter chuckled and she wanted to smack him. But then he lowered his head and began to nuzzle her breasts. He delicately kissed around each nipple and then made her gasp as he took one nipple in his mouth.

  Amber flung herself at Hunter, wanting him to touch her. But once again, he explored her whole body – except for the skin covered by her panties. This time, she didn't even hesitate. She slid the panties off, caring nothing but to be naked against him.

  And then, when she thought she was going to lose her mind, Hunter gently pushed her away.

  “I drew a bath,” he said. “Can I bathe you?”

  Numbly, her body burning up with desire, Amber simply nodded.

  When Hunter picked her up, he grabbed her beneath the ass.

  “My, my, you're already quite wet, Baby,” he said, his own breath labored.

  The bathtub in Hunter's bathroom was a giant claw-footed tub. As Hunter opened the door, fragrant steam swirled around them. He must have used a ton of bubble bath soap because Amber was nearly swallowed by white foamy bubbles as Hunter gently set her down. She watched, wide eyed as Hunter stripped off his jeans. His Calvin Klines barely contained his erection.


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