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Risky Rules of a Passionate Governess

Page 30

by Henrietta Harding

  Lord Garret and Katherine passed each other often, but there were no more words spoken. What she sensed was an absolute physical tension between them. It had been growing since that evening when they spoke and Lord Garret had brought her some supper.

  The physical tension was perhaps more intense than it had ever been before. She longed for him, desperately, and sensed that he felt the same, but Katherine didn’t have the courage to go to him. She even wondered if it was the right thing to do at all, considering everything that had happened between them. But she dreamt of him at night, and every time that she heard someone stir outside her door she wished that it would be Lord Garret.

  Most afternoons, Katherine was taking her tea by Harry’s side, and often Constance would do the same. Katherine even managed to squeeze in a little lesson or two whilst Harry’s eyes were open. The boy seemed to enjoy these little lessons because it distracted him in a beneficial way. Yet still, Katherine’s heart sank when she thought that it might be the last time that she would instruct them, for she did intend to return home. She needed to move on with her life, and Katherine wasn’t convinced that she would be able to do that at Bonhomie.

  One particular afternoon Katherine felt that she was in need of air, so she escaped out into the garden despite the rain. She held a black umbrella overhead and watched as Hans worked, despite the weather conditions. The two had shared some words since her return, but Hans seemed melancholy for reasons that she could not glean.

  “Are you still happy here?” Katherine asked, approaching him.

  “Some days,” Hans said softly.

  “Certainly, the rain must make your task difficult,” Katherine said, tilting her head up towards the sky.

  “It is not the rain that makes it difficult,” Hans went on.

  “Then what is it?”

  Hans looked at her with grave seriousness in his eyes. “You not being here makes it difficult.”

  “Oh, come now,” Katherine said, shaking her head.

  “It is the truth. I have had a difficult time.”

  “Hans, I’m not too far away. We can meet up in town someday.”

  “It is not the same,” Hans bemoaned. “I want you here.”

  “Circumstances have made it difficult.”

  “Why don’t you forget about all that? Forget about the duke’s brother and all the other nonsense,” Hans said, pleading with her.

  “It’s hard to forget,” Katherine said wistfully.

  “For my sake, then,” Hans said, putting out his hand and placing it upon her shoulder.

  “You’re being rather serious about this, you know,” Katherine said with a smile, placing her hand over Hans’.

  “Yes, I know,” Hans said, removing his hand and looking away. “I just feel strongly about it. Promise to consider.”


  “Yes, returning.”

  “I will consider it.” Katherine watched as a smile finally came to Hans’ lips.

  “That makes me most happy indeed.”

  Turning her head, Katherine looked up at Bonhomie and saw that Lord Garret was standing in the window, watching the whole interaction. Her heart sank when she thought of how Lord Garret always teased her about her conferences with Hans.

  Did he really think that there was something between them? Truly, Katherine did know that Hans had something of a crush on her, but that was that. Were it another time and another life, perhaps she would have feelings for Hans as well. But her heart remained with Lord Garret, fully and completely.

  “He is still in love with you,” Hans said, seeing that Katherine was gazing towards the house.

  “What’s that?”

  “The duke’s brother,” Hans went on. “He’s still pining for you. It’s plain as day.”

  “Let’s not talk of such things,” Katherine replied.

  “There was a time that all you wished to speak of was Lord Garret,” Hans said bitingly.

  “Those times have passed. I have moved on.”

  But had she? Considering the amount of time she put into thinking about the duke’s brother, her statement seemed to be false. Katherine sighed to herself. Yes, she was doing her best to move on, but her heart and mind were betraying her. Should she listen to the truth that screamed from within her? Katherine was unsure.

  “I’m going in now,” Katherine said, turning back towards the house.

  “Do consider what I said, about staying,” Hans said.

  “Yes, I promise,” Katherine said with a winning smile before returning to the house. Once inside, she closed the wet umbrella and tried to clean her muddy shoes. She marveled at how Hans was able to work under such conditions. But considering how the rain would not abate, what other choice did he have?


  A tension was mounting within Lord Garret’s breast which he could not deny. Every time that he saw Katherine, the striking need called out within him, demanding to be heard. Since she had returned to the estate, all hope had been restored. Harry was on the mend, the duke was in good spirits, and Lord Garret felt a tremendous amount of relief from merely having Katherine under the same roof.

  He did not know where she stood on remaining at Bonhomie, but from the brief conversations that she had with the duke at the dinner table, Lord Garret got the sense that Katherine was determined to leave just as soon as Harry had fully recovered. It pained Lord Garret to no end. He was not the kind of man who was prone to pleading and begging, but in this situation he wondered if it might be the proper thing.

  That afternoon, Katherine took tea with the family, which was a new development. She had been taking tea up in the boy’s room previously, so Lord Garret took it as a sign that the boy was almost fully healed. Although this filled him with delight, it also filled him with dread as he thought that Katherine might be leaving any day now.

  Whilst she sat at the table, eating her sandwiches and chatting with Constance, Lord Garret admired the blue gown that she was wearing that day. There were no jewels around her beautiful neck. Lord Garret thought of how much Katherine was deserving of jewels, and if she gave him the opportunity, he would buy some for her.

  Lord Garret also couldn’t help but notice that her gown plunged down deeper in the front than the others she had worn, and there her décolletage showed itself in all its magnificence. Lord Garret had to look away because the intense longing that it instilled in him was too much to bear whilst sitting down to tea.

  Still, the need to feast on her with his eyes overtook him once more and Lord Garret looked again, noting that Katherine’s breasts were fuller then the last time she was at Bonhomie. Not only was her beauty increasing by the day, but Katherine was also developing a more womanly form. The sight of it nearly made Lord Garret full of need. He would have to remain in control of these desires at all times lest they turn him into a raving madman, which Lord Garret did think was a possibility.

  “You’re lost in your thoughts,” the duke said, and Lord Garret felt as Katherine’s eyes turned on him.

  “I’m merely content,” Lord Garret replied, thinking that nothing could be further from the truth. “I’m glad that Harry is faring so well.”

  “He’s nearly fully restored,” Katherine said with a delighted smile.

  “And what are your plans?” Lord Garret asked, unable to keep himself from demanding the truth come out.

  “For the future?” Katherine asked, their eyes locking.

  “Precisely,” Lord Garret replied.

  “I’m unsure,” Katherine said, looking down into her tea. “It’s hard to know what’s best.”

  I can tell you in no uncertain terms what is best.

  “Take your time to consider, while you remain here at Bonhomie,” the duke said. Lord Garret could feel his brother’s mutual desire that Katherine might stay on longer; perhaps forever.

  “That is a kind offer,” Katherine said, looking towards Constance. “We have managed to continue with our lessons.”

  “It please
s me to hear it,” the duke replied.

  “I think that Harry is eager to return to the little classroom,” Katherine went on.

  “And isn’t that a sign that you should return to your former post?” Lord Garret said. Katherine turned to him and their eyes locked yet again.

  “I must say again that I’m unsure,” Katherine replied.

  There was a bit of silence that followed and the tension became palpable. Why was it that Katherine was holding out? Didn’t she sense that everyone around that table desperately wished that she might stay? Lord Garret had the mind to knock some sense into her, but to do so would be to return to his former self, whom he wished to keep at bay.

  “She must be paid more,” Lord Garret said to his brother, unable to resist.

  “That could be arranged,” the duke replied.

  “It’s not about pay,” Katherine protested. “It’s a much more complicated matter,” she went on, “and I don’t think that this is the appropriate place to explain things.” Silence followed once more and Lord Garret knitted his brow, turning to his brother and seeing that Lord Roland was doing the same.

  “As you wish,” the duke finally said, and Lord Garret shook his head in frustration. Although Lord Garret didn’t wish to be the enforcer, he did want his brother to step up and be the man of the house, insisting that Katherine stay and that her pay increase. The only other option was for Lord Garret to profess his love and demand that Katherine stay on as his wife, but he feared that doing so might push the lady away even further. Instead of pouncing, Lord Garret decided to remain in the shadows with his ardent affections.

  The rest of tea was undertaken in silence until Katherine excused herself and returned to the boy’s room. Lord Garret retreated to the library and Lord Roland to the study. In this time, Lord Garret considered his options. He was beginning to feel desperate with the notion that Katherine was truly going to leave, and perhaps within a few days.

  Once dinner was fast upon them, Lord Garret asked that he might take the meal in his room as the very image of Katherine was beginning to undo him. There, he sat down to his desk and began to compose a letter that he thought to slip under Katherine’s door. Her locket rested silently next to the page.


  To utter these words in your presence would be entirely too much. Please understand the deep well of regret that I feel for what transpired between us, but more so, the unbearable need that I still feel to be in your company, in whatever capacity. In all the world, there is no woman that I have loved so much as yourself, and for that reason, I profess, nay, I demand, that you remain here at Bonhomie.


  Lord Garret

  He shook his head in utter distain and considered that he had become the most ridiculous ass in all of Britain. Tearing up the letter and throwing it in the fire, Lord Garret determined that, although he wished to show respect to Katherine, he was still a man of action.

  Exiting the room with locket in hand, Lord Garret made his way up the stairs, directing himself towards Katherine’s room.


  Katherine retired early that night, thinking that she would return home the following day. It pained her to no end. Leaving was her choice, but it was not in line with her heart. Was there still time to take the duke up on his offer? Could she finally announce to Lord Garret that she would stay? Katherine didn’t know if she had the courage to do so.

  Just then, that familiar sound of boots on the wooden floor began to make Katherine’s heart pound in her chest. If her keen instinct was true, she knew exactly who was coming to the door. There was no time to prepare. Whatever was about to happen, Katherine welcomed it.

  There was a gentle knock upon the door and Katherine rushed out of bed, not bothering to wrap a robe around her. Her chest heaving, Katherine opened the door and found Lord Garret standing there. It was the very image that she had been praying to see.

  “Katherine,” Lord Garret said simply.

  A fit of nerves overtook her and Katherine decided to be humorous. “Do you never wish to pay a call to my room during the day?” Katherine asked with a smile. From the look on Lord Garret’s face, she could tell that he was perhaps just as apprehensive as she was. And happy.

  “What fun would there be in that?” Lord Garret replied warmly, picking up on her humor. “Might I come in?”

  “Yes,” Katherine said, opening the door and allowing Lord Garret to walk in.

  “I have something for you,” Lord Garret said, lifting up his hand and revealing the locket. Which one it was, Katherine was unsure.

  “Thank you,” Katherine said warmly, taking it from his hand and feeling his fingers brush against hers.

  “I should have given it to you when I came to your home,” Lord Garret said, his voice full of compunction.

  “It was the last thing on my mind.”

  “And what was the first thing on your mind?” Lord Garret said, his eyes pleading with her.

  Katherine knew that she could lie in that moment, but having Lord Garret in her physical space, so close to her, seemed to be her undoing. “How I wished to kiss you,” Katherine finally said.

  That remark seemed to unleash Lord Garret, for the next thing she knew he was leaning in towards her, gently placing his lips upon her own. They lingered there for some time and Katherine feared that she might pass out with joy. Lord Garret’s lips were like home. Katherine had finally returned home. Instead of collapsing down upon the bed as they had done previously, Katherine felt as Lord Garret led her to the edge of the bed and had her sit.

  He stood in front of her, hips in line with her eyesight, and Katherine could already see his manhood swelling distinctly. Lord Garret kneeled down in front of her, similar to how he had done in the parlor, and he proceeded to undress her, unwrapping her like petals falling from a flower. With each new article removed, Katherine felt her flesh exposed to the cool air, but she did not feel a chill for it seemed like the entirety of her body was on fire.

  “I have missed every inch of you,” Lord Garret whispered, gazing at her body hungrily.

  “And I, you,” Katherine whispered back. Lord Garret brought his face to Katherine’s chest, placing his lips upon the right nipple, then the left. As he gently kissed and sucked, Katherine threw her head back in rapture and tangled her fingers through Lord Garret’s soft hair. She could feel the warmth of his lips and tongue on those most sensitive areas. Lord Garret seemed to groan as Katherine sighed. He then, using his hands, spread Katherine’s legs apart even wider. She was fully naked now and Lord Garden was fully clothed. Using his hand against Katherine’s torso, Lord Garret pushed her back onto the bed so that she was reclined, and that’s when she felt Lord Garret’s warm mouth come to that spot at the apex of her thighs. Katherine nearly screamed from the pleasure.

  For some time Lord Garret remained there, consuming her fully, and the delightful, moist feel of it sent a shudder down Katherine’s spine. She feared that she might break too soon.

  “Stop,” Katherine said, not wanting to lose herself.

  “No,” Lord Garret said, continuing his action.


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