Disengaged (Terms of Engagement Book 3)

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Disengaged (Terms of Engagement Book 3) Page 36

by Melissa R. L. Simonin

  “Why are we doing this?” Amber suddenly asked, a flame of excitement lighting her blue eyes.

  “Doing… what?” Erik wondered. Amber turned and gave him a funny look, then dismissed her concern over his poor short-term memory, with a wave of her hand.

  “This, why are we searching through all things Conner-Stevens-related, to try and find a reference to the people in his office yesterday?”

  “If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because you insist, and this isn’t my hill to die on.”

  “What is?” she was suddenly curious.

  “I wouldn’t tell you if I knew, you’d be sure to test your stubbornness against mine,” he replied, and she laughed.

  “No, I wouldn’t. If you thought it was worth dying for, so would I. But this, searching these entries, isn’t getting us anywhere,” she declared, and relegated the iPad to the end table. She turned and looked at him. Erik raised an eyebrow as he looked back at her.

  “I have no idea what you’re thinking, but that’s the same look you had in your eyes Tuesday night,” he pointed out. “I’d be a little afraid, if I didn’t know we’re partners, and I have a say in what lengths we go to in this investigation.”

  “Nice reminder, but it’s completely unnecessary. The only thing I want you to do, is call your brother,” she retorted.

  “Call my brother?” Erik’s eyebrows knit.

  “Yes! It occurs to me that while we have no new information, and no access to any at the moment, Rob does.”

  Erik stared back at her, then grimaced.

  “You’re not suggesting what I think you are, I hope.”

  “Probably. But why not? Who knows what might be in that SUV!”

  “Uh, well, I’m pretty sure the two dead guys still are,” Erik retorted. He couldn’t decide whether to laugh, or be horrified by Amber’s latest plan of action.

  “Wouldn’t that be creepy if they weren’t,” she shivered. “But of course, they are. Rob will just have to work around them.”

  Erik couldn’t help laughing.

  “You have got to be kidding! But what am I thinking, of course you’re not. I suppose your cousin does this all the time.”

  “I’m not actually sure,” Amber considered that. “But if he needed information, and that was the only way to get it, he would.”

  “Would he call and tell his brother to do it?” Erik inquired, fighting the urge to laugh again, as he imagined Rob’s response.

  “His brothers? No. But he’d call our cousin Shawn, and get him to. Come on, Erik! Unless you’ve got a cousin up there, call Rob! This is our very best chance at figuring out who Avenger is. The information could be right there! The proof could be!”

  Erik groaned, as he slowly ran his fingers through his hair. Then he laughed dubiously, and took his phone out of his pocket.

  “If he has me committed, do you promise to visit?” he asked wryly.

  “Of course. I’ll get you out, too,” she declared. She also looked serious. Erik half-groaned, half-laughed, and selected Rob’s number.

  “I’m putting this on speaker,” he warned her. She looked pleased. He felt like laughing again.

  Erik tapped the speaker button, and they heard ringing on the other end of the line.

  “Yes?” Rob answered, with exaggerated patience.

  “Hi,” Erik replied. “How’s the weather?”

  “Calm, at the moment. It could last as long as a couple of hours, if the radar predictor is correct. Did idle curiosity prompt your call, or do you have something else?”

  “Funny you should ask… Amber and I were sitting here, trying to determine the last names of the three people that were in Conner’s office when we dropped by yesterday.”

  “I have no idea who they are,” Rob said flatly. “Call Grampa, if you can’t get Conner on the phone.”

  “If Grampa had any idea who they are, he would’ve told me when we talked this morning. And as Amber pointed out, if we talk to Conner, he’ll be concerned. It’s probable he’ll look into this himself, and that could potentially tip off Avenger. And that, could put Amber and me in danger.”

  “Then wait until tomorrow to talk to him,” Rob said, wondering why his brother was calling over nothing more significant than this.

  “I plan to. But as Amber suggested, we may have all the answers, right in front of us. Figuratively speaking.”

  “Then start speaking literally. Because I have no idea what you’re getting at.”

  Erik gave Amber a look of long-suffering, and sighed in resignation.

  “The SUV. You found Jess Stilton’s phone, and Randall Jerome’s vehicle registration…”

  Rob was silent. Erik winced. Amber looked impatient. Samantha wondered what on earth Rob and Erik were talking about.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Rob finally said. “You expect me to go search Jerome’s vehicle? With him and Stilton in it?”

  Samantha’s eyes widened. Amber’s rolled.

  “Well we don’t expect you to take them out first, that would be ridiculous,” she said with annoyance. “And besides, the forensic detective would know, and want to know why. If you could even get them out in the first place, they’ve got to be frozen solid. Just search around them. What’s the big deal?”

  The whole thing was so ridiculous, Erik felt the urge to laugh. Samantha looked horrified. Rob stared at the phone, momentarily speechless.

  “No. Just—no,” Rob said firmly.

  “I’m not asking you to do anything I wouldn’t do myself, if I had the option,” Amber informed him.

  “That’s true, she isn’t,” Erik added.

  “I’m not doing this. No way. This is Thanksgiving, not April Fools. What in the world’s the matter with you?” Rob exclaimed, his thoughts tangling. He decided Amber was indeed a bad influence on Erik.

  “Avenger killed Burns,” Amber reminded Rob. “He did that, because he knows his other two henchmen are dead, and the contract isn’t in trouble, after all. He knows that, either because he was in the office when we told your friend Conner Stevens, or he heard it from someone who was. Avenger knows who we are, he knows we’re hunting him down, and he’s already killed once to cover his tracks. If he isn’t already hunting us down, it’s because he had Thanksgiving plans, and figures it won’t be that hard to take us out, once he gets around to it. Since he knows who we are. And we have no idea who he is. And really, we have no way to find out. But you, might. The key to Avenger’s identity may be inside that SUV.”

  “And, it may not,” Rob replied, but he didn’t sound nearly as adamant as he did before.

  “Are you willing to risk that it isn’t?” Amber asked. “Are you willing to risk your brother’s life? He’s risked his, several times in the past week, just to protect your company. Are you willing to leave his life at risk, to protect yourself from a somewhat morbid experience?”

  She was good. Very good. Erik was impressed. Rob scowled uncomfortably. Amber decided a little more convincing was in order.

  “Just last night, Erik risked searching Randall Jerome’s apartment,” she informed Rob.

  “Wait. You did… what?” his older brother exclaimed. “How?”

  “There was no breaking involved,” Erik made sure to add. “We only entered.”

  “We found all sorts of information there, but then, Avenger showed up,” Amber said ominously. “And, he was armed.”

  “What?” Rob snapped.

  “With the gun that killed Burns,” she continued. “He added two more bullets right in front of us, to replace those he used.”

  “Clearly he didn’t use the gun on you, so what do you need me for?” Rob said sarcastically.

  “Erik kept us both hidden. If Avenger knew we were there, we wouldn’t be here, now,” Amber replied. “Erik was amazing, and so brave. I can only imagine what he’d risk if someone’s life was at stake. Probably his own.”

  Rob growled. He was also thankful he didn’t end up with the bossy sister. And, he piti
ed his brother.

  “Fine,” Rob snapped.

  “Excellent,” Amber smiled.

  “Thanks, Rob,” seemed woefully inadequate, but it was all Erik could think to say.

  “Yeah, yeah… You owe me!” Rob retorted grumpily.

  “Don’t forget to check their pockets,” Amber threw in.

  “Don’t press your luck,” Rob answered shortly. The tone that immediately followed, signified their call was at an end.

  ROB looked exceedingly irritable as he hung up with his brother, and checked the radar predictor. Samantha watched him anxiously.

  “Rob… what’s going on?” she asked. He saw the anxiety in her eyes, and his expression softened.

  “Your sister, and my brother, that’s all.”

  “You’re not really going back to that SUV, are you?” Samantha asked apprehensively.

  “Apparently, I am,” he replied. He sounded disgruntled, but resigned.

  “Rob, why?” Samantha exclaimed. “I can’t believe you’re even considering it! Why on earth would they want you to?”

  “Because they managed to tip off the guy who’s behind this, and he killed Burns to cover his tracks, I guess. They figure he’ll be after them, next. There might be something in the SUV to identify him. So… I’m going,” he said, as he began donning his snow gear.

  “Rob, no,” Samantha protested in alarm, clutching his arm. “What if the storm comes back, while you’re gone?”

  “It’s not all that far,” he assured her. “I checked the radar app, and I won’t be gone long.”

  Aggravation knit Samantha’s eyebrows.

  “What in the world did they have to go and tip him off, for?”

  “I’m sure I have no idea. I thought your sister was supposed to keep Erik out of trouble, not get him into it,” Rob replied, and pulled on his snow boots. As he reached for his coat, he saw the worry etched across Samantha’s face. He left it hanging on the back of the chair, and reached for her, instead. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, and held on. He didn’t want her to worry, so he tried to reassure her. “I won’t be gone long.”

  “You better not be,” she retorted.

  “Are you kidding? I have everything I want, right here,” he said softly, and kissed her.

  “Then why on earth are you leaving, to go search through a vehicle with two dead men in it?” she questioned irritably.

  “Because my little brother, and your little sister, think it’s the only way to save their skins. And… as annoyed as I am, I won’t be able to live with myself if I stay here, and either of them end up hurt. Or worse.”

  Samantha sighed, in reluctant resignation.

  “Alright, fine,” she conceded. “Then go, and hurry back.”

  “I will,” he promised.

  “I love you,” she said, as she squeezed him hard.

  “I love you too,” he smiled.

  He kissed her again, then donned the rest of his winter gear, and left the warmth of wife, and cabin, behind.

  ERIK glanced at Amber, as he returned his phone to his pocket. She looked so pleased, he felt like laughing again. She saw the gleam of amusement in his eyes, and wondered.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “Nothing, just the way you effortlessly managed that,” he replied. She looked somewhat offended.

  “It wasn’t effortless. It was intentional.”

  “No kidding. I’m impressed. And, a little afraid,” he smiled.

  “For someone who’s afraid, you look awfully happy,” she declared.

  “I am…” Erik replied, as he considered that. His tone softened, and the look in his eyes changed. “I’m with you.”

  Color flooded Amber’s cheeks, and she dropped her gaze.

  Either she liked him, or… she was now uncomfortable. Erik felt like he was on an emotional roller coaster.

  Amber risked glancing up again. As her blue eyes met his, her heart fluttered, and his flipped. He reached for her hand, and her breath caught in her throat, as…

  If her father noticed Erik and Amber jolt apart as if aided by an electric shock when he walked in the room, he gave no indication. His attention appeared to be on the sleepy-eyed Caleb he carried in his arms.

  “Dinner’s just about ready,” he informed them.

  “Great. We’ll be right there,” Amber answered tightly, stuffing down the frustration she felt at being interrupted right when Erik seemed like maybe, just maybe, he might be about to tell her he liked her.

  Or, maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he didn’t.

  Despair and desperation joined her frustration. If he didn’t like her, she might just die. She probably would, she thought petulantly. She wondered what he’d say if he knew. Would the “can you live with yourself” argument work as well on him, as it did his brother? Not that she’d ever ask, and not just because the idea was ridiculous. She wanted to be wanted, not tolerated out of a false sense of obligation.

  Caleb kept his thumb in his mouth, as he reached for Erik with his other hand.

  “You don’t look like you’re through with your nap,” Erik commented, thankful that her dad handed him the toddler, rather than handing him his walking papers. Caleb rested his cheek against Erik’s shoulder, and closed his eyes.

  “He’ll perk up once we’re at the table,” Amber said, brushing her fingers through their nephew’s blond baby curls. The scent of pumpkin pie joined the other tantalizing aromas originating from the kitchen, and Erik’s stomach threatened to growl again.

  “Probably. I can hardly wait, myself,” he admitted.

  “Then you’re in luck, because you don’t have to,” her dad replied. “It’ll be on the table, by the time we get there.”

  “Then what are we waiting for,” Erik said, as he stood. He held Caleb against his shoulder with one hand, and offered Amber the other. She took it, and smiled.

  ROB plowed steadily through the deep snow, intent on reaching his goal. He was anxious to accomplish his unsavory mission, and return to his wife. He felt annoyed at having to leave Samantha, but he also felt concern for Erik and Amber. If they were right, and the leader behind the attempt to sabotage Pine Mountain saw them as a threat, it was vital that his identity be determined. Even if that meant searching through a vehicle with two dead guys in it, he thought with a grimace.

  The powdery snow glistened in the weak sunlight. It was lousy material for a snowman, but it was far preferable to dense, wet snow, when it came to travel.

  Drifts rendered the terrain unrecognizable, but he found his way to the other cabins once before. Rob was confident he could do so again.

  He looked around at the unfamiliar landscape as he paused. His breath, which froze in the air, also imbedded his scarf with icy particles, hindering his ability to breathe. He rearranged the scarf, adjusted his collar, and continued.

  The air was still, lending an ominous feel to the stark white world that surrounded him. Rob squinted up at the pale sky. He was well aware that the high wind that moved the harmless clouds steadily across its surface, was also bringing another round of the storm ever closer. He reached in his pocket, referred to his flashlight’s compass, and adjusted his course slightly.

  Rob was confident he had plenty of time to reach the SUV and accomplish his goal. He was anxious none the less, to get back to Samantha as quickly as possible. Not only that, the sooner Erik and Amber knew who was responsible, the safer they’d be.

  Rob frowned a little and his forehead furrowed, as he wondered who that person was.

  It wasn’t Conner. Rob couldn’t believe he was responsible. Conner’s employees, he wasn’t so sure about. One of them could be the saboteur. Either that, or they intentionally, or unintentionally, tipped him off.

  Erik said he’d talk to Conner on Friday. That would net him the last names of the other people in the office, and maybe a little personal background, and why Conner was sure they couldn’t possibly be involved, but…

  Searching the vehicle was the righ
t decision. It was also disturbing, and he wasn’t kidding when he said Erik would owe him for it. Maybe he’d demand to know how Erik and Amber ended up in a bar. And how they managed to trespass and search Randall Jerome’s apartment, without breaking in.

  He shook his head a little, as he wondered what got into his brother lately. Then he remembered. Erik was in love with Amber. That was still hard to fathom, but he was, and love had the ability to make people do things they never would, otherwise.

  Such as search a vehicle, with two dead guys in it.

  Rob readjusted his scarf, and continued on.

  Drifted snow practically buried the front of the next cabin. The wind that forced it into a pile, also swept away much of what covered the dirt road alongside it. Travel was easier and the way clear, so Rob increased his pace.

  An icy breeze stirred the fallen snowflakes, briefly sending them back into the air. Given enough wind, blizzard conditions would return, even without the addition of more snow.

  The accumulation grew heavy again, and the way indistinct. Rob plowed on, relying on memory and his sense of direction, aided by the compass. He passed cabin five, then four. Sunlight escaped its imprisonment, and he squinted, as it lit the world around him brilliantly. Then a cloud enveloped the sun once more, and just as suddenly, the blinding light was extinguished.

  He passed by cabin three, then two.

  Rob glanced up at the sky. The clouds were no darker than when he first started out. It was as he expected, but a welcome sight none the less.

  It dawned on him that there was a chance he could make it to the lodge before the next wave of the storm hit. Another break was expected later in the day. If it came, and if it was long enough… he could also get back to the cabin.

  He felt torn. The longer he waited, the closer they would come to the end of their food stores. He didn’t want to leave her alone, but this might be his best chance to provide for their needs.

  As he teetered indecisively, he remembered he didn’t have the charger for his phone. Once it died, he’d lose access to the radar app, and have no way to judge if a break was long enough to make it back to Samantha. He had to make it back for her sake, as well as his.


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