Finding Beauty (The Beauty Trilogy Book 1)

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Finding Beauty (The Beauty Trilogy Book 1) Page 2

by Raven Scott

  As I gracefully come down the stairs, Parker waves me over to the door that I can only assume is the room for rent. It is massive with a private balcony and a bathroom with a tub and shower. But, I have to ask the price before my hopes are too far gone.

  “Yes, I love the place! But, the rent is what I need to know. I am looking for something around the $700-$800 mark. No offense, but I can’t help but think this place is way above my budget,” I say with a professional look.

  “Actually, Collins this place hasn’t been on the market long. So, all I am asking for is $625. That includes water, trash, sewage, and a parking space in the parking deck. I think my sister will like you, and you remind me of her. The apartment is yours if you want it. I’ll let you talk it over with Parker,” he says. He then picks up his phone and starts making calls to I can only assume is clients, because he leaves the room with converging the numbers on the next sell property. I wonder what exactly does he do for a living?

  “So, what do you think? I told you that you would love this place. What’s also great is that I only live like two blocks down from here.” She was so excited that she was utterly oblivious to the fact I hadn’t said a word. Yet, she already knows that I am definitely going to say yes.

  “Wait, I haven’t even said if I’m going to say yes. What if I don’t like Rain, or Rain doesn’t like me?” I say with an irritated face.

  “Collins, you have to say yes. Look at this place. If rent is too high, I can talk to Dalton about lowering it. He owns this building, and the building I live in. And with the Rain situation, I think you two will hit off,” she says.

  I’m most definitely going to say yes; this place is perfect. It’s right in the middle of everything— my work and good book stores. Parker is looking at me with a certain pleading look. Why am I so hesitant to say yes? If I want to live in Scotland, this is the place I want to be.

  “Yes, I’ll take it! When can I move in?”

  Dalton swirls around and walks over. “You can move in now, or whenever you want. Rain, won’t be back until the end of the month. So, you’ll have plenty of time to move everything in at your own pace. Rent is due by the end of the month. Parker, if you want, you can show Collins around, and then show her where her parking spot is. Sorry, I have to run to a business meeting. The extra key is over there in the drawer, as well a piece of paper with the key code to get into the parking deck. Nice meeting you, I hope we all can have dinner together. Maybe tomorrow night or Friday?”

  “It was a pleasure meeting you as well. And thank you for this chance to live in this wonderful place. And dinner on Friday sounds great to me,” I say with an excited voice.

  I can’t believe this is actually happening! I am now officially living in Scotland, in a very nice place. I have to call my mom and dad soon to tell them. But, I’m so happy that I shipped my belongings before I left that horrible town.

  “Oh my gosh! I live in Scotland, I’m so happy that we met. Do you want to grab lunch and a drink? My treat.”

  Parker says, “Yes, I would love that, and I know the perfect place just three blocks over.”



  Before we leave, Parker grabs my key and the paper to the parking deck. We head over to a place called Anastasia. It’s very rustic and modern all rolled into one. As soon as we enter, Parker walks around a massive line of people, and straight to a table. I’m wondering, what does this girl do, and why can’t I look at least a little bit like her. I sit down and immediately start talking, “Parker, what do you for a living? It seems you know all about me, and I don’t know anything about you.”

  “Well, first of all, I am a lawyer. I work more on the real estate side of things rather than the criminal side of the business. I have never been married, and probably never want to be either. What do you do for a living?” she says rather enthused.

  “I’m actually a librarian. I just got a job at the college campus not too long ago. I went through a series of video chat interviews, and finally landed my dream job. I still can’t believe I have an apartment!” I shout. Because never in a million years did I think this would all be so easy.

  I found a job, a friend, and a place to live. My life is finally looking up.

  “When are you planning on moving in? Maybe I can help, and bring a friend to do some heavy lifting,” Parker asks.

  Just when I’m about to answer her question, yet another gorgeous man walks up. But, it’s the tattoos I notice first. I’ve always been a sucker for men with tattoos. He says something to Parker, and leans down to kiss both of her cheeks. He is the kind of guy that would never look my way. I guess that’s why I’m so attracted to those types of men, I know they would never look at a woman like me. I’m safe from heartbreak, from the inevitable fact that men like this don’t want a woman that comes with a lot of baggage, metaphorically or physically.

  He is at least 6’2 and has an athletic physique with brownish blonde hair, and the bluest eyes I have ever seen in my life. I don’t realize I’m staring so hard until Parker starts talking to me again.

  “Collins, this is my brother Cannon Helding. He is the owner of this bar,” she states.

  “Hallo, Collins. I hope my sister is not bugging you too much with her annoying self,” he says with the most delectable accent. I will never get over the attractive accent of these people. I was always so ashamed of my “southern bumpkin” accent. I would sit around and daydream what it would be like to talk with such a beautiful and hypnotic accent as the one they do.

  Collins, are you going to speak?

  “Hello. She is actually the nicest person I’ve met thus far in my move here. She has been very helpful, especially locating me an apartment,” I say to Parker’s rather hot brother.

  “Collins, thank you for being kind to me. I know I can be overwhelming, but I’m not annoying, Cannon,” she fires back.

  “I’m sorry, little sister. You make it so easy. I hope you both enjoy the rest of your lunch. It’s on me. Again, Collins, it was a pleasure to meet you,” he says as he takes his leave from our table.

  “It was a pleasure as well to meet you, Cannon,” I say with a half-smile. I love the way he says my name.

  No, Collins. This is your new, and only friend’s brother.

  Plus, the man is gorgeous, and I’m not so much. Parker hugs her brother goodbye, and immediately starts talking about our plans for Friday.

  “I seriously cannot wait until Friday to hang out with you and Dalton at the same time. Also, there are plenty of guys out there that will be dying to get their hands on that ass of yours,” she rambles on.

  With an astonishing face, I answer back, “What are you even talking about? I’m not going out to meet men. Right now, I’m on a break from men altogether. My ex did a real number on me. He cheated with not one, but two different whores that I thought were my friends. I’m not entirely ready for that in my life.”

  I wasn’t going to tell her that I thought of myself as a fat cow. I don’t want anyone’s pity, especially from my new found friend. Tyler is my past, but he will always be right about one specific detail. I’m a fat ass with okay breasts and an okay personality. Thankfully, she lets the topic go and continues with the plans of helping me move. We agree to start moving everything tomorrow, and unpack the next day. With me promising to cook dinner and she brings the wine.


  Moving In

  Too quickly the morning comes to move my stuff, and I can only pray she doesn’t bring her brother to help. It’s not because I’m intimidated by his muscular physique, but I look even more fat than usual due to my moving outfit of the day. As I walk down the stairs, I am immediately enveloped into a hug.

  “It’s moving day! I hope you don’t mind, but since Dalton couldn’t make it, I asked Cannon to tag along to lift the heavy stuff,” she says.

  “No, that’s fine, girl. Why would I have a problem? Are you sure he is not busy with the bar or anything today?” I say while freaking out on the ins
ide. What the hell?

  “No, he takes every other weekend off. He was actually the one to offer to help,” she says so innocently.

  As I start to turn around, he’s there, flocked by women. Why wouldn’t they like him? He is beyond gorgeous with a likable personality. I mean, even though he so far out of my league, a girl can appreciate. He looks up and catches me staring at him. He says something to the Kendall Jenner look-alike and walks toward me and Parker.

  “Hallo, Collins, how are you this fine morning?” he says in that delectable accent again.

  “I’m fine, just wanting to get this day started. I am very excited to move into my apartment and away from this hotel. Also, thank you for coming to help me move,” I say trying to keep myself from looking like I am freaking out on the inside.

  “It’s no problem, I wanted to help a Southern sweetheart,” he says so coyly.

  I don’t know why, but that gives me this feeling of giddiness that I can’t describe. Collins, snap out of it! This man will never see you the way he sees the Miss Jenner look-alike. She is the epitome of everything I’m not, beautiful and skinny. With that last thought, I want to get done fast, so I don’t have to see Mr. Cannon again for a while.

  “Parker, can you put this in the car? It has my phone and other technological belongings in it. Okay, these boxes have my books in them. So, I’ve labeled them with the up arrow and office on them meaning they go up to the upstairs area,” I say while going through the boxes that are in front of me.

  Cannon asks, “All fifteen boxes contain books?”

  “Yes. I love to read,” I quietly reply.

  “Ha, you love to read. You are a fucking intelligent librarian. Of course she would have books,” Parker yells back.

  “Parker, I was just asking. Matter of fact, I also love to read. What’re some of your favorite genres?” he asks while looking through my collections.

  With a dumbfounded face, I simply reply, “Paranormal.” This man is already overly scrumptious, now he is also an avid reader. Why are the gods teasing me with this unattainable man? Because, they are cruel, I tell you, cruel!

  “Collins, that’s the last of it!” Parker yells from the downstairs area.

  “Okay, here I come. I was wondering if you want to stay for dinner? I am ordering takeout from that cute Italian restaurant across the street,”

  “Okay, can Cannon stay over as well? I never get to see him anymore; this will be the perfect time to ask him about what’s he is up to the days,” she says.

  Even though, my mind and everything else is screaming a big, hell no!, I say, “Yes, of course, he can stay,” instead. I really don’t want to know anything about him or his endeavors. He is probably some playboy, with a long history of play bunnies to boost his ego.

  Parker brings me out of my train of horrible thoughts, “I’ll run and get the food. Also, pick up some wine and a bottle of Jack for you, Cannon.”

  She is out the door before I can protest with this rash decision. So, before I say something stupid; I rush upstairs to start unpacking my beloved books. There’s a sudden rush of movement from the top of the stairs. Cannon, is there, just looking through my box of books that are left open. “Are you always so nosey to look through one’s personal belongings?”

  “No, I’m just curious about the woman who is suddenly my sister’s friend after four days of meeting. But, I think I know why now,” he says with a sexy smirk.

  I’m already afraid of what he is going to say, I’m her ugly, fat, fluffier friend. That’s what Preston, always said to me when someone asked her why she was even friends with a fat cow like me.

  “It’s because you have great taste in book genres!” he says with a bright smile.

  I really don’t know how to respond to that sentence. But, somehow, I manage to at least say, “Thank you. Not many people find books as interesting as I do.”

  “I guess I always liked reading. So, I haven’t really gotten to talk to you. What made you move to Scotland?” he asks with innocent curiosity.

  “For a fresh start where everything would be new, and more entertaining than my hometown in the States.” That wasn’t the only reason why I moved. I needed to get away from Tyler, and my so-called friends.

  “Well, what do you do for a living? Are you a lawyer, like my little sister?” he says with an actually thoughtful face.

  “Actually, I am a librarian. I just got a job at the local university; I start Monday morning,” I say with pride.

  I always had work when things went from good to bad with Tyler. My job has been my saving grace for so long. It’s my constant. It’s something that nobody can take away for me.

  So, I am proud of what I have accomplished in my short life.

  “That’s amazing. I’ve never met a librarian with a wonderful smile before.”

  I actually burst out laughing, that’s how guys of his status and looks compliment a girl of my width. He is now staring, probably thinking that I am nuts.

  Say something, Collins.

  “Well, thank you for the compliment. If you want, I’ll run downstairs and pour us some sweet tea?” I need to get out of this room. Every time I look back, he is closely approaching my bubble.

  “Umm, I’ve never had sweet tea before. But, I’m willing to try it,” he says with an uncertain face to accompany his answer.

  “Oh, I forget that not everyone drinks tea the way we do. Trust me, though, when I say it’s literally nectar from the Gods,” I say being myself completely.

  He just nods and laughs. I know I’m not the most entertaining person on the planet. I’m wondering what’s taking Parker so long with the food. When I go back upstairs, he has moved to the bay window and is staring up at the sky.

  “Well, here you go. If you don’t like it, I also brought up bottled water,” I state quickly.

  “I am sure it won’t be that bad.” He takes a tiny sip at first then gulps the rest down. I know I’m staring, but I want to know what he thinks.

  “This is fucking amazing!” he says guzzling the rest of his cup.

  “I’m glad you like it,” I say laughingly.

  The door downstairs opens and shuts, and Parker yells that supper is ready. Thank God, she arrived. I’ve never been this nervous around a guy. I don’t like the feeling.

  Note to self, don’t spend time with Cannon if at all possible.


  New Job

  Monday, comes all too soon after moving in this past weekend. I finished unpacking yesterday. I have all my books in place with the help of Parker and Cannon. This morning was problematic with getting lost not once, but twice. Finally, I have located the library. Now, I just have to meet the prior librarian to get everything set up.

  “Yes, I am looking for Mr. Gallaher. I’m Collins Danford, the new librarian.” I say to the front desk assistant.

  “Oh, it’s so nice to meet you, Ms. Danford. Mr. Gallaher is coming down to the lobby as we speak. By the way, my name is Rosalie Parker.”

  Just as I’m going to add to the conversation, a tall, thin man comes walking into the lobby.

  “Ms. Danford, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person. You come highly recommended. If you want, we’ll just hop on the elevator to go over a few things and get you settled into your office.”

  “Thank you!” I don’t know what further to say. I didn’t realize I would be getting an office. We come off the elevator to an entire floor; on one side there is a door, and the other the same.

  “Well, Ms. Danford, this will be your office, and on the other side of this floor is the meeting room.”

  “Yes. sir, thank you so much for the chance to work alongside some of the most talented librarians.” With that, Mr. Gallaher and I go over paperwork, and he lets me look around my office.

  The rest of the day seems to fly by before I realize I’m running late to meet Parker for drinks. As I’m walking out of my office, I run right into someone; all my paperwork seems to scatter. With frustration,
I look up and say, “Watch where you’re going!”

  “Well, I’m sorry I was just trying to be nice and pick up my little sister’s friend!”

  I snap my head up, and Cannon Helding is in my place of work. What is he doing? Oh, he already said why he is here. The question is why in the hell is he here and not Parker!

  “I’m sorry, I was running late, and sometimes my rudeness can be overly hot-tempered.”

  “It’s fine. I didn’t know your accent would get thicker though with the more you act like a bitch.”

  “Why the hell did you call me a bitch? And if you didn’t notice, I apologized for being rude!” I can’t believe this prick just insulted me. And now he is just staring at me smiling. No, he is now laughing at me.

  Still laughing he says, “I’m sorry, it’s just funny when you get pissed off. Hey, really I’m sorry; I’m not laughing at you. It’s just that your accent is adorable when you’re angered.”

  I don’t like how he is commenting on things about me. I don’t want Cannon to know anything about me. Rather than argue more about this ridiculous topic, I say, “Why is Parker not here, and you are?”

  “She is running late herself, and she knew I would be in this part of the city. So, she asked if I could swing by and pick you up. You two will be drinking at my bar tonight.”

  “Okay, if you don’t mind, I would like to stop by my loft to change.”

  “No problem.” With that statement, we head to the elevator. Rosalie glances our way and then snaps her head back up. At first, I feel a familiar emotion arise in me— embarrassment. But, it’s the feeling I have with that emotion, jealousy, that causes me to stop myself in my tracks. Why should I care if she looks, she has a way better chance to be with him than I do on any given day.


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