Craving Mr. Kinky

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Craving Mr. Kinky Page 1

by A. m Madden


  Copyright ©2018 A.M. Madden & Joanne Schwehm

  Editor: Evident Ink

  Formatter: Tami Norman, Integrity Formatting

  Cover Designer: Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Cover Model: Alvaro Francisco

  Photo Credit: David Wagner

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The use of artist, song titles, famous people, locations, and products throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way been seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  The use of locations and products throughout this book is done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way been seen as advertisement.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27



  About A.M. Madden and Joanne Schwehm

  To the Reader

  Chapter 1


  The buzzer announcing that the bags were on their way sent the hoard of people moving closer to the conveyor belt, like cattle. One by one they impatiently yanked and pulled their suitcases off, failing to realize that trying to do so in a bottleneck was counterproductive. After assisting a nice elderly couple with their luggage, I located mine coming around the turn. Thankfully, three bags had gone on the plane, and three came off.

  I spotted a man holding a sign with my name. At my approach, he asked, “Dante Benedetto?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  I followed him to the parking lot as horns, sirens, and the clamor of people welcomed me to one of my favorite cities. Even though it was dusk outside, the heat clung to the humid air, causing beads of sweat to dot my forehead.

  Minutes later, my luggage was in his trunk, I gave him the address, and we were on our way. I sat back into the leather seat and watched the city pass outside my window.

  I’d been blessed with traveling the world, along with living in exciting cities. Milan, Los Angeles, Chicago were once home… and now I could add New York City to the list. I couldn’t wait to see my brother, Luca. We hadn’t lived in the same place in over a decade, and I looked forward to spending time with him again.

  When he had called to tell me about Sabrina, and her son, Mikey, it didn’t surprise me he’d fallen head over heels for her. Between the two of us, Luca was the romantic one. I, on the other hand, preferred a bit more adventure.

  His friends were much like me in that regard. Years ago, when I met his buddies, Kyle and Jude, I hadn’t pegged either of them as the type to settle down with one woman. Now Jude was married, and I was on the way to a birthday party for Kyle’s girlfriend, Vanessa, as the only single male left in the bunch. My, my, how things had changed, and I looked forward to ribbing them about it.

  Traffic was horrible, just like all the other times I’d come to the city. My driver felt the need to lay on his horn every few seconds as if it would magically change the red light to green. Rather than get annoyed by it, I pulled out my phone and went through email and confirmations for upcoming shoots.

  Being a photographer was what I lived for. Every image possessed a unique quality, and if shot correctly, could tell a story all on its own. It’s what I loved to do, and I was one of the best in the field. For that reason, agencies had no issue paying an exorbitant fee to book me to photograph their top models.

  The driver, who I now knew as Andre, lowered the radio and glanced at me over his right shoulder. “We’re pulling into the lot if you want to gather any personal belongings.”

  I nodded, leaned down to grab the small bag that held my favorite camera, and bang! My body was jolted, the seat belt tightened on my collarbone, and Andre began to swear.

  “Son of a bitch!” Andre slammed the car into park and flew out his door. I unfastened my belt and dipped my head to look out the side window. A blonde flew out of her car, throwing her hands in the air and began to yell at him.

  Not wanting to miss one second of what promised to be one hell of a show, I emerged from my place in the backseat. Sure, she was stunning, but I was used to that in my field. It was her feistiness, however, that immediately caught my attention.

  “I can’t believe you cut me off!” She swept a stray lock of hair off her forehead. “Ever hear of a turn signal? It’s the lever on the left side of the steering column. You push it down to indicate you’re turning left, and up for right. They make them for a reason, you know.” Exasperated, she examined where her car bumper had a crack across the front. “Dammit! We need to call the police to file a report.”

  “Relax,” Andre said, immediately holding both hands up. “We can settle this. You hit me, your insurance pays. End of story.”

  The affronted woman glared at him and then at me. What did I do? “Hey, how about a little backup? You were in the car, so you’re a witness. It was his fault, right?”

  “Look, lady, I just arrived in New York and have someplace to be. Fill out whatever paperwork you need and let’s move on. I’m late as it is.”

  “Well, God forbid you’re late. I’m supposed to be somewhere too, you know. This was the last thing I needed. So don’t get all righteous on me, mister!”

  Righteous? Who the hell was this woman? She then mumbled something incoherently, and I did my best not to laugh, knowing that would set her off even more. Part of me wanted to test the theory, though, because damn, the more pissed off she got, the more turned on I became. Granted, it’d been a while since I met a woman who intrigued me at all.

  “Are you hurt?” I took the opportunity to slowly scan her body from head to toe. Even standing as rigid as a virgin in a porn shop, she was perfect. Perky breasts sat high in the bustline of her dress, with the thin straps revealing the smooth skin of her neck, shoulders, and arms. The dress hugged every inch of her from chest to waist, and then flared until it hit right above her knee.

  In comparison to the supermodels I photographed, she was petite, her heels still only bringing her to my shoulder. The dress itself was both sweet and sexy, leaving nothing to the imagination about what lay beneath the flirty fabric. Except for that print, which was busy as hell—were those vibrat
ors? It was tough to see under the darkening sky.

  Sensing my distraction, she snapped her fingers in the air, a habit I remembered Jude having. “Hey!” My line of sight slowly lifted to meet hers. “My eyes are up here.” Two brilliant cornflower-blue eyes blazed right through me, and fuck if that didn’t make my cock twitch… blue-eyed blondes were kind of my thing… angry ones, even more so.

  “Are you cold?” I asked, what I thought was the obvious question based on the way her nipples were pushing through the vibrator fabric.

  “What? No, it’s like eighty degrees out.” I could see the innuendo of my question hitting her through the widening of her eyes. “You’re a pig.”

  “I’ve been called worse.”

  Thank Christ, the cops arrived and quickly began filling out the dreaded paperwork. Apparently, this wasn’t Andre’s first accident, but I still had no clue who was at fault.

  While waiting to give my own statement, I sent a quick text to my brother.

  Running late. Wacko hit my ride. Just filling out paperwork. Will be there soon.

  Twenty minutes later, the parking lot attendant walked up to us, and although he hadn’t seen it happen, he was the one who had called the police. The dude stared at my nemesis, appreciating her beauty, and offered to park her car for her.

  A sweet smile lifted the corners of her plump lips. Why did he get her sweet side? “That would be lovely, thank you.” She bent into the car, and I ogled like the pig she accused me of being as the flirty dress rose up to expose the backs of her thighs. When she’d straightened back up, she was gripping her purse and a wrapped present with one hand and giving the attendant the keys with the other. He beamed like a horny teenager, as if she’d given him her phone number rather than what was needed to start her car.

  Without a goodbye, she scurried away and disappeared into the same building where I was headed. And I had a deep suspicion we’d be crossing paths in a few minutes.

  Exhausted over this ordeal, especially after traveling all day, I headed into Cleary Laboratories. Kyle had decided to have the party at the building that housed his cosmetics company, and thankfully there would be an open bar waiting for me inside. Shit, I could use a drink.

  As Kyle had instructed, I hauled my luggage into the foyer and waited for his hostess to direct me to the empty office where I could store my belongings. From the lobby, I heard the festivities going on above. After I dropped off my things, I headed to the party, following the sounds of chatter and music. I yanked the door open, and sure enough, the first thing I saw was the irate blonde yapping a mile a minute as my brother and his friends looked on.

  Fucking awesome.

  I hadn’t even realized I’d released the heavy door until it clanged shut and all eyes landed on me. It was one of those moments when you wanted to turn around and check to see what was behind you.

  “Are you following me now?” The closer I got, the redder her face became, and then in true Tasmanian devil fashion, she lost her mind. “This is a private party! My friends will kick your ass if you hurt me.”

  “Maybe you’re following me?” Who was this chick and why was she here? I know… to torture me. This woman had a chip as big as the car she’d just hit resting on her shoulder. Was she kidding right now? Blood coursed through my veins, turning it from a simmer to a full-on rolling boil. And hell if I knew why that turned me the fuck on.

  Actually, it may have been because she clearly couldn’t give a shit about my opinion. As strange as that sounds, most of the women in my life were eager to impress.

  Yet, this one couldn’t give a crap about impressing me. The disgusted look on her face came complete with an unflattering choking noise… and again I wanted to laugh. Even while trying to appear all badass, her pretty face and ridiculous dress made her attempts counterproductive.

  “In your dreams. You’re such a jerk.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m not the one who caused an accident—you were. Where did you learn to drive? On a racetrack?” A quick glance at our audience revealed them twisting their heads back and forth in a ping-pong fashion.

  “If your dumb driver didn’t cut me off to get into the lot, this wouldn’t have happened. God, you’re so rude.”

  “You need to relax.” All the females gasped at once, while the men visibly cringed.

  “Cass,” Luca said in his calming voice.

  If fire could dart out of eyeballs, I’d be scorched. Ignoring my brother, she gritted her teeth and growled, “Relax? Did you just have the gall to tell me to relax?”

  “Did I stutter?”


  “Cass.” Luca tried grabbing her attention furtively.

  Miss Pain-in-my-ass glanced at my brother before turning toward Kyle and plowing on. “Kyle, can you please escort this… this… jackass out?” I assumed the puff of air she aimed upward was meant to blow away a strand of hair that had fallen across her face, but it only ended up releasing in an unattractive sound. Did she spit?

  Luca, always the diffuser of situations, stepped closer and placed a calming hand on her shoulder. “Cass!”

  She bit back, “What?” At last, Blondie gave my brother the attention he’d been seeking, and as if a light bulb illuminated inside my brain, the name registered.

  “Cass? As in Cassie?” She glared at me before darting her narrowed gaze to Luca.

  Luca raised his hands in surrender. “I see you’ve met my brother.”

  Suddenly, you could hear crickets. No fucking way! This was my brother’s best friend, Cassie? The friend who had a heart of gold and the patience of a saint? The one who was as sweet as sugar?

  Luca met my shocked expression with a glint of mischievousness in his eyes and a shrug. “Welcome to New York, Dante.”

  Cassie’s brows furrowed when the comedy of our situation hit her. “Wait… this… this… man… is your brother?”

  Luca laughed as he nodded. “Cassie, this is Dante. Dante, Cassie.”

  Had I just entered an alternate universe? “This is the woman you told me about? The sweet school teacher? Christ, I’d hate to be one of her students.”

  Cassie plopped her hands onto her nicely shaped hips and smirked. “I’ll have you know, I’m a very good teacher. Take that back.” She then whispered something that sounded very close to asshole, but one couldn’t be too sure with her.

  “Take that back? What are you, twelve?” And once again, everyone’s eyes bounced between us.

  “You’re incorrigible. You’re nothing like your brother.”

  Her comment forced a grin. She had me there. The more she stewed, the more I appreciated the way her dress enhanced her boobs. “Ahh… they’re pencils, and here I thought they were vibrators,” I voiced my revelation out loud.


  “Your dress. Outside I thought you had dancing vibrators all over it. Makes sense now. I get it—teacher.”

  After an unflattering gawk, she blinked once and let out with a snit, “I need a drink,” before storming off toward the bar by herself.

  Once she was out of earshot, Luca pulled me to the side. “Ease up. She’s one of my best friends.”

  I couldn’t help feeling a tiny bit of remorse over busting her chops as I looked over to where Cassie stood with the other ladies. “I had nothing to do with that damn accident. She’s pazzo.”

  “She’s not crazy, and I’ve never seen her so upset. Can you take it down a notch?”

  “For you, fine. But I’m telling you, there’s a side to that woman you haven’t seen yet.”

  Luca laughed but didn’t disagree with my assessment. Then he led me back to the circle and placed a possessive hand on the small of a brunette beauty’s back who I recognized from our video chat as Sabrina. “Sabrina, officially meet Dante. Dante, Sabrina.”

  The warning look he gave me as I pulled her into a hug made me laugh out loud. She clearly belonged to him, since he went caveman, though I decided to have a bit of brotherly fun. I held her face and leaned in sl
owly, knowing he was about to deck me. As my lips hovered over hers, I turned to kiss first one cheek and then the other. “Even more beautiful in person.”

  Sabrina, who seemed unaffected, confidently said, “Thank you.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at my brother, who simply shook his head. “You sure know how to make an entrance.”

  “What can I say? It’s a gift,” I retorted with a hearty chuckle. “Trust me, this wasn’t how I predicted this night going.”

  Jude and Kyle were next, each of them giving me a handshake followed with a bro-hug. They then introduced me to the two gorgeous women standing beside them. Brae, Jude’s wife, shyly shook my hand. In comparison, Kyle’s girlfriend, Vanessa, met my gaze full on and didn’t hold back—I liked that in a woman.

  “So you’re the big brother?” she asked with a smirk.

  “That’s me, and you could be a model. Happy birthday.”

  She rolled her shoulders back with a truckload of self-assurance. “Thank you.” At our exchange, Kyle gave me the same warning glare I’d gotten from Luca before he snatched her hand with his.

  “You’re welcome. My apologies for the commotion.”

  Vanessa nodded once, leaned in, and with emphasis said, “But…” She pointed a manicured nail at me. “If you ever talk to my friend like that again, I don’t care who you’re related to, I will take you out back and kick your ass. You got it?” My eyebrows joined my hairline. “That’s what I thought. Now, let’s go have a drink. It is my birthday after all.”

  We congregated at the bar to place our drink orders. Cassie still looked furious, turning her back to me while holding a glass of wine. The band struck up a song, pulling people into the center of the room to dance. Jude and Kyle followed suit, taking their ladies by the hand and joining the other couples on the makeshift dance floor.

  Luca’s gaze bounced between Cassie and me. “Is it safe to leave you two alone?”

  Naturally, Cassie answered before I could, with a saccharin smile plastered across her pretty face. “Yes, of course. I know how to act civilized.”


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